Top Ten High Flying moves


King Of The Wasteland
This my personal favourtie high flying moves if they're any I haven't put on feel free to tell me

10. Diving Elbow- Yeah its basic but Randy Savage and HBK make it look painful when it connects

9. Diving Leg Drop- Another basic move which is commonly used but whenever I see Matt Hardy do it (even from the second rope) it still looks devastating, it also helps he does the taunt at the start

8. Moonsault- Its a backflip off the top rope onto your oppenent it looks good, it has impact and its a damn backflip

7. Shooting Star Press- The reason its here is while it's cool and I mark out for it it and it has good impact to me its just not as good as the other moves on this list.

6. Split Legged Moonsault- this is awesome its an amazing amount of skill to do this in one smooth motion

5. Frog Splash- Yeah its basic but it is a great impactful move

4. Swanton Bomb- it's great and is impactful the angle at which its performed is great with the swan dive makes it all the more exciting

3. Van Terminator- Your flying from one end of the ring to the other kicking a chair into your opponents face, whats not highflying about that.

2. Triple Jump Air Sabu- Damn this takes some skill running and jumping onto a chair to jump onto the ropes to then do a moonsault onto your opponent is just pure awesomness

1. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH- Some may argue its the same as a Frog Splash but I say its the best variation of a move ever the way RVD goes up in the air is great he makes it higher of the ropes than anybody ive seen and the impact is awesome, the impact is so great you bounce off your opponent plus turning at any angle in mid air to land on your opponent adds to the greatness of the move

Honourable mention goes to anything with a corkscrew, a move looks better with a corkscrew, whether its a corkscrew moonsault or a corkscrew split legged moonsault they're great
I think you got a pretty good list there. Except I think Coast to Coast should be up there somewhere. Shane McMahon jumps from one turnbuckle all the way to the other in a dropkick fashion? Making it look insane?

Oh yeah, and if you consider Leap of Faith a high flying move that to.
Van Terminator is the same move as the Coast to Coast, when RVD introduced it that was it's name and when Shane started using it the name was changed.
List is good, but show some love to the over the top rope suicide dive! Think about the spot from Taker-Michaels where Taker nearly killed himself. Suicide Dives are always good spots.
10. Lionsault- A signature move of Chris Jericho and the move I believe ended the career of Hayabusa. This move can look great but is an easy botch.

9. 360 Split Legged Moonsault- This move takes great athletic ability and was lucky to see Morrison hit this live. It becomes very ugly when they don't receive full rotation.

8. Diving Headbutt- This move comes with great power but the user also gets injured. This move has caused brain damage to long time users.

7. Moonsault- A classic move that can be ugly or a thing of beauty. This is the move of choice for the high flying heavyweight and who can believe Funk doesn't break his neck on his.

6. Leg Drop- The regular leg drop could finish a match in the 80s but when the top rope leg drop was brought to the USA, the regular leg drop was a wear down move. When a wrestler gets the right height it can become a guaranteed finish.

5. 450 Splash- A move that characterized high fliers and a move with extreme power. With the rotational speed this move provides it could break a few ribs

4. Elbow Drop- When I started watching wrestling the elbow drop was my most hated move. Then I saw the Randy Savage elbow drop. You could take a picture of it and hang it in an art gallery. I've tried to duplicate it on a trampoline but never could

3. Shooting Star Press- A simple but complicated move that got me hooked on wrestling. My original view on wrestling was of large men hugging each other, but when I saw a SNME with London hitting a SSP it got me hooked

2. Frog Splash- A move used by countless people but only a few are able to master it. When Van Dam or Eddie jumped off that turnbuckle and all their body weight hit the opponent you can say it with them 1, 2, 3.

1. Van Terminator- When Van Dam debuted this move that chair slammed into his opponents face. When this move hits right you can see a person being knocked out. The only problem is when some people barely hit it it looks horrible.
Hmm I see some nice lists to be honest, but I feel were missing some lucha style moves.

#10-The Missle Dropkick.
Watching certain superstars perform this move is definetly a thing of beauty when their legs are fully extended, and connect flush to the opponents chest.

