Top 5 Feuds We Will Never See

Just a hypothetical look at what could have been...

This is a little Bret Hart-heavy, but hey, he was cut short.

5. Hogan/Austin- Okay, let's just say this one would have been huge because of the names involved. But I honestly believe it would have made for a shitty feud. Austin was a realistic guy, where Hogan was so cartoonish. Their wrestling styles would have went together as well as Gorilla Monsoon and Rey Mysterio.
4. Shawn Michaels/Brock Lesnar- Not sure why this sounds so appealing to me, but I really think these two could have brought the house down together. Michaels could have shined in his underdog, David vs. Goliath role. Brock would dominated him for months, whippin' him like a rented mule. And then Shawn would bounce, back slay the Giant, so on and so forth, you get the point.
3. Randy Orton/Bret Hart- The hard-working tough guy against the cheap shot, cheating bad guy. These two would have (and maybe still will in some capacity) worked together brilliantly. Great matches, and equally as compelling storylines.
2. Kurt Angle/Bret Hart- This would be a dream come true, mainly just to see the two of them work a match together. NOt sure how great the mic battles would be, but mathes would have been top notch, no doubt.
1. Triple H/Bret Hart- Would have been set up beautifully down the road after the '97 screw job. Their styles would have gone well together, better than Shawn and Bret I think. Ultimate heel of this decade against maybe one of the top two or three faces of the 90's.
5.Jeff or Matt Hardy vs RVD-pretty sure this feud has not been done before and I would not mind seeing another ladder/TLC match.
4.Stone Cold vs John Cena-both would probably break kayfabe(?) and make a pretty good feud.Cena would totally show his other side.
3.The Rock vs Shawn Michaels-would be epic.Probably the greatest competitors ever.Could easily main event Wrestlemania.
2-Edge and Christian vs The Miz and John Morrison-not for the wrestling,but for the comedy.I am sure it would reek of awesomeness.
1-Bret Hart vs Chris Jericho-two great technical wrestlers.This would be the main event of the year,quite possibly the century!
In no order

HHH vs Tully Blanchard. Replace Jericho with Tully for their WM match.

Dusty vs Hogan. A heel hogan vs a face Dusty, in their primes would sell and sell good.

Demolition vs LOD. A good feud, not the shit crap we got stuck with. Both teams in prime could beat the shit out of each other

Austin vs the Freebirds. I would pay MONEY every week, every PPV to see that.

Rock vs Flair. I'd pay money just to see the promos.
Heres one:

Rob Van Dam vs AJ Styles: Seeing as RVD has no intentions of returning to WWE or going to TNA it would hard to imagine this happening. Obviously their high flying styles would put on a great match, and both are good enough on the stick.
CM Punk vs Stone Cold - Oh my god, this would have been amazing. If only Punk was in WWE during the Attitude Era, this guy would have been the ultimate heel. Just imagine the promos and story between these two guys. Punk, with his straight edge lifestyle clashing with Austins "Hell Yeah!" beer drinking and crude behavior. And the matches would have been amazing as well as both of these guys wrestle so well.
1. Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart
-Two of the most technically sound wrestlers. This match would be a great wrestling match and would tell one hell of a story.

2. The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels
-It is a shame this never happened. The promos and buildup for this match would be awesome and the match itself would be just as good, if not better.

3. Undertaker vs. Sting
-Yeah yeah, real original. But these two in the prime would put on an awesome show worthy of main eventing WM.

4. CM Punk vs. Chris Benoit
-I suspect that this would have happened on ECW had Benoit not gone crazy. This would have been awesome and would have really put CM Punk on the map moreso than he is now.

5. John Cena vs. Hulk Hogan
-WOW! This match with these two in their prime would be incredible. The two top faces of their era of wrestling. The promos would be better than the match itself, but the match would still be pretty darn awesome.
My Top 5 feuds that will never take place, in no particular order, are:

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle – Today’s serious versions of both Superstars would flat out be great for business. A WWE / TNA feud is a dream of mine, and I would love to see these two go at it in the ring and on the mic.

