Triple H To Smackdown


Dark Match Winner
With the 2008 WWE Draft Lottery approaching, head SmackDown! writer Michael Hayes is looking to move Triple H over to the SmackDown! brand. Hayes wants Triple H to work as a heel in a main event program against The Undertaker.

There are not many within WWE that expect Triple H to make the jump. There is still a stigma that SmackDown! is the "B" brand and Triple H has been against moving to Smackdown! in the past.

What are your thoughts on Triple H moving to Smackdown? Are you for it or against it.

I personally think it would be great as it would open up a whole lot of new fueds with him being a face or a heel. Plus, I think he looks better with the big gold belt because we all know that he is getting a title soon (although he'll have to wait longer due to Undertaker's long title run)
It all depends, for me, on the draft and who they decide to push for what afterwards.

For instance, I don't think Raw has a solid enough heel base for the main event right now. They have Orton who is a little boring but admirable in his title reign so far compared to what we previously thought (see "Orton - A Forgotten Champion"), they've got their monster Umaga who is a fantastic talent but he's been tipped off to go to Smackdown for a while, and they've got JBL who I'm not a fan of at all. Kennedy isn't in the main event yet, so he can't be the Atlas of the Raw brand. They need to balance out the rosters a bit more. If he turns heel and stays on Raw, the entire main event for Raw's heels will be slow and tough guys (HHH, Orton, JBL, a monster, and Kennedy) which will be overkill.

As far as ambiance goes, I wouldn't mind seeing Triple H get a change of scenery. He's been on Raw for a long while now. That's all futile, though, if HHH's moving facilitates the wrong pushes and an uneven roster or something. "Change for the sake of change" has never been a philosophy of mine. I only like change if the result is a pro, not a con. Wouldn't mind seeing Undertaker/HHH feud for a little bit, though. Thusly, I wouldn't mind Triple H moving over to Smackdown as a heel, but only if Edge gets traded over to Raw in response to balance it out.
Triple H. moving to Smackdown would be the end of younger talent receiving a push as we know it. Like it or not, Raw is the Heavyweight show for a reason. It has all the top vets. And it rarely pushes younger talent. Take for example M.V.P.'s Smackdown push, compared to Mr. Kennedy's Raw push.

Overall, if Triple H. moves to Smackdown he'll reign over the main spot with the Undertaker, and guys like Edge will either bump down to 3rd Main Eventer, or be transfered to Raw where he'll still be below the likes of Cena & H.B.K.

Now that being said, Smackdown needs talent, and big named talent to boot. So Triple H. truly SHOULD go to Smackdown, just to give them an overall boost. I'm merely saying if he ever does, don't expect guys like M.V.P., or Matt Hardy, or C.M. Punk, or anyone else to be going over him.
I think an Ede/Trips trade would be fucking excellent. Wdge is more made for Cabel television anyway, as he is the "rated R superstar", and Trips works absurdly well with Taker. It would also bring some huge main event cred to SD!..while I love Edge, I dont think he is on the same level of star power as Trips. Also Edge has excellent matches with Cena, so that would also workout.

But a Trips SD move doesnt necessarily mean Edge to SD! either. Trips says he really likes Edge and wants to work with him more, so If Trips does move to SD!, I think Edge would be prominently in the ME picture, as he is a favorite of Trips.
Trips to Smackdown, well lets see the pros and cons on this situation

Pro: Smackdown gets more main event potential
Triple H gets another run with a title he made famous
fresher storylines and could help make more people into main eventers like he did batista
Trips and Taker could go at it again

Con: Smackdowns younger talent will not be in line for a push due to trips being constantly promoted in the main event picture and guys like batista staying there with him
Stroylines will revolve around him making the world title picture meaningless

the list is endless, IMO it would be a great idea to have him on the blue brand to bring it up a notch thats if trips doesnt mind being on the blue show for a change
HHH on Smackdown makes sense. The only main eventers on the card are Edge and Undertaker. Batista sucks (hence the HBK program, he can drag a performance out of anyone).