#9-The Hunnacanrana
This move takes a lot of practice and accuracy to lock your legs on your opponent and swing them around to the mat. Rey and Psychosis had that skill.

#8- The Elbow drop
Personally a fan of The Macho Man's more then Shawn's. I feel he stole a move that was so stunning, I remember watching the match with him vs Steamboat and just was in awe of the hangtime the Macho had.

#7- coast to coast.
This one is hit or miss with me, being that only certain times it looks good. For example when Shane did it to Kane at Unforgiven with the steel steps was epic.

#6- Lionsault.
Another hit or miss for me it can be on point and other times is look ugly like the one against Angle where he became the Euro-continental champion, it was ugly.

#5- Moonsault.
Dangerous move and can be career ending if botched.

#4- Swanton Bomb.
A crowd pleaser for certain, gets them on their feet and cheering.

#3- Split legged moonsault. Flexibility is key for this move to work and Van Dam makes it work.

#2- Leg Drop.
To be honest this move is rather dangerous at least in my opinion. Tail bone injuries must be frequent.

My number one choice is rather obvious...

#1- Five Star Frogsplash.
'I'm feeling FROGGY!'
Always something we as fans will never forget Eddie going to the top rope and just nailin the move so perfectly. Whether against some jobber, against JBL, Rey, or even the epic battle of the Frogsplashes with RVD.
Good memories.
5) Diving Elbow Drop- This alway s gets your heart pumping and it always looks good.
4) Shooting Star Press- This move looks fantastic. It looks painful to.
3) Moonsault-This backflip is badass. It always looks as if it really hurts people.
2) 450 Splash- Easily one of the hardest moves to do correctly. It is often painful to the performer and to that, I applaud the performer.
1) Five Star Frog Splash- RVD perfected this move with his high jumping and ability to turn in the air.
10- Flying Dropkick I've always liked how this move looked. Deadly yet very smooth when pulled of by the right person.

9- Split Legged Moonsault If im not mistaken, this was RVD's Original finisher when he had first came to ECW. Definitley looks very difficult to pull off. I like John Morrisons "Starship Pain" too.

8- Moonsault One of the most known top-rope moves in wrestling. I like how the wrestler pulling of the move looks like he/she is soaring through the air. One of the nicer looking moves

7- Houston Hangover For those who may not know, this move was used by Booker T in WCW. Is like a flipping legdrop from the top rope. Well actualy thats exaclty what it is. Always liked seeing the bigger men pull of some High-Flyling moves.

6- Flying Fameasser/ Cena Legdrop Gotta admit, even if you love or hate Cena (Me, I'm a huge John Cena fan) This move looks very painfull and easier on the wrestler performing it.

5- Top Rope Hurracanranna A small guy specialty, this move is one of the more interesting top rope moves. takes a lot of percision and lower body stregnth of the performing wrestler to pull this one off.

4- Leap of Faith This move never ceases to amaze me. Gotta give props to Shane'O Mac. Really all it is is a senton, but with the correct height(See Shane vs. Kane back in 03-04) it is an amazing move.

3- Coast to Coast Another Shane McMahon move, I've just always been intruiged in how a man in his 40's could pull this move off. Also love it when the reciever has the trashcan in front of their face over the chair.

2- Swanton Bomb Eaisly the most exicting move to watch Jeff Hardy pull off. Every time he does it he looks like he could break his neck. Also, the landing looks like it hurts both receiver and performer. Great move overall.

1- Shooting Star Press Billy Kidman was the first guy I ever saw pull this one off. Remember when he almost killed Paul London (or was it Chavo? Correct me if I'm wrong) and then it got banned, and then Evan Bourne bought it back, man that moves been through more than a black family. Racist comments aside, this move deserves the #1 spot
10) Lionsault: The classic springboard moonsault from Chris Jericho.... was once his finisher.

9) Frogsplash: This would be higher on the list, but it doesn't look too great unless Christian/ Eddie do it.

8) Coast to Coast/ Van Terminator: One of the only high-flying moves involving weapons, others are Poetry in Motion(sometimes) and...

