Trumple H (The Donald Trump Thread)

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.
Did you think the "Birther Movement" was his crowning achievement?

Think again.

The silk of corn is back and this time...he's taking the whole damn show down with him! See how he throws the entire country of Mexico under the bus. Watch as he calls out his stable's war hero. Witness the shocking heel turn on his own brothers! Gonna call Donald Trump a jackass, well boy it heats up when he gives out your phone number to the world, doesn't it?! You've never seen Trumple H this nefarious. This dastardly. What will he do next? Who knows? One thing is for certain- he brings the ratings. He leads many GOP polls...somehow.

You thought he was done for after being roasted by a Jersey Shore tanline, didn't ya? No sirree. Trump gonna run wild on the GOP and maybe at some point impersonate Kane and hump a mannequin meant to be a corpse. Seriously, this is garbage TV but it's fun watching a madman go to town. Hope he Pedigrees Ross Perot or something next week.

Mod note- Let's keep all things Donald Trump and anything related to his presidential campaign in here.
Sometimes it's hard to listen and watch the things he says without thinking it's some kind of hoax. It's hard to believe he's even real sometimes. That someone that stupid and evil can be successful just makes me sit in wonder and awe.

I do think he's good news for liberals though. Moderates that might have voted for the GOP are going to steer clear of them as long as he's prancing around and making a fool of himself. Then again, Trump is so damn awful he actually makes other right-wing nutjobs look sane by comparison.
This is the guy who you dread listening to because you know he's going to say something stupid.

His "I like guys who don't get captured" line was just disrespectful to all the veterans who have served.

Somehow, his comments are going to reflect on all republicans. He needs to be stopped.
Yeah, at this point it's obvious he's turned this campaign into a total work to get attention and mess with other candidates. It's really damn amazing how deep into it he goes that he's sacrificed his ties to NBC and Univision and jeopardized Miss Universe and other ventures for this.
You know what's really laughably insane? Donald Trump has a good chance of becoming the next President of the United States.

To be an effective politician, you have to be able to state your ideas in ways that can be understood and pleasing. Sometimes your proposition is way the fuck over the heads of John/Jane Q. Dipshit, so you have to explain it in a way that pushes his/her "Yee Haw!" button. Sometimes you have to compromise on a form of legislation that will really piss off your constituency. The point is; politicians have to be able to think their way around appealing to as many people at one time while doing a job that few if any of them can really comprehend.

In comes someone who relates so well to your average "'Merica!" shrieking jack-off that I'm pretty sure he really is one of them.

How is Donald Trump going to fix illegal immigration? With a wall of course, silly. But such a wall would be extremely expensive to build and maintain, there's also the fact that a wall won't magically make people lose their desperation to earn more money per hour and thus find a way to circumvent it. Umm, I mean. Won't building a wall be hard ya'll?

Fear not! Donald is going to force the country of Mexico to dip into their comparably small economic revenue and build that wall themselves! Umm, that looks just as stupid in print as it sounded in my head. The obvious question becomes; how are we going to force Mexico to build a wall for the arbitrary purpose of forcing their unwanted citizens to remain? With sanctions! *the universe explodes from the stupidity*

Is he going to impose those sanctions onto Mexico after repealing NAFTA? Whew.

So what we have is a guy who relates so well to a massive chunk of fucking morons that they desperately want their kindred spirit to rule the executive branch like a loud mouth iron fisted asshole. They want their candidate to be all style, because substance offends them for not having any.

I know a lot of people who support him because he's the first candidate to give them a series of "OHHHH! SHIT! NO HE DIDN'T!" reactions. Notice how Huckabee's "I would deploy the military to prevent abortions" statement and Cruz' "Barack Obama is the number one sponsor of terrorism in the world today" statement really just make those two look like a couple amateur posers by comparison.

