Total Wrestling Federation (From Small Company to Global)


Dark Match Winner
TWF Roster
Adam Cole
Alex Shane
El Hijo De Rey Misterio
El Hijo De Santo
Joey Knight
Kirby Mack
Lince Dorado
Lionheart BCW
Luke Robinson
Vordell Walker

Total Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship-Vacant

June-The Spark to The War

*TWF right now is a small promotion based out of the rural part of San Diego. The main style right now is Luchadore, it puts on entertaining matches and that's why the owner wants it. The promotion hopes to achieve Global success in 5 years and a TV deal in 2. Right now there's only house shows and a small event. The house shows happen every week and the small event once a month.
Week 1

Adam Cole was on hype duty tonight. He talked about the main event and the Heavyweight Championship.

Luke Robinson defeated Joey Knight and Kirby Mack. Good match from all 3. 10:36 ***

El Hijo De Rey Misterio wrestled Lince Dorado to a no contest. Really good match but ended from the 15:00 time limit. 15:00 *** 1/2

Vordell Walker came out and moaned about how he wasn't in the main event. He got a ton of cheap heat for this segment.

El Hijo De Santo defeated Adam Cole in a great match. Both men gave it their all and the veteran came on top. 20:13 ****
Vordell Walker opens the show. He talks about how last week, he wasn’t involved in the main event and should have been. Adam Cole comes out and cuts him off. The two banter for a bit before announcing a match for the main event, with El Hijo De Santo as special ref.

Luke Robinson and Lionheart BCW defeated Kirby Mack and Joey Knight. This match was a good opening match. All the men did a lot of high flying moves and the fans loved this match. Robinson and Lionheart won with a Senton Bomb from Lionheart. 8:43 ***

Lince Dorado defeated El Hijo De Rey Misterio. The fans went nuts for this highflying action, Lince Dorado pulled off another great match against another Luchadore. After the match, Rey beat Dorado down with a chair, effectively turning heel. 12:35 ****

A video promo plays on the tiny projected screen in the building. It hyped up TWF signing 5 new talents, it said that three are former WWE superstars. It also hyped the website and El Hijo De Santo vs. Adam Cole vs. Vordell Walker for their first big event. Other matches being hyped were Lince Doardo vs. El Hijo De Rey Misterio.

Adam Cole defeated Vordell Walker via DQ. It was a good match but Vordell walked over and started beating up De Santo. Cole made the save for Santo but not the match. After the match Cole helped Santo up and the three had a show down. 7:45 **3/4
TWF New Signing’s
Former WWE Star: Kizarny
Former WWE Star: Ricky Ortiz
Former TNA Star: Kiyoshi

TWF is sorry to see go
Luke Robinson(Offered a deal from TNA, breaking up the team of Robinson/Mack)
Joey Knight(Offered a developmental deal by WWE.)
Updated TWF Roster
Adam Cole
Alex Shane
El Hijo De Rey Misterio
El Hijo De Santo
Kirby Mack
Lince Dorado
Lionheart BCW
Ricky Ortiz
Vordell Walker

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