Triple Threat: The Undertaker vs. HBK vs. John Cena

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Hear me out on this, could this be a possibility for the main event at Wrestlemania? Undertaker has been rumored to face either Vince McMahon, HBK, or Cena at 'Mania. I thought Vince was pretty much out of the picture, but with what happened on Raw it could still happen. Shawn has been hell bent on a rematch with 'Taker, but must win the Royal Rumble, assuming that Undertaker will be champion by then. And then there's Cena, who I think still has a pretty HIGH chance of facing 'Taker at 'Mania for the strap, seeing as how The Rock will be "busy".

Here's how I think it will go:

Cena wins the R.R.
'Taker retains at R.R. from Mysterio
'Taker retains at E.C. from (whomever)
Undertaker/Cena contract signing
HBK interferes in the signing after 'Taker signs it & puts his name as the opponent superkicking Cena and/or 'Taker at one point (I'm almost certain he did this in 2004 to so it wouldn't be too far fetched)
'Taker's pissed/Cena's pissed = Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania!!!!

I guy can dream can't he.:shrug:
lol a guy can dream is right. really not a bad idea either. theres really nothing set up for cena at mania right now and this could be a very good match and would make it different from last years HBK v taker (i mean is the wwe really going to have the same match two years in a row, if so its fucking sad).

also you came up with a perfect set up. kudos
Imagine how big this would draw. Most probably the three biggest stars in the business right now, headling at the Grandest Stage Of Them All, for the title. Plus, we know that all three can make one hell of a match. Cena vs Michaels from Wrestlemania 23 was amazing. Michaels vs Taker last year was amazing. And I think this could be up there.

The one problem is, that it uses up most of WWE's big stars in one match and they won't let that happen. Cena, Taker and Michaels will all draw in one-on-one matches with anyone, and they could be missing a chance by putting them all in a triple threat. I really doubt that the WWE loves us all enough to give us this... BUT... I'm dreaming along with you.
The is an interesting idea because it would give the fans the thinking that the streak can possibly come to an end because taker would have to deal with 2 over guys. Thats why it is more than likely not going to occur even though as a fan of all them men I wouldn't mind see it happen on the grandest stage.
I certainly hope not. Mania needs to drop these stupid triple threats and have a showdown for the title. Geez how long has it been since the Raw title has been defended in a one on one match there? Will this be three years since? That's just absurd. Triple threats are fine once in awhile, but they need to just let it be one on one. As for this, the only interesting combination is Cena vs. Taker which at least would be a new match. This would be great at Summerslam or something, but not Mania.
I certainly hope not. Mania needs to drop these stupid triple threats and have a showdown for the title. Geez how long has it been since the Raw title has been defended in a one on one match there? Will this be three years since? That's just absurd. Triple threats are fine once in awhile, but they need to just let it be one on one. As for this, the only interesting combination is Cena vs. Taker which at least would be a new match. This would be great at Summerslam or something, but not Mania.

I swear HHH vs Orton last year was a one on one showdown for the Raw Title? It was horseshit and all but, yeah I think it was one on one. I said in another thread the WM main event usually creates the best "moment" when it's one on one so I do agree in general.
I personally hate triple threat world title matches at Wrestlemania. To me, the tradition of Wrestlemania is supposed to have a world title with the 2 best in the WWE at that time. Even now, it should be 2 world title one on one matches, with both matches having the 2 best from their respective brands going at it. A multi man match is, more often than not, a mistake as a Wrestlemania main event. At Wrestlemania 2000, they decided to try something new with a fatal 4 way, but that was just stupid. Rock vs Triple H was the obvious money match, but they ignored that. And now a multi man world title match has become an annual Mania thing. And it's fucking stupid.

