Top 5 Moment's Of The Past 10 Year's

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What's everyone's favorite top 5 WWE/F moment's of the last 10 year's?

It can be matches, angle's a certain debut etc.

1. Chris Jericho's Debut (Raw 1999):

I honestly did'nt expect the countdown to the millenium to be Jericho's debut. I thought they had big plan's for him when they made his first encounter with The Rock. Unfortunatley they made him feud with Chyna.

2. Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind (Mind Games 1996):

My personall favorite match, great heat and brilliant wrestling. It's a testiment to how good the match is that the crowd did'nt shit on it when it ended in a D.Q.

3. Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar (Wrestle Mania XX):

I loved how the crowd showed their distain for both wrestler's because they were leaving.

4. The Rock vs. The Hurricane (Raw 2002):

The Rock made The Hurricane look competitive when he really did'nt need to, can you imagine Triple H doing the same? It also had a great ending, who would have thought The Hurricane would have won?

5. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit embracing in the ring (Wrestle Mania XX):

It was a great end to a monumental show. I believed it was a new era in WWE, unfortunatley it's been down hill ever since.
i agree with your list accept for goldberg vs brokc lesnar.....that was one of the worst matches i have ever seen...way to hyped up
You forgot

Eric Bischoff debuts on RAW - Who in their right mind would have EVER predicted that happening back in the middle of the Monday Night Wars? This is a MASSIVE moment in wrestling history in the last 10 years.
1. WWE buying both ECW and WCW, No one has ever bought out their own competition before this. I remember hearing everything and still not believeing it until that last Nitro telecast.
2, Debut of Jericho, I was a fan of his from ECW, living in NYC got to see a few of his matches.
3. HBK returning, might get some shit for this one, oh well, I was a big mark for HBK when he debuted and grew into the Heartbreak Kid. Also being there live was amazing.
4. The night after Wrestlemania 14 a lot changed that night, Stone Cold was the new champ, DX reformed, The Rock became leader of the Nation.
5. Mick Foley and Undertaker Hell in the Cell. Watching it live, was insane. Seeing what Mick would do to carry on a show and what he is willing to do for the fans is amazing and appreciated,
here's my top five in no order 1.the attitude era,the best time in wwe history for storylines and wrestling.2.the merge of wcw,ecw,and wwe,this gave us some of our dream matches that came true.3. the debut of brock lesner,even though he only stayed in wrestling for a short time he made a big impact on how wrestling first storylines second could make a great show(for 2 years smackdown was the best wrestling show since the attitude era)4.the tag team division 1999-2002,at times the tag division was on fire and had better storylines,fueds,and matches then the heavyweight division.5.the debut of kurt angle, who would have thought that this dorky guy would become the kurt angle we know now nobody except for maybe hhh / rock / austin / undertaker has made more of an impact in the wwe kurt will go down in wwe history as one of the greatest wrestler/entertainers ever to grace a wwe ring.that's my top 5 i tried to put things the people above me didn't already have.
1 Edge winning the WWE title after bret hart lost the title I never though a other candains would win it

2 WrestleMania XX at the end See Eddie and Chirs benoit both with World titles sent chills down my spin

3 NWO wolfpack- My favroite stable prolly was better then the NWO black and sliver

4 WrestleMania X8 See Hogan vs The Rock was a dream come true for me and is prolly the best macths of both of those guys wrestling life

5 Chirs benoit winning the WCW title then leave I though that was the best WCW moment ever and is so cool to wacth even to these day
1.Vince making Trish get on all fours and bark like a dog... That was so surprising and funny as hell.. Trish looked like a real bitch...

2. Goldberg debuting and spearing The Rock on Raw... Just shocking

3.Mysterio winning both the RR and the World Title at WM22

4.Edge finally winning the WWE Title.. The guy deserved it..

5.Eddie defeating Lesnar for the WWE Title at NWO and Benoit winning the World Title at WM21
A top 5 is too hard for me to decide because I feel like I'm missing some out, so I've done a top 10 instead. In chronological order:

1. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels Ironman match at WrestleMania 12 (technically this shouldn't be on the list as it was 10 and 1/2 years ago, but I don't care) - An absolute classic match from start to finish. Even though it pained me to see Bret Hart lose the match, it was still amazing to see Shawn Michaels' boyhood dream come true.

2. Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13 - One of the greatest matches of all time. The face and heel swithed roles during the match. This was the match that made Austin, the sight of him being trapped in the Sharpshooter, losing so much blood and refusing to submit is the stuff of legend. This was also the start of the very popular attitude era.

3. Mankind's fall off the cell at King Of The Ring 1998 - The most talked about and insanely incredible stunt in wrestling history.

4. WrestleMania 17 - Simply the best PPV of all time.

5. The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 18 - The greatest atmosphere in a wrestling match, bar none.

6. The return of Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam 2002 - It was so nice to see him back in the ring after a 4 year absence.

7. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit at Royal Rumble 2003 - What an amazing wrestling match this was. Even though Benoit lost, he got a standing ovation after the match. Both competitors were true winners.

8. Chris Benoit winning the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 20, and Eddie Guerrero joining him in the ring to celebrate - I don't think I was ever more happy to see someone win a wrestling match.

9. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 21 - The words "Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels" say all you need to know why this is on the list.

10. Bret Hart getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2006 - It was about time the WWE showed their respect to the greatest wrestler of all time, by inducting him into the Hall of Fame.
1.) King of the Ring 1998-Mankind getting thrown off of the top of the Cell by Undertaker

2.) Wrestlemania XV- Austin beating The Rock in Philadelphia to win his third WWF Title.

3.) Vince bringing in the NWO.

4.) WWE buying WCW from Ted Turner but finding out Shane own's it.

5.) Austin siding with Vince at Wrestlemania X-Seven
D-Generation-X said:
1.) King of the Ring 1998-Mankind getting thrown off of the top of the Cell by Undertaker

2.) Wrestlemania XV- Austin beating The Rock in Philadelphia to win his third WWF Title.

3.) Vince bringing in the NWO.

4.) WWE buying WCW from Ted Turner but finding out Shane own's it.

5.) Austin siding with Vince at Wrestlemania X-Seven

You've been warned for spamming, maybe you haven't noticed or read your warning. If you spam again your gone. You cant list a bunch of moments w/o telling us why the moment is in your top 5.
1. Benoit and Eddie at WM 20-They worked so hard to reach their goals and for them to finally achieve the 2 World Titles was amazing.

2.Chris Jericho defeats The Rock/Austin to become first ever Undisputed Champ- Jericho is my favorite wrestlers and I was so suprised that they gave him BOTH Belts. I was so happy when he won.

3. JBL defeats Eddie for the WWE Title at The Bash '04-I couldn't believe how JBL won the title. It was just so suprising.

4. Randy Orton defeats Chris Benoit at Summerslam- I couldn't over this for months....

5. John Cena defeats Edge at Unforgiven- Sad moment in WWE history.
1. Eddie Guerrero winning the WWE title - I had previously thought that this would never happen and was happy when eddie got the recognition he deserved

2. Chris Benoit winning the WHC - Similar to above I was glad when Benoit reached the top.

3. Rock Vs Hogan wrestlemania 18 - The most memorable crowd reactions I have seen in the last 10 years

4. Kurt Angle vs HBK - Both matches were true epics and deserve to be in my top 5 matches of all time.

5. The relaunch of ECW - Though I had my doubts this was a rare moment when I could truly Mark Out
1. King of the Ring 1996-When Stone Cold won and cut that unbelievable promo on Jake the Snake. Biggest merchandise sell the next night on RAW.
2. Wrestlemania 13-One of the best matches I've seen since I've been a fan. Cemented Stone Cold in with the fans. The rest is history.
3. Last Nitro show-I remember reading about it on the net, and couldn't believe it. My eyes were glued to the TV during the whole show.
4. Survivor Series 1997-I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned already, it was my first real example of seeing the inside of wrestling, and wrestlers breaking character.
5. Bischoff debuting on RAW-It was unheard of on some levels, but when Vince bought WCW, it was kinda inevitable that he would eventually show up.
Well most'a mine have been I'll try to post 5 that haven't..(I'll try to keep them close to 10 years)

1. The MSG Kliq Incident - I was at the show, and it was the first time I've actually seen the superstars break character

2. Triple H's return from Injury - Damn..Should've kept him Face, but his entrace on that return was the best 10 minutes of my life :)

3. Over the Edge 1999 - I was at that show as well, and saw Blue Blazer (Owen Hart) take that fall..

4. Original DX - 'Nuff Said

5. RAW May 23, 2005 - Bischoff, Heyman, and Mcmahon stand in the Same Ring for the first time. (Masterminds behind WWE, WCW, ECW)
wow i saw nothing wrong with DX's post but whatever...

