Top Guy....?


Now I see people complaining about how John Cena is the top guy in wwe. Dont hate on this thread please, but John Cena might be it now. Im just wondering what if wwe didnt give him the push. They gave the push to someone else. Now this thread you can vote on what guy who became nothing and i mean NOTHING in the wwe & guys who could of been but wwe was to stupid to see the talent.

1.)Rene Dupree- Rene was a talented athlete that didnt go far AT ALL. He became tag team champions twice and was the youngest man to win a champion. Could of but became NOTHING. Plain and simple.

2.) Bobby Lashley- He had talent. WWE lost him and its sad when he Could of been THE TOP GUY. He had a ECW champion run. When he was drafted to raw I thought it was his time. WWE Dropped the ball.


4.) Maven- A Tough Enough winner. eliminated undertaker out of rumble. HE HAD ability. He did show something i liked that many why debut dont show. HEART. It used to be all COCKINESS. He had it. I Could SEE him carrying the company. I see him holding World Heavyweight champion or wwe champion. Thats why i would pick either Maven or Bobby Lashley. Now explain who you think could of been THE TOP GUY and why? if he not one of these 4 then go ahead and tell me & explain wy you think he COULD OF SHOULD OF.
No way. None of these 3 guys could be close to top guy. Lashley and Kennedy had plenty of chances to get over. Neither could. Lashley had a great look and could have been a great part of the roster I think. But not a top draw. Kennedy had a horrible look and less than good mic skills. He did not get over for those reasons. He'll he isn't over in TNA, a promotion where most of the guys have horrible looks and mic skills.
It's not as if Kennedy is lighting the world on fire over at TNA. As for Lashley, the guy was in the Main Event of Great American Bash, got injured, and then according to most sources I've read, essentially asked to be released: whether that was because of issues with his girlfriend's push in the WWE, or whether he wanted to go into MMA, I don't know...but I don't know how that's the WWE dropping the ball. Again...not like the guy has set the world on fire since he left.
CM Punk plain and simple, though even I could never see it happening due to the attitude of the CM Punk character and Phil's personal beliefs so perhaps my comment here is irrelevant.
Kennedy had a horrible look and less than good mic skills. He did not get over for those reasons. He'll he isn't over in TNA, a promotion where most of the guys have horrible looks and mic skills.

You're trolling right? Weren't mic skills Mr. Kennedy's entire gimmick? I remember him getting quite a few cheers/jeers and people eventually going along with him when he would announce himself to the ring. I know Road Dogg kind of did it first, but that didn't mean it didn't work for Kennedy.

I'd say his look is as good if not better than Ziggler's, but that's all opinion.
I could see him with a good WHC reign or two, but certainly not the top guy in the company.

As for his role in TNA, right now he's saddled with Aces and Eights playing second fiddle to The Dudleys, but he could get reactions. When he would go to the ring dressed as old-school Sting, he would get great heat.

Really? People are still attaching the "Injury Prone" label to Mr. Anderson when all he's really had in the last 3 1/2 years was a concussion that was Jeff Hardy's fault? I guess being a two time TNA champion is considered nothing. Is this one of those slightly subtle "WWE is the only promotion in the world and TNA sucks" threads? Let me remind you that Batista was one of the top guys in WWE from 2005-2010 and I seem to remember him getting injured on more than one occasion. I don't see many people constantly calling him injury prone. Same goes for Rey Mysterio.

Also, Maven and Rene Dupree were never going to become big stars.

Yes Duderino, dtroppe is trolling OR he's on the bandwagon of Mr. Anderson haters.

As for guys who could've been bigger, MVP comes to mind. Naturally, WWE fucked up his character after they turned him face. He could've had a program with a heel Randy Orton. Nope. Instead they kept him in the midcard going after the U.S. title. Then they had him job to the likes of Miz, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes and quite a few others. All of his credibility was killed when Sheamus squashed him in like a minute.
Maven had zero personality.
Mark Jindrak, Shawn O'Haire and Kenny Dykstra were 3 guys that could have gone on to big things with the right gimmick, experience and development.
When you look at Cena, its his workrate that allowed him to succeed. The aforementioned guys had the ability, but lacked the commitment.
to be honest they have got it right cena bleeds wwe the only that off been the top guy was orton. there aain I hightly doubt vince would off wanted someone who when awol and got discharged from the armed forces as his number 1 guy plus his other mishaps, that is why he has always been around the number 3 or 4 guy.
Several what ifs come to mind here. What if Marcus Cor Von never retired from pro wrestling? What if Vince had of gave the WCW guys (Jindrak, O'Haire, Stasiak, Palumbo) substantial pushes? What if Elijah Burke had of caught on with the fans? These are just off the top of my head. I agree that Kennedy and Maven were wasted talent but for my pick I am going to go with somebody who is still on the roster.