I'll be watching C-Span tonight to see how the funky bunch of the Republican candidates shake things up so they can get a spot on the stage of the coveted Fox News Debate on the 6th. Only the top ten will qualify, let's see who can belch out the most obscenely sadistic criticism toward our current administration and perhaps the snarkiest jab at Donald Trump.

On the bright side for us fans; if Trump becomes the President, he'll likely be the first sitting Head of State to cut a promo on Raw.
I don't see Trump winning the Republican nomination. An old teacher of mine that I see at the gym sometimes thinks that Trump is deliberately trying to undermine the Republican Party during the election. For instance, every poll I've seen shows him way, way behind Hilary Clinton, a majority of Independent voters have a negative view him , some 45% of Republicans themselves, along with about 83% of Democrats have a negative view of him and if he ran as a 3rd party candidate, he'd most likely just take votes from the Republican candidate.

It's still very, very early in the run for the Oval Office and Trump is eventually going to have to show some sort of actual plan for what he proposes to do; he can't resort to the juvenile tactics of calling everyone who doesn't agree with him names all the time. He's been doing it since day 1, he did it during the Republican debate last night and he's still doing it today. It doesn't help that all the top Republican candidates seem to be intimidated by him. Trump's answer to everything tends to involve making some vastly grandiose statement about how he thinks things ought to be without really providing any details about how he'll do it and then start lashing out at anyone who questions, criticizes or asks questions that he doesn't believe are fair.

Right now, Trump is essentially trying to play the part of the rebel who doesn't give a fuck about what he says or who he pisses off and that appeals to Republican voters who're disenfranchised with their own party. He's playing those voters like a banjo, who are mostly older white men, but he's not connecting with Independents voters, liberals, women or minorities in general because he comes off like he's somewhat prejudice and massively misogynistic. Without Independents, a healthy number of women voters and minorities, he can't win.

Win or lose, and I think he ultimately loses even if he does somehow win the GOP nomination, he'll be bigger than ever and that's what this whole thing has really been all about from the start.
The Democrats could run Bill Cosby as their candidate and I'd still bet on Trump to lose. The guy hasn't a chance in hell of grabbing the middle-ground support he would need, which brings me to my question.
I think I know the answer but I'll ask anyway. Given that he has no chance of being your next president, is there any provision within the Republican party to disqualify a candidate if he's deemed by the higher ups to be unsuitable?
There are various reasons why it wouldn't come to that point. Ultimately once other Rep candidates start dropping the vote will redistribute, also kicking a potential hardline independent would cripple the party. You have to imagine some people are watching this circus though and thinking "If he wins the nomination, we're fucked".
The Democrats could run Bill Cosby as their candidate and I'd still bet on Trump to lose. The guy hasn't a chance in hell of grabbing the middle-ground support he would need, which brings me to my question.
I think I know the answer but I'll ask anyway. Given that he has no chance of being your next president, is there any provision within the Republican party to disqualify a candidate if he's deemed by the higher ups to be unsuitable?
There are various reasons why it wouldn't come to that point. Ultimately once other Rep candidates start dropping the vote will redistribute, also kicking a potential hardline independent would cripple the party. You have to imagine some people are watching this circus though and thinking "If he wins the nomination, we're fucked".

Politically speaking, Trump's an outsider and all the various threats to withhold support from him won't work because it's not politics as usual. As of right now, the Republican Party is in turmoil because every poll shows Trump leading every other GOP nominee by a very significant margin and the usual tactics don't work against him because Trump himself isn't the usual tactics. Politicians care about their image, they care about what people think of them personally because that can play as big a part, sometimes bigger, in winning or losing an election than their stance on the issues. Trump's arrogant, he's sexist, he's condescending, comes off like he's a bit prejudice and makes no apologies for it whatsoever. That's appealing to a hardcore base of the Republican Party, unfortunately, because there are some Republican voters who don't feel their views are represented well. The other candidates are also intimidated by Trump because they're all jockeying for position to get his supporters on their side; they're hoping that he runs out of steam because, again, none of the usual tactics are working.

