Transformers - Dark of the moon...


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I'm off to see this tonight, not to sure what to think. Anyone caught it yet?

Think I am probably on my own here - really enjoyed the first; the transforming (especially the police car into robot) played to my inner-geek and I marked, story-wise nothing amazing but alright in general. Second; as I say probably on my own here but I thought it was pretty good fun! I sort of (as I do with most Hollywood superhero movies excluding Batman *note* he's not a superhero!!! Hollywood ex's!) switch my brain off and enjoy the ride, no matter how cheesy it is.

So this takes me to current time, anyone hoping to check this out? boycotting? or just don't care?

PS: The thought of the Transforming and 3D is probably going to cause me a brain hermitage but who cares lol).
I was a huge fan of the 1980s cartoon. I loved the show and always wished they would make a live action film when I was a young kid. The cartoon animation wasn't great, and some of the storylines were unrealistic or scientifically inaccurate but as a young kid, such things didn't mean anything.

When I saw the first film, it was a disappointment. The characters were different than their cartoon incarnations. A little bit too different for my taste. The film was more focused on the people than the robots. But that's Michael Bay, a lot of action not much in terms of story. The second was about the same for me.

So when I went to see the third instalment, I wasn't expecting too much. There were a few things that bothered me about this. I missed Megan Fox. She's no Meryl Streep or anything but I thought for continuity sake it would have been good to have her there. I thought it dragged on for a little too long in some areas. In spite of those problems, of the three, I liked this film the most. I thought it had the best story, the addition of Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand and Leonard Nimoy was a nice touch. Some of the action sequencies were pretty good.

What really hurt the series for me was the focus on the people instead of the robots and the design of the robots themselves. With these three now done and after earning over a billion at the box office and dvd sales (which will increase thanks to this film) Hasbro ( more than likely) may consider doing another attempt on films for the Transformers' franchise in 5 or 10 years or so.
I didn't mind it all that much and that is a great compliment to the film seeing as I despised the last one. I thought it did a nice job of bringing a good amount of closure to the Transformers saga, though I am sure another film will be made based on how much money can and will be made. My biggest gripe besides having to hear the robots talk, which irritates the hell out of me each time, was how cute Michael Bay tried to get with the dialogue. I understand that the character are going to talk but please Mr. Bay don't try and add some sort of one liner that all of the kiddies will quote in every single goddamn scene. It really got quite annoying. As for the action though, I thought it was pretty well done. Optimus Prime took a more central role in the film, unlike the last one. And, the addition of Shockwave really added to the floundering Decepticon team. Nice addition. All in all I would say it was a slightly above average film that was better then Transformers 3 but not as good as the first because it didn't contain anything we hadn't seen before. 6/10
I saw the first one and thought it was awful and haven't watched any since. I think michael bays a terrible director, his films lack depth and story coherence which bay tries to compensate for with special effects, ridiculous camera angles and movements, and a reliance on action spectacle strung together with the loosest of possible plot reasons. I imagine this latest offering will be a feast for the senses with unrelenting action and fancy images, especially since its in 3D, but i don't think it will truly be anything to remember.
I love Transformers and I don't care what anyone says, this movie was great, a great ending to Michael Bay's trilogy. I won't spoil anything in this post though as I'm sure there are many people who still want to see it.

I think this one could be my favourite, maybe. I liked how this one didn't rely so much on dirty humour as Revenge of the Fallen did and it's a lot more serious, which I enjoyed.

What I didn't like though is Carly. I wished Megan Fox had kept her mouth shut and stayed with Transformers just for stories sake, I don't like it how she was there and then all of a sudden not there anymore with not much explanation. Carly did have a couple of heroic scenes with Megatron though which was cool.

Dark of the Moon Megatron is pretty cool too, he carries a shotgun :)
Here's the thing about all the Transformers movies it comes down to too much of the film is devoted to the human characters and not enough to the actual namesake of the movie the Transformers...

The human scenes are too long, not funny, overbearing at times and usually add nothing to the plot. While the spectacular Autobots and Decepticons are amazing in their very small scenes but the audience doesn't get enough time to really get to know any of them or in the Decpticon's cannon fodder army case distinguish any difference between them.

