Triple H's cryptic comment...


Mid-Card Championship Winner

You know, you can't speculate the future by seeing a moment in time. But I know what the future is. The future is that I guarantee ONE MAN will win this match at TLC. That man will become immortal. That man will become the Face of the WWE. And that man, that winner, will be the CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS." -- Triple H:

Did anyone else get the same feeling that I did when hearing that? Considering they haven't used the term "Champion of Champions" in any of the buildup, I wonder if he was trying to reference this little nugget:

Triple H is booking himself to become "Champion of Champions", isn't he?? Anyone else also think Triple H is foreshadowing this, or do you think I'm looking at his statement completely wrong?
Not watching the video. Laziness is getting the better of me. But are you suggesting that Triple H leaves TLC as Undisputed Champ? 'Cus if so, high five, bro. I had the exact same thought just today. It makes sense too. In a backwards wrestling kinda way.
Not that it means much, but the Scooby Doo WrestleMania DVD art is a picture of HHH holding the title in the background in his wrestling gear. Could be a great troll by the WWE, or it could be foreshadowing.
These small comments do make you think - that's perhaps the point. HHH saying no matter what there will only be one champion as well as Steph reiterating that Triple H was a great champ.

The ending of Smackdown is basically Triple H saying The Authority know what they are doing and have complete faith in their choice - HHH refuses to say Orton or Cena.

I definitely don't think Triple H is walking out as champ but they have done several things to make me think: again, probably just to make us a little bit more interested.
Yeah it's probably to get us interested in the match. Honestly, what would a part timer do with the belt anyway? IF this happens, he would most likely face both Cena and Orton at RR and lose. Would kinda be fun to see, but as I said, can't see it happening.
I actually think it'd be out of the blue to have D-Bry turn heel with the Wyatts earlier in the evening, have Cena and Orton out of it during the match and the new heel Bryan walks out with HHH and the Wyatt family to take both belts.
Sure, it's entirely possible. I had the same thought myself earlier this week when looking at all the various angles.

While it's still possible they could do some sort of screwball ending, various reports have come out over the past few week suggesting that WWE is legitimately going through with unifying the titles at TLC. As far as Trips coming out as the winner, I believe I said in another thread that he could interfere in the match after both Cena & Orton are half dead, hit both with the Pedigree, grab a mic, declare an end to the match and restart it with himself as a participant. Then, he could quickly scale the ladder and claim both titles.

He could also interfere and prevent Cena from climbing the ladder, hitting him with the Pedigree. Afterwards, he helps Orton to his feet and starts to guide him to the ladder, initially looking as though he's saving Orton yet again, only to take him out as well. He restarts the match, or restarts it after he's already scaled the ladder, and grabs the titles.

There's the remote possibility of Triple H aiding Cena, resulting in a slow heel turn for Cena. It's unlikely, but possible. Maybe it's just me reading into stuff, but the fact that Cena has spoken with reverence and respect towards Triple H instead of running him down for his constant abuse of authority, as one would expect Cena to do since he's done it to so many other heel authority figures before, seems indicative of something different.

There are potential downsides to any outcome and this one is somewhat similar to The Rock winning the title at the Royal Rumble last year. If the idea is for Trips to win the title at TLC and hold it until WrestleMania, then the result is no WWE Championship match at house shows for a full third of 2014. Giving Triple H the title just for a brief run until the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber would also be pretty anti-climatic in my eyes.

Again, if the idea is for Triple H to insert himself into this match to ultimately claim the title, I think they need to do it right. Have Triple H defend the title at house shows have him show up on Raw & SmackDown! as champion and maybe have an occasional match on Raw and wrestle at the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber ppvs. After all, you can't be the "Champion of Champions" and start this new era off on the right foot if you're someone who wrestles 2 or 3 times a year.
Not watching the video. Laziness is getting the better of me. But are you suggesting that Triple H leaves TLC as Undisputed Champ? 'Cus if so, high five, bro. I had the exact same thought just today. It makes sense too. In a backwards wrestling kinda way.