10. Jeff Jarrett showing up on Nitro one night after losing the IC title to chyna in a 'good housekeeping match' and then dogging the wwf on the mic. he did not hold back a word!

9. the montreal screwjob. ranked low on my list because i never liked shawn michaels anyway, i was sick of the bret/shawn fued and i didnt know the REAL story of the screwjob until long after it happened. but its still a rankworthy moment.

8. Jericho beating the rock and austin to become the undisputed world champion. after all the hell i took from my friends for liking him back to his wcw days, it was sweet for me to watch that with them and see jericho forever in the history books. jericho was on a tear back then he beack the rock and austin several times before that night and beat austin the next night on raw in a cage.

7. HHH returning from his injury. i dont know anyone who didnt smile about him coming back especially after seeing how he finished the freakin match with that muscle tear. he even stood on that leg and tried to do the pedigree thru the announce table after it happened instead of just ending the match. thats a trooper! but when he came back that night after months of rehab and that music hit...holy crap, what a moment!

6. Another moment thats so obscure that most will not even remember it but it was hilarious and me and my friends still laugh about it today. nitro showed a shot of outside the arena they were at and it was from far away and some guy was walking on the sidewalk and from off camera view behind him came Kanyon who quickly ran up and gave him the diamond cutter (or the Im Better Than You, as he called it) and went up a few stairs and screamed BANG! before running off again. we laughd for the rest of the show. Kanyon did this type of thing a few times to different people at the time but none were funnier than that.

5. Bischoff and Russo in the ring together for the first time on Nitro and after the heat and hate build up...they hug! i couldnt believe it! the balloons dropped and bisch announced that ALL TITLES are now vacant and that they are starting over. awesome moment...speaking of awesome, mike awesome showed up the same night just 2 days after becoming ecw champ...

4. Y2J debut...gave me excitement chills! he was one of my top favs in wcw (to the dismay of many of my friends who just labelled him an annoying crybaby) ill never forget it and i have it on dvd :) and to do it during the rocks mic time was perfect.

3. the wedding for billy and chuck. i liked them and no one can deny they dominated the tag team division. but when they both stopped the wedding and was like "this is too far, were not really gay" i laughed and thot ok nice way to end the gimmick. but then the priest took off a mask (no one i knew saw this coming) and it was bischoff! moments later Three Minute Warning invaded and kicked butt! this moment was long in the making, uber hyped (it was in USA today newspaper) and pulled off perfectly.

2. vince mcmahon sitting in the chair talking about how he is losing control of the wwf and that if anyone is going to poison the fed it will be done by his own hand. when he turned away from the camera in the big chair it showed the letters that sends chills down wrestling fans spines: nWo! my goodness i can still remember the eerie "what the hell is gonna happen now" feeling! i simply was dying for next weeks show and my friends and i talked for hours about all the scenarios to come!

1. hulk hogan legdrops savage and turns bad. ill never forget i lived in virginia for less than a month and came home from work to watch the ppv my mom taped for me. for many months they JAMMED hogan down our throats as the hero and good guy and american...even his sqealing guitar music just made me wanna puke. i loved hogan but by this point i was so sick of him. and out he comes again to save the freakin day AGAIN...i was starting to get mad i paid for this ppv. but then he hit savage with the legdrop and suddenly the world stopped. everything i ever knew went upside down. the sun always rises, light chases away darkness and hogan will always be good. its just how things are...or were. this moment is the moment that changed wrestling more than any other and the game would never be the same again.

