Top 5 Womens Wrestlers

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Reaper of Miracles
Borrowed from Shadowmancer

List your 5 favorite womens wrestlers and give a reason behind your posts.

I'll go first, in no certain order.

Jillian Hall
Melissa Anderson
Daizee Haze

Jillian Hall - Underrated, Underrated, Underrated. She was one of the best talents on the indy circuits, dominating every promotion she entered, racking up an impressive 12 titles before entering WWE. Another piece of information that people probably don't know is that Jillian has a daughter, born 2 years after she debuted in 1998. So this woman managed to have a child and salvage her career, eventually making it to WWE.

Melissa Anderson - Better known as Cheerleader Melissa. IMO this woman is one of the best in the world. Period. She has won the Chickfight tournamnet twice (5 and 7), as well as being the first female to win the Cauliflower Alley Club's Future Legend Award as well as APW's Future Legend Award. Melissa is also a decorated competitor, having won the PWA women's championship.

MsChif - This psycho bitch makes Victoria look about as intimidating as Kelly Kelly. MsChif is also one of the best in the world, and has proven several times that she is capable of out doing some of the best in the business. Living up to her name, MsChif imploys several dirty tactics to give herself an edge during her matches, her favorite being Green Mist (Sometimes Red Mist). MsChif is a formible opponent who loves to make her oppents suffer, and she caused enough suffering to earn herself the NWA women's championship, as she is currently enjoying her 3rd NWA title reign. MsChif also won Chickfight 4, she has also been voted the best Female Wrestler of St Louis 2002, 2003, and 2004.

Daizee Haze - A wrestler who dones a hippie stoner gimmick, she was trained by Delirious, and adopted a similar moveset to match his. Daizee has won several titles in the NWA, as well as winning Chickfight 6. Daizee enjoyed a long undefeated streak in ROH, defeating the best the promotion had to offer. And, Like Melissa, Daizee was awarded APW's Future Legends Award.

Riptide - Also known as Angel Orsini or Prodigette. She was born in Rotterdam, Holland, and was a successful MMA fighter before getting into pro wrestling. Riptide trained extensivly in Ju Jitsu and Tae kwon Do and eventually earned a 3rd degree black belt in Tae kwon Do and began training students. Riptide made her debut in 1996, having been trained by Liz Chase, who was trained by Moolah. Riptide latter made a similar contribution, by helping to trian Molly Holly, another all time great. Riptide has wrestled all over the world, and has won the PGWA title, which she held for almost a year before finally being dethroned.

There are many many others who deserve recongition, but I'm only going to stick to these 5...

So what are some of your opinions guys?
i cant give you 5 but one i can give you is the fabulous moolah. she has held the title longer in terms of total years and years in a single title run. she on one occasion held the womens title for 8 years. on another reign she held the title for 6 years. anyone who doesnt atleast mention her name doesnt know crap about wrestling.
^Half of the time during those reigns Moolah didn't defend the belt, there was noone to defend it against. While Im not taking away from Moolah in the slightest because her and Mae Young to an extent gave us the Womens wrestling of today.
I don't actually know much about Women's wrestling but I will give one name that should be in there anyway, Amy Dumas, better known as Lita, She is pretty much the reason that Trish became as big as she did, because it was a huge feud that kept going on the underside of everything, in the Women's division.
geez you guys didn't even try, in WWE alone there's been enough geat talent for you to name 10 wrestlers easily, let alone 5!

I'll go again

Wendi Richter
Luna Vachon
Aja Kong
Akira Hokuto

Wendi Richter - was the woman who dethroned Moolah after her 28 year reign. Took part in the Origional Screwjob, 12 years before Bret and Michaels, who ost her title to Moolah who was wrestling under a mask as Spider Lady.

Madusa - Also known as Alundra Blayze, she held several different titles in the AWA, the WCW, and the WWF. She had sevearl a memorial feuds with Akira HoKuto which one ended in a retirement match for Blayze.

Luna Vachon - This woman was born and rasied in a pro wrestling family, so it was no surprise when turned out to be one. SHe wreslted primarily in WWF, where she was, very underrated. She has wrestled all over the world, and as held titles all over the world.

