Trouble with Fastlane and all February??


Championship Contender
I love the WWE and love it a lot, but this has to be the piss poorest advertised ppv "Fastlane" iv ever seen. Except for Cena vs. Rusev and Reigns vs. Bryan (through togather last minute) and the Uso's vs. Kidd/Cesaro...what is the WWE doing? Except HHH/Sting meeting AND without looking it up, what are they doing? I mean we can speculate the matches but they have all these superstars without advertised matches...

Seth Rollins
Bray Wyatt
Big show
Luke Harper
The ascension
Eric Rowan
Dolph Ziggler
Randy orton
The rest of the roster
Any diva except Nikki/Paige which was threw together,

Ambrose/Barrett which was threw together.

What are they really doing? I'm sure they'll announce some Thursday but considering it's the LAST raw before the ppv, wwe has done really nothing positive. Just coming off very sloppy seems like. I know their "building for Wrestlemania" but they have wasted this last month AND this coming Fastlane. I'm hurt cause I know the possibility that could be...

I love the WWE and love it a lot, but this has to be the piss poorest advertised ppv "Fastlane" iv ever seen. Except for Cena vs. Rusev and Reigns vs. Bryan (through togather last minute) and the Uso's vs. Kidd/Cesaro...what is the WWE doing? Except HHH/Sting meeting AND without looking it up, what are they doing? I mean we can speculate the matches but they have all these superstars without advertised matches...

Seth Rollins
Bray Wyatt
Big show
Luke Harper
The ascension
Eric Rowan
Dolph Ziggler
Randy orton
The rest of the roster
Any diva except Nikki/Paige which was threw together,

Ambrose/Barrett which was threw together.

What are they really doing? I'm sure they'll announce some Thursday but considering it's the LAST raw before the ppv, wwe has done really nothing positive. Just coming off very sloppy seems like. I know their "building for Wrestlemania" but they have wasted this last month AND this coming Fastlane. I'm hurt cause I know the possibility that could be...


Ok we'll probably see more Dust Busters Meltdown, The Miz belittling Mizdow
Plus w/ another Fandango vs Adam Rose match, The Ascension look to be fighting The Newly Reunited Prime Time Playas maybe managed by Heath Slater, Dolph Ziggler/Ryback/Erick Rowan vs Seth Rollins/Jamie Noble/Joey Mercury or Big Show/Kane w Rollins. I don't know what else other than them matches and Skits. And IDK about the others.
I know their "building for Wrestlemania" but they have wasted this last month AND this coming Fastlane.

There's validity to that statement and one has to wonder where the other storylines are. At times, I've had the notion that the present uncertainty of who's facing who at the very top of the roster is creating a logjam below.

Of course I could be wrong, but I believe Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar was set in stone until Daniel Bryan came back and the fans made their feelings about him, the negative reaction Roman was getting surprised and dismayed WWE management. To their credit, they're doing something about it at Fast Lane in pitting Reigns against Bryan to determine who Brock will be facing at WM31.

Meanwhile, all this has created havoc with the other main event-level performers. What do they do with Seth Rollins? Would there have been something solid for Randy Orton and Sheamus if WWE brass didn't have to concentrate on building the (apparently) altered card for WM31? Is John Cena vs. Rusev really the match intended for Cena?

Sure, the company seems to be waiting 'til the last minute to solidify plans for the midcarders, but I can't help thinking all the changed plans at the top are playing havoc with the build-up to Fast Lane.

On the one hand, of course, if there are adjustments taking place because the company wants to respond to the wishes of the fans, that's unique.....and seemingly unlike Vince McMahon, no? Still, it all adds up to a lot of uncertainty as to what we're going to see on Sunday.
I have to agree with Sally here. It seems that plans had to be changed because of the negative reaction to Reigns winning the Rumble. But you have too ask yourself what would they have done if that hadn't have happened? Who would have been the main event? That's probably a better question.

It does look like the WWE is changing things on the fly here, and I think they are trying to save Mania at this point in time. Again for the second year in a row Vince McMahon underestimated Daniel Bryan's popularity, and now he finds himself in a bit of a bind. He has two of his top faces going against each other, which in a normal context this shouldn't happen.

Rollins return to RAW last night was a bit awkward, and as I watched it I couldn't gauge the fans. They didn't seem to boo him and where for the most part pretty quiet. It was kind of uncomfortable, although maybe it was just me that noticed it. I would have thought he would have gone against Orton at Fastlane, but Orton's been kept off TV seemingly because there is nothing for him to do right now, according to reports. After RAW last night I think we'll see Ziggler/Rollins instead.