It works from a storyline point of view. At some point Edge/Vickie will finish. At which point he'll catch some beatings and the crowd will love it. Eventually he'll start winning, against the odds, cheating, but winning. And I think he'll start to become a tweener. Fit him with a Heel HHH and face Taker, and you have a good three way feud.
HHH and Taker, would be just the shot in the arm SD needs. Personally right now, I prefer SD to RAW. Send Edge to RAW to battle with Cena and Orton. Send HBK to SD and Keep Batista to make a great second storyline. This way, some of the young talent will now have viable RAW moves to beef up that midcard and possibly for one of them to get a push to the ME. Works for me. I just feel everything is getting stagnated right now.
well all i know is that during this year's draft, either shawn michaels or trips has to go to SD...if not, itll be just another bullshit draft. since in my mind SD is the better of the two shows...if smackdown gets just one of the two members of dx, it would cement the show as being good. so yea, trips to SD would definitley be a good move. im not concerned about the mid carders because even the way it is now, mvp still isnt in the main event. so perhaps potential hhh fueds wiht these mid carders could be just wat they need to catapult into the main event league.
Trips probably should go to SD! It would be great for the show, it would give someone other than Edge to Fued with, and possibly a Triple Threat. But, the problem is Edge doesn;t like to work on the same show as Trips, not to mention the fact that all the talent on SD! will get kept down.

Although it may be a good idea, it definately WON'T happen. Trips is already in the run to get 'his' WWE title on Raw. Plus Edge is against it, which won't help things back stage. SD!, supposedly being the B Show, should push Mid Carders to the ME. Which it most likely won't because Trips would be there.
HHH needs to go to Smackdown. He's been on Raw for 6 years. Like Kane he needs a change of scenery. Even if the opponents are similar, it wouldn't matter. Him being on Smackdown would be a change, same with HBK and Undertaker to Raw.

Will he go? Nope. Not a chance. It isn't going to happen. If he's concerned about it being the ''B'' show then he doesn't have much convidence in himself. If he was on that show. Half of it would be him, so wouldn't it be the ''A'' show? Maybe he's not as good as he thinks he is.
Man I would love to see Triple H on Smackdown as I’m tired of him always getting his way. I’m would like for him to prove to the world that he is a big draw in wrestling and go to smackdown and see whether the ratings will go up, because Triple H is the guy! Now that the smark comment is out of me, only to the mark comments.

Triple H needs to go to smackdown as it would make the brand on par with the Raw brand. Plus a Triple H-Undertake feud would be great as these two have worked well with each other in the past. Then just look at other possible great feuds that could be down on smackdown that haven’t been done before like Triple H-Rey Mysterio, Triple H-Great Khali, Triple H-MVP could actually be good as it would give the guy a major rub even if he just used to job to the game.

I think its time that Triple H moves away from Raw and go somewhere else, hell I would mind seeing the guy and the WWE shock the world and put him on ECW as that would sure as hell wake up some the fans to maybe tune in on Tuesday nights and see what is going on. I mean Triple H-CM Punk match could be five star and maybe a new Evolution with Triple H, John Morrison, Big Show & Lance Cade if he gets the move.
It would be great to see him there! Maybe it would improve things over there. HHH does not want to go there because he is a bigger star on Raw. He would be a great match against Undertaker and Rey Mysterio. It would add some different story lines there on Smackdown. Only question is would HHH go over there?
See the problem here guys, is Triple H will never wanna be 2nd Rate in the WWE. He knows RAW is the "A" Show and that means he will never switch he is too good for everyone and thats what pisses me off. Triple H will be very valuable to Smackdown, new fueds can arise, Taker-HHH, MVP-HHH, Edge-HHH, Big Show-HHH. See the list is quite good, But reality is, Triple H will never move.

While i think Triple H's move to Smackdown could do wonders for Smackdown, i doubt it would improve ratings that much. Triple H isnt that big anymore and he needs to realise that. What ill do is put someone who wants to help the brand out, and who will be willing to put young talent over, HBK!

