Top Ten Hardcore matches


Getting Noticed By Management
Wrestlezone did the top ten hardcore matches in Honor of Hardcore Justice. So I wanted to see what you guys thought were the top ten hardcore matches or extreme matchaes are of the 80's, 90's, and 00's? Mine go like this.

10) Kane vs. Shane Mcmahon Ambulance match Survivor Series 2003.
9)The Undertaker vs. RVD Hardcore match Vengence 2002.
8)The Big Show vs. Ric Flair ECW for The ECW World Heaveyweight Championship 2006.
7)Edge vs. John Cena for the WWE championship TLC match at Unforgiven 2006.
6) Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels HIAC match Bad Blood 2004.
5) Edge and Mick Foley vs. Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk ECW One Night Stand 2006.
4)The Undertaker vs. Triple H WM 17 (I think it was No Disqualification).
3)Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H Summerslam 2002 Unsanctioned Street Fight.
2)Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley Backlash 2004.
1)Edge vs. Mick Foley WM 22 Hardcore Match.

It can be any type of Hardcore match or Extreme match from the 80's, 90's, and 00's. Any Promotion too.
Are we talking just WWE? If not, Necro Butcher vs. Samoa Joe- IWA Mid-South "Something To Prove"
If you consider the year 2000 to be a part of the last decade then HHH vs. Cactus Jack from the 2000 Rumble should get consideration.
To make it easier on everybody it can be any promotion including WWE, ECW, WCW, TNA, ROH, or any other promotion that's out there. If you guys want it can be from the 90's too although I would prefer the 00's.
I also changed my orginal post so hopefully you guys include more matches in your posts. Enjoy.
shane-o-mac vs steve blackman (where shane jumped off the titantron (not the one on big show) )


Shane-O-Mac vs Angle at KOTR was awsome....

and surely Taker V Mankind HIAC?
Ian Rotten vs Axl Rotten, Taipei Deathmatch ,ECW around '95 i think pretty good match , it involves taping your fists dipping them in glue and then in glass
i'll try to keep it to ten, but probably not likely. some feuds had multiple hardcore gimmick matches in them and so there'll be some extras.

in no particular order:
1. Shane McMahon vs. Steve Blackman / Big Show / Kane
any match between Shane and these guys was just insane. sure, they weren't wrestling clinics, but Shane took some major bumps in all of these and he's not even a full-time superstar. mad props for being crazy enough to do it!
2. Shane McMahon vs. Kurt Angle, King of the Ring
this one deserves a mention all its own. the suplex thru the glass was freaking sweet!
3. Angle vs. Benoit, Raw is War, Steel Cage
this is where we saw Angle's first moonsault off the cage. honorable mention for this spot goes to Angle vs. Anderson inside a cage at this year's Lockdown. but i had to give the nod to this match because it's the first one that happened and i just happen to prefer Benoit over Anderson inside the ring.
4. Undertaker vs. Mankind / Rikishi / Brock / Edge, Hell in a Cell
sure, Undertaker has been in more cell matches than these, but these are my favorites. and i know that he lost half of them. that's still besides the point. and the one with Rikishi also featured 4 other guys, but seriously, did anybody else notice them as much as Rikishi getting a chokeslam off the roof? just awesome matches thru and thru with some really good storytelling that could vary from feud to feud.
5. Undertaker vs. HBK, Hell in a Cell and Casket Match
just a great feud altogether and these two matches in particular were amazing. i loved the build up with Kane as a subplot and the following WrestleMania and Inferno matches between Taker and Kane later were just great additions.
6. Triple H vs. Jericho, Last Man Standing and Hell in a Cell
both of these were brutal matches and although Jericho lost both, they sure helped solidify him as a big time main event player that could go with the best in the most difficult matches. honorable mentions to referee Tim White that ended his career inside the cell. that's how brutal this one was.
7. Triple H vs. Cactus Jack, Street Fight and Hell in a Cell
fantastic matches. both told a really good story and Triple H actually looked like he belonged with the WHC. prior to these matches, it just wasn't that believable. his title wins prior looked like flukes. but Cactus really helped sell Triple H as a dominant heel that could win against the odds.
8. Rock vs. Mankind, I Quit Match
this was a bloody and brutal affair. i thought for sure that Mick would pull out the W in this one, but great planning by Rock to have the recording of Mick's voice screaming "I Quit" beforehand. brilliant writing thru and thru.
9. Triple H vs. HBK, Street Fight, Elimination Chamber, 3 Stages of Hell, Last Man Standing and Hell in a Cell
obviously, this was a long and bloody feud with tons of great matches from two of the all time best in the business and two of my personal favorites. great mic work and great ring work to cap off a multi-year feud.
10. Triple H vs. Ric Flair, Steel Cage and Last Man Standing Match
perfect writing for this feud. i loved the Flair win inside the Cage and the Triple H win at Last Man Standing was epic. the screwdriver was the craziest weapon i've ever seen Triple H use. totally awesome.

honorable mentions go to: HBK vs. Razor, ladder match that set the standard; Dudley Boys vs. Hardy Boyz vs. E & C in all their ladder, tables and TLC matches, all of which were crazy amazing, Mick Foley vs. Edge & Orton in their respective Hardcore Matches that were amazing and very well written, Foley vs. Flair in their semi-legit feud, etc.

tough question. i guess i'd never really thought about how many great hardcore matches there have been in the past.
The tlc match on raw in 2002. It was a really good tlc match to be featured on television. Another of course would be the Shane vs Kurt street fight at king of the ring. Any of the Hell in a Cell matches minus the ones that are pg and the undertaker vs big bossman are amazing. Barbwire Massacre is up there in my top ten. Both matches were equally brutal.
Sabu/Funk circa 97 also. They had to cut them apart afterwards because they were so entangled in barbed wire.
I can't really support any of the Shane McMahon superbumps. I think he's a solid worker but every time he did one of those crazy jumps, it was always quite obvious that the area he landed in was heavily padded. New Jack used to jump from random high places onto people only it was usually just a table and the floor to break his fall. That's a good part of why he can barely walk anymore but I'm just sayin if you're gonna do it, go all out.
anything in wwf wcw is NOWHERE near the top...sorry guys....when it comes to hardcore fmw ,czw, bjpw get the nod...... fmw was where sabu ,cactus jack ,funk had numerous deathmatchs which resulted in the scars they have today.....

czw cage of death 5 is a must watch.......2 rings, 1 ring caged in 1 ring under a sccofold with the ring filled with tacks... spot of the match was a dvd off the top of the cage
It may not have been the best executed, but my favourite hardcore match was the one between Al Snow and Hardcore Holly when they ended up fighting in the Mississippi. I can't even remember which PPV it was on.
Si Robin...that was the St. Valentine's Day Massacre at the Pyramid in Memphis, TN on February 14 1999. I sat front row at this event that also saw Austin/McMahon in a cage and Mankind/Rock Last Man Standing.
Here is my top five in no particular order
1)Mike Awsome vs Masato Tanaka...One Night Stand 2005
2)Randy Orton Vs Mick Foley Backlash of 2004 i believe
3)HHH vs Shawn Micheals Summerslam 2002
4.)Chris Harris vs James Storm Sacrifice 2007
5.)HHH vs Cactus Jack Royal Rumble 2000
I really enjoyed Undertaker vs Edge TLC in One Night Stand in I think it was 09 and HBK vs HHH in Summerslam 02
taylor wilde and abyss vs daffney and raven monsters ball and amw vs xxx

my mate got banned for saying this, you wankers

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