We might know more after Smackdown tapes tonight, but I'm not holding my breath for this PPV.
I disagree to some... degree. The Reigns/Bryan match was set up the week after the Royal Rumble, which gave them tons of time to build the feud; I disagree that this was thrown together last minute as imo it's been one of the best built feuds since Bryan/HHH last year. Cena/Rusev is another feud that has been well built and Cena has done a great job of elevating Rusev to that main event level. Barret/Ambrose hasn't been a great build, but it is an intriguing match, and again, I diagree that it was "thrown together" as they began this feud the week after the Rumble as well. The last match I can remember off the top of my head is Usos/BRC, and that's been a decent build as well.

Other than those 4 matches though, I agree that the rest of the card looks very lacklustre and it seems the time will be used as more storyline progression heading into Mania than matches. Don't expect 10 matches on this card, as Sting/HHH ALONE will probably take 30-45 minutes.
The stories are great, despite morons SWEARING that Daniel Bryan is being buried again.

Bryan v. Reigns - very well built, Reigns has shown in the last several weeks that he's plenty ready for the spotlight, and Bryan has been solid enhancement talent.

Cena v. Rusev, I mean, come on, you can't seriously act like that feud isn't built well.

Ambrose is carrying Barrett, which is what I expected, but it makes sense. Ambrose wants to be the IC right now, and he wants that legacy.

Rollins seems sort of lost without the Authority, which is perfect, because he's SUPPOSED to be a sniveling heel. Perfect amounts of heat for JJ and Rollins with the Ziggler stuff. Ziggler getting another massive push against a main eventer. How many of these can he squander?

Even the Divas are more interesting right now than in recent months.

There is no way, unless you're BEGGING To find fault in the WWE product, that a fan of the product isn't satisfied with the "Between Rumble and Mania" PPV that happens in February.
The storylines are lopsided, but I think the main event is a strong one. I've taken issue with every single feud on this card as most of it feels like filler. Does 'Barrett Vs Ambrose' matter when Barrett has been presented as a joke since his return and Ambrose has been booked as a loser? Does Ziggler fighting Rollins have any substance? It reeks of "We've got nothing better for them right now".

And I feel it's too easy for Cena Vs Rusev, but maybe it won't matter as I do think the 'Reigns Vs Bryan' match is enough to get people interested. I saw it as a booking nightmare at first, but the writers have actually exceeded my expectations and I'm now engaged.
As has been mentioned, part of the problem is that plans seem to be changing constantly. Over the years, I've read many reports alleging that Vince frequently goes back & forth on things, changes his mind on this, alters that, etc. during WrestleMania season. These reports also allege that it drives everyone absolutely crazy, especially WWE's creative team as they sometimes have to rewrite entire ideas at the drop of a hat, sometimes even while Raw is in progress. I read a report a few weeks back stating that aside from Sting vs. Triple H, nothing is set in stone and that's highly unusual for this time. By now, the top matches of the show have usually been decided on since well before the Royal Rumble but, based on what I've read, that doesn't seem to be the case this year as Vince's final booking decisions are even more erratic than usual.

IF Reigns wins Sunday and goes onto face Brock Lesnar, it's a main event that's pretty much doomed to be heckled and hijacked by fans. IF Daniel Bryan wins, some dirtsheet writers claim that it shows a lack of faith on WWE's part in Roman Reigns. IF it winds up being a triple threat match, then some are going to complain that Vince has shoehorned Bryan into the main event due to lack of faith in Reigns, being out of touch with modern fans and underestimating Bryan's standing with fans.

If Reigns wins, then there's just nothing Vince can do but grit his teeth and take the heckling at WrestleMania.

As far the notion of him giving the match to Bryan or making it a threeway dance showing a lack of faith in Reigns, personally, I don't see how he couldn't be lacking in faith when it comes to Roman Reigns. Reigns has been a singles wrestler for all of 7 months or so, he's still pretty green, there are doubts among fans, roster members & legends alike that he has the skill to call a match and he's not being accepted with open arms by a significant number of fans in the way Vince was hoping or expecting.

As for the rest of FastLane, I'm thinking there'll either be a couple of unadvertised matches thrown in on the card. We might see The Ascension taking on the Prime Time Players, we'll probably get something with Miz debasing Mizdow, we might wind up with another Ziggler vs. Rollins match. In all honesty though, I wouldn't mind if the show just had 4 or 5 matches in order to give the matches plenty of time and really let the wrestlers tear it up. After all, you can be pretty certain that Cena vs. Rusev & Bryan vs. Reigns are both gonna probably be around 22-25 minutes at least and I suspect that the Sting/Triple H confrontation will last at least 20 minutes. As a result, that should be at least an hour, maybe more, for the top three attractions for the show. I've little doubt that Ambrose vs. Barrett and The Usos vs. Cesaro & Kidd could be fantastic matches if given a lot of time and the wrestlers were told to really just cut loose a bit. The Divas Championship match could also be strong if it went for more than the usual 5 to 7 minutes.

