Truth Martini in TNA?


Championship Contender
There has been a lot of talk lately about TNA Releasing tallent and bringing in younger guys from the indy scene to cut costs and I started me thinking. When TNA finally start bringing in new Wrestlers, Should they consider bringing in somebody like Truth Martini as well. For those of you who do not know, Truth Martini is a manager down in ROH and is the leader of the House of Truth. During his time in ROH he has managed guys like Christopher Daniels, Rhino AND Jimmy Jacobs and has even helped Roderick Strong win the ROH World Title. Truth is a great manager in my opinion and while he is in no way shape or form in the same league as say somebody like Paul Hayman, I still find him very entertaining and I think he would help establish a couple of the younger guy on the TNA roster. So what do you think should TNA forget about it and just focus on signing wrestlers or should they take a chance and sign somebody like Truth Martini and have there very own house of truth.
I saw a lot of Martini's work in JCW. He was entertaining, but I don't know if he's the caliber of talent needed for TNA or WWE. He's great in the indys, but beyond that he's the managerial equivalent of a perpetual mid-carder.
I find Truth Martini entertaining as hell! While I see him as the type of manager who can legitimize a wrestler or even elevate a wrestler, it would be pretty hard to imagine him on TV. His character is perfect on the indy scene cuz he really has no restrictions. With that being said, I do think he has the ability to transition to TV and could alter himself just a little.
I think TNA needs as much help as humanly possible. A good manager is key to bringing along new talent. Or elevate a micard talent to the big spots. However i think with the current cashflow troubles they seems to be having. It may be better for them to bring up a manager of their own instead of hiring from outside..
I think TNA needs as much help as humanly possible. A good manager is key to bringing along new talent.

This is true but times have changed. We are not living in the 80's or 90's anymore when people who couldn't make it in the ring made it outside the ring. Just look at how many managers and valets the WWE has that are not active wrestlers.

Zeb Colter
Summer Rae
Paul Heyman
Ricardo Rodriguez

Today's wrestling society means you must speak well. If you can't do that, then you will not receive the World Title. I can name a ton of wrestlers that had great ring ability, were over with the crowd but couldn't speak in front of a crowd.

Carlito Colon
Shelton Benjamin

The list can go on.
I would say Truth Martini is entertaining, but he just doesn't seem like someone who could get a guy over. I don't know. I like ROH, but Truth reminds me of any guy that lives down the street from me. Nothing about him really stands out. He isn't going to do wonders for TNA by any means. Would he make a good manager? Probably. However I think TNA could spend their money in a lot of better ways than signing Truth Martini.

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