Tough Enough: If You Don't Get A Rub From Winning This...


Lord And Master
Staff member
Let's see now. Trish Stratus joins the likes of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Booker T as trainers in the new season of Tough Enough. You might as well write the tagline down as: "Get Some Attitude" seeing all these names on there. Star power ain't a problem in the least here that's for sure.

But let's skip the big names and focus on the real objective of the show. The next breakout star. I know, it's the same cliche used for NXT. The thing is, it might work this time. As far as Tough Enough winners are concerned the only one out of all the winners to amount to anything is John Morrison. But with all of these huge names roaming and teaching these rookies, one has to wonder if their "talent" will rub off. Nor the original Tough Enough or NXT ever had as big names as this season of Tough Enough. When it comes to actual pro wrestling, you get a rub and get higher on the card by wrestling with the bigger names and learning from them. This cast has the opportunity of a lifetime being exposed with such huge names. Basically, what I'm saying is that if whoever win's this thing doesn't come out to be a huge star in the future, I don't know how the hell WWE's gonna make a new star. Are they gonna have to hope they find somebody born with talent? Because if a rub from such huge names isn't enough to slingshot you into stardom, clearly something's wrong with the system.

Will the winner of Tough Enough surpass the likes of Wade Barrett and John Morrison? Or will all of this star power be for nothing but ratings?
I don't even know how on earth WWE finds who they want to air on Tough Enough. Hopefully they visit area's where Indie programs are big so they can discover some real talent.
Honestly it matters how much the winner actually wants it. Like think about it everyone thought the Miz was a reality show reject that would host the diva contest and be gone, but no he worked his ass off and got where he is now. If the winner is actually committed and not a pain in the ass to off camera he or she can be pretty successful.
There was an article on the main site which said WWE had no part in the casting of the contestants and it was up to the shows producers who don't work for WWE to pick them which if it's true that WWE doesn't know who they got, then it's very risky.

But I agree, whoever wins this should get more of a rub than winning NXT although if I remember his name right without looking up Wiki, Daniel Puder won Tough Enough didn't he? He didn't ammount to much but who knows, with these three names confirmed for it, Stratus and T being trainers, the rookies should get a great lesson if they make it long enough in the show and whoever wins.

If by using the big three names, WWE can't create a big star of John Morrisons level atleast then they seriously have to think about how they are going to go about finding the next big star.
Austin and Booker T can find next superstars...Austin got good mind in wrestling and is one of special kind who do it all alone create his own grimmick-promos, went from the bottom climb to the top..

Austin use to say you can't wait for someone comes to you but you have to work for it just like what he did when Vince/WWF had nothing for him and gave him tones of stupid grimmick like Ice Dagger and Austin work hard finding new character which soon become "Stone Cold". same goes for The Rock, from what i hear he work very hard getting his character right.
First off, Austin is just the host, not a trainer. The only two trainers announced so far are Booker T and Trish Stratus.

As for if the winner will get the "rub" to propel them to stardom, I have to agree with whoever said that it will determine on how much the winner actually wants it.
First becasue the casting was done by the USA and not the WWE wrestling ability will not be the key factor...more likely charisma and larger than life guys.
Which looking back on three season of NXT having charisma is something that a handful of talents have had (Wade, Otunga, Riley and maybe Bateman)
The problem I forsee is we get a bunch of Otungas. Only differnce is that we will see if they are committed or not. Also I truly hope they leave the elmination choices in the hands of the WWE and not let the fans make the choice.
Booker, Trish and Austin will now a heck of a lot more than the average voter...who I fear may end up keeping divas over actual superstars due to Hotness
I mean heck so far their casting has brought in a Ms America....uggg
I actually like the fact that they cast Rima Fakih. Between her willingness to try out for Tough Enough and appearing on Raw, it tells me she is a fan of wrestling. As a winner of Miss USA (not Miss America, they are different) she doesn't need something like Tough Enough to break into "showbusiness". She is beautiful and an eloquent speaker. If she wanted to become an actress, she could. But the fact that she is doing Tough Enough tells me that she is willing to sacrifice her biggest asset, her looks, to entertain people. Someone who isn't drop dead gorgeous might need something like Tough Enough to get noticed, but she doesn't need it, not in the least. If she is willing to put in the time, the sweat, and endure the pain that becoming a pro wrestler entails, I am not going to take a dump on her quite yet. I want to see how committed she is first.
The fact that alot of the winners (except for Morrison) have came in and done nothing. The people who came in second or lost completely came in and did more. Example:

The Miz,
Matt Morgan,
Skip Sheffield,
Josh Matthews (he is the future Michael Cole),
Christopher Nowinski

All more recognized names then the actual winners below..

