Triple H: Back as a heel or face?


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I was reading another Triple H thread when this thought struck me. Now we all know that Triple H will return sooner than later. But what we don't know is how will he return. As a heel or face?

RAW has an over-crowded ME scene with JoMo the newest entry. So, here's what RAW has:

Jericho (not sure)
CM Punk

So, there are 5 heels and 3 faces. Now, what I want to know, is should Hunter return as a face and help the other guys or should he return as a heel. If he returns as a face, the whole division will be balanced but if he comes back as a heel, then the heel division will become more dominant and over-crowded.

I will say that he should return as a face so that the whole division will be balanced. So, what's your opinion?

Jericho (not sure)
CM Punk

Ok...couple problems with this list. Punk is on the shelf for a few months at least and won't be wrestling for longer then that, i figure he has 3-4 months before he even begins to rehab so unless he is a heel as the mystery GM, he is off the list. Jericho isn't even with the WWE any more technically, so with him focusing on his music - which I must point out is extremely underrated - he is also off the list making it 3 to 3. Now, my first instinct is that they originally intended for it to be HHH v Sheamus when he got done with hit movie, but with the injury they decided to push Morrison against Sheamus instead which I think is going to work long term for both of them.

Miz, Orton, Barret, and Cena are all "involved" in the totle picture at the moment, but Barret is gonna win the title and Miz is gonna cash it in right away and Cena will do a quick 3 count since he is free of Nexus which sets up Cena v Barret and Miz v Orton. So then where does this live Hunter. The first logical conclusion would be to bring him in at first as the new GM and since Vince wants more attitude make him a Stone Cold-esg GM who does what he wants, when he wants, and to whomever he chooses. He can make life hell for guys like Sheamus and Orton for what they did. He can pick on Barret for what he did to Vince, etc etc. Then, once they are all eliminated...he will be able to step into the role as former GM and new WWE Champion (hopefully sanz spinner title which needs to go away and go back to the Undisputed Title belt.)
I'm not really sure there is an option here. Do any of you honestly believe the crowd could possibly boo HHH upon return? I know he can attempt to make them boo, and possibly even succeed. But why waste that automatic reaction?

Also, there's the whole Sheamus thing. He is going to pick up where he left off with Sheamus, guaranteed. Sheamus put him on the shelf, in a rather violent fashion, so he will no doubt be looking for retribution. Could WWE ignore this feud, even if they wanted to? I don't think so. He's coming back as a face, and I'm not sure HHH is going to be around long enough to make another heel run, and then turn back face. He's not retiring as a heel, that's for damn sure.
Bringing him in as the GM is not necessarily logical.
1) It's been done b4 for one thing and the whole as GM he gave himself the world title and effectiely gave Stephanie the women's title at the time

2) the anonymous GM has been neutral, he's been having a go at both Face's and Heels with no consistancy (alot like Vince has been the past few yrs, when's he's been on TV)

and has helped Orton and Sheamus the past month or so, why would Triple H do that?

one would think his return would be as face. Cena likely turning full fledged heel. and even if that didn't happen, Raw is already stacked towards heels as it is. they don't want another one.

he would also logically want to get revenge on Sheamus and lead into a run for WrestleMania, not necessarily in the title picture.

Just gonna throw something out there, who's to say the anon GM isn't just Vince, since he got kicked in the head, maybe he's gone truly split personality and doesn't know he's the GM when he's apparently in a coma. and as we know Vince "the character" is schitzo anyway, he could easily side with the people that have been making his life miserable.
I would like to see Triple H back as a heel, as I think he is the best heel character in the business. When he is in his "evil cererebral assassion" role there is noone better.

However, there is not a chance that Hunters return will get anything other than a HUGE face reaction. It will be along the lines of when he made his return from quad surgery years ago, and announced his participation in the Royal Rumble (2002 maybe?). The crowd was mad for about 5 minutes after he came out. He is so respected and loved by the crowd now, maybe even more so since his last run was as as a face, that there is no way they will boo him when he comes back.

Maybe the only way to get him over as a heel straight away is for him to take out the number 1 face at the time with a cheap shot, maybe Orton or Cena (although with the boo's Cena gets it may get HHH over as an even bigger face!).

I want the old heel Triple H back, but I dont think this will happen for a while yet.
While HHH is an awesome heel, I'd miss the smart ass promos he cuts as a face. Wrestling wise, it doesn't matter because the WWE puts them all together from time to time anyways and HHH plays dirty no matter what so it's all good!
My first reaction is to go for a heel Triple H. I've long been a huge fan of Triple H, specifically as a heel. I do kind of like the idea of the renegade GM role especially since he has been hinting at less of an in-ring role upon return. But then I go back to what someone else said about him probably not gathering any boos, unless he does something pretty crazy.