Hulk Hogan vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin – I can’t think of a word to describe the magic that Hogan and the Rock had at WrestleMania X8. What do you think would have happened if it were Stone Cold instead of the Rock??

Ric Flair vs. The Rock - I can’t think of a word to describe the magic that Hogan and the Rock had at WrestleMania X8. What do you think would have happened if it were Flair instead of Hogan??

Vince McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff vs. Paul Heyman – If the Invasion had Eric as the leader of the WCW faction, you have to believe the Alliance would not exist. Eric and Paul would not have worked together, thus making the Invasion angle a 3 sided war. The story would have been 100 times better, but oh well.

Ultimate Warrior vs. Goldberg – The WWF / Intercontinental Champion vs. the WCW / United States Champion. The two men who beat Hogan and got the push of their lives. I’d even have Hulk Hogan as the Special Guest Referee.
A heel Undertaker vs. The Hurricane would be a awesome feud and so would the promos, but of course this will never happen. Brock Lesnar Bret Hart would be insane, possibly match of the century. Juventude Guerrara vs. Chris Benoit or Chris Jericho etc.
Hart Dynasty vs Hart Foundation: What better way to pass the torch than by the very people who trained the Dynasty? Plus, interaction between father Anvil and daughter Nattie would be interesting. Would we see Jim deliver an Anvil Flattener on Nattie?

Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle: In their primes this would be the best match in wrestling history.

Chris Benoit vs Umaga: Despite the fact they were both on the WWE roster at the same time, this match never happened. I really feel that this feud would be very intense. They would of also put on a very good match.

Chris Jericho vs Owen Hart: This match may of happened in Japan way back but their combination of aerial and technical skills would put on a 5 star match. And since they both have "whiny heel" gimmicks it would be funny to see them interact.

Bret Hart vs Randy Orton: Back when Randy had his "Legend Killer" gimmick, this would of been a dream match.
1. Sting vs the Undertaker- the two masters of the mind game. The two men who are their gimmicks and the two men who are the franchise players of their respective company's. It is truly the war of the drakside and a dream match of all dream matches.

2. Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle- the two men who have both boasted to be the very best. The greatest of all time inside the ring, these two could simply feud on who is the best. What a technical matsice they would have.

3. Stone Cold vs Goldberg- during the Monday NIght Wars in the late 90's these two men were the biggest in their companies. Austin the rebel, vs Goldberg the unbeatable. Each man knew how to win, and if there was no one pulling the strings would it be Goldberg with his spear and jackhammer or the rattlesnake who would sneak a chairshot behind the ref's back to chink the big man's armour and finish it with a stunner?

4. RVD vs Mike Awesome- the match that never happened. Awesome (as Champion) signed by WCW just as the feud of the decade (in ECW anyway) was booked. RVD had returned and Awesome called him out saying he was Champion. A hardcore match made in hell it would have been off the charts as both men were in their primes and would have put their bodies through anything to make it so.

5. Bryan Danielson vs Kurt Angle- see #2 except this time its Kurt in Bret's place and Bryan calling himself now the very best. These two guys would mesh even better as they both like to incorporate the MMA style into their spots.
1. Sting vs Undertaker - The two men in this industry that still have somewhat out there gimmicks and are still over with the crowd. This is the feud/match that everyone and their mother wants to see, and they are among the most respected men to ever lace up a pair of boots.

2. Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle - Bret boasted the moniker " The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. " Kurt Angle says he is the best wrestler in the world. This would be a true battle of submissions and mat technics. These two would put on a classic match if it were ever possible.

3. RVD vs AJ Styles - I just have a feeling that these two would gel very well in the ring. They would put on a battle of high risk maneuvers and essentially put on a very good match. And if RVD would not gel well, AJ is good at making his opponents look well.

