Top 5 Dream matches which can happen?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok guys we all love the thought of dream matches and love talking about them, for example were getting Rock vs Cena at WM28 theirs talk of Punk vs Jericho so im not counting this in my list.

but ive been looking at all the pro wrestlers and guys outside of Wrestling who could put on a decent match if they returned and would steal the show so heres my Top 5 picks

5) Brock Lesner vs Randy Orton
bith men are fantastic in ring performers and could steal the show, both men are the youngest champions in the WWE Lesner the youngest WWE Champion and Randy Orton the youngest World Champion this match would be epic.

4) John Cena vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
I know what your thinking your mad! well this is the closest were going to get to Austin/Hogan in their prime both are faces of the WWE and if Cena beats the Rock I can see this happening but for this to work with the fans Cena would need to be heel

3) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk
for this to work Punk would have to turn heel

2) Jericho vs Undertaker
I really would rather see this at WM then Punk/Jercho

1) Kurt Angle vs CM Punk
both guys are classed as the best in the world and For me Kurt Angle is the greatest pro wrestler of the last 20 years so i would love to see these 2 icon settle it in a match

I know ive let loads out for example Sting/Taker but we all know that match will never happen so if your going to comment on here please make them realistic please
Here goes....

5 - The Rock vs SCSA : One last time please!! My favorite rivalry of the attitude era, great workers imo and they would destroy on the stick.

4 - Sting vs Undertaker : I know you left this out, but it could happen....kinda....i guess... anyway, Sting was my original hero in the ring and undertaker is well the undertaker. Shame Sting will never go to the E.

3 - Jericho vs Ziggler - I reckon they could put on a great match and it could really be a coming of age thing for Ziggler to learn from Y2J in a great feud.

CM Punk vs John Cena in a proper feud thats not ruined by others becoming involved. Please finish that one off.

1 - 6 man HIAC with : Undertaker, Kane, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, SCSA and Mankind. Just be epic mix of everything I feel.

I'm aware some of them were more feuds i'd like to see, sorry about that, but i think that the feud is what makes a match great on most occasions.
#1. Steve Austin vs. Hogan at Mania 29. ( If Hogan comes home to WWE with a legends contract or something and agrees to put Austin over, then I could see this happening at next years Mania. Big IF.)

#2. The Rock vs. H.B.K. ( One match I always wanted to see but they never really crossed paths in the story lines. This would be a fan favorite match, possibly have HBK be a little heelish like when he faced Hogan. The Rock would probably win but HBK would steal the show. Another great match for next years Mania, 29)

#3. Undertaker vs. John Cena ( Yet another match that would be great at Mania 29. I would love to see the Phenom make Cena tap at mania and end his career 21-0 at Mania.)

#4. Rey Mysterio vs. sin Cara ( If both could be injury free at the same time I think this would be a great passing of the torch match. It could be that the loser has to de-mask, so it be a great way for Rey to end his in-ring career.IMO.)

#5. Brock Lesnar vs. Austin or Undertaker.( Either match would be great with a descent story line leading up to it. Both men seem to have a bone to pick with Lesnar. It be great to see Lesnar in the ring again and bringing back the pain.)
Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker: There isn't a whole lot Jericho has left to do in professional wrestling - this is the one mountain he has yet to climb. The Undertaker is the most legendary performer in the history of the business. Chris Jericho is one of the greatest in-ring workers, promo guys, and technicians in the history of the business. Bad timing, full cards, and an unwillingness to pull the trigger has kept this feud from happening in the past... I'll never understand why!

Maybe it's that they want to protect Jericho, as he's a major star that makes surprise returns and needs to be kept on top. Having him return just to lose at WrestleMania isn't exactly a flattering suggestion. But it's the UNDERTAKER! Losing to him on the grandest stage is better than WINNING against anyone on the entire roster, championship match or not! I fear that this is one dream match I will never get to see...
5) R-Truth vs Booker T- The battle of 2 guys who speak mic jibberish, but could be a very fun match.

4) Miz vs Jericho- Egos galore & Jericho can even make a paper bag look like a 5 star competitor.

3) Rock vs HBK- Already been mentioned by other posters.

2) Brock Lesnar vs HHH- Not too likely now, but would be a classic, I would think.

1) DX vs Brothers of Destruction- As far as I know, this one has never happened, which I believe to be a shame.

There are so many more out there, many of which are probably better than mine, but these were on my mind & I stand by them.
5) CM Punk VS Stone Cold- Yes, Punk would have to be heel. But make this match a few years from now so Punk can be an awesome babyface for a while.

4) John Cena VS The Undertaker- Taker's last WM match.

3) Money In The Bank: AJ Styles VS Alex Shelley VS Jack Evans VS Low Ki VS Kofi Kingston VS Evan Bourne VS Justin Gabriel VS Sin Cara- The greatest high flyers that are still in their prime (let me know if I missed anyone.) What can I say? I'm a sucker for amazing spots.

2) Stone Cold VS Randy Orton- Legend Killer Randy (Not the Viper) would make an amazing rival for SCSA, maybe even better than Punk.

