Tucker Graham

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Wrestler's Real Name: Tucker Graham
Wrestler's Gimmick Name: Tucker Graham
Wrestlers Nickname:
Height: 5'10
Weight: 185
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
Billed From: Las Vega, NV
-----------Hair color/length: Light Brown/ Shoulder length
-----------Eye color: green
-----------Facial Hair: Scruffy Goatee
-----------Ring Attire: Long white tights with Tucker spelled out down the left side in red and black as if it was a ransom note.
-----------Backstage Attire: His wrestling tights along with a sleeveless black hoodie.
-----------Physical Features:
-----------Tattoos: None

Alignment(Face or Heel NOT tweener...I repeat, do not put tweener down!): Face
Gimmick: A man who wants people to do whatever makes them happy. He wants people to feel free to embrace their vices, not hide them.
Strength: Quick, Good Strikes, Good Ring Presence
Weakness: Slightly Undersized, Easily Overpowered, Easily Distracted

Trained By: Shawn Michaels

Sample Pic of Wrestler:
(Brian Kendrick if it doesn't show)

Brief History: Tucker Graham used to "Just Say No" to everything that was deemed bad by society. He was completely miserable living this way. Eventually he began saying yes to things he wanted to do, and he had never been happier. He wants everybody to become happy, and he thinks the best way to do this is by indulging in their vices.

Entrance Music: "Vices" by Brand New

Entrance description: The lights flash between white and red as "Vices" begins to play through the arena. Tucker Graham slowly emerges from behind the curtain before quickly moving to the middle of the entrance stage and then spits mist up in the air. Tucker raises both arms to the cheers of the fans. Tucker quickly runs down the ramp slapping hands with the fans. Tucker slides into the ring under the bottom rope and gets on the second rope opposite of the entrance ramp and raises his right hand as the crowd continues to cheer.

Finishers: Party Foul (God's Last Gift), Sky's the Limit (Phoenix Splash)
15 Most used moves:
Pele Kick
Springboard Senton Back Splash
Running Leg Lariot
Swinging Neckbreaker
Running Knees to the chest in the corner
Hip toss to legdrop across the chest
Half Boston Crab
Diving Clothesline
Suicide Dive over the top rope
Headscissors takedown
Drop Toe Hold into a turnbuckle
Snap Suplex to mounted punches
Knees to the head of a downed opponent

Sample RP:

The camera fades from black and we see a man in a plain black shirt and jeans sitting alone in a house. There are red plastic cups and empty pizza boxes everywhere, perhapds revealing that a party had ended not too long before. The room the man is in is dimly lit, the only light coming from the lamp in the opposite corner of the room. The man looks at the camera for a moment before he decides to speak. He begins calmly...

Hi, I'm Tucker Graham. I am going to be the next great sensation here in WZCW. But before we do that, lets play a game. Truth Or Dare to be more precise.

Tucker brushed his hair back with his hand before leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.

Let's start with the truth. The truth is that most people in this world are completely miserable. They go through their day to day lives completely void of anything that resembles happiness. But it doesn't have to be that way. I know a way for people to become happier than they ever have before.

Tucker brushes his hair back out of his face once more before continuing

That's right, I know how to make the world a happier place. And that is where the dare comes in. You see, we are always taught to "Just Say No" to things they deem bad. We are being fed this propaganda from an early age, and it becomes so ingrained into our minds that we repeat the line like zombies. We are told we shouldn't drink, shouldn't smoke, shouldn't do drugs, shouldn't have sex. We can't do this, we can't do that. We can't do anything. But what if we like doing those things? What if these so called harmful things bring us happiness? And this, this is where my dare comes into play. I dare you to do whatever makes you happy. If you want a drink, have a drink and don't think twice about it. Do whatever makes you happy. Embrace what makes you, you. Embrace the fact that we only have one chance at life, and we should live it to the fullest. We should live our lifes, not simply exist in this world.

Tucker stands up and spreads his arms and smiles.

The way to truly live life to its fullest extent is to embrace your vices. Only then will you become truly happy.

The camera fades to black as Tucker Graham pours himself another drink from the bottle of alcohol that was sitting on the table in front of him.
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