The power players in the GOP also don't want to risk alienating Trump because he's threatened to run as a third party candidate. Historically, that's been bad for the Republicans because third party candidates usually wind up taking more voters from their side and than Democrats. Right now, Trump has them over a barrel, they know it, they don't like it but there's not really much of anything they can do about it.
Trump attracts roughly 25% in the GOP polls. But once Republicans pick their anti-Trump candidate, it's over. Conventional wisdom says Jeb Bush will siphon enough support from non-Trumpers to get the nod. However, Marco Rubio cannot be counted out. While Trump represents antiquated thinking and Bush represents the old guard, Rubio represents a new chapter in GOP politics.

I can't see Trump going third party. Imagine Trump running for president and not winning one state. It's much more likely he would endorse Hillary Clinton. Knowing Trump, he would then take credit for a second Clinton presidency.
Given that he has no chance of being your next president, is there any provision within the Republican party to disqualify a candidate if he's deemed by the higher ups to be unsuitable?

The GOP uses pledged delegates for picking a nominee. Pledged delegates are tethered to primary results; superdelegates are not. Democrats use a higher concentration of superdelegates than Republicans. Democrats have enough superdelegates to influence the nomination process; Republicans do not. Thus, the odds of a delegate power-play on the GOP side is remote.

I suppose the RNC could make 11th hour rule changes to sabotage Donald Trump heading into the convention. Nothing shocks me in politics anymore.
Trump attracts roughly 25% in the GOP polls.

Take a minute and look at that field of hopefuls gunning it for the Republican nomination, put yourself in their shoes. Your strategy is to keep up appearances while taking shots at the current administration, and hope like a mother-fucker that you might stand out in some way.

Basically; we have fifteen guys and one gal who all practically sound alike. Ms. Fiorina certainly stood out for having presidential poise during the undercard debate, and hearing Governor Kasich share a positive opinion of legalized gay marriage was refreshing (though not a good way to get the nomination). Then we have Donald, a guy who just doesn't give a fuck and conducts himself as professionally as Madonna during her Letterman interview.

They can all be preaching the same sermon, Trump does his proselytizing with all the class of the ******s who keep his poll numbers up.

Some of these other candidates need to take the high road and just bow out. I don't see Senator Graham, Governor Kasich, Governor Gilmore, Governor Jindal, former Governor Pataki, former Governor Perry or former Senator Santorum as having a snowball's chance in hell at this point.

Maybe when the field narrows down to just Trump and a few others we'll see his 25% status remain stagnant while a candidate of whom the Republican Party cares enough to focus on is drawing over 50% on the same poll.

Trump is the type of fucking moron who has to preface his statements with something stupid like "wow" as if to pre-validate them. When he starts railing on people and ideas he doesn't like, he wanders through inane thoughts that easily translate to petty shit talking as opposed to the thoughtful criticism that his supporters interpret. He hasn't explained a single one of his fucking stupid promises that he's made; supposedly being a famous reality tv star is going to magically make all the wondrous bullshit his affluent and ridiculously immature mind has come up with. This megalomaniacal abomination believes that being president involves acting like a chauvinistic prick while you mind fuck yourself into thinking that all of your horrific failures are actually profound examples of how awesomely successful you are. Every time this societal leach says something fucking stupid that would annihilate the campaign of any of his opponents, he pulls a fucking stupid excuse out of his silver spoon sodomized asshole and the botched abortions that support him love him even more for the statement that he claims he never made in the first place. Trump supporters are the kind of self-righteous hypocritical skid-marks that plug their ears while screaming "WE'RE RIGHT!! YOU'RE WRONG!!" up until the point where Trump finally proves that there are limits to even their threshold for fucking stupidity and pretend as though they never supported him in the first place.
Some of these other candidates need to take the high road and just bow out. I don't see Senator Graham, Governor Kasich, Governor Gilmore, Governor Jindal, former Governor Pataki, former Governor Perry or former Senator Santorum as having a snowball's chance in hell at this point.

