Triple H Heel Turn?

When will HHH turn heel?

  • After Mania 28

  • Before Mania 28 like rumble, chamber etc

  • Vengeance, Survivor series..

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This thread i hope gets alot of feedback because i want to know people's opinions on this. I know there was a rumor last year about HHH wanting to become a heel again. I dont blame him he was the top heel in the WWE from 2002-2005. And i mean i think it would be interesting with him as a heel COO cuz him as a face COO is getting old as hell. Because the night he fired Miz & Truth he looked like a straight up heel from 2004 imo.(i know he still has it in him) I think he will eventually turn heel most likely after Mania 28 or at Survivor Series this year but who knows.
So here are my questions to u. Maybe Vengeance who knows????
-if hhh does turn heel who will it be on?

-when do u think he should turn heel?

-do u think hhh can be a dominant COO heel?

entering the reality era!!!
why isn't there a NO on the choices? I don't think Triple H will not turn heel in the near future. There is no point on him being the bad guy again because all this conspiracies are because of him. So NO. Not even before or after wrestlemania. But maybe he will if Vince resigns for good and he will be the new evil boss.
Frankly I don't think that HHH can really become a true heel again. He's reached a point in his career that people are going to cheer him regardless of what he does. I mean sure he can break out the sledgehammer again and start whaling away on all the faces, but hell I've been a HHH fan since he was a true heel and I'd be cheering him then as much as now.
I think he'll turn heel sooner rather than later. This unlikely alliance with Punk has all the earmarks of an impending betrayal.

The company has plans for a huge push for Punk? Well, the deed that spurs it could involve Triple H and could happen in one of two ways: Either Punk suddenly turns on Trips, lays him out and costs him something he wants.....then Punk gets his monster push on the basis of his new bad guy persona.

Or, Triple H betrays Punk at one of the PPVs, turns bad.....and that launches Punk's push. Personally, I think it will be the latter because it's time for The Cerebral Assassin to make his return.

Further, I can see Trips becoming the type of heel with no allies of his own. In other words, he'll fight the good guys, as expected......but he also has business with a heel like John Laurinaitis, and Trips will deal with him, too.

Now that we know Triple H is apparently becoming a wrestler again (and I have no idea why he wore that suit last Monday, given that he stripped it off on his way to the ring), anything can happen.....and I don't see it happening with Triple H as a face...... not for long, anyway.
Triple H turning heel right now is a move that would make zero sense. The story is poised at a point for HHH to make a comeback in this feud and free Raw from the hands of the evil and biased John Lauranitis. What happens if he turns heel? He cannot side with Lauranitis and company as they are basically the ones he is fighting against and an allaince would make no sense. He loses the support of the few faces that are siding with him. So in the end he becomes a loner type figure who is still fighting against the likes of Lauranitis, who are basically the bad guys. Now how can such a character be a heel? Yeah, he cannot.

I guess, given the role he is portraying, he will turn heel at some point but I doubt that it will happen during this particular storyline. Maybe a year or two down the line, it will happen but I it's not going to happen anytime soon.
he will turn on punk at vengance causing miz and truth to get win. He will say he awesome truth nash and laurinitu had planned this all along
I wouldn't be surprised to see HHH fighting for the title in a couple months. Possibly at TLC or the Royal Rumble. Raw is so depleted as far as faces go that SOMEONE has to step up and do something. The only faces that are really realistic choices to feud with Del Rio are Cena and Punk. Apparently, Cena is going to focus more on The Rock until Wrestlemania, and I believe ADR should get a title reign up until Royal Rumble. WWE is trying to build him as a legitimate heel and what better than way than to give him wins over the two top faces on his respective show. Punk can always get the title at 'Mania. Besides, Jericho is supposedly in talks coming back. Why not give him a shot somewhere in there at ADR. Maybe we'll have Jericho vs Punk at Wrestlemania with Jericho turning heel in the midst of a title reign or coming back as a heel in the first place and winning it in the Elimination Chamber off of Del Rio.

Back to the original post though before I got off on that tangent. HHH is not really needed as a heel right now. He's much more valuable as a nostalgic face, a rebel and a through and through good guy... for now.
I think he'll go heel by vengence, survivor series because i can't see thriple h being a heel for a long time
i hope he goes heel after wrestlemania so its fresh. i'd also like to see him be champ one more time. cry about him burying people all you want but imo there is not a better heel champion than HHH today
HHH should go heel to elevate cm punk, r truth and miz...

