Totally Awesome new PPV Concept/Match?? You let me know.


Pre-Show Stalwart
So first off I must say I am by no means claiming to be a booker, but I have watched for many of years and like most fans I do get ideas that fly into my mind. I just happenin to like this one more than others.

So to start out this would not be a every PPV thing I would only do this at the four major shows. This concept would be called a wild card match or something along those lines. Either raw or smackdown could use it I just chose to post it on the raw side. Here is the idea though

You have going into any PPV a Champion and a number one continder, but most feel that there is someone else they'ed like to see in there that the writers or higher ups just arnt sure about yet. So this wild card match would be a match early in the PPV, Lets say it would be a Fatal Four Way with two Raw and two Smackdown stars and the winner of this match would be tossed into their brands Title match. What this would do is give a lower but rising star a chance to main event at a big PPV, they would get to shine infront of a huge audiance and get a rub from your two already Main Event guys. Since I've chosen the 4 major PPV I really feel this would be an easy way to get someone some extra exposure into the Main Event that you would want to move there but just are not sure about. Plus with the 2 already Main Event guys they would carry the story because the Wild Card person just won a match earlier that night to get into the Match.

So feelings on If you think this could work. If you dont think it would work. Or what you might do to tweek the Idea just a bit to make it work. I really feel though that this Wild Card Match would go along way into helping up and comming stars break the barrior and get over with the fans. Let me know with some good feedback.
You should probably save saying its "a totally awesome idea"...let the readers decide that. you just know WZ flames are going to burn your ass for that...

i dont like the idea. first off all the guy you want to get a rub is already at a huge disadvantage because a) he is going against the champ and the #1 contender both of whom are "out of his league" so to speak, because the whole purpose of the wild card thing is to fling someone midcarder or worse up the card. b) he has to wrestle two matches!! those two things hurt...and if he happens to win there will be complaints "how can he fight twice AND beat the champ and #1 contender??". also, who wants to see yoshi, gabriel, ryder, r-truth or whoever else in the mid/low card range bog down the main event that has been built and advertised. of course it could be built over weeks and with minor interactions between the them but then it would just be predictable who is going to win the "wild card" match, defeating the purpose of it.

maybe a one shot gimmick for a RAW some night but not something to be putting in PPV's

edit: damn, your a squeelers fan...i should have burned ya :p
yeah def a steelers fan, still feeling that after math of a horrible super bowl lol.

I dont know if I was quite going for like Yoshi or like other low low mid carders, more along the lines of getting like DB, Morrison, Debiase(if he can get his ass moving) Ziggler, Kofi.

Your higher mid carders who could become Main Event just a way to get them some extra exposure and see if they can get over in the world of main event.

None the less thank you for your input, I like discussing ideas and total encourage people to rip me open if they dont like it or tell me its a cool idea if it would actually work. I'm a fan of wrestling so I'll normally watch what ever they wanna put on the screen.
The only problem with this is that most people aren't going to buy a PPV when they aren't sure what the main event is going to be. It would be a good idea for a RAW or SD telecast, but not so much for a PPV.
ECW December to Dismember, most of that card was wild card matches and look what happened.

Bad idea plain and simple.

WWE needs to stop over-using concepts they have now and use them at the right time.
To the people writing that we don't believe people can win more than one match in a PPV, or even take part in one.

Edge took part in two elimination chamber matches and won the championship the second time round.

Jericho became undisputed champion beating two of the most prestigious superstars the WWE will ever see.

Surely the rub said superstar would get from winning the wildcard match and putting in a good showing in the main event (he doesn't have to win) would be enough, but if they were to have that person win, it would cement them as a main eventer. It would also be a good way to get a heel character up there, he steals the win in the wildcard match with little to no effort and then lets the two main eventers weaken eachother to win the belt.

Wrestling isn't real, we're supposed to believe that sometimes these wrestlers can be superhuman,Cena and Orton took on the rest of the roster and won once. realistically this would never happen. So to believe that someone can win the title in the way the OP has posted isn't a far stretch.
I think it would be a good idea to use once or twice a year at most, but not on a PPV. If it is on a PPV, then it should be at one of the smaller ones. A ton of people don't like the idea of gimmick PPVs because of the idea of "oh its time for HIAC again" other than having the match mean something in a feud. That's kind of the same idea with that, you shouldn't ALWAYS have a wild card type match at all of the biggest PPVs, it wouldn't really mean much, it would have to fit in with current storylines going on at the time. Also if you use the names that you mentioned, you are taking away from the majority of the rest of the matches on the show. Unless it's the Royal Rumble, you can't have a lot of people in more than one match. To use 4 people you mentioned DB, Morrison, Ziggler, and Kofi, that would be no IC or US title matches at the PPV, Ziggler and Morrison wouldn't have matches either, what exactly would you use to fill the rest of the card? Also, there are only so many upper mid card guys to use, so every time they have a wild card match, it would usually be the same people.
To the people writing that we don't believe people can win more than one match in a PPV, or even take part in one.