I remember in 2012 Tim Pawlenty left early because his fundraising dried up and he didn't see a path to victory. The candidates you listed have zero chance of gaining traction, except Kasich. He is doing well in New Hampshire, he is the governor of a swing state, and he could function as a non-Bush establishment alternative.

Though Trump is doing well, I still think he will fall to second once GOP support consolidates around one non-Trump candidate. I doubt it will come from Carson or Fiorina since they are political newcomers. Ted Cruz won't get establishment support because of his far right views. Huckabee may register high in some polls once Republicans consolidate. But because he is so undisciplined, I don't see the party big wigs backing him. The safe, establishment candidates that the party will rally around are Bush, Kasich, or Rubio. All three tow the party line. Incidentally, they also hail from must-win states.

Out of Bush, Rubio, and Kasich I think Kasich has the least chance of getting the nomination. I think Bush and Rubio will battle for the nod. The Bush machine has marked advantages. Rubio's more conservative record would help him. Political theater awaits us.
The candidates you listed have zero chance of gaining traction, except Kasich.

I see Governor Kasich picking up steam, but I don't think it will last. While the more moderate politician tends to get the nomination (go figure), I really don't see the Republican Party getting behind a candidate who supports gay marriage. I don't know the exact particulars on what Governor Kasich would do in regard to marriage equality if elected, but speaking positively on that kind of progressive issue isn't something the Republican Party is ready to support. I highly doubt that Governor Kasich will be able to carry a bible belt state.

He does deserve credit for getting so high in the polls that quickly with hardly any celebrity status.

Out of Bush, Rubio, and Kasich I think Kasich has the least chance of getting the nomination. I think Bush and Rubio will battle for the nod. The Bush machine has marked advantages. Rubio's more conservative record would help him. Political theater awaits us.

I think these three have the best odds as well, but I'm leaning toward Senator Rubio. Look at our current President back in 2008; President Obama was an example of John F. Kennedy, a young ambitious family man who could own a speech. People lean toward candidates who energize them, I think Senator Rubio will earn the nomination because he has conservative values that are strong enough without the giant cloud of being related to President George W Bush.

My money is on Senator Rubio earning the nomination, with Ms. Fiorina or Mr. Carson as his running mate as I think they're the least likely to overshadow him.
My money is on Senator Rubio earning the nomination, with Ms. Fiorina or Mr. Carson as his running mate as I think they're the least likely to overshadow him.

Jeb will always be dogged by his last name. Rubio, on the other hand, can make a strong generational argument: going with Jeb or Hillary is a step backwards. From 1981 through 2009 there was a Bush or a Clinton in the Oval Office or as sitting VP.

Speaking of vice presidents...

The running mate issue is interesting. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina would excite the base. But in my view it would be electorally advantageous for Rubio to put Kasich on the ticket. Putting a Florida Senator and an Ohio Governor on the ballot would prime the GOP for success. So while I said before that Kasich has the least chance of the GOP's top three to win the nomination, I would say he enjoys shortlist status on any VP search.
When I first heard Donald Trump was running for President of the United States, I thought it was a joke. I mean the only guy who's a bigger mark for himself other than Trump is Hulk Hogan.

Then I began seeing the news coverage and realized he was really going to do it. The first time out of the gate, didn't he insult the whole country of Mexico and all Latino's in general, not off to a great start there.

JH is likely right though, he will at most take votes away from a more suitable GOP candidate. Mind you most of the GOP are as boring as watching paint dry, so this will add some excitement into the mix. Trump is a good talker, but I wonder if he even knows what he's going to say when he opens his mouth.

He's proven he can make millions, lose it, and make it back again. And he's shown that he can be a very successful businessman, I'm not sure he can run an entire country, but you never know.

Up here in Canada I think most of us watch the US elections with amusement. Sometimes it's hard to believe that some of these people actually think they are right for the job, and sometimes they aren't when they do win. Our politicians are pretty much the same, only on a small and slightly less ridiculous scale, and can mostly be ignored.