Both clips are a few seconds long. I made sure to link to the important ending comments of each video. Give it a go. I think it makes it rather clear that nor Cena nor Orton are leaving TLC as champ. It's obvious they have something else up their sleeve.

Frankly, I welcome a Triple H win, as long as it ends with him putting over Punk (I still don't forgive him for stopping his momentum dead cold by beating him at NoC '11).

They might do something anticlimactic like have Kane win it, or worse, The Miz... But yeah, I think Triple H winning it would be the most interesting scenario. He would get huge heat, and will be able to actually put over Bryan or Punk in actual matches.
I see your point. In fact, I think it's closer to the truth than maybe some like to admit. If WWE are looking to give Triple H the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship, the hints and the build up will have been a good one. It's a shame the minority will have understood it though. Regardless of that, I do believe Triple H walks out the new Undisputed WWE Champion. Why? Ego. He's the COO. He wants complete control, and to do that, being the champion makes sense. This may bring Vince back into the storyline. I don't know about that though.

While I was disappointed to see Triple H's full time wrestling career come to an end in May 2010, this is not what I want to see. The reason for this is that it won't be defended at house shows, and he won't participate in any match that isn't on pay-per-view. It's that simple. I don't seem him doing the house shows, he should, but I can't see it, and from December 2013 to April 2014 would be ridiculous for the paying customer. I'm assuming he holds on to WrestleMania XXX, but it's logical.

I'm actually looking forward to TLC this year, and this is a first of the year since SummerSlam. This could be a great way to lead into 2014. My only issue is that we may have all taken this too far, and read too much into it. I certainly hope not, but it's a possibility.

In the chance Triple H isn't the champion, I call a draw in which both men pull down a respective title. I know WWE seem big having an Undisputed WWE Champion, but right now, I don't know out of the two who I'd pick.
Fun theory, but I don't see Triple H claiming the title at TLC. WWE seems hell-bent on unifying the titles and reconfiguring the entire company. In order for that to start off on the right foot, the new title will need legitimacy. Triple H winning the title has the stench of millennial WCW booking, and it would do nothing to elevate the unified championship.
What about Sheamus ?!

What if near the end of the match HHH comes out with a returning Sheamus and inserts him into the match, Sheamus grabs the titles and joins the authority. if u give it a tought it does make sense, Because HHH was always high on Sheamus and theres always been a gossip\talk of Sheamus being "the face of the company". He's first title win was against Cena at TLC. and maby D-Bryan wins the royal rumble and challenges Sheamus for the third time (first time was a dark match) and this time they actually wrestle at wrestlemania.

it's a fantasty booking and i doubt WWE are that smart or "creative" for that matter but it's still a possibilty
Triple H winning both titles would be a terrible idea IMO. He's a part timer for gods sake, I can't even understand why people would want this to happen. The title needs to be held by someone who is actively competing not some corporate puppet like Triple H who wears a suit these days.
i dont understand how people can be okay with the unification of the titles. That means there's only ONE champion from now on and fan favorites Bryan and Punk might never wear it again because of that....Its kind of silly to celebrate that, especially with Cena and Orton starting off 2014 on top AGAIN. the guys people want to see as champ may never be champ, explain to me how thats good business.
We know how much the man loves to bury the entire league and I believe that it's absolutely gonna happen and seeing this right here, I have all the reason to believe it:


I hope you all didn't think Hunter was done.

You know, you can't speculate the future by seeing a moment in time. But I know what the future is. The future is that I guarantee ONE MAN will win this match at TLC. That man will become immortal. That man will become the Face of the WWE. And that man, that winner, will be the CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS." -- Triple H:
Did anyone else get the same feeling that I did when hearing that? Considering they haven't used the term "Champion of Champions" in any of the buildup, I wonder if he was trying to reference this little nugget:

Triple H is booking himself to become "Champion of Champions", isn't he?? Anyone else also think Triple H is foreshadowing this, or do you think I'm looking at his statement completely wrong?
You're looking at it completely wrong.