Edge took part in two elimination chamber matches and won the championship the second time round.

Jericho became undisputed champion beating two of the most prestigious superstars the WWE will ever see.

Surely the rub said superstar would get from winning the wildcard match and putting in a good showing in the main event (he doesn't have to win) would be enough, but if they were to have that person win, it would cement them as a main eventer. It would also be a good way to get a heel character up there, he steals the win in the wildcard match with little to no effort and then lets the two main eventers weaken eachother to win the belt.

Wrestling isn't real, we're supposed to believe that sometimes these wrestlers can be superhuman,Cena and Orton took on the rest of the roster and won once. realistically this would never happen. So to believe that someone can win the title in the way the OP has posted isn't a far stretch.

IF WWE were going to have wrestlers wrestle say 2 times one night they'd just bring back KOTR, Kurt wrestled in 3 matches at KOTR 2001 so it is achieveable (he wrestled 3 hard matches compared to quick easy matches)
Yeah I know this is a weird thing that I came up with. I guess what I was looking for was like lets say summer slam roles around and we have lets say we have Shamous (sorry for spelling) as the Champ going against John Cena (just because you could plug him into any main event. Now they have been fueding all summer got some big heat going. On Smackdown will go with lets say ADR as the Smackdown Champ and he is going against lets say Edge (just to throw in a face). So with this wild card concept lets take some Higher Midcards from both sides. Raw will have JoMo and DB and Smackdown lets toss in Ziggler and hell lets say Christian.

So the "Wild Card Match" will be JoMo DB Ziggler and Christian. Just because I know there is alot of love on here for JoMO I'll say he moves on in this Wild Card match.

So Raws Main Event now becomes a triple threat match. You have Shamous Vs John Cena who have all this heat been fueding all summer and then you add in JoMo who is digged by all the fans but maybe not ready to run with the Title but the company wants to see how he'll hold up in a big Main Event.

I guess thats the concept I was trying to get across just a way to add in a up and comming star with out making them the main focal point, but they could also use the rub and get some light in the big time so to speak.
I understand the idea of this type of match, but why not just book the main event as a triple threat match. This would allow the "third man" to have some heat with the other two and free up the other three mid card guys to do their own thing. It seems to me WWE as gone away from this recently I remember when the used to have many more triple threat, fatal four way or six-pack challenges for the world title.
To the people writing that we don't believe people can win more than one match in a PPV, or even take part in one.

Edge took part in two elimination chamber matches and won the championship the second time round.

Jericho became undisputed champion beating two of the most prestigious superstars the WWE will ever see.

Surely the rub said superstar would get from winning the wildcard match and putting in a good showing in the main event (he doesn't have to win) would be enough, but if they were to have that person win, it would cement them as a main eventer. It would also be a good way to get a heel character up there, he steals the win in the wildcard match with little to no effort and then lets the two main eventers weaken eachother to win the belt.

Wrestling isn't real, we're supposed to believe that sometimes these wrestlers can be superhuman,Cena and Orton took on the rest of the roster and won once. realistically this would never happen. So to believe that someone can win the title in the way the OP has posted isn't a far stretch.

your right those guys did do that and it can be done successfully. but he isnt saying an edge or a jericho would be in a wildcard match. a main eventer in the wild card match as he describes defeats the purpose of promoting a lower card guy to the top not to mention it would just make the wild card match totally predictable.

no one complained about someone winning two matches in one night. it was said that a low/mid card guy winning a 4 way match and then a main event title match against the champ and #1 contender in the same night is bad booking.

that being said, it is in fact a stretch.
This is to much of a long shot. You're idea is to get somebody that's not quite over, Over... By having him wrestle in a fatal four way and then again in a fatal free way for the championship? What happens if the guy they plan to have go over, Injures himself in the first match? Or even just gets to tired. The match he is supposed to be 100% In, is his Second match just about an hour after his first one. He can't give it 100% and prove to people he deserves to be in the main event by doing that.

A much better idea would be to bring back something like Cyber Sunday and swing it so He wins the fans votes. (by not having said person compete with Cena or another ME contender.)

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