4. Samoa Joe vs Taz - The two suplex/submission machines of their time. Both know suplexes out the wazoo and are masters of the choke out. This would prove who was better, and it would be more of a passing the torch match as Taz "mentored" Joe for a little while.

5. Abyss vs Kane - Kane may not be as hardcore as Abyss, but it would a battle of two big men, one I've dreamed of for a while now. I feel these two could bring out some of the good left in each other.
Although I've done a top 5.. I have to say an honorable mention would have to be.....

Jack Swagger vs Kurt Angle: as long as they stay in their respective promotions, we'll never see it. But two former all Americans, great technical wrestlers. Frig! this would be match of the year!
5. Goldberg/Austin - Both of these guys were on top of the wrestling world during their respective primes. They both also had the same look, and drew constant comparison. With that same look, however, came two completely different wrestling styles.

4. "Sugar" Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio - When WCW was on the fast decline, one star was rising in my opinion, and that was Shane Helms (obviously now Gregory Helms). He had the Verta-breaker finisher, new theme song, new entrance, new gimmick, and was very over. His in-ring ability was great, and he had a lot of innovative moves. I would have liked to have seen that Helms against the Rey Mysterio who debuted in the WWE. They were two different styles, but both were really over, and I would have loved to see Rey's crafty reversal of the Verta-breaker

3. Kurt Angle/Bret Hart - The Best Wrestler in the World Today vs the Best There is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. What a match that would be. Very technical, and good mat wrestling.

2. The Rock/John Cena - The promos would be great, the match would have a lot of high points. They both are very over with the crowd. The match would be a huge hit.

1. Sting/Undertaker - Both men have some sort of darkness gimmick. The idea seems like pure genius too me. I know it won't ever happen, but it just seems like a great idea. They are 2 of my all-time favorites, and I would love this.
5. Andre the Giant vs. The Big Show - just for the sight alone.
4. Lex Luger vs. Batista - basically the two big dumb lugs of their eras.
3. Samoa Joe vs. Umaga - two huge athletic samoans in the same ring would be awesome.
2. I have to second the Jack Swagger vs. Kurt Angle match that was mentioned above. Two brilliant technical wrestlers with amateur backgrounds and similar body types, although you'd have to take McMahon-Helmsley era Angle so they're both around the same point in their WWE careers.
1. Sonjay Dutt vs. Evan Bourne. I'm a sucker for high flyers and these guys are two of the best ever.
Bret Hart vs Macho Man Randy Savage

I recall seeing them square off in a survivor series match and thought these two guys styles would provide a great match. I have seen them have one-off match on a SNME but don't believe they had a feud.

The Skyscrapers vs Demolition

Demolition just because they were my favourite tag team against the Skyscrapers just because I think they could have been amazing if they had stayed as a team for any length of time.

The Dynamite Kid vs Flyin Brian Pillman

Two of the greatest high flyers ever.

The Great Muta vs Bret Hart

You thought Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect was a great technical match up.

Andre the Gaint vs Rey Mysterio

Just because I'm a sick puppy :rolleyes:
5. John Cena vs. Hulk Hogan: the two biggest faces of their eras squaring off. Would be great.
4. Stone Cold vs. Hulk Hogan: I would have loved to see Austin open a can of whoop ass on Hogan.
3. The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels: Two of the best in cutting promos ever, plus the match would be awesome.
2. Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart: In my opinion the two most technical wrestlers I´vs ever seen.
1. DX vs. nWo: the biggest stables in wrestling history head to head. I don´t think there´s anyone who wouldn´t love to see this happening.
Randy Savage vs Triple H We'll Never See due to Vince and Savages personal Fued. But This Would Be a clash of Styles.

Sting vs Undertaker The Phenom of The WWE vs The Phantom of WCW. The 2 darknessest, and mysterious men in the history of the organization

DDP vs The Rock The Peoples Champion vs The Peoples Champion. A missed oppurtunity on the part of WWF when the Bought WCW.

Ric Flair vs Bret Hart Its either This or Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart. All these Guys are very Well proformers and very good technichal wrestlers.