My favorite idea would be to have him come in more of a neutral role, like how Randy Orton is and how Stone Cold was.

I just want more Triple H as my interest in the current product has severely waned since he's been off.
I think HHH will return at the rumble, but since it has been done the past 2 years I don't think he'll actually be in the match.

I think everything is gonna be set up to show Sheamus winning, but then HHH runs in and takes Sheamus over the top and the two will brawl before Sheamus runs. This would set up HHH vs. Sheamus at Mania. After Mania I see HHH turning heel, because by this time I see Miz and Morrison as Faces in the main event.
What kind of question is this? Triple H needs to come back as face and get revenge on Sheamus for taking him out. Simple as that. He shouldn't be some higher power to Nexus and he shouldn't be the Raw GM. Sheamus took him out for potentially 9 months, you don't just forget about that. There should be no other options. End of story.
Its been answered by nickb and CH, but I'll repeat. He has to come back as a face. He's been "out" because Sheamus took him out, and it'll be hard to forget why he's been gone for so long. He has to come back and get his revenge. Simple as that. Plus, as has been said, can he get anything but a cheer upon his return? If a guy is out any length of time, its a guarantee he will receive a face reaction. And there is no one the RAW roster that he could attack or cheap shot that would change that.
If the WWE was as smart as they think they are they would set it up as Barrett taking orders from some mysterious leader. This being the gm. Have HHH come back as if he is gonna take NExus out. Then all of a sudden attack one of the faces and he could be the guy behind it to get his huge cheer into a OMG WTF did he just do moment and have everyone hate him. Then get sheamus into Nexus so he will think everything is fine. Just when he has his back turned HHH needs to go after sheamus and begin his revenge for what sheamus did to him. That way when he gets his face role he will get a bigger pop than he would have on his return. Thats what I would do and thats what needs to be done to make it even better of a product whether its pg or not.
What kind of question is this? Triple H needs to come back as face and get revenge on Sheamus for taking him out. Simple as that. He shouldn't be some higher power to Nexus and he shouldn't be the Raw GM. Sheamus took him out for potentially 9 months, you don't just forget about that. There should be no other options. End of story.

^ This. Sadly though. Because let's face it, Triple H is a great heel and he could easily make it work with a heel return. Yet there's no reason to him just returning and completely ignoring his past with Sheamus. He needs to finish that feud with some sort of revenge angle. They cannot just ignore it because it's been so long. Especially considering Sheamus still rides on it every now and then.

So of course Triple H will return as a face, finish the feud. And hopefully afterwards he might turn heel, for one final run with that at least.
If the WWE was as smart as they think they are they would set it up as Barrett taking orders from some mysterious leader. This being the gm. Have HHH come back as if he is gonna take NExus out. Then all of a sudden attack one of the faces and he could be the guy behind it to get his huge cheer into a OMG WTF did he just do moment and have everyone hate him. Then get sheamus into Nexus so he will think everything is fine. Just when he has his back turned HHH needs to go after sheamus and begin his revenge for what sheamus did to him. That way when he gets his face role he will get a bigger pop than he would have on his return. Thats what I would do and thats what needs to be done to make it even better of a product whether its pg or not.

What the fuck?

This is just completely out of left field and actually pretty bad. I get that you want a more entertaining product but this is all kinds of overcomplicated and again, it's shit.

First off, Nexus doesn't need to answer to some higher power, they don't need to have done this because of the anonymous GM. So throw Triple H out of that equation.

Secondly, why would Sheamus want to join the Nexus? They had their truce and once that was over it was done. Sheamus was not on NXT so it would make no sense for him to join Nexus.

And lastly, how would Triple H being the GM or leader of Nexus only to turn on them and Sheamus get a bigger face pop than his initial return? I will post a video of evidence shortly. Stick around. All in all though, horrible idea.

^ This. Sadly though. Because let's face it, Triple H is a great heel and he could easily make it work with a heel return. Yet there's no reason to him just returning and completely ignoring his past with Sheamus. He needs to finish that feud with some sort of revenge angle. They cannot just ignore it because it's been so long. Especially considering Sheamus still rides on it every now and then.

So of course Triple H will return as a face, finish the feud. And hopefully afterwards he might turn heel, for one final run with that at least.

