Top Ten Classic Wrestling Moves That Will Never Get Old


Ain't it sleep first then eat?
Here's a list of what I believe are the Top Ten classic wrestling moves that will never get old. The moves on this list are moves that have been around for decades and to this day, have been modified in one way or another or are being used the old-school way. Either way, the origins of these moves have left a lasting impact in wrestling for generations, tag teams, singles wrestlers, etc. There's no mistaking that these moves still can mesh with today's innovative moves and they don't seem to be getting stale any time soon. So here's the list...

10) DDT - This classic move was invented by Jake "The Snake" Roberts back in the 80's. The move itself is simple: Set your opponents head between your arm and your mid-section and drop down, landing your opponents head face first. The DDT has also been passed down to many guys like Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, The Sandman, and many more. It's currently being used by people like Velvet Sky and Tommy Dreamer.

9) Doomsday Device - This classic Tag Team finishing maneuver was originated from The Road Warriors, who made it popular. This moves has a Tag Team partner hoisting an opponents on his shoulders in a electric chair position, while your partner goes from the top turnbuckle with a flying clothesline which flips over the opponent in the process. This move has been passed down to teams like Team 3D and The Legion Of Doom (w/ Heidenreich). It's currently being used by The Briscoe Brothers and Team 3D.

8) Super Kick - This move was credited to "Gentleman" Chris Adams for creating the move. This move is a high side thrust kick which hits the head or chin, while also creating a smacking sound by the wrestler on his chest. Shawn Michaels and Lance Storm have made the move more modern and popular since they used it as their finishers and it's also being used by guys like James Storm, Stevie Richards, and Shelton Benjamin.

7) Suplex - This move has been modified in SO many different ways over the years, to the point where you would almost always see a certain kind of a suplex in every single match you see. The suplex lifts your opponent's body and then gets slammed to the mat, either overhead or hoisted.

6) Sharpshooter - Invented by Riki Chōshū, this submission hold has many different variations and names. You would take your opponent's legs and have them cross with your right leg, turning them over. From there, you would add more pressure by leaning back and gripping the legs. The move was made famous by Sting and Bret Hart and has been passed down to guys like The Rock and Edge.

5) Chokeslam - A move generally used by big men, this move has an opponent lifted off the ground while taken by the neck and slammed to the ground. Popularized by The Undertaker and Kane, this move has pretty much been a staple with big men as their finishers. Currently being used by The Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, and Abyss.

4) Powerbomb - A move with many different variations, this move is also normally used by big men. The opponent is flipped to the wrestler's shoulders and slammed down off the shoulders. Guys like Sid Vicious, Vader, Kevin Nash, and JBL have used it as their signature move.

3) Figure Four Leg Lock - A move popularized by Ric Flair, the Figure Four is the most popular submission move today. The opponent's leg is shaped into a 4 position and the wrestler adds pressure by tightening and bending the legs. A move still used by Ric Flair and has been passed down to Shawn Michaels and AJ Styles.

2) Low Blow - An illegal heel tactic that will never get old. This move is always known to be a difference maker and used by almost all heels. Babyfaces tend to use it as well but only if they're desperate. This move was mostly popularized by Ric Flair, who used it constantly, heel or babyface.

1) Piledriver - If there's one move that still gives us cringes after all these years, it's the Piledriver. A move so dangerous and illegal, it's seen as a rarity these days, thanks to these bans. This legendary move has been made famous by many wrestlers like Jerry "The King" Lawler, Jerry Lynn, The Undertaker, and Owen Hart. It was currently brought back as a finisher by Eric Young. This one move has truly stood the test of time.

What's your opinions on this list?
Decent list, has some good ones I would definitely put in there too, although seeing as it's a wrestling list forum, I'm gonna go ahead and do my own.

10. Atomic drop This move has been used by many people, for a very long time, and while it's never really impressed me, I think it's worthy of making the list, because it serves it's purpose of inflicting damage.

9. The DDT Great move that I've always kinda liked, and it always looks like something that could easily hurt a lot, and I love how Randy Orton uses the variation, good move.

8. Knife-Edge Chop Simple move, always loved it, I have a feeling that it can really inflict some damage when slapped with the backhand onto your chest.

7. Chop Block Simple move, not brutal or anything really, but it functions well, and I've always liked this move, especially if you mix it with a Clothesline / Lariat, then it can really look brutal.

6. The Sleeper hold While it might not leave your jaw dropped when applied, it's still a great move, and I like how they've given it to Dolph as a finisher as of late, seeing as it kinda leaves the sleeper hold in question to whether it's a match ender or something that just keeps the match going.

5. Enzuigiri I love how this move is performed, and I wish they'd use it a lot more, seeing as the only one I can really recall using it as of late is Chris Jericho, and I think a guy like John Morrison, Christian and Edge could easily use this move also, hell even Randy Orton, this move really has the ability to look brutal.

4. The Clothesline / Lariat I included both moves in this one, because I find them equally brutal, and I love how some people sell it, especially Evan Bourne, I absolutely love how they've given Ted DiBiase the clothesline move as of late, makes him look like he's one step ahead of the opponents.
JBL made me love this move, because of the way he would turn the smaller opponents inside out, also Batista in the Elimination Chamber at New Year's Revolution 2005, beautiful clothesline to Orton.

3. The Dropkick like my number 2, a picture perfect dropkick has always impressed me, this is one of the moves that when watching wrestling, I've always felt like "damn I'd love to try that" and I think a guy like Randy Orton performs it so beautifully that it's a hard one to miss, although there's some odd variations here and there, like Bryan Danielson's dropkick (which I personally hate) but there's also some great ones like the missile dropkick (especially Christians)

2. The moonsault the moonsault, always impressive, and I've always liked this move, if it's missing or not, it's always proved quite nice, especially Chris Jericho's "variation" the lionsault, it's definite impact if you as kme.

1. The Suplex Any variation of this, I've always loved this move, the fact that someone can perform various variations of the suplex has always been associated with great wrestlers (Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit) and it remains in use today, it saddens me although that WWE doesn't have the German Suplex used very much anymore, seeing as it's my favorite variation.
Without any real explanation because right now I am feeling a little lazy here they are in no particular order of greatness, they are just numbered to keep track.

1. Sleeper Hold - One of the most iconic spots if not the most iconic spot in wrestling history, can be done for real which adds to the realism in the ring, always gets a crowd going.

2. Boston Crab - Nearly inescapable submission, used by many, always looks good no matter the variation put on it.

3. High Angle Drop Kick - Used for years and years one of the original high flying moves if you can imagine that.

4. DDT - Jake "The Snake" Roberts' lethal finisher, often imitated never duplicated.

5. Abdominal Stretch - Painful and realistic, used all the time by so many guys you can't name them all.

6. Headlock Take Down - Still see it all the time, always effective and usually leads to head or body scissors.

7. School Boy Roll Up Pin - Always the up-setter pin, frequently used as much now as back in the day.

8. Eye Rake/Back Rake - Not used as commonly by todays heels but still one of the greatest heel tactics ever, will make a comeback.

9. Suplex - One of the first high impact moves, now used pretty commonly, still remains believable, always looks good.

10. Irish Whip - HOW DID YOU FORGET THE IRISH WHIP!!!! Arguably the most frequently used move in wrestling without which most matches couldn't survive.

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