One of the only things I've heard Trump say that's right is when he said that Washington is terrified of him, reason being he can't be bought. That might be the most truthful thing I've heard him say yet. This will be an interesting year, that's for sure.
Sometimes it's hard to believe that some of these people actually think they are right for the job.

Keep in mind that not all of these characters are that delusional. Running for president is an opportunity for fame, power, and therefore money. It is free advertising and leads to media jobs and speaking engagements. I'm sure many of those campaign donations find their way in to candidate's pockets as well. Don't take these guys as fools, they are more like high class carnies.
Putting a Florida Senator and an Ohio Governor on the ballot would prime the GOP for success. So while I said before that Kasich has the least chance of the GOP's top three to win the nomination, I would say he enjoys shortlist status on any VP search.

I don't know man. Based on my (admittedly minor) research, carrying Ohio is more of a superstitious thing. Like; candidates who win Ohio typically earn more electoral votes. While it makes sense that swing states would decide elections, I don't see Governor Kasich's influence going any farther than Ohio.

While I see your point that Senator Rubio would only really need a guaranteed swing state in terms of potential to stand a fighting chance in the national election, I think he should go with someone who is comparably inspirational.
I don't know man. Based on my (admittedly minor) research, carrying Ohio is more of a superstitious thing. Like; candidates who win Ohio typically earn more electoral votes. While it makes sense that swing states would decide elections, I don't see Governor Kasich's influence going any farther than Ohio.

While I see your point that Senator Rubio would only really need a guaranteed swing state in terms of potential to stand a fighting chance in the national election, I think he should go with someone who is comparably inspirational.

Jeb's recent video and stump attacks on the Donald may resonate with GOP voters. He accused Trump of lobbing so many insults because he has little to say on policy. If Jeb wants to gain support he needs to show backbone. It's a low risk/high reward proposition for Jeb so he might as well go for it.

Jeb reminds me of John McCain in 2007. Much of the year was ugly. But when he stopped playing games, cut his staff, and ran on a shoestring budget the pugnacious senator got the nod. Bush has had lows this summer. Polls are disappointing, his campaign has waned, and the noisy field has subdued the mild-mannered Floridian. If Bush shows he is a fighter, that he will take on the big, bad wolf--he may gain traction. Bush is charging full speed ahead while the other candidates retreat. We'll see where this goes.
I legitimately laughed out loud when I heard a Trump supporter on the radio answer the question "Why are you a supporter of his?" with "At times he might say the most vile things you've ever heard, but at least he gets the job done!" I imagine the job being spreading racial discontent among his own people, fear and propaganda.

Of course there's a mutual respect between Trump and Katie Hopkins. Both their supporters claim they are only saying what the majority are thinking, when they have absolutely no evidence to back up such a claim - they only believe that because it's what they're thinking and of course they can't for one second believe they could actually be the minority. They both pander to the ignorant and the lazy who agree without doing any kind of research. Why should they when it's obvious their heroes wouldn't know research if it bit them on the ass and taped a calling card in front of their eyes. And so on and so on.....

I think it's a sad state of affairs when Jeb Bush is being made to look intelligent and reasonable, if only because Trump is that much of a loud-mouthed, racist, ignorant piece of shit in comparison...
I couldnt help but laugh when watching his campaign ad. Just how exactly does he plan to build a wall between america and mexico and then charge them for it?
I couldnt help but laugh when watching his campaign ad. Just how exactly does he plan to build a wall between america and mexico and then charge them for it?

Figuring out Donald Trump is as fulfilling as reading the synopsis to an upcoming Adam Sandler film.

It's well known now that the ad in question showed an overhead view of the border between Morocco and a Spanish enclave. The apparent message was "Look at how terrible things are at the border between Mexico and the US!" and that message has evolved into "Look at what our border could become if we don't act fast!".