See he would be great on Smackdown and actually would be willing to put young talent over, Whereas Triple H would have the world title in a couple of months. Triple H is staying on RAW and even if he did go to Smackdown it would be the same as RAW really thinking about it, He would beat everyone to the main event and eventually get the title. And i tell you why thats more bad than it is on RAW, cause Smackdown has more young talent and especially from ECW, he would literally bury ECW to the ground and just hog all the spotlight like he usually does. So while the move would have its positives, it has alot of negatives, and Triple H wants all the spotlight, so his staying on RAW, whether we like it or not.
I like the idea of HHH moving to Smackdown to work with Undertaker. I think that could bring out the best in both men and really lead by example on Smackdown for the younger superstars.
Triple H should go to Smackdown but as everyone knows he probably won't. If he don't go they should have HBK go... Smackdown really needs another big name compared to RAW. What WWE should do to freshen up the product They should do the Draft from 2002 not all them Lottery Drafts with the stupid picks with only ECW Champ is exemt because he is that brand's champ.
Triple H would never go to Smackdown, "the B show" It would be cool though but it wouldn't happen. Triple H was on Smackdown before I believe (correct me if im wrong) but I think he was their for a week only until he got traded back to raw booker and the dudleys. If HHH did go to Smackdown he would probaly just bury people like MVP. So HHH going to Smackdown would have good and bad effects.
Triple H going to SmackDown is highly possible if there is even going to be a draft that is. Most of you stated that RAW is the "A" show and Trips would never leave the "A" Brand, but in the end it is not his choice, he wanted to turn heel for months now, did he get that? No. He wanted to win at Mania', did he get that? No. Face it people, Triple H is not as All and Mighty as you claim him to be, Trips will go to SmackDown when Vince wants him to go to SmackDown, plain and simple.

If he do get drafted to SmackDown, it will definitely shake things up and I doubt he will be burying guys from left to right like many of you have said, having a feud with a big star like Triple H will only help their careers, win or lose, enough of this burying crap already. So I think this would be a pretty good move for the WWE to make, but there is still some things Triple H can do on RAW yet, like a feud with JBL which was hinted at, and a possible feud with King Regal.

Overall, I do believe that Triple H may go to SmackDown, but I think Shawn Michaels will more than likely be the big RAW star that gets drafted since he wasn't even a part of the SmackDown roster yet since he returned in 2002! The best trade possible for WWE to make would be Taker going to RAW and Michaels going to SmackDown, that should freshen up the roster for both Brands.
Triple H going to SmackDown is highly possible if there is even going to be a draft that is. Most of you stated that RAW is the "A" show and Trips would never leave the "A" Brand, but in the end it is not his choice, he wanted to turn heel for months now, did he get that? No. He wanted to win at Mania', did he get that? No. Face it people, Triple H is not as All and Mighty as you claim him to be, Trips will go to SmackDown when Vince wants him to go to SmackDown, plain and simple.

If he do get drafted to SmackDown, it will definitely shake things up and I doubt he will be burying guys from left to right like many of you have said, having a feud with a big star like Triple H will only help their careers, win or lose, enough of this burying crap already. So I think this would be a pretty good move for the WWE to make, but there is still some things Triple H can do on RAW yet, like a feud with JBL which was hinted at, and a possible feud with King Regal.

This is Triple H your talking about, there isnt a slight chance he would go to Smackdown. See Vince knows Triple H wants to stay on RAW and thats the way its going to stay unfortunelty, cause Triple H is selfish.

You say he wouldnt bury people left right and centre, your wrong their lol. Their is no way in hell he would let the likes of MVP, Benjamin, Hardy, Morrison beat him, he would just steem roll them to the world title, i can see it know. His done it on RAW, he steem rolled through Booker, Carlito, Londin and Kenerick, Snitsky, Umaga the list goes on.

He may of let Orton win at Mania, but he still looked like the strong one that should of won the match and made Orton look like he won it dirty. When he beat Jeff Hardy, he looked good throughout the match and Jeff won by a lucky pin and Triple H still looked good. See same thing will happen on Smackdown and thats why Triple H should stay on RAW, Cause he would hurt too much young talent from Smackdown and ECW. It would be Triple H World not Smackdown.

But you are right in the Fact HBK should go to Smackdown, he would be great in feuding with Taker and Getting the young talent over, where Triple H wouldnt do that. While Triple H moving to Smackdown would shake things up, it would have to much negative effect for my liking and i'd rather HBK to go over there, much better move.
People are failing to realize that while Smackdown is the "B" show right now, if HHH goes there it will no longer be looked at as the "B" show because he will be there, and it would be right on Par with Raw IMO, if HHH went to Smackdown
There is one other variable to the story here now that its gone down, and that is FB Micheal Hayes... if he was the driving force behind Triple H going to smackdown, then you can pretty much rest assured that its a dead issue now. IMO Triple H moving over is not a great idea, lets face it... I even give him the benefit of the doubt at times, but he does not put people over properly enough to be effective in the role. I can only think of 2 people that he would actually make himself look weak against on both ECW/smackdown roster and that is the undertaker, and MAYBE Batista. Shawn Michaels would do it for almost anyone midcard or higher (Remember Davari even has a pinfall victory over him!!!) I cant see him doing the job for custom chucky P lol, but he would probably allow Colin Delaney to beat him for his first win if asked, so that is the man to send.
Triple H go to SmackDown!? Bad idea. Why is The King of Kings going to jump to the "B" show and become a second-rate king!? And even the "C" show the become a third-rate king?! I don't get it! And Triple H would in fact, flatten each and everyone of their asses to mat with a Pedigree (and pinfall) over those ranging from Chuck Palumbo, Funaki, Dave Taylor, Khali, Festus, MVP, Matt Hardy, Kenny Dykstra, Mark Henry, Jimmy Wang Yang, Jesse, Noble, Shannon Moore and even a big talent such as my Rey Rey.

