Trent Barreta...any good???


Pre-Show Stalwart
Seen this guy about now and a couple of his matches and he seems quite decent although not much of a character base at the moment, albeit a catchy name lol.

What does everyone think of this dude?
Does he have potential?
Is he one for the future?
He is really impressive in the ring but wwe isn't using him right at all! Sadly i see him getting released before the summer.
He is really impressive in the ring but wwe isn't using him right at all! Sadly i see him getting released before the summer.

Trent is awesome, if you are a fan of say Alex Shelley or some the other X Divison Guys in TNA then you would or should totally love Trent.

He comes to the WWE with his partner Croft through FCW they team up as The Dudebusters adding a 3rd member in Curt Hawkins they pretty much run the show in FCW when it comes to tag teams so the WWE calls them up they pretty much get the short end of the stick.

For some weird reason WWE calls up Curt again from FCW teams him up with Vance as The GateCrashers they feud with The Dudebusters and the WWE decides hey lets fire their partners.

But anyway, Trent (as well as The Dudebusters) had a gimmick similar to The Motor City Machine Guns. Trent is really into pop culture and video games. When Matt Striker annouces his matches he would give you facts like how they beat Mario 64 in one sitting or whatever...just random little gaming reference facts.

The WWE just doesnt run with the charcter or give him a push and its a real shame because all the low card haters will hate Trent until he is up there with Cena/Orton/Punk and etc when Trent is better than a lot of the guys on the roster.

He is filled with action packed very impactful moves some of which are japanese inspired and he isnt scared to take a dive. You put him in a match with Morrison, Bourne...Sin Cara...he will put them to shame. But the WWE refuses to show him in any good light on RAW or Smackdown.

From his flying knee to this dropkick in the back of the head...this guy and his former partner should of been the future of the tag team divison but apparently he will just become another London or Kendrick until they decide to drop him too.
Depends on the definiton of the word good.

He can cealry put on matches that are very entertaining however after Caylen disappeared he has nothing. I think he is average on the Mic even though he reminds me kind of of a stoner whenever he speaks. Sadly I don't see him staying in the WWE much longer. I think he can be easily replaced and because he is doing nothing wouldn't be missed one bit. With Sprink cleaning coming up he is most likely the carrot to WWE's chopping block.
What do I think of Trent Barreta? I think that he can work a match, but he does not have the look, character, charisma, or anything that it takes to stand out. I don't care for him.

Does he have potential? I do not like to answer this question about wrestlers who we have not seen much of, but from what I have seen I would say No.

Is he one for the future? What does that even mean? I do not see him in WWE's future if that is what you mean. I think that the WWE should throw him out.
I love Barreta, as he seems like an unique person to work in the WWE. However I don't see him as much of a player in the WWE. He is certainly fun to watch in the ring and his mic work is alright in the minimum amount of time I've seen him get to work the stick. He doesn't have your prototypical WWE look, but he has that unique style of offense that can get you cheering him on. If he stick around after spring cleaning that would be great, but if he doesn't he really isn't that big of a cut for the WWE. The wrestling world will go round with or without Trent Barreta.
Him and Croft were good together reminded me of a poors man Edge and Christian. Trent and Hawkins were partners in FCW and I think WWE should pair them up again. I personally think Kurt Hawkins and Trent Barretta could have a nice 2 month tag team feud with Slater and Gabriel for the tag titles.
He's a pretty good in-ring worker. But that doesn't mean anything. He hasn't got anything going for him, and WWE is either going to give him a half-assed push to see if he can work as a mid-carder, or they're going to fire him. While he's certainly entertaining to watch in the ring, he has no real character, and while I think he does have potential, I don't think he has a future.
I think that he has amazing talent in the ring, have you seen his finisher, it is amazing! But he is lacking a gimmick, he needs to have one to make it anywhere in the WWE. He could turn heel again and have Zack Ryder gimmick, or turn into a face and have a rey mysterio gimmick. But right now, he is what i call a blank face, has no character at all. But he has a lot of potential but only time will tell if WWE puts him up to his potential.
I like him. I was kinda liking his midcard "feud" with McIntyre. He, Curt Hawkins, Barrett, and Kofi should have a 4man feud for the IC title; give it back just a little prestige.(Yeah. Wishful thinking). Sadly, I feel he'll be gone during the annual "spring cleaning."
I think Trent Barreta is cool but he is danger of getting future endeavoured. It's a miracle he lasted so long without his tag team partner, Caylen Croft. They had an awesome team called the Dudebusters that could have been great tag team champions if given a push. They were funny and had a gimmick of sarcastic gamers. By himself Barreta has a little potential if he brings that character back, but he just jobs now mainly so unfortunately I don't think he will be around for long because he has had little to no time to develop himself, and doesn't get pushed.
Well, he has potential, but that doesn't make him good. He's one of those darlings that the IWC embraces and turns into someone who is far better than he really is. He's okay in the ring, but he has a bland look, no character, and frankly, he can be very boring at times. He's a good "underdog" type of character, but basically he's nothing more than a jobber or a lower mid carder. He won't survive the next cuts, in all likelihood. He doesn't have much of a fan base and he's barely ever on TV, he's just another unnecessary name on the payroll.

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