As to the build of these matches, I have to disagree with the idea that Bryan vs. Reigns has just been tossed in all willy nilly. They've put a lot of focus on this match over the past several weeks and have featured both guys prominently. As for the tag title match, again, this isn't something that's been randomly tossed together as these two teams have been feuding for over the past 5 weeks or so. The build hasn't been spectacular, but it hasn't been lousy. The Divas Championship match has gotten the usual build for women's matches on the main roster: the Bella Twins acting like they're still a couple of stuck up, popular, snooty 16 year old hot girls in high school while Paige is the outcast. Cena vs. Rusev has gotten some strong build over the past few weeks and this might be one of the more anticipated mid-card title matches WWE's had in quite a while. The worst build for any match on the show, in my opinion, has been the IC title match. The build essentially has consisted of Ambrose campaigning for a match and "forcing" Barrett to "sign" a contract last night, which definitely seems like a Vince idea as there's no logic to it.
Other than those 4 matches though, I agree that the rest of the card looks very lacklustre and it seems the time will be used as more storyline progression heading into Mania than matches. Don't expect 10 matches on this card, as Sting/HHH ALONE will probably take 30-45 minutes.

I am really hoping that Sting/HHH doesn't take 30-45 minutes. After all they're just going to talk aren't they? Considering this talk has been built up more than some of these matches it's kind of silly.
I actually think that the build for Fastlane has been way more focused and proper than last few PPVs. We already have Bryan vs Reigns and Cena vs Rusev on the card which are well built, Barrett vs Ambrose may look thrown together but they actually have done a decent job of putting together the feud because it has purpose, they actually have a feud in tag division between the Usos and Cesaro/Kidd, so that's 4 solid matches. On top of that, we have HHH/Sting confrontation as well.

Most PPVs are built around a main event and then a few undercard matches are built. Looking at that history, WWE have actually given decent and fresh match ups and we can look forward to Ziggler vs Rollins, Ascension vs PTP and may be a Bray Wyatt appearance. I can't say I am complaining at this time.
I am really hoping that Sting/HHH doesn't take 30-45 minutes. After all they're just going to talk aren't they? Considering this talk has been built up more than some of these matches it's kind of silly.

You see, I'm thinking HHH's entrance will be about 5 minutes long. HHH will probably start the set-up, so I'd say he'll be cutting a solo promo for about 10. Than, of course there will be a HUGE production when Sting appears which may take 5+ minutes by itself. They will go face to face and probably promo for another 10 minutes, and than of course something has to happen at the end to build the HHH-Sting Mania match.

I think one of the reasons they're keeping the match total low is partly because of how long this segment is expected to take.
This gap between the Rumble and the February event has a much different feel than years past with the elimination of the Elimination Chamber. There normally has been little announced for this midway point event but with the Chamber match(es) they occupied more talents time. The problem involving the old event set up was the predictability. It was usually obvious who would shine at the event headed towards WM. Not the case with Fast Lane. This year we have the set up for WM's big three with the main event, Cena/Resuv and Sting/Trips with big questions surrounding even these situations. Beginning next week we will see a serious push to begin developing the remainder of the WM card.
The WWE is either succumbing to the angst of the fans or they're trolling them hardcore, we'll have a better idea depending on how things go down at FASTLANE!

Maybe Reigns will get a legit win over Daniel Bryan, and the publicity generated by the horrified smarks on Twitter will help bump up the Network's numbers. Maybe Cena overcomes adversity (again) and becomes the first man to pin Rusev, catapulting him into some kind of Super-Cena match for WrestleMania. Maybe HHH defeats Sting due to interference from Undertaker or Vince McMahon, setting up a WrestleMania match.

We expect great things, but we are not the norm when it comes to what demographic puts the most amount of money in the WWE's wallet. To the target audience, literally anything that happens on tv or PPV is acceptable and will inspire them to buy another shirt. Smarks usually own the crowd reaction, but we've seen that those only occasionally change the creative tide of the show.

I'm only really excited to see whether or not the WWE chose to stick it to the fans that thought they could influence the creative direction of the company a second year in a row.
I love the WWE and love it a lot, but this has to be the piss poorest advertised ppv "Fastlane" iv ever seen. Except for Cena vs. Rusev and Reigns vs. Bryan (through togather last minute) and the Uso's vs. Kidd/Cesaro...what is the WWE doing? Except HHH/Sting meeting AND without looking it up, what are they doing? I mean we can speculate the matches but they have all these superstars without advertised matches...