Oh he's foreshadowing something all right. Let me bold the portion that is foreshadowing what'll happen.
You know, you can't speculate the future by seeing a moment in time. But I know what the future is. The future is that I guarantee ONE MAN will win this match at TLC. That man will become immortal. That man will become the Face of the WWE. And that man, that winner, will be the CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS."
Cena and Orton will be down. Shield will come down and handcuff both Orton and Cena to the ropes. Triple H will come out and announce a 3rd man is added to the match. And HULK HOGAN will come down and claim what is rightfully his, the Undisputed WWE Championship, and he will be crowned Champion of Champions.

He'll not defend it until WrestleMania, where he loses it to John Cena who wins the Rumble.
Having never played the SvR game(s), I hadn't seen that clip before (HHH saying the exact phrase "Champions of Champions" in the video game). That's a great comparison, and quite a curious turn of phrase for the WWE to be using again (especially coming from HHH in both instances). The Scooby Doo Wrestlemania DVD cover is another puzzling clue, thanks to Trail_Blazin for pointing that out (I found it on the first page of google results; it isn't hard to find if you want to see it). Even though he isn't front & center (Cena & Scooby are, of course), HHH is holding the belt in the background.

As it's already been said (practically ad nauseam at this point), Steph was always sure to include HHH's name on the list of former WWE and/or World Champions; acknowledged as "the best of all time" (however it was worded by Hunter on TV). HHH's inclusion on those lists could be a red herring, or could be Steph's way of foreshadowing HHH's win at TLC. HHH's latest sit-down interview with Cole was very similar, as even before I opened this thread and saw the video game comparison it seemed rather obvious that the point of the interview was to try and confuse the viewer(s) as to which Superstar The Authority is behind (or if HHH will insert himself in the match).

Personally, I'm leaning towards HHH coming out on top this Sunday as well. I know that some people have a problem with a "part-timer" being the World Champ, but The Rock recently held it as a part-timer. I know, I know...The Rock was champ leading into Wrestlemania, it was done to help the overall publicity of the event (and to further hype "Cena vs. Rock 2"), HHH is DEFINITELY not The Rock when it comes to the entertainment world, blah blah blah. I think that HHH might actually come back on a full-time schedule (albeit a short one) if he wins the title this Sunday. I think HHH might even be willing to work a few house shows (although not every single one). If HHH is going to become the first "Champion of Champions" (I won't even get into the main event of TLC being the "first" WWE unification match, because the idea is laughable at best), it seems to me that HHH would want put everything he had into the run. I could easily see him do a short full-time run (similar to RVD's run earlier this year, but with more house show appearances) least until HHH were to drop the strap, which would conceivably be at Wrestlemania 2014...quite similar to The Rock's last World Title run, around this time last year, don't you think? Hmmmm.....

The other thing that seems odd to me, is the amount of World Heavyweight Title reigns that Cena & HHH have amassed over their WWE careers. According to Wikipedia (so take that for what it is), Cena is cited as having held a total of 14 World Titles in the WWE (11 WWE Title reigns, and 3 WHC reigns). Wikipedia shows that HHH has had a total of 13 WWE World Titles (8 WWE Title reigns, and 5 WHC reigns). The statistics here are another factor (at least in my mind) that tip the scales in Hunter's favor this Sunday. From a storyline point of view, HHH wouldn't want Cena to get too far ahead of him in his number of title reigns, and that could be another reason that HHH decides that "The Game" is what's best for business. After all, who's better to hold the title "Champion of Champions" than "The King of Kings"? ...and not to beat a dead horse, but I could easily see HHH's ("real life") ego in need of some stroking after seeing The Rock hold the title 10/11 months ago. After all, HHH watched HBK fight The Undertaker twice at Wrestlemania, then he decided that he needed to do that too. The Rock's last title reign had to have sparked at least a little bit of that same competitive jealousy (for lack of a better term) in HHH. It wouldn't surprise most of the WWE Universe (or the IWC), at least.