Linda Miles (Shaniqua)
Daniel Puder (Still wrestles but not WWE)
Jackie Gayda
Matt Cappotelli

I've came accustomed to the winner getting a little spotlight and throw to the side, such as NXT has started to do.

Wade Barrett.. Future star
Kaval.. Gone
Don't even remember season 3..
Don't even know whose in season 4..

Vince chooses who the stars are.. doesn't matter who the trainers are or whose backing them (Except for a HHH/Cena)
The fact that alot of the winners (except for Morrison) have came in and done nothing. The people who came in second or lost completely came in and did more. Example:

The Miz,
Matt Morgan,
Skip Sheffield,
Josh Matthews (he is the future Michael Cole),
Christopher Nowinski

All more recognized names then the actual winners below..

Linda Miles (Shaniqua)
Daniel Puder (Still wrestles but not WWE)
Jackie Gayda
Matt Cappotelli

I've came accustomed to the winner getting a little spotlight and throw to the side, such as NXT has started to do.

Wade Barrett.. Future star
Kaval.. Gone
Don't even remember season 3..
Don't even know whose in season 4..

Vince chooses who the stars are.. doesn't matter who the trainers are or whose backing them (Except for a HHH/Cena)

To be fair, Matt Cappotelli would have been a multi time world champion right now I believe if his career wasn't cut short by either a brain tumor or some kind of brain cancer. Look it up, he was a multi time champion in the development territory and was a sure lock to be called up to the main roster at the time. It was his choice to give up the title and call it a career because of his health.

As for the other "winners" you mentioned, yes, they all suck.
I do not know what to make of this tough enough right now. It seems like it could make for some entertaining tv but I have a hard time seeing it be much about the actual wrestling. Then again reportedly Austin Aries got serious consideration so who knows exactly how or why they are picking people. Ultimately, it seems like they are shooting for ratings so I am not sure the winner is going to translate especially well directly into WWE wrestling but who knows. The show is likely to play especially heavy on the pseudoreality tv show concepts, possibly at the expense of stuff the core wrestling audience has strong opinions about.
I guess if Mrs. USA can be a contestant on the show with no wrestling experience and people like Austin Aries are shown the door then it really doesn't matter who is on Tough Enough or who wins. My opinion could change though depending on the contestants and what they have to do to train. If this resembles anything like NXT then I wont even bother. You could bring Austin, Booker, Trish, and 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse down to train or host the show and it still wouldn't matter with that format.
I don’t get how they couldn’t get anyone to pick up NXT but they get USA on board for tough enough Im guess they revamped this this and there is going to be LITTLE to NO wrestling in each show…

Ok im sure we can all agree it takes 3 things in order to make a SUPERSTAR

1. You have to be able to be a (decent) wrestler, decent enough NOT to break your opponents or your own neck in matches… 2. You have to be “in” with the managers and event bookers and 3. You have to be GREAT on the mic…

now number one can be taught to a chimp, two is basically are you likeable but the third quality is sumthing thats rare however your telling me that the WWE cant find people who are great on the mic like a pimp finds hoes GETTA OUTTA HERE, the WWE doesn’t have anyone “great” come from these thing becuz they don’t WANT to…

now I do agree with the above that a lot of these guys get a “lil” money gets a lil hoes and a lil bit of drugs get in their system and don’t work, but I think in the end the “machine aka the WWE” plans it this way, you think it’s a conenciedence that a HUGE star only comes around every ten or so years???

Nah… maybe in TNA, but VKM has this perfected he could take ANY of us on this Msg board and make us a star

they like the fact that only 2 or 3 superstars draw and everyone else is a midder, they don’t want everyone to be equals, until someone from tough enough comes along and has all three things AND get pops like taker and HHH got last night they wont care to push, they do this competition to have another show and make us THINK they want new talent simple as that…

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