The conspiracy angle should shift gears ...make it a bigger conspiracy... hhh, johnny ace, Mr McMahon and Stephanie McMahon planned a scheme to cover up the whole thing due to Cm punk's mess he initially created from his shoot and walking out on wwe with the title months before...this is triggered by to a hhh betrayal where punk is handed a group beat down at vengeance in the tag match

thats when miz and r truth realize hhh is a part of the wwe brass conspiracy they stop in shock... johnny ace comes out with a mic and tells hunter end his career now break his leg... r truth then grabs miz and says lets go... miz says what r u doing? miz tells r truth stop! r truth keeps kicking and punching cm punk then leaps out the ring...miz then goes face and stops hhh grabs a mic and says its a conspiracy ...r truth said i know then attacks miz from behind with a chair...revealing an alliance with hhh r truth johnny ace Mr McMahon and Stephanie McMahon...Vince then says your right it is a conspiracy!

...i know this is unlikely i would just like to see cm punk go back to being a rebel and hhh to get heat...causing him and miz to switch places in the heel face paradigm.
Triple H could Pedigree an 84 year old woman into a pile of broken glass and dirty syringes contaminated with AIDS and it wouldn't make him a heel at this point. HHH is the most over guy in the WWE, make no mistake about that. If he tried to go heel, the fans would still cheer him. He's too big of a star to really fit into the heel/face role anymore. He's just Triple H, and whatever he does just adds to him being a huge fan favorite. A good example of what I am talking about can be drawn from when Shawn Michaels tried to be the heel against Undertaker in their first encounter at WM. It didn't matter, the fans just ate it up and loved everything he did, even though they liked the Undertaker too. The case would be no different with Triple H IMHO, and I don't think it would make any sense as a result to even TRY and make him a heel at this point. You could make him the instigator of a feud and have him make the moves against someone else that would be symbolic of a heel, but I just don't see the fans turning against him to make him a heel.
HHH is going to retire within the next few years and focus on being Stephanie's bitch. I think HHH is likely to remain a Face for the remainder of his Career unless he does indeed intend to take on a Mr Mcmahon type of role in the future?
Because if that IS the case, then HHH should remain Face until a few months before he finishes his career as a wrestler.
Sorry, but I'm just not seeing the necessity in Triple H turning heel. They're already top-heavy with heels that appear to be forming at least a loose alignment and on multiple fronts. It seems everyone jumps to conclude that since he was involved with CM Punk at the beginning, that turning him is essential to keep Punk's mega-push alive. Quite simply it's not.
The heel turn is probably inevitable. I don't think it will be anytime soon though. The fans are still supporting Trips as he is helping Punk deal with Miz and Truth. Then there is Laurinaitis who everyone but Cole hates and as long as he is there to cause more chaos while Trips is around, the fans will very likely support Triple H against someone like Laurinaitis. Guys can't just turn heel or face at the drop of a hat, otherwise you end up with random weird pushes that make no sense like Mason Ryan's. If and when Triple H turns heel it will be a a time when it makes sense for him to. Will it be this sunday? Maybe, but I think it will be somewhere closer to Wrestlemania because by then a whole year or chaos and conspiracies can logically force him into the heel side of the spectrum out of frustration. We will just have to wait and see what happens.
He won't turn wasn't an option given, and I think thats clearly a distinct possibility.

The fans havew cheered HHH no matter what. When's the last time ypu've seen someone get a stronger face reaction then CM Punk? HHH at Night of Champions, that's how. People forget that when he returned, he was greated with an uproar of cheers, only to be booed halfway through the promo when Punk and Cena both interrupted. But what happened the next week? All was forgiven/forgotten, as the fans truly welcomed him back with open cheers.

It would take such a dastardly deed at this point of his career for HHH to be turned successfully. Remember when he interrupted the beloved Undertaker? He was cheered just as loud, perhaps more. It would take an unwarranted beatdown on an Undertaker when he returns. Remember HHH's promise to e there when Taker returns? A savage beatdown of a just returning 'Taker could do it.

Or, consider this. HBK was at the last Smackdown to promote DX and plug merchandise. HBK is also listed as being at Raw in 3 weeks. The two could always appear again to plug DX, and you could have 2002 all over again, which most fans don't remember. This time, HBK could pick a faace thats already main event material or has been built up to square off with HHH. But even if that's a Punk or Cena, will he really be accepted as a heel? He may do things dastardly heels do, but will he be booed or cheered? Tough one.

One has to think that if HHH is returning full-time, he damn sure will be in the championship hunt at some point. And when HHH obsesses over the tilte, he becomes a major heel. This would need to be built up over some time, however, fans aren't going to uy him pedigreeing ever challenger, at least at first, He would need to destroy them week aafter week, and how productive would that be? The last thing thats needed is HHH to destroy the roster at this point- He should be getting them over if they're not already.