Turning Cena heel doesn't seem smart at this point. Daniel Bryan turning heel (by HHH helping Bryan win the match somehow) makes even less sense to me, since The Authority has been harping on how Daniel Bryan is a B+ player (at best) ever since SummerSlam. To have Bryan suddenly be "good enough" to hold the "Champion of Champions" Title, the story-writing would have to be stretched so far that the plot would snap in half. However, if HHH does end up winning the title this Sunday, that could open up the possibility for Daniel Bryan getting to face HHH at Wrestlemania for the title. I know it's not the most likely scenario at this point, but it would make for the best possible ending for Bryan's title chase (and the demise of "The Authority"). Then HHH could have his "Rock Wrestlemania Moment", and appease his ego. In HHH's own little brain, he could say to himself "I put over a new Superstar, not "the face" of the WWE - like Rock did". It's just too easy to see it happening for me...then again, I don't have a crystal ball. If I did, I doubt I'd be using it to look at wrestling outcomes, anyway! Haha!

If Cena wins the title cleanly on Sunday, who cares? If Orton wins the title cleanly on Sunday, who cares? There has to be some sort of screwy finish, and I don't see Cena coming out as a heel here. That would mean that Orton would be sympathized with by the audience, ending his latest run as a heel. That wouldn't be unheard of, but it just seems too soon to change Orton back to a face. Especially since a double-turn would have to happen (even if Cena's heel turn is a two or three month "slow" turn).
HAHAHA! I like it Storm.

Let me try one out on you all:

Using Storm's emphasis on "immortal" but Triple H comes out while Cena & Orton are down that he's adding a third person to the match......THE LIGHT GO OUT AND...THE DEADMAN APPEARS IN THE RING. TOMBSTONES BOTH MEN CLIMBS THE LADDER TO WIN THE BELTS!

Undertaker's first heel turn in a while. Setting up WrestleMania for his last match where Daniel Bryan takes down the Streak & The Authority in one night. YES! YES! YES!
The possibility of HHH winning the title on sunday has got me all excited. It is genius and would be what is #BestForBusiness if that were to happen. I got the cryptic tweets kinda thought about it happening. The Authority is behind their decision and are comfortable with it. It would be a great way for HHH to put over the stars like Punk and Bryan,it would gain him awesome heat,and the crowd would be all over him. Most definitely,have him defend the title on Raw,Smackdown,occasional house shows,and have him put over Bryan at WM!
I just hope we get a OMG moment to match the end of raw. I initially thought we was going to get a new champ anyway as in Jericho 14yrs ago, so I thought it would be Bryan beating cena & orton in one night, this could still be executed by vkm putting him in the match. It is more likely he will go to wm30 and do this through rr win or ec.

I hope cena or orton don't win. So I am up for any ending. There must be a unified champion and not two holders. So looking at all other posts hhh, sheamus and Bryan are possibilities.

Don't see hulk hogan or undertaker showing up and hhh would be dirty unless it finished with Bryan beating home at mania but trips would have to be full time and have two believable feuds at the rumble and ec for it to be worth it.

Originally I thought they rushed this but I'm sold and it will be my first purchase since summer slam and worth £14.95
Cena and Orton seem down and out when AJ Styles enter the ring with the real TNA Championship. He grabs both the WHC and WWE titles. The North American Majors are all one.
Personally, I'm leaning towards HHH coming out on top this Sunday as well. I know that some people have a problem with a "part-timer" being the World Champ...

Of course, if there's anyone who can go from part-time performer to full-timer in any scenario he chooses, it's Paul Levesque. If he's got some plan to come back and rule as champion.....presumably, for a limited run.....he can do it; who's gonna stop him (administratively speaking)?

I also caught Stephanie's well-placed comment about what a great champion he was, but more than that, I think he's losing weight; he looks better in that $600 suit than at any time in the past year, which could indicate a return to the ring for more than one match. Or, maybe his wife told him he's getting too damn fat and didn't look good with his clothes off. Or or, he's buying suits one size larger than before, which make him look less like a refrigerator wearing a jacket and tie.

I don't know how anyone could say: "I know for an absolute fact he's not coming back!" Triple H is the 800-pound gorilla who can sit anywhere he wants.