For example there is a small scene wheer Megatron talks to Soundwave, Starscream and Laserbeak. It was really good but went for only a minute, while Sam running around an office getting in trouble because his girlfriend vists him and being on ten job interviews took up 15 minutes of screen time.. WHY?

We never really get to know the Wreckers or their individual names, Shockwave although is heavily promoted isn't really in the film at all, while we get to know the Sector Seven guy's butler/driver Dutch. Its frustrating, and once again when if I get this on DVD I will be forced to watch the film by skipping all the scenes that have human interaction in it because it just slows the movie down is another advertisment to join the U.S. army.

I enjoyed the scenes where the Transformers were predominantly in and wish they had more screen time to "flesh" out their characters more. Optimus and Sentinel and surprisingly Laserbeak really are the only ones who get any real dialogue and its a shame.

I think lessons weren't learned from RotF in this respect.

The battle scenes are for the most part amazing, however at times you don't really see what's going on and Bay tends to choose to not put on screen important parts. Such as the invasion ships just seem to pop out of nowhere and no real emphasis is put on it or when Optimus saves the day by shooting at something I wont spoil for anyone on the site, but he shot at it from far away and it was lucky as I was paying attention as I would have missed it.

The ending was great, however the start is boring drawn out and actually quite terrible.
I'm a fan of The Transformers franchise and it kills me when I hear/read some stupid critics saying that the story of the movie was pretty basic.
First this is a Transformers movie, you HAVE to watch the Robots battling and I didn't mind anything about the last hour being only about the prime fight, it was still pretty awesome.
The story fits perfectly in the movie, sure it is a little bit predictable in some parts but are others that will make you really believe that some bad things is going to happen.

In the first week it had 400M$, so I'm pretty sure that they will make a sequel.
The scratch of Megan Fox looks weird, they only had one reference about that and well removing lead roles always kills some part of the movie in my opinion.

Shia LaBeuf was really good in this movie, he had some issues and he really was a believable actor.

This movie is worth the money, I went to see it in 2D instead of 3D and I loved, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE BORED WITH THE MOVIE!!
The acting was so so so so SO shit. The blonde woman should kill herself out of embarrassment. The whole USA USA USA patriotic nationalistic bullshit was dire, and the attacking of iran was fucking stupid. The objectification and sexualisation of women was offensive and if I remember correctly, there were strands of homophobia through out the film.

But, the action was fucking terrific.
I really enjoyed the first one and the second one was pretty darn terrible. The third was pretty average. The first hour and a half was pretty terrible, but once things got to Chicago it picked up and became rather entertaining. One problem I had with the movie was the fact that Shia and the new girl really didn't have any chemistry. I felt you could feel it with him and Megan Fox and I think that brought the movie down a notch. The end really saved the movie for me and made it worthwhile. If it wasn't for that it would have been right there with the 2nd one. Hopefully the third one signals the end of the series. Though I could see a 4th one (like INDYJon said) due to the fact it'll be a huge moneymaker. However for a 4th one I think they'd have to bring Megan Fox back for some sort of role as her and Shia just have that connection.
I saw this in 3D and was not that impressed with it, and the only reason I say that is when I go to a movie I truelly never find myself truelly in awe from the 3D effects as I thought I should have been.

What I did find myself paying attention to was the storyline and developement of the impending Decepticon plot along with the occasional monkey wrench in the story. I really enjoyed how they brought private sector business using governments to the decepticons advantage, and the play on the moon landing was pretty interesting as well. I mean come one Buzz Aldrich was in this movie for crying out loud(At least I think it was him).

The new girl Carly. What is there nice to say about her? Oh yeah she's got one hell of a hot body but im not sure about her face man. I mean have your really looked at it? WOOF WOOF! She cant act, and as someone already stated she had no connection with Shia which made it even worse.

The fights and City scenes were pretty bad ass. The admission was well worth the battles themselves.

Overall well worth the money and it was a decent closer to a good trilogy. I am eagerly awaiting the special addition Blu-Ray trilogy.
Oh Lordy, it was the definition of "cluster-fuck" and "overkill". I just couldn't care anymore past a few of the initial fights in the last set piece. And yeah, I don't find Rosie all that good looking in the face. Kinda busted actually. If I can't get into the sex and violence in a Bay flick what the heck is the point? C+

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