There are many possibilities, but there are severe flaws in each. Reforming DX and destroying HBK may draw him heat for a week or two, but HBK won't wrestle and won't be around every week, leaving the job in someone else's hands. Who's to say the fans won't cheer HHH over the "face." Part of the heel/face dynamic is proper crowd reaction. Look at Orton's turn, for example. He did nothing noble, the fans turned him face. If HHH doesn't "get over as a heel, how long do you think they'll stick with it? Not long, my friend. Both the 'Taker and obsession over the WWE Title have holes as well, with unpredictable results. One thing we know- HHH will get cheered as a face. Maybe "He won't turn" would have been a nice option.

And i mean i think it would be interesting with him as a heel COO cuz him as a face COO is getting old as hell.

I won't jump on you too hard for this, but he was fired as COO. Laurinitis took over his position two weeksSure, ago. He's just an active wrestler now.

Because the night he fired Miz & Truth he looked like a straight up heel from 2004 imo.

This I have a bigger problem with. Its as if Truth and Miz did nothing to deserve their firing. As HHH said, he used them for one more main event, but how long had they been beating up refs and causing havok? And if you recall, after he fired them, they jumped HHH, not vice versa. He defended himself. At Hell in A Cell, he jumped them first, but they were disrupting his main event and beating up refs and wrestlers for the second time in the evening. He was frustrated they were in cuffs and he couldn't fight back. Not heel behavior whatsoever my friend.
I loved heeel HHH back in the day as well. But I honestly believe it's run its course.

I think he'll turn heel sooner rather than later. This unlikely alliance with Punk has all the earmarks of an impending betrayal.

The company has plans for a huge push for Punk? Well, the deed that spurs it could involve Triple H and could happen in one of two ways: Either Punk suddenly turns on Trips, lays him out and costs him something he wants.....then Punk gets his monster push on the basis of his new bad guy persona.

Or, Triple H betrays Punk at one of the PPVs, turns bad.....and that launches Punk's push. Personally, I think it will be the latter because it's time for The Cerebral Assassin to make his return.

Further, I can see Trips becoming the type of heel with no allies of his own. In other words, he'll fight the good guys, as expected......but he also has business with a heel like John Laurinaitis, and Trips will deal with him, too.

Now that we know Triple H is apparently becoming a wrestler again (and I have no idea why he wore that suit last Monday, given that he stripped it off on his way to the ring), anything can happen.....and I don't see it happening with Triple H as a face...... not for long, anyway.

Like you've said before, Sally, I love ya kid, but I couldn't disagree more.

Mayve he will turn on Punk. But why? To give his biggest enemies the win? For what purpose? He beat them up in handcuffs at Hell in a Cell, and fired them the next night after using them. He continued to take abuse from them before fighting back again. Sure, he and Punk have had issues. But Punk just sided with him. Again, why would he turn on someone who sided with him to fight off his biggest enemies? It makes no sense. Not that wrestling usuaally does, but this is a huge hole in logic.

I agree HHH will stand on his own, but as a tweener. The only reason I could see him turn on Punk would be the same reason he's beaten up faces in the past- They're not HBK. But he didnt become a heel when he did that, he still was cheered. He was cheered over Punk at NOC, and unless he cuts a scathing promo denouncing the fans for not saving his job or the like, he's not going to be received as a heel. They may try, but will it be successful? Im doubting so.

Even if the company has big plans for Punk, it likely will be him fighting and eventually taking the WWE Title from Del Rio. This leaves a question mark, for sure, where HHH goes from here, but maybe he fights the powers that be on his own. I agree, he won't side with anyone likely. But even as a tweener, if he beats down or schmes behind Laurinitis and becomes the Cerebral Assassin, he won't be booed. Nor is it heel behavior to take out the man who took your job and is a 100% heel.

I just dont see a scenario working where HHH turns heel effectively. He's at a point in his career where if he's active, he wont be received as one. Isn't that what truly matters?
Mayve he will turn on Punk. But why? To give his biggest enemies the win?

LSN; you're a great guy, but in this matter, you're a turkey.....just in time for Thanksgiving!:icon_neutral:

Your scenario presupposes that Triple H would attack Punk during the match and cost them the victory. Of course, I don't know that Trips will turn at Vengeance, but if he does, it could be after the match. The two could be celebrating a great victory, only to have the former COO turn and lay Punk out.

Why? Because he could very well see Punk as the personification of betrayal for his deeds during Triple H's run as COO. Trips has to be angry at how the whole roster turned on him, no? Since he can't fight everybody, he might pick one performer out of the bunch to make an example of......and if he were to do that, who do you think he'd pick? I say Punk.

On the other hand, I like your idea of Trips functioning as a 'tweener. It would help explain what I was suggesting earlier; that he go against faces and heels.......which could include his unfinished business with John Laurinaitis.
LSN; you're a great guy, but in this matter, you're a turkey.....just in time for Thanksgiving!:icon_neutral:
You really want a debate my friend? It's on! You must have read my prediction post in the Vengeance preview.....AAnyway, youre getting your PM's right after this. :p

Your scenario presupposes that Triple H would attack Punk during the match and cost them the victory. Of course, I don't know that Trips will turn at Vengeance, but if he does, it could be after the match. The two could be celebrating a great victory, only to have the former COO turn and lay Punk out.