After his matches with Nash, Punk and Brock, I'd like to see him in the ring again.
Reading all these posts, am I the only one who has had a enough Triple H as champion for a life time? From 1999 to 2010, give or take, he spent 1155 days as champion. 38 months. Just over 3 years total as a world champion. That's a long ass time when you think about it.

So I'll be praying that someone, anyone other than Triple H walks away with the titles. Could be Orton, could be Cena. They might blow the handful of annual Brock Lesnar appearances they have between now and Wrestlemania by putting the title on him. The Rock. An epic heel-turn swerve from Punk or Bryan. Whatever. I don't care, I just don't want Triple H as world champion anymore. I was sick of it back in 2005, and I'd be sick of it now.
It doesn't make a bit of difference to me who wins the title, to be honest.

But I will say this, there are some intriguing possibilities for HHH taking the title for his own. Not the least of which is his own involvement brings Vince McMahon back. Vince could easily spin it as HHH had already had some of his duties lessened once for letting his massive ego get the best of him, and he did it again.

HHH could win it by chair shotting Cena and telling Orton to go get the belts. HHH gets in the ring to cheer him on as he climbs, but once he's just a few rungs up, Trips pulls him down and pedigrees him, taking the belts for his own.

HHH could say it was best for business, and Vince could easily tell him that someone in power being WWE champ isn't what's best for business. And then he could do the unthinkable. HHH defends the title through Mania, but Daniel Bryan wins the Rumble and at WrestleMania, they finally give Bryan the title. HBK interferes on behalf of Trips, Vince interferes on behalf of Bryan.

That payoff/storyline intrigues me.
Let me try one out on you all:

Using Storm's emphasis on "immortal" but Triple H comes out while Cena & Orton are down that he's adding a third person to the match......THE LIGHT GO OUT AND...THE DEADMAN APPEARS IN THE RING. TOMBSTONES BOTH MEN CLIMBS THE LADDER TO WIN THE BELTS!

I hadn't thought about this, but it makes a lot of sense.

The last time we had an "authority" angle of this magnitude, it was the "Corporation" angle, and the swerve in that angle was the alliance with Taker's Ministry of Darkness to form the the Corporate Ministry. So precedence exists for Taker to join the Authority's side.

Add in the fact that Triple H would fully trust Taker's ability to be his champ. Considering he and Shawn were unable to get past him on the biggest stage, considering his unquestioned legendary status that is worthy of the honor of this new unified title, and throw in also that he beat Punk at WM this year, proving himself better than one of the biggest threats to Hunter's regime. We could also notice Kane's willingness to hand over his services so easily to Stephanie and company. Perhaps Kane's desire to give himself over to his current position is because of his knowledge that his brother had agreed to take on the role of the Authority's chosen champ.

And it leads into a perfect chance for this to be Taker's final Mania. He carries the only world title into the big night, gets matched up with the company's top face(Cena, DB, Punk- take your pick) in the main event, and it can be booked anyway you want. Either the ultimate rub of Taker dropping that belt and the streak to a superstar who would be getting his pinnacle defining moment(yes, even if it was Cena); or a Taker face turn during the match leading to a win and a last crown jewel for the streak. Then Taker could subsequently hand the title over on his own terms the following night without the backing of the Authority, creating a tournament or some other kind of match to kick off the "new season" with a quest to crown a new champion of champions.

Hell Triple H putting himself over Sunday is very possible and clearly fits his M.O., but Taker winning would be more interesting and a nice nod to history.
well while we are throwing odd suggestions around, what price Chris Jericho has one of his SURPRISE returns at TLC and is entered somehow int, and wins the TLC match?
He is the"1st" Undispute Champion in WWE's eyes, so he could also then be the first guy to beat both John Cena and Randy Orton in the same night just like he was 12 years ago beating Rock and Austin in the same night?
The suit wearing Jericho could be complete heel sell-out Unified champion, and we all know he would put over a broomstick, maybe he returns and has that super fued with Daniel Bryan(it would make for some great matches and excellent promo time).
I dont know how they would swing this, but WWE has been so nonsensical of late, they would find a way.

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