Ferbs, it doesn't matter if they wanted to bring back Triple H as a face or heel. The moment he walks through that curtain and out to the ring he will get a face pop. Exhibit A.


When he got injured before this return he was heel. Came back as a face to start. It didn't matter what he did. King talks to JR about Triple H breaking JR's arm, and JR is still talking up Triple H.

Triple H's return should be face to start. I don't care what months down the road, his initial return should and will be face, take care of Sheamus, and then take it from there. Anything else makes no sense.
Ferbs, it doesn't matter if they wanted to bring back Triple H as a face or heel. The moment he walks through that curtain and out to the ring he will get a face pop. Exhibit A.


When he got injured before this return he was heel. Came back as a face to start. It didn't matter what he did. King talks to JR about Triple H breaking JR's arm, and JR is still talking up Triple H.

Triple H's return should be face to start. I don't care what months down the road, his initial return should and will be face, take care of Sheamus, and then take it from there. Anything else makes no sense.

Sure. But I've never said that they should make him return as a heel. It wouldn't make sense really. Yet it changes nothing to the fact that I still believe he would be good for a brief and sweet ending of Triple H vs Sheamus only to turn heel afterwards. I mean it barely took him a year to turn heel after your posted humongous return.
They can't have Orton, Cena, Triple H as all top tier main eventers and all be face someone is going to have to turn heel very soon with the way they have built up Orton for months it won't be him turning

Therefore Cena or Triple H will be heel before long if not as soon as after Sunday's Survivor Series
No question Triple H should return as a face. He was out from top heel Sheamus and will get a HUGE pop upon his return to seek revenge. Depending on when that feud happens he will begin as a face but should turn heel after that feud. By then it should be Mania time or post Mania, depending on his return, and he should turn heel. Raw will likely shakeup with another draft so the roster might not be so heel heavy by then anyways. I would really like to see him turn heel on Taker and try to avenge HBK retirmement with HBK as a possible guest ref even for Mania.
It's obvious that Trips is returning as a face. When he comes back he's gonna get revenge on Sheamus because Sheamus "injured" him. But I wouldn't mind seeing him comeback as a heel, I've always liked Trips better as a heel but I coudn't see anybody booing him on his return. So I think he's gonna return as a face.
I think that he will return as a face because not only will he be seeking revenge against Sheamus, who is a heel, but also the fans will likely give him a huge face reaction from missing him. It would make sense for him to return face when the only other main event faces are Cena and Orton. The next highest face would be Morrison. There are plenty of main event or upper midcard heels with the likes of Sheamus, Barrett, Miz, and Punk once he recovers. I don't see any of those guys turning face anytime soon and if Trips returned heel then one of them would need to turn face otherwise there would be too many heels.
It makes no sense for HHH to return as a heel. He needs to come back and continue his feud with Sheamus. After this is concluded I think they should turn him heel. he is more entertaining that way. I really can not see that happening though because RAW has too many top level heels already.
I like Hunter as a goodie and a baddie, but i think if he does turn heel, it will be a big let down. The fans love hunter as a goodie, and to turn him baddie will let the fans down.
He has to come back as a face. Look at the wrestler's who have made "returns" over the years.... Edge at Royal Rumble 2010...face. Chris Jericho in November 2008....face. Both had missed significant time, and though they had left as heels, they returned as full fledged faces, because the fans missed them. They also had scores to settle, with heels. Which brings me to HHH.

WHo put HHH out of action? Sheamus. Last time I checked, Sheamus is a full fledged heel. He's going to be HHH's first target upon his return. And he's going to get a tremendous face pop. It would be a tremendous mistake to return HHH as a heel and completely overlook the fact that Sheamus put him out of action in the first place. I dont think the "balance" of heels and faces really factors in here. Regardless of it, Hunter needs to return as a face.
HHH should definitely return as a face to destroy Sheamus, the man who "allegedly" put him out of wrestling for many months, that makes the most sense to me!
Like CH David said Triple H needs to return as a face because Sheamus was the guy who took him out in a pretty cold and ruthless manner. Triple H will come back to get revenge against Sheamus and it will probably lead to a second Mania match between them.

I like HHH more as a heel than as a face but there is no logic behind turning him heel now.
He would probably have more success on the championship front if he returned as face, seeming Barrett, Miz and maybe Sheamus are the favourites to win the title as heals are concerned, however in the respect of entertainment and seeing HHH as previously being both Face and Heal, i think HHH is definitaly a better Heal so personally i don't mind because as soon as i hear Lawler shout 'PEDIGREE!' the better :)

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