Seth Rollins
Bray Wyatt
Big show
Luke Harper
The ascension
Eric Rowan
Dolph Ziggler
Randy orton
The rest of the roster
Any diva except Nikki/Paige which was threw together,

Ambrose/Barrett which was threw together.

What are they really doing? I'm sure they'll announce some Thursday but considering it's the LAST raw before the ppv, wwe has done really nothing positive. Just coming off very sloppy seems like. I know their "building for Wrestlemania" but they have wasted this last month AND this coming Fastlane. I'm hurt cause I know the possibility that could be...


I understand the business aspect, PPVs make money. I just wish they would get rid of the February PPV, it's a waste. Superstars shouldn't have to constantly defend their WrestleMania title shot like it's a championship and the build up for WrestleMania will be better, especially since they'd have more time to build the feuds (from January to March).

Honestly, Fast Lane looks more like a good RAW. It's nothing that really stands out. I could see if Rusev vs. Cena was no DQ and stipulation for Bryan vs Reigns was there can't be no tie and Bryan can't get a title shot for a whole year if he loses.
I 100% support the idea of abolishing the February PPV, especially now that the WWE Network is well-established. Whether there's a PPV in February or not, the WWE collects their monthly subscription revenue from the Network so it doesn't really matter. Fast Lane is the epitome of Sunday Night RAW as there is absolutely nothing on this PPV that feels big. All of it could be accomplished either on an episode of RAW or built-up more to make a WrestleMania match feel m ore important.

One of the most hyped-up parts of the show is an "in-ring confrontation" between Triple H and Sting. It's a promo segment. It could be done on RAW.

John Cena vs. Rusev will end in some sort of non-finish or will ultimately result in a rematch at WrestleMania. Why not skip this Fast Lane match all together and build up their first time collision for WrestleMania to make it more meaningful?

Bryan vs. Reigns for a Mania Title shot could be a RAW main event. Punk vs. Cena was, Rock vs. Big Show in the year 2000 was. Or better yet, book the Royal Rumble more effectively so you don't fuck yourself over in the first place.

Ambrose vs. Barrett for the IC Title will likely be extended to WrestleMania in some way, so why not build up to the match more instead of having this match, then setting up a rematch of some kind.

You get my point.
The stories are great, despite morons SWEARING that Daniel Bryan is being buried again.

Bryan v. Reigns - very well built, Reigns has shown in the last several weeks that he's plenty ready for the spotlight, and Bryan has been solid enhancement talent.

Cena v. Rusev, I mean, come on, you can't seriously act like that feud isn't built well.

Ambrose is carrying Barrett, which is what I expected, but it makes sense. Ambrose wants to be the IC right now, and he wants that legacy.

Rollins seems sort of lost without the Authority, which is perfect, because he's SUPPOSED to be a sniveling heel. Perfect amounts of heat for JJ and Rollins with the Ziggler stuff. Ziggler getting another massive push against a main eventer. How many of these can he squander?

Even the Divas are more interesting right now than in recent months.

There is no way, unless you're BEGGING To find fault in the WWE product, that a fan of the product isn't satisfied with the "Between Rumble and Mania" PPV that happens in February.

Seriously?? I'm a huge wwe fan, really only wrestling I watch. I'm not begging to find something wrong. What storyline and over a month fued is there for TOP TALENT Ziggler, Rowan, Ryback, Rollins, Kane, Big Show, ascension?? Orton, Sheamus?? They've wasted what could have been great stuff. I know their pushingvFadtlane under the rug to promote Fastlane....but shouldn't the better product be put on at Fastlane to want to get more people on board for Mania?? I'm looking for positives here.

Aside from Reigns/Bryan and Cena/Rusev HHH/Sting, there haven't been a buildup...just slapped togather.I'd be upset if I were those top guys with NOTHING to do...
The storylines are lopsided, but I think the main event is a strong one. I've taken issue with every single feud on this card as most of it feels like filler. Does 'Barrett Vs Ambrose' matter when Barrett has been presented as a joke since his return and Ambrose has been booked as a loser? Does Ziggler fighting Rollins have any substance? It reeks of "We've got nothing better for them right now".

And I feel it's too easy for Cena Vs Rusev, but maybe it won't matter as I do think the 'Reigns Vs Bryan' match is enough to get people interested. I saw it as a booking nightmare at first, but the writers have actually exceeded my expectations and I'm now engaged.

Do we have a Rollins/Ziggler match set in stone or is it speculation?

That's the problem, all this top talent and it's just speculation what 99% of them will be doing?

Shame for people like Rollins, Ziggler, ryback, big show, Kane, Rowan, Harper will be in the back twiddling their thumbs..

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