7) Triple Jump Moonsault: I loved this move from Sabu. It is my favorite moonsault.

6) 450 Splash: The only person who does it now is AJ Styles, an d he does it really well.

5) Shooting Star Press:...

4) Swanton Bomb: Since the time he got famous to the middle of this year, it always received a loud pop when Jeff did it.

3) Starship Pain + Split Legged Moonsault: Moves used today by Morrison + Daniels respectively, they are always great to watch.

2)Diving/ Flying Clothesline: I don't know why.. it's just great to see from Kane/Amazing Red.

1) Infrared: No explanation needed.
1- Shooting Star Press Billy Kidman was the first guy I ever saw pull this one off. Remember when he almost killed Paul London (or was it Chavo? Correct me if I'm wrong) and then it got banned, and then Evan Bourne bought it back, man that moves been through more than a black family. Racist comments aside, this move deserves the #1 spot

It was Chavo.

#1: 630° senton - Jack Evans is an absolute fucking beast when it comes to insane high-flying moves. I've yet to see one that can top this right here.

#2: Moonsault - I still love this move. Kurt Angle in my opinion has the best of all-time. Even though he misses 97% of the time, his moonsaults are always picture perfect.

#3: Swanton Bomb - This move not so much for personal preference, but for the popularity of it. Everyone knows that when Jeff Hardy was going up top, what was coming. He just nails it everytime.

#4: Starship Pain - JoMo's corkscrew split-legged moonsault. It's an absolutely beautifully executed move, and the amount of athleticism it takes to do it is insane.

#5: Cyclorama - Evan Bourne used this on the independent circuit. It's basically like a backflip belly-to-belly. It's a phenomenal move, you have to see it to understand the awesomeness.

#6: Spiral Tap - AJ Styles made this move famous and today whenever he rarely pulls it out, it still gets a epic reaction.

#7: Leg Drop - I've always found this to be a sweet move. Particularly whenever Matt Hardy hits it. He just makes it look good.

#8: Shooting Star Press: Do I even have to explain this? Invented by Jushin "Thunder" Liger the Shooting Star Press is such an awesome aerial move. Brock Lesnar almost broke his neck attempting one, but Billy Kidman and Evan Bourne pretty much have them perfected.

#9: 5-Star Frog Splash - Rob Van Dam selling this move everytime he hit it is what does it. The height he gets when he pulls this move out is astonishing. I sure do hope we see it in the WWE again.

#10: Diving crossbody - Kofi Kingston is the main one utilizing this move right now. He gets mad air when he pulls that out. Randy Orton used to use it frequently, I wouldn't mind seeing him do it once in a while.
10)Diving Elbow/Diving Legdrop: Probably the first moves to be executed off of the top turnbuckle. Simple but effective.

9) Swanton: A very simple move, but one that seemingly has a powerful lasting effect on the opponent.

8) Five Star Frog Splash: Whenever Rob Van Dam connects with this move, the way he sells his own pain only magnifies the pain of his opponent.

7)Van Terminator: Literally jumping from one end of the ring, 20 feet across to the other side of the ring is no easy feat. Add in a drop kick into a chair or trash can infront of your opponents face and it becomes an instant breathtaking classic.

6) Spiral Tap: A move that is rarely seen today which makes it that much more special whenever it is seen.

5) Fosbury Flop: Another move used by AJ Styles (along with the Spiral Top). The pure altheticism that it takes to completely clear the top rope, flip, and then land onto your opponents standing outside the ring is phenomenal.

4) Flying Forearm: My final AJ Style move in this list. When AJ springs off of the top rope, he is able to get so much air, and his form is perfect as he connects it. Always looks stunning.

3) 450 Degree Splash: Arguably the hardest move to successfully pull off.

2) Shooting Star Press: A dangerous move that we've all seen done properly and incorrectly. When done properly, it looks beautiful.

1) Moonsault: It might not be the most athletic like the 450 Splash, or the most dangerous like the Shooting Star Press, but the Moonsault has always been my favorite high flying move. Dispite not always making contact with the opponent, the move always looks good.

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