Santino Marella... He debuted as Vince's handpicked choice to face Umaga and defeated Umaga in his debut to win the Intercontinental championship. Became a jealous heel when his relationship with Maria went sour. Started a great relationship with Beth Phoenix (Glamorella). Has since been a comedic staple, but fans love the guy. How close was he to winning the title at Elimination Chamber 2 years ago? In my opinion Santino should have had an opportunity to be the top guy. However, the decision to ride Cena to the moon, was likely the best decision.
You're trolling right? Weren't mic skills Mr. Kennedy's entire gimmick? I remember him getting quite a few cheers/jeers and people eventually going along with him when he would announce himself to the ring. I know Road Dogg kind of did it first, but that didn't mean it didn't work for Kennedy.
His mic skills weren't really that good, it was his announcing that got him over. That and shawn michaels completely making him with a fued.

But someone who would have benifited the most from john cena not getting a chance would be christian.
He just hasn't been the same since he came back, but when he was first doing the captain charisma. Just watch this.
Maven had zero personality.

Not true at all.

I remember when on Tough Enough, they did a promo challenge with all of them. Predictably, most of them were absolutely horrible. Maven though, was very good. The guy could talk. I'll never understand why when he made the main roster, that they never let him show that. Then again, at that time Matt Morgan was also just getting started, and despite the fact that he could talk better than most of the roster, they stuck him with a stuttering gimmick that killed his main asset.
Dont hate on this thread please, but John Cena might be it now. Im just wondering what if wwe didnt give him the push.

This type of thing can be argued 'til the cows come home. Personally, I believe Cena's charisma is so all-encompassing that the only way WWE could have kept him down would've been to sign him to a contract and then, illogically, keep him completely off TV.....or put him on TV to wrestle but refuse to give him any mic time. Cena's personality demanded more...and Vince was smart enough to ride the wave.

Charisma is the word.....and it's a quality that can't be taught; either you've got it or you don't. Why in the world the company would want to take a guy who's got charisma and bury him is beyond me. It's a rare enough thing to find in a person, so to take one who has a great physique and is capable of being a professional wrestler and refuse to let him shine sounds like the type of thing that only office politics can explain.

For those of you who claim to hate Cena.....or to be bored by strikes me as a ridiculous attitude. You think you wouldn't miss him if he got hit by a bus tomorrow and couldn't perform anymore? The booing he receives is so illogical I can't even imagine what people want in a pro wrestler if they choose to "hate" Cena. Maybe people think they're being unique rebels by taking this attitude.....or maybe they're just comforting themselves by doing what they think everyone else is doing.

Meanwhile, I read this topic in which people wonder if Kenny Dykstra or Maven could have been a top guy(!) My reply to that is wrestling ability counts, but it takes a lot more than that to be a top guy......and if Vince McMahon sees the charisma in a performer but refuses to let the guy display's Vince's loss.....and ours.
For those of you who claim to hate Cena.....or to be bored by strikes me as a ridiculous attitude. You think you wouldn't miss him if he got hit by a bus tomorrow and couldn't perform anymore? The booing he receives is so illogical I can't even imagine what people want in a pro wrestler if they choose to "hate" Cena. Maybe people think they're being unique rebels by taking this attitude.....or maybe they're just comforting themselves by doing what they think everyone else is doing.

Well strike me as ridiculous.

I don't 'hate' him, in as much as I find it difficult to 'hate' anyone I don't at least know personally... but more times than not, I do find myself increasingly bored with Cena's character.

And yes, when he's not around I don't miss him. Many times, I find his segments on RAW, or his matches on a PPV to be my least favorite of the night.

I used to like him a lot too... but one of the problems I have with him is that he's stale. It's always the same thing with him. There's little suspense in his programs, because you know in the end, he's going to go over... or at the worst, he's still going to be the guy getting pushed down our throats even if he doesn't. After nearly a decade of that too... it gets tiresome.

I also don't feel that he puts others over well. The current Mark Henry angle is a great example. Last week, Henry cut the promo of a lifetime, and did his part in building what should be a white hot angle for the next PPV. So Cena comes out this week... and spends his time talking about how Henry disappointed everyone so much he should be ashamed. I understood what he was trying to say, but it came across as so childish and whiny that it killed the heat that Henry worked so hard to build the previous week. There were better ways for Cena to say the same thing, but build on Henry's amazing work... but that's Cena. While he can cut a good, intense promo when he wants to, his logic is usually lacking and hard to empathize with. Sorry John, but no one seemed disappointed that Henry pulled the swerve. The crowd reaction was huge. Maybe focusing more on what a dick Henry was to play on everyone's emotions instead would have been a better approach.

Then again, maybe that's by design since they seem to be building that angle as secondary to the overbooked MITB match right now (with all the drama and intrigue going into that)... and the WWE for a while now has had a difficult time putting over multiple angles as being big.

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