Goldberg vs Undertaker Streak vs Streak, Goldberg in his prime vs The Undertakers Undefeated Streak at Wrestlemania. Itd B Epic
This should be good lol. Uhh lets see here.

5. Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle - This would be the most technically sound match that wwe could've made. Both of these men were as technically sound as humanly possible.

4. AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho - Wow, just wow. These two could absolutely tear the house down. They both have smilar styles (no pun intended) and would be an amazing match and fued.

3. Brian Danielson vs Eddie Guerrero (RIP) - I'm not sure why, but this fued just seems like it would be amazing. Eddie could work with anyone and Danielson is ungodly talented, the battles on the mic would be interesting if the wwe wasn't pg.

2. Ric Flair (in his prime) vs Steve Austin - Oh dear god. This would be such a contrast in styles but both men could put on an amazing show. But the best part of this fued would be the battles on the mic, that would be something to see.

1. The Rock vs Shawn Michaels - This would be a personal favorite of mine. These two are arguably the best two entertainers in WWE history. Both men can sell extremely well and would be a match worthy of main eventing Wrestlemania. Plus the mic battles would be epic. This is the only fued i would pay money to see, mainly because these are two of my all time favorites.
5. Hogan / Rude: Always thought Rude would've had a World Title if he were around a few years later than he was. I would've liked to see Hogan actually go with a Heel that people might've cheered for simply out of refreshment. I'm not comparing him to Austin, but I think he would've been one of the guys who changed the way we saw good and bad

4. Rock/ Cena: I don't think this would be as good as it looks because it's two totally different eras, and these two are such great refelctions of those eras. I think Rock would make Cena looks a little silly, but I would still wanna see what they could do with it

3. Hogan/Flair: I know they did their thing in WCW, but Hogan was graspng for air at the time and Flair was already in WWF. I would've liked to see the program done right the first time so that the Wrestlemania 8 match would've been Hogan/Flair, while Hogan was still really hot.

2. Bret Hart/Kurt Angle-Need I say more?

1. Sting/Rock: I know that might sound nuts, but I would've loved to see it. Sting in his prime against the Rock would've been a quick paced exciter in my opinion
5. Bryan danielson vs Dean Malenko
dean was amazing in the ring and never had a bad match. Bryan is of similar size and has a similar skillset they wouldnt need to touch a mic for this one

4. Rick Rude vs CM Punk
these two can absolutely GO in the ring as well as the mic and their gimmicks make for the best type of feud Straight egdge messiah vs sex symbol both are main event talents and this might possibly be a all time classic feud

3. Raven vs Stan Hansen
These are two of the best brawlers ever. Ive never heard Hansen on the mic but Raven would do beautiful promos about how hansen is inferior to himfor whatever reason Raven decides to use

2. Jack Brisco vs Curt hennig
These two in their primes would have put on some of the greatest wrestling matches ever they both have faced and beaten the best of their generation and while brisco wasnt as good on the mic as hennig was he did well enough for himself

1. Scott Steiner vs Jushin Liger
I know it may sound kind of weird but scott from the early 90s vs jushin liger has always been my dream match these ae two of the greatest technicians of all time and they would no doubt put on a 5 star matche
5. Morrison/HBK
Just imagine what this feud could have done to Jo-Mo's career. It would be The HBK of the past, against the HBK of the future. It would propel Morrison to extremely new heights. Lets not forget about HBK though, if the feud were to be dubbed something like "HBK/Future HBK", he would be able to have pleasure in knowing that his character may never die. Also, with the in-ring abilities of these two, each one of their matches would be high-class.

4. Austin/Hogan
To of the biggest draws in wrestling. Ever. Now originally, the match at Wrestlemania X-8 was to be Austin/Hogan, however, the two couldnt decide on a finish and the plans were dropped. Had this match happened, it may have been bigger than Hogan/Rock. You would have the hottest superstar in WCW who just came to the WWE, facing the hottest superstar in the WWE. The crowd reaction would have been huge. Also, with Austin's persona, their could have been different segments between the two that would have been great.