That would be my suggestion if it were to happen. I painted HHH as a neutral tweener who wouldn't be giving Truth and Miz the win so much as he would be laying out Punk. But then I thought about it more.

You would think he would want to beat up Miz and Truth with no restraints. The police, other wrestlers, and passport issues have been keeping him from doing so. So he finally gets his hands on them, and he and Punk defeat them. At least, he sticks by Punk through the match and is "unable" to make a tag after the match that leads to Punk being pinned. Tweener behavior trending towards heel, its easy to make an excuse for. So he doesnt have to be with Punk as his partner aat the end of the match with good excuse. He doesn't have to look the heel completely aat the end, moreso sympathetic ut intended heelish behavior that paints him more as a tweeer.

He very well see Punk as the personification of betrayal for his deeds during Triple H's run as COO. Trips has to be angry at how the whole roster turned on him, no? Since he can't fight everybody, he might pick one performer out of the bunch to make an example of......and if he were to do that, who do you think he'd pick? I say Punk. the end, heelish behavior that paints him more as a tweeer.

If he does turn on aanyone, it has to be Punk. Why? Because Punk staarted the uprising agaainst him. Who can paint a reason for acting like a heel with justifiable reasons better then HHH? I can't think of anyone. Simple explanation here. Punk started the "rage against the system", and he could very well be who HHH blames for being the catalyst for losing his job.
None of the uprising, Miz and Truth- the walkout- None may have happened in HHH's mind had it been for Punk. This is all speculation of course, as I still dont think HHH will turn. If he does turn, it cant be in one night. WWE needs to avoid hotshotting their booking and let this happen slowly, not a complete turn tonight.

On the other hand, I like your idea of Trips functioning as a 'tweener. It would help explain what I was suggesting earlier; that he go against faces and heels.......which could include his unfinished business with John Laurinaitis.

I like the idea of him being angry at everyone, as you suggested. He fights and attacks both heels and faces, he's undiscriminatory. When's the last time we've seen a heel like that? He's cheered when he attacks heels, booed when he does so faces. Id have him attack more faces then hels, so to give him heat, but still with attacking the heels giving him an avenue to turn back, as HHH isn't going to be accepted as a complete heel by the fans anyway, which should be the goal with any turn. It was a good suggestion by you- I guess with really old age comes wisdom.:p

Im just against the idea of turning him heel, as I dont think it will be successful. But your scenario and mine both work if done so. They could use another top heel, as Del Rio isn't cutting it at all. So HHH could fill that void, especially with Punk, Cena, and the soon returning Rock as your top faces. HHH would be more then adequate as a top heel. So it works for me.

On to your PM my friend. :)
I'm half-hearted on this, because I like HHH as a heel more, BUT I very much doubt it's gonna happen. With the current storyline he is in, there is no way he'll turn heel. Afterwards? Possibly, but hell, anything is possible really.

The problem is; will people boo him? As a few people have said, including the mighty LSN, HHH is a huge face at this point. It would take another turn like his attack on HBK in 2002 to turn him completely heel again, and there really isn't anyone around that could give him that kind of switch. LSN is very clsoe with the Undertaker, but I honestly think even that wouldn't do it. He could beat up Rock, and again it might be close, but I don't think that would manage it.

The thing is, HHH is the badass face. He can do heelish things and get away with them because he is who he is; he's the guy that'll cripple your ass. He's always going to be ruthless, face or heel. besides, what benefit would a part time heel HHH have? He isn't going to be chasing down the WWE title anytime soon (my personal opinion, but you never know I suppose) so I don't really see a point in him turning heel. Does he need it to become fresh? Personally, I think not.

HHH is a unique commodity; not only is he one of the best in the business, but he is also a huge source of nostalgiea. Apart from Taker, hs is the only guy in the WWE who was huge in the attitude era. Like the Undertaker, he's earnt the right to just be an existing entity, who has no real need to turn heel. More than that, you can put him up against any face, and it will stay a face vs face rivalry.

Sorry; a bit long winded, but I say keep him as a face.
I thought if Survivor Series had Triple H and Nash going against each other with a team each, there might be the possibility of a heel turn. But sounds like it's been said before that Triple H is so over as a face, is there any viable way to make him heel? Unless he went after Cena, and he'd probably get cheered for that. I loved the Triple H heel character back in the late 90s and early 2000s, but he's been a face for a while now, and once guys get to a certain point, I don't see how they can turn it all around.

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