theres my ten :) there are prolly more but im not gonna spend all night on this post ive already spent an hour at it lol.
1. New years revolution 2006 - Edge winning the title from cena
2. HBK's speech in Canada when he was feuding with Hogan
3. Eddie winning the title at no way out 2004
4. HBK vs Taker- 1st hell in a cell
5. DX forming(HHH, HBK and Chyna)
1. Formation of nWo in WWE
2. Wrestlemania 22 - i was there, it rocked
3. Beginning of Hardy/Edge fued
4. Rock v Hogan
5. Eddie tributes after his death
1. Rock and Austin Feud
2. Return of HBK
3. Hiring of Eric Bischoff
4. Austin and Macmon Feud
5. Austin and Bischoff as GM's
1) Wrestlemania 13 and 14 - At 13 we saw the true birth of the legend of Stone Cold and it was cemented at 14 when he won the title
2) The Game HHH returning after his injury i was there that night and the i never experienced anything like that in my life...i couldnt even imagine what was going through HHH's mind at that moment...i have it on my comp and when i watch it i still get chills.
3) Wrestle Mania 12 - Iron Man Match....i consideer this the best minute for minute match of all time these 2 were at their heights in their careers and it showed.
4) DX(no more needed)
5) WrestleMania 6 - Hogan vs. Warrior
Mine is based off of instances that I honestly sat on the edge of my seat (rare)

1) Mankind's Hell In A Cell (KOTR)
2) RVD's Title Win (ONS '06)
3) Vince buying WCW - Alliance formation (wasted potential)
4) Matt Hardy attacking Edge after the whole Lita thing
5) Hogan vs Rock (WM X8)

I have always loved when actually talented performers get the belt: Benoit, Eddie, RVD, Rey (seemed forced), Edge, Bret, HBK, etc
Moneymaker_90 said:
1. New years revolution 2006 - Edge winning the title from cena
2. HBK's speech in Canada when he was feuding with Hogan
3. Eddie winning the title at no way out 2004
4. HBK vs Taker- 1st hell in a cell
5. DX forming(HHH, HBK and Chyna)

madcap said:
1. Formation of nWo in WWE
2. Wrestlemania 22 - i was there, it rocked
3. Beginning of Hardy/Edge fued
4. Rock v Hogan
5. Eddie tributes after his death

***WARNING FOR SPAM*** for the two of you

texfan200 said:
1. Rock and Austin Feud
2. Return of HBK
3. Hiring of Eric Bischoff
4. Austin and Macmon Feud
5. Austin and Bischoff as GM's

as for you, you have been warned on another ocassion and I have seen you spam several times.....Goodbye
1. The reaction Chav boy got before his match with RVD at one night stand 2. I haven't laughed so much in ages, throw it back!

2 Shaun v Kurt WM21. A match for the ages that I'll never get tired of watching if I live to be as old as Mae Young!

3 The Rock turning heel and joining the Nation. The start of greatness after a VERY dodgy start (are you reading this cena? It's not too late to turn heel and save your career.)

4 JBL doing commentary on smackdown. How many people would of thought that such an average wrestler would be the best reason to watch Smackdown this year?

5 The legend killer beating Cena for the title at WM23. Well a man can dream can't he. :icon_wink:
in no perticular order

Y2J Debut - back in the when i had NO internet usage seeing Y2J on WWE was a shock

DX invading Nitro - though they didnt get in this was classic

Bischoff and McMahon Hug on Raw - who would have ever expected that

HHH's return from injury - Amazing crowd reaction

HBK winning the title in the chamber - well deserved, no one ever like HBK!
jattcrazi said:
i agree with your list accept for goldberg vs brokc lesnar.....that was one of the worst matches i have ever seen...way to hyped up

I have never actually seen that mach. Why was it so bad? Everyone's always said it was one of the worst Wrestlemania matches ever but why? It seems like it would be a great matchup.
The reason the matched suck is because they spent like 5 minutes staring at each other, then a few more minutes doing lock ups and a bit of posing their muscles. They then wrestled for about 5 minutes, and that still wasnt really a great match. A little bit of fighting, a finisher or two each, then Goldberg hit the spear and Jackhammer and won. I DID NOT EXAGERATE THE TIMES, SERIOUS

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