Just looking at the overhead shot, you probably wouldn't immediately identify the area as Morocco. So the issue was presented to Trump's Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski, who (no joke) responded with "NO SHIT IT'S IN MOROCCO!" in an effort to convey that the message was meant to be that our border could look as bad as their border.

Now, when I looked at the video I didn't immediately say "Oh, check out Morocco. That is definitely Morocco!". My point is, Donald Trump is a fucking idiot and his Campaign Manager is an even bigger fucking idiot.

I try not to talk about Trump because I'm starting to feel like I did back when I was non-stop railing against John Cena. I would vote for John Cena to be President before I ever vote for Donald Trump.
I had an awful moment last week where, in spite of myself, I found Trump's bluntness and lack of refinement almost appealing.

The man's a vulgar, offensive, dangerous joke. But as a protest to a system of polished, practiced career politicians, he's anything but.

He's not just the bane of his party. He's potentially an indictment of democracy. He's celebrity culture and partisan politics reaching their natural conclusion.

I can't look away. It's all so sexy and dangerous.

You guys are getting exactly what you deserve. You deserve President Trump.

Don't cut yourself on all my edge.
I'm afraid that Trump might actually do it, he just might win this whole damm thing. His remarks that would put any other candidate out of the running are beginning to gather support. He says out loud what a lot are thinking and the more that he's slammed the more support he seems to get.

Now the Pope has weighed in, saying and I paraphrase "Those that only think about building walls and not bridges, are not Christians" or words to that effect. The irony is astounding here. Trumps supporters have come out in droves claiming that while the Pope is entitled to his opinion, he seems to forget that the Vatican, the place where he resides, is in fact a walled city.

Just when you think Trump is down because of what he says, someone else who should know better comes along and says something even worse. They are beginning to make Trump look like he's the smart one. This will be one hell of a roller coaster ride till it's over.
Like most wild parties, eventually the booze runs out and people wander off leaving a huge mess in their wake.

The Trump party train has been rocking and rolling through the lower 48 states and every news outlet has been getting as many precious seconds of footage they can. The foul mouthed conductor of this raucous choo-choo was Corey Lewandowski. I saw "was" because he recently fell off the train.

First off; CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC, BREITBART, all those jack-offs suck. If you're trying to find out specifics from them in regard to this occurrence, you'll be spun around and around with useless information and inconclusive speculation until you surrender and buy whatever crap they're advertising.

To find out what in the fuck happened, I had to scrounge and eventually found something resembling an answer at

Here's the rare article that, while it obviously isn't concrete proof and is wrought with clickbait advertising, at least actually tells you something:

Trump Kids Ousted Corey Lewandowski

The key thing in that article is how they describe this meeting:

[["At around 9:30 Monday morning, Donald Trump and his adult children gathered for a regular strategy meeting at Trump Tower. Also present were senior staff, including Corey Lewandowski, the campaign's embattled manager. With Trump coming off one of the worst weeks of his campaign — a stretch that included racist attacks on a federal judge, renewed calls in the wake of the Orlando massacre to ban Muslim immigrants, and sinking poll numbers — the candidate's children, who have been involved in strategy from the beginning, saw an opening to achieve a shared goal: Fire Lewandowski.

According to two sources briefed on the events, the meeting was a setup. Shortly after it began, the children peppered Lewandowski with questions, asking him to explain the campaign's lack of infrastructure. "They went through the punch list. 'Where are we with staffing? Where are we with getting the infrastructure built?'" one source explained. Their father grew visibly upset as he heard the list of failures. Finally, he turned to Lewandowski and said, "What's your plan here?"

Lewandowski responded that he wanted to leak Trump's vice-president pick.

And with that, Lewandowski was out. Trump has long viewed announcing his running mate at the GOP convention next month as a valuable card to play. He was shocked that Lewandowski didn't have any other ideas. Shortly after the meeting, Lewandowski was escorted out of the building by Trump security."]]

Obviously those mysterious "two sources" aren't concrete proof of anything, but yeah. This doesn't sound like something so far out that it could never happen to Corey Lewandowski.

