Traci Brooks Released

Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger is reporting that TNA has released Knockout Traci Brooks. Details surrounding her release have not yet been made available, however we will continue to provide updates to this story as more information comes in. Brooks had been with TNA since 2003.

Well it looks like the inevitable has happen, with TNA releasing the original Knockout Traci Brooks. I was never a fan of Brooks as a wrestler. Recently she was involved with the MEM, wrestled in a tag team with Sharmell, wrestled Christy Hemme, and a had a brief feud with Alissa Flash.

I liked Brooks better in her role as The Chief Executive Offender managing Robert Roode. I think her release wasn't a huge loss considering Playboy picked Marge Simpson over her for the cover of the magazine a few months. There really wasn't much TNA could do with her in the end.

Do you think TNA could of done more with her? Did you like her better as a wrestler or manager? Or do you think she should of been released sooner?
I don't think anyone could say they didn't see it coming. She ran her course, and the KO division are moving in a new direction without her (and Kong).

I thought she did a fantastic job managing Roode, and I actually thought as the MEM's ... well whatever it was they called her, she was still relatively in and appealing. I mean let's face it, what guy actually changed the channel when those things came bouncing down the entrance ramp? It's a shame they couldn't find a new direction with her, because I do think she'd have made a good valet for Kaz, to be honest, but I suppose if they're pushing him as a babyface, there's no real need for that type of valet who'd be much better suited with a heel.
She adds nothing to the recent product, and hasn't been relevant in a couple of years, this saves money, and space on the roster, no need for this old bag of silicone hanging around TNA.

If nothing else, we will always have her tits on paper.
She didnt give nothing to TNA and the fans, She is hot i have to admit that, but she didnt knew nothing about wrestling. The only thing she was good at was as a managers she did a great job with robert roodes and the also was good as the chief of the KO Division she did a great job there. But other then that, that was it.

Hey now that she is married with Kaz she could be a stay at home wife. With her man getting all the money.
Traci was best when she was managing Kazarian...I would of kept her on in a manager role of some sort if for no other reason than the fact that she's been with the company for 7 years.

If you're loyal to those who are loyal it will promote loyalty in other workers.
Eh, methinks it's because of how much her Playboy pictures sucked. I mean, think about it: if people went apeshit over her pictorial, do you really think they would've released her? Now that I think about it, her doing Playboy was probably her last shot at trying to prove to TNA that she justified her paycheck (which was probably pretty small to begin with).

If it wasn't for her extremely rough-looking face, I think Brooks would have a shot at the E. But, now she can just stay at home, have Kaz's babies, and bitch at him about being on the road too much.
It's a shame but in this new era of TNA, she adds nothing. I'm not even sure she would have been useful in a jobber role. She deserves all credit because she helped build the knockouts and had some pretty entertaining moments but as TNA grew, she was going to be vulnerable.
A shame to see an original go, but as it's been said, she didn't really bring anything to the table. She wasn't that great a wrestler, and her best roles were managing Roode and Shane. Wrestling needs to get into having more managers again, because she played that role well.
Ah it's no big deal...She was only good when she managed Robert Roode but that's it. Another spot open for someone who would actually do something instead of standing around trying to look pretty.
Yeah, I saw her Playboy pics, and they were not good at all. Plus, the fact that the magazine decided to put the pictorial online just goes to show how much they didn't care about the pics. Brooks did a good job during the whole Knockout law storyline where she was in charge of the women's division, and her time managing Robert Roode was entertaining as well. She'll always be remembered as one of the original Knockouts, and there's a chance she could come back to TNA some where down the line in the future.

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