Aja Kong - one of the Best female Japanese wrestlers ever. She is the founder of ARSION all women pro wrestling federation, and she has held many titles over her career, most notaibly in AJPW.

Akira Hokuto - Another all time great Japanese womens wrestler. She was voted the best wrestler in the history of AJPW never able to win the big one.
She had a famous toughness that was rivalled by no one, one match saw her break her knee, and still try and continue the match. She did however, become a decorated competitor, winning titles in AJPW and GAEA, she won titles in Mexico and in the US, in WCW. She is also credited with inventing the Northern Lights Bomb finisher, which is used by several people today.
Luna Vachon

Luna Vachon: She was a staple in the Womens Division for a long time, providing a legitimately scary and over the top heel character that no one dared to do battle with...and those that did soon regretted it. While it can be argued that she didn't have the in-ring talent of some of the top female wrestlers in the world, her contribution to legitimizing women's wrestling as more than just a bunch of eye candy was an important step.

Jacquelynn: One of the first women's wrestlers to come into the mainstream with raw talent and the ability to put on as good a show as any of the men. Unfortunately, in a division where few shared in this talent, she rarely had the opportunity to truly show off her strengths. However, this didn't stop her from beating down women and men alike, in dominating and embarrassing fashion.

Madusa: Almost solely responsible for the boom in women's wrestling in the early 90s, Madusa led the way for one of the few legitimate women's divisions the WWE (then WWF) has ever had. Her move to WCW proved to be initially successful, but the talent pool of women wasn't nearly enough to sustain her (although a young Molly Holly did prove to be a surprising challenge). Still, her contributions helped inspire other women to come into the wrestling world and helped to build a base for the modern day females who often emulate her style.

Chyna: Without a doubt, the most dominate female ever to enter a wrestling ring. Even men had trouble handling her immense size and ever growing talent. Unfortunately, a falling out with the wrong people sent her pre-maturely out of the wrestling world, but she will forever be remembered as the first ever female Intercontinental champion and the woman that humiliated Jeff Jarrett upon his departure to WCW.

Lacey: Of all modern day female wrestlers, Lacey is the most complete package. Athletic, knowledgeable, and well-rounded, she's already carried many a mediocre wrestler to better than average matches. While thus far WWE and TNA have shown little interest in her, she is an important fixture in modern day women's wrestling, and hopefully her career will better reflect that down the road.
In No Order...

Megumi Kudo
Bull Nakano
Nora Greenwald
Trish Stratus
Mercedes Martinez

Megumi Kudo: This is one of the baddest Japanese Women wrestlers ever and the actual innovator of the Vertabreaker move we all have come to love it's true name is Kudome Valentine or The Kudo Driver, her hard hitting style would have been amazing to the woman wrestling fans of today she is truly a forgotten great in women's wrestling history.

Bull Nakano: Casual fan or not I know most of you have at least heard about IMO the greatest female wrestler ever in Japan's own Bull Nakano, she was quite possably the most talented woman I have ever seen in action she had it all power, grace, could fly with the best of them, technical skill, ect.... she basicly dominated women's wrestling in her time like Moolah did in her's even winning the WWE Women's Title from Debra Miceli than know as Alundra Blayze and probably best known as Madusa.

Nora Greenwald: Best known as Molly Holly, IMO she is the best technical women's wrestler in the history of the business, she put together some of the best women's wrestling matches ever seen in the WWE and is my persoanal favorite women's wrestler ever, she rarely got the respect she deserved as she was truly an all around great preformer and agruably the best women's wrestler in the last 10 years well at least IMO.

Trish Stratus: I have never seen a man or woman improve so much in a shorter amount of time, Trish was determed to become a great in-ring preformer and she did exactly that I have quickly jumped her to the top of my list as one of the greatest women's wrestlers ever, Trish got the devotion from the fans and surprisingly decided to hang up her tights, but as young as she is I hope one day soon she will return and continue to entertain us with good women's wrestling.

Mercedes Martinez: This si one of my personal favortie women wresters right now, I see so much promise in her I had to add her to my list, she can fly, suplex, and play the power game, right now she's down with an injury but i'm sure someone will take notice soon that this is one of the best women wrestlers out there.
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