I think we're about to see the equivalent to a nuclear test bombing.
Like most wild parties, eventually the booze runs out and people wander off leaving a huge mess in their wake.

The Trump party train has been rocking and rolling through the lower 48 states and every news outlet has been getting as many precious seconds of footage they can. The foul mouthed conductor of this raucous choo-choo was Corey Lewandowski. I saw "was" because he recently fell off the train.

First off; CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC, BREITBART, all those jack-offs suck. If you're trying to find out specifics from them in regard to this occurrence, you'll be spun around and around with useless information and inconclusive speculation until you surrender and buy whatever crap they're advertising.

To find out what in the fuck happened, I had to scrounge and eventually found something resembling an answer at

Here's the rare article that, while it obviously isn't concrete proof and is wrought with clickbait advertising, at least actually tells you something:

Trump Kids Ousted Corey Lewandowski

The key thing in that article is how they describe this meeting:

[["At around 9:30 Monday morning, Donald Trump and his adult children gathered for a regular strategy meeting at Trump Tower. Also present were senior staff, including Corey Lewandowski, the campaign's embattled manager. With Trump coming off one of the worst weeks of his campaign — a stretch that included racist attacks on a federal judge, renewed calls in the wake of the Orlando massacre to ban Muslim immigrants, and sinking poll numbers — the candidate's children, who have been involved in strategy from the beginning, saw an opening to achieve a shared goal: Fire Lewandowski.

According to two sources briefed on the events, the meeting was a setup. Shortly after it began, the children peppered Lewandowski with questions, asking him to explain the campaign's lack of infrastructure. "They went through the punch list. 'Where are we with staffing? Where are we with getting the infrastructure built?'" one source explained. Their father grew visibly upset as he heard the list of failures. Finally, he turned to Lewandowski and said, "What's your plan here?"

Lewandowski responded that he wanted to leak Trump's vice-president pick.

And with that, Lewandowski was out. Trump has long viewed announcing his running mate at the GOP convention next month as a valuable card to play. He was shocked that Lewandowski didn't have any other ideas. Shortly after the meeting, Lewandowski was escorted out of the building by Trump security."]]

Obviously those mysterious "two sources" aren't concrete proof of anything, but yeah. This doesn't sound like something so far out that it could never happen to Corey Lewandowski.

I think we're about to see the equivalent to a nuclear test bombing.

Lewandowski was only part of the problem. A huge reason Trump kept the guy was because he not only liked him but Trump also liked his strategies of just saying whatever he wanted no matter what. Trump's ego puts Vince McMahon's to shame and Vince does have a sense of maturity about him, whereas Trump has seemed like a highly petulant, thin skinned child at times who lashes out at anyone and anything that has anything negative to say about him and/or even slightly disagrees with him.

The damage to Trump has already been done; all of his offensive statements are out there with people being reminded of them ad nauseam with most of them being recorded either on film or during phone interviews. He's still sending out childish Tweets and making outlandish statements while not providing any real degree of depth as to how he plans to fix things that are wrong.

Both Trump and Clinton have big favorability problems as neither of them are particularly well perceived or trusted by the public, if the various polls that've come out this week are truly indicative of how people feel. Clinton is seen as a career politician that's part of what many perceive as a broken system while Donald Trump is seen as a loud mouthed buffoon without any real plan as to what he's doing.

Like many Americans, I'm not overly wild about Hilary and I'm certainly not wild about Trump, but she's the lesser of two evils in this situation, at least in my opinion. At least she does have plans laid out, ideas that she's telling people about, depth to her campaign and organization among her party, for the most part anyhow, whereas many people see Trump driving the Republican Party towards a cliff. I'm repulsed by Trump as a human being and I had no idea that he was such a poor businessman no matter what he otherwise proclaims. I mean...when you're someone who declares Chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, I have difficulty believing that someone is the business genius that he claims to be.

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