He'll probably only fall to SmackDown's major players in Batista, Big Show, Undertaker and Edge. Those are individuals who HHH can let over him. Undertaker is well respected, Edge is truly great, Big Show 50/50, and Batista, yes, as Batista has gone over HHH three times before in 2005.

Would HHH drop to MVP? Of course, yeah when MVP is way over as heel and ready for primary WWE gold. Festus? He's an upcoming big-time player but not one for HHH to job to as of yet. For the others, I see no reason for Triple H to have to job to them. They're either not ready or they just don't have it like he does or even near.

HHH is not really a jobbing man and that's what you people have to realize. His gimmick doesn't call for jobbing, it calls for them to job to him. I agree Triple H can be very picky in his choosings of jobbing but it doesn't mean he is selfish. It means he is doing what's good for the business as by sticking to his character and remaining as the standard barrier that few will only came across and beat. It makes him the golden standard whereas, a person who defeats Triple H so fair and cleanly truely deserves it, is over, is prepared and will be advancing in their career.

In conclusion, Triple H belongs on RAW. RAW is his home and will forever be his home. Triple H will never work Tuesday Nights for any second-rate brand unless Mr.McMahon demanded he did in which I'm sure, Mr.McMahon is fine with HHH staying on RAW as he sees himself that he belongs there.

Those of you who say HBK is best for being traded to SmackDown, couldn't agree more. HBK is that kind of guy who allows people over him, doesn't look that bad afterwards and then later redeems himself. So yeah, HBK would help out Smackdown a lot.
Triple H moving to Smackdown would shake things up, but it will also hold back all the young talent. All I see happening is constant feuds with Edge, Taker, Batista and Big Show since they are the only big names on Smackdown. Triple H would never job to younger talent.

Shawn Michaels, on the other hand, would be great on Smackdown because he actually puts people over and does a great job at it. Shawn Michaels can make anyone look good, which is exactly what the young talent on Smackdown needs. Plus, Shawn + Taker could have an amazing feud. WWE teased it twice at the Royal Rumble, if these two had a match, it could possibly be one of the greatest matches of all time.
yeah it would be great if HHH went to Smackdown, as it would create some great feuds, face or heel. but its been said already, it just wouldnt work, as he is the gold standard. but a HHH - Taker; HHH - Edge; HHH - MVP; HHH - Batista would be cool.

yes i think Shawn going to Smackdown would be great. even only to feud with the Undertaker. imagine if they had a match at WM for the World Title, and if it was a similar storyline to Flair's, where career is on the line, but the streak is also on the line. i think that would keep the suspense and there would be an element of surprise, as you would never know what the WWE might do in that situation. well most likely, Taker gona win, but if its a retirement angle, you never know.

just a thought.
It's about time it happened, but on two occassions HHH has been drafted to Smackdown and then ended up getting out of it and staying on/quickly went back to Raw. I don't think HHH wants to leave WWE's flagship show, so i wouldn't hold your breath. HBK on Smackdown wud also b a good move, but definitely not both of them. If both went you'd have none of the old skool guys left on Raw (altho that would make room for all the floundering mid carders to move up).
Moving HHH to Smackdown would be great, but the question remains: Does he want to? But if by some miracle, he does agree to move to Smackdown, his move would be beneficial as long as he doesn't hold down the midcard scene. Feud with the likes of the Undertaker, Batista and Edge, and for filler matches every alternate week or so, give a credible jobber to him, Mark Henry or the Great Khali.

But if he touches the midcard scene, it'll hinder the progress of Smackdown attempting to be on par with the 'A' show, RAW. If MVP has yet to move up to ME, I hope he doesn't bury the likes of MVP, Matt Hardy, Finlay, Morrison, Punk etc, just like he did when he Pedigreed London & Kendrick for no reason.

Yea, but I doubt he wants to make the move. :icon_smile:

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