3. HBK/Rock
Believe it or not, this feud never actually happened. At the time of HBK's back injury, The Rock was just starting to become a major superstar in the WWF. At the time of HBK's return, The Rock was leaving the company to become an actor. This feud would have been amazing. You would have nail-biting matches, Comedic segments, and the money it would've brought in would make Vince McMahon have a heart attack. Thats how big this could have been.

2. Triple H/Randy Savage
This feud could get pretty damn personal. It could be based on the story line that "Savage had sex with my wife when she was 12!" It could be Triple H getting revenge on Savage and putting Stephanie McMahon through emotional distress. You could even incorporate other characters into it such as Shane, Vince, and even Steph herself.

1. HBK/Sting
Two of the greatest superstars to ever step foot into a ring. One is the greatest superstar to never work for WCW, the other is the greatest superstar to never work for Vince McMahon. It's pretty much WCW's HBK vs. the real HBK. Just imagine with their charisma, and in-ring abilities. Just imagine how good a promo during this feud would be. Imagine how good a match between the two would be. If it were to culminate at a Wrestlemania, it would be the biggest and quite possibly the greatest match ever. Plus, it's a feud that fans can easily get behind.
I enjoy a good list so why not.

(I'm not going to include Hart vs. Angle becasue I'm fairly certain 9/10 people would like to see that, and I wanted a personal list)

5: Ricky Steamboat vs. Shawn Michaels: I would love to see this. Love to see this. Both men had a lot going for them. They would put on great matches. Amazing matches.

4: Vader vs. Bret Hart: Vader was an excellent big amn and Bret Hart could certainly get some of his best matches out of him. Vader and Hart over a title would have been quality to watch. Vader could've slowly take out Bret's family one by one (including Stu) only for Bret to snap and attack Vader viciously.

3: Chris Jericho vs. Bret Hart: Jericho vs. Hart. So many possibility's here. Jericho's mic skills could do wonders here against Bret. They would put on some great wrestling matches and really tear the house down.

2: Ted DiBiase vs. Shawn Michaels: The man who could buy (almost anything) against HBK, a man who found God. This would be a nasty fued. The matches would be good and the promos could possibly be better. Some excellent stuff could come out of this. DiBiase would be in his element here.

1: Steve Austin vs. Randy Savage: I've no idea why but this is the fued I've always wanted to see. These two could tear it up. Something about Savage vs. Austin has always really clicked with me. Austin was the Hogan of the Attitude Era and it's possible that Savage could have soem problem with Austin through that. I've never really been sure how they would do it, but I'd love to see it.
5 - Michaels VS Morrison
This feud could've happened right now. Morrison could learn a lot and the matches would be awesome. Maybe afterwards Michaels could manage Morrison because he kayfabe finally sees himself in him.

4 - Stone Cold VS CM Punk

Could you imagine the SES mercylessly beating down Austin? Could you imagine Austin spitting beer in Punk's face? Could you imagine the promos they would cut to insult each other? That would truly be great!

3 - AJ Styles VS Morrison
Maybe we'll see this happen, but only time will tell. Both are about the same age, both have an awesome moveset and both can play the arrogant shineboy. I'd love to see them competing.

2 - Stone Cold VS Randy Orton
Cool, calculating, ruthless. RKO versus Stunner, Rattlesnake versus Viper. Maybe an Orton in five to ten years or so would be an even better feud partner für Stone Cold. But that would definately hard as bone.

1 - Undertaker VS Sting
The two worlds of wrestling collide and the clash is devastating. Definately legendary, maybe the most legendary match imaginable.
5. Team Sid Vicious (with Sid Vicious, Kevin Nash, Giant Baba and Andre the Giant) vs Team Undertaker (with The Undertaker, Big Show, Kane and The Great Khali)
This match would be strictly for show for me but it would be without a doubt, entertaining as hell. Eight of the tallest, athletic and best wrestlers of all time in one ring? This match would be chaotic and everyone would tune in if not for the freak factor of it all. We would not see a clean match or a well worked match really. But its fun to think what would happen if the best 8 footers ever stepped foot in the same ring together. Would the ring collapse? Would we see the most botches in history? The worst worked match in history? The answer is probably yes to all of these questions which makes me want to see it more.


