Triplemania Outgrossed Summerslam At The Gate


Lord And Master
Staff member
The 22nd annual AAA TripleMania event in Mexico City on 8/17 was a legitimate sellout, with an estimated 21,000 fans on hand. The announcement of Alberto del Rio (El Patron) making his return, and a teased appearance of WWE Superstar Rey Mysterio added a lot of anticipation to the show, adding to an already strong card that packed the house last Sunday afternoon.
In comparison WWE SummerSlam, which went head-to-head with TripleMania on PPV and iPPV, had an announced attendance of 17,537. To be fair, WWE packed the Staples Center to max capacity, about the same as they did in 2013.

Wow. They normally do around the 13,000 mark. So that's pretty big. Only the latter part of Triplemania ran parallel to Summerslam though. Still, WWE is losing their prized Latino market BIG TIME right now.
Who got the bigger buy-rate, though?
That's a good question since both shows were international. But WWE's regular PPV's were still around the $40+, so they probably got far more on that alone. Still, the fact that AAA did such significant numbers is quite a big deal.
Outgrossed? Doesn't that mean they made more money? I'm only seeing that they outdrew them which in itself is a skewed statistic. If Summerslam was at a bigger venue they would have sold more tickets.
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Callum Walker • 42 minutes ago

Just curious, In AAA do they have an American Announce team and do people always get put through there [sic] table?
Vampiro and Hugo Savinovich are the U.S. Broadcast team. It happened a few years ago I think.
If Summerslam was at a bigger venue they would have sold more tickets.

Whats important is how many fans were in attendance.

It was in LA, so I gather that there were plenty of fans crammed into work vans & pickup trucks watching the show from the parking lot. Sure they didnt buy tickets, but they paid for parking & made a killing from selling knockoff Cena shirts and grilled corn.

All around it was a good day.
You forgot to mention that triplemania had sin cara as well, who i believe was a bigger draw in mexico
Lol at you thinking AAA is ever going to be competition.
They had more people at their biggest show than WWE did at their second biggest and have capitalized greatly on WWEs recent "racist" issues turning the Latin market, WWEs second biggest, against them. That's not competition?

You forgot to mention that triplemania had sin cara as well, who i believe was a bigger draw in mexico

Yeah, he's headlining the next TV event in an ultra-rare 1 on 1 match.
Why do people keep saying Summerslam is the second biggest show? Royal Rumble clearly is.
They had more people at their biggest show than WWE did at their second biggest and have capitalized greatly on WWEs recent "racist" issues turning the Latin market, WWEs second biggest, against them. That's not competition?

In Mexico, sure, worldwide, not a fucking chance in hell. They don't have the reach or cash to be any kind of real competition to the juggernaut.

I'd love to see some real competition to the WWE to drive the product back to something special, but unless another Ted Turner comes along and decides to start throwing copious amounts of cash at a wrestling promotion, it's not going to happen.
Worth a shot, glad to hear of another company's success either way. Aren't you? If you believe in supporting the industry then surely you must be glad of another wrestling company's success.

I believe in supporting the industry, but I don't have delusions of grandeur.

You know how people can really support the industry? Support the indy promotions around your way. They are the building blocks of the wrestling industry.
You know how people can really support the industry? Support the indy promotions around your way. They are the building blocks of the wrestling industry.


You know how people can really support the industry? Support the indy promotions around your way. They are the building blocks of the wrestling industry.

The WWE used all the building blocks to make the performance center. It will now be the factory in which future stars are created. Even with local support, the majority of independent promotions are in a bit of trouble. Fewer guys have the hopes to be called up\signed than in years past & most of those companies dont have the funds to increase production or the creative mojo needed to stand out. ROH, AAA & NJPW are the exceptions. They have some money to push forward, good production & a talented roster.

The WWE machine has stretched the gap between themselves & anyone considered competition so far that it will likely implode before anyone really catches up to them. We probably will never see anything like the Monday Night Wars again. I agree that we all should take in a local show once in a while, but for the most part they are crap. Many of them are just downright terrible to watch.

I am all for supporting the smaller promotions, but to a point. Many of the independent local promoters are just going to piss your money away buying themselves a new car or some blow before they actually put that money into the promotion. At least with the above 3 mentioned, you know you are gonna get a good show for your money.

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