So obviously, I'm pretty much against Undertaker vs HBK vs Cena. For the reasons I stated above, but also because it would just be wrong to have Undertaker's streak on the line in a triple threat match. Having the two on one handicap match at Mania 19 was one thing, but this just wouldn't feel right. I don't want to see HBK vs Undertaker at Mania 2, but I wanna see it more than a Triple threat match. So I'm hoping it doesn't work out that way.
I'm honestly sick and tired of triple threat title matches at Wrestlemania. I think it should always be 1 on 1, but Wrestlemania 20's triple threat build was perfectly fine for me considering it was the 20th anniversary and something special. But since, we've had Orton/Angle/Mysterio @ WM22, HHH/Cena/Orton @ WM24, and Cena/Edge/Big Show @ WM25. Sure, the previous three weren't actually the last match on the card, but still are main event matches. I understand with two championships the WWE may want to add a little variety to the World Title Matches, but I think its time the triple threat takes a break from the/a main event at Wrestlemania.
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Would be huge for buyrates, but I don't think it's a good idea (as a real fan of wrestling). Taker and Michaels need to be kept seperate this year. Last years match was amazing, no doubt. So why try and re-create something that probably can't be better the second time around? I really don't want to see John Cena in the title picture this year, but for some reason (merchandise sales), Vince and whoever else love this guy. I hope they have two, one on one title matches, with neither Batista or Cena being involved. For Raw, I would love to see HHH/HBK, but I think they are saving this match for when Shawn is ready to retire. So maybe HHH gets the WWE belt sometime between now and Mania, and Edge comes to Raw, setting up Edge/HHH? I would also like to see Orton/Undertaker (has been done before, but Orton wasn't the same Orton he is now), think it could be the best feud leading up to mania and one of the best matches, if not the very best, on the card.
This is a stupid idea.Michaels will hopefully vs HHH at WM and cena's supposably injured thats why his not fighting sheamus at RR.

I reakon chris jericho vs undertaker will be a good match.The main reason for this is because they havent fought at WM before.Also 1)Jericho will probably win the rumble, 2)There both on SD! the title wont have to go to RAW, 3)Jericho deserves the main-event at WM.
This is a stupid idea.Michaels will hopefully vs HHH at WM and cena's supposably injured thats why his not fighting sheamus at RR.

I reakon chris jericho vs undertaker will be a good match.The main reason for this is because they havent fought at WM before.Also 1)Jericho will probably win the rumble, 2)There both on SD! the title wont have to go to RAW, 3)Jericho deserves the main-event at WM.

1st HBK v HHH will happen when shawn retires

2nd jericho does deserve to win the rumble, face taker, and headline mania. he's the best at what he does and its time for the wwe to let him prove it

If this indeed happens the main event at 'Mania will be a triple threat 3 years in a row! I don't wanna see this to be honest. I'd like to see HBK vs. 'Taker fight 4 but not at 'Mania, maybe Backlash or something and have HBK get a clean victory PROVEING he indeed can beat 'Taker. As for what I'd like to see, Cena vs. 'Taker wouldn't be bad. But HBK vs. 'Taker would be a better match.
Ahh ... another "Vince Special".

A Vince Special is what I refer to as a Triple Threat match, as I have said a number of times now on the forum. It is his way to surely ruin what would otherwise be a good traditional main event between two guys.

Me, personally? I would hate to see this. I strongly, STRONGLY prefer my Wrestlemania Main Events to be a traditional one on one match between two guys. Inserting a third man into the feud is often a cheap way to get one of the two main guys out of doing a job, just like what Big Show served as doing, last year.

I just prefer to see a traditional one on one match and enjoy it.

But, I'm telling you now, don't be in the least bit surprised to see Vince try this garbage at Mania. He loves his "Vince Specials" and especially likes doing them at Wrestlemania. Hell, he even did two of them at Survivor Series, as a warm up for Mania for himself.
I wouldn't be looking forward to this at all for a couple of reasons. I don't want to see another HBK/Taker match as I wasn't too fond of last year's and I much rather prefer Cena/Taker because Cena could be the best option to break Taker's streak if need be and they fought only once in the last seven years I believe. I remember in a tag match a couple of months ago, Undertaker tombstoned Cena and I'm sure they can play off of that somehow. Another reason is that there are entirely too many Wrestlemania Triple Threat matches. Here are some recent ones:

WM 25- Edge vs. Big Show vs. John Cena
WM 24- John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. HHH
WM 22- Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle
WM 20- Chris Benoit vs. HHH vs. HBK

They could have done without Big Show, Randy Orton , and HBK in those matches but they chose not to. We accuse gimmick matches of being overdone and stale and triple threat matches can fall under that category. Another question to ask is if they do this and let's say that Cena pins HBK or the other way around, what does that do for Taker's streak? I believe they don't want to put that in jeopardy so I see no reason for this triple threat match to be made.
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