4. Chyna vs Beth Phoenix
I want this match to happen pretty badly. How much will it cost to get Joanie into a WWE ring again? I feel like if these two powerful women were to face one another, the WWE Universe might once again pay attention to the Women's division. Unfortunately it won't happen which is disappointing because it's not like Chyna is dead or something. She's not in wrestling shape and I heard that she left the WWE on bad terms (i.e. Triple H marrying Stephanie). The 9th Wonder of the World vs the Glamazon? That's the match of the century for the Women's division for sure.


3. HBK vs John Morrison
I'm saddened when I think about this match. I'm saddened because I really thought that this match was going to happen. Everyone says that Morrison reminds them of a young HBK and I agree with them 100%. This would have been a feud that would have made everyone change their channels to witness history. I personally did not like that HBK lost his final match. Why not go one more time when his body heals to face a young prodigy and electrify the fans one more time? HBK would surely do it. This match can still happen. But not right now. This is still a dream. HBK, get healed up, spend time with your family and if you want, give us fans a match that will be called the greatest in history. It's up to you Heartbreak Kid.


2. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Randy Orton
The Viper vs the Rattlesnake. The RKO vs the Stunner. Goodness gracious, I get as giddy as a school girl when I think about this match. These guys are almost mirror images of one another. They're vicious and deranged. They're ridiculously over with the fans. They are/ were their generation's heroes. Can you just think about when this match is coming to a close? Everyone would be on the edge of their seat trying to figure out who will hit their finishers first. Will it be the RKO or the Stunner? The counters would be numerous and when someone does hit their finisher on another? Expect a pop that will never be seen for quite some time from the WWE Universe.


1. The Rock vs John Cena
Two of the greatest faces in WWE history going one on one. Wow. This is definitely a dream match for me. The Rock oozes charisma and John Cena is no slouch in that department either. You have two of the greatest entertainers and the two best on the mic in recent WWE history. Just imagine the build-up to the match. This would be insane. And the match itself? The fans will literally blow the roof off the building because everyone will surely mark the fuck out. John Cena and his multitudes of fans and The Rock with his millions of fans. This match is a ratings dream and a "cash cow", if you will, if VKM ever decides to convince The Rock to return. Well, its all up to the Rock really. But you want to see a knockout punch to TNA? This match will surely help. The build-up itself will make fans change the channel. Whoever wins, it doesn't really matter. We, as the fans, would just be treated to a spectacular match and build-up that rivals the greatest in history. Come on Rocky. Make our dreams come true.

Can't put any of these in order.

Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart.
When ever the first three names here were together we got classic matches. Benoit and Hart had a couple of great matches in WCW. All four together in a Four Way feud. Just think of the possibilities of all four of these men in the ring at the same time.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society
As many have said before, If Punk had been around during the attitude Era in a Main Event role he would of been the ultimate heel against Stone Cold. It would be like CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy but on a whole different level.

John Cena vs The Rock
Allot of people have been wanting this for years and so do I. I'm sure most of the WWE audience at this point would cheer The Rock over John Cena and although my hate for Cena has been going strong since 2006 I'd have to side with Cena if he brought up all the reasons why The Rock is a sellout and what not. The crowd reaction to this match would be great.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Randy Orton
I can't even describe what the feud would be about but the matches would all be about each mans finishers. Who would get their finisher first. Be brilliant.

John Morrison and The Miz vs Edge and Christian
I can't see this one ever happening at any time at this point with none of these four men ever being on the same side since Christian returned in 2009. This feud would be all promos with the two sides making fun of each other (Edge and Christian vs Miz on the Mic would be brilliant)

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