1) Chris Jericho VS The Miz- More about the feud than the match. Just think about the promos that they can have. If you can picture it, then I've made my point.

Honorable Mentions:
Sting VS The Undertaker
John Cena VS Hulk Hogan
Ricky Steamboat VS Richie Steamboat
Triple H VS Hulk Hogan
Kurt Angle VS Jack Swagger
Kurt Angle VS Dolph Ziggler
5 Dream Matches...

Taker v Lesnar would be cool if Taker came back with a more realistic twist like the ABA.

Austin v Punk would be great because of the edginess of both, with Punk being similar to how a modern 96/97 Austin would be.

Jericho v Taker is another one simply because of the mindgames. Two of the most cerebral stars to step in that ring in the last 20 years. Outside of Trips I don't think anyone can bring mindgames to a angle like these two.

Angle v Danielson is highly unlikely, but I would love to see that before Kurt finishes up in the next couple of years. The best technicians of their respective generations, I'm sure this would be a classic.

Taker v Cena would be great if it was apparent it may be Taker's last match at WrestleMania. I think Cena is one of the few people who could believably have a chance of ending the streak. Would make a great match for the 30th WM at the Garden.
In no particular order...

CM Punk v Shawn Michaels
These two had a brief encounter on RAW last year and I think that the promos alone between these two guys would be epic, and we know that they can both go when it comes to the in ring side of things. it would be the Straight Edge, and vocal Atheist, CM Punk vs the former drug addict, and "Born-Again", Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels would truly be one of the all time great feuds.

CM Punk v Stone Cold Steve Austin
To me this would be more like the Punk/Raven feud from 2003 with two polar opposites that end up having a very violent and brutal feud with some of the most epic promos ever.

Undertaker v Great Muta
Take how the Undertaker is viewed in North America, that is about how Muta is viewed in Japan. A lot of people like to talk about "Undertaker v Sting" being the dream match between two legendary, "Dark" characters, I say that Taker and Muta would blow that one out of the water.

Bryan Danielson (aka Daniel Bryan) v Austin Aries v CM Punk
Three of the best of their generation that could pull of one of the all time great Three-Way-Dances ever. I don't even know how this feud would play out, nor do I care, I would just love to see this match.

Shawn Michaels v Bryan Danielson (aka Daniel Bryan) w/ William Regal
A "Teacher v Student" match (even though I honestly don't think that Michaels was all that involved with his wrestling academy that Danielson went to, and I see more of William Reagal's Training when I see Danielson wrestle) this could be a true classic.
I dated each guy based on how they were performing, and also based on the character they were portraying at the time:

1994 Brett Hart vs 2001/2002 Kurt Angle - would be the best "technical" match ever
1988 Flair vs 1988 Hogan - should've been the main event of Mania 8!
1993 Big Van Vader vs 1991 Undertaker - both big men were at their prime
HBK vs The Rock - they would cut some good promos
HBK vs Macho Man - similar body-type and similar styles. Would work well.

*I didn't put matches that can still happen, because they would suck in the modern era.

5.) Brock Lesnar vs. ???: This is the only one i cant fully decide on. I think anyone that is a huge fan of the Ruthless Aggression era as I think it was deemed (Late 2001/2002- 2004/Early 2005)like I am wants to see Lesnar back in the squared circle. Honestly I dont think he has the passion he did for it but if he could peform like mania 19(one of the best main events in my opinion) he NEEDS to return for one more match! Only against who???? Theres rumors of Stone Cold which could be amaxing if done right but I think CM Punk vs Austin is better and for some reasons(idk if its cause his last match kinda involved austin or wat) but I dont see this happening or looking good. My personal picks are guys whos mania matches have flunked or guys he faced alot when he was in wwe before that I think they would want him to face someone new, Goldberg and Undertaker & The Rock espectivley. Batista or Lashley or Mason Ryan(Insert every other big muscle guy you can think of) doesnt seem him to have appeal for me. I would love to see him take on Jericho but I dont see that happening either. Punk and Triple H dont make sense to me for him to face. So in my eyes that leaves Cena or Orton. Orton Could be really good, just very little to none history. Cena has alot more history being on SD w/Lesnar for years and even previously facing for the title, also he is mr muscle man which looks good against Lesnars larger physique. Id really only be into it to see Cena get his ass kicked but then again why are we all watching mania this year besides Y2J vs. Punk????

4.) The Rock vs. Randy Orton - Legend vs. Legend Killer: I think everyone agrees this is not only an awesome match up but the next most logical feud(besides maybe Punk) after Cena and should face off against each other.

3.) Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker - The Best in the World vs. The Streak: Don't get me wrong I want to see Jericho vs. Punk ALOT as well but talk about story and legitmate threat. In a day where Taker has beaten almost anyone, Y2J is one of the only big names left not to face him, not to mention they have barley ever faced off. Also who took Taker's World Title before mania 2 years ago??? Y2J!!! It just makes sense that these two should face off at mania for the streak.

2.) CM Punk vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - The Attitude of an Era vs. The Voice of a Generation: I think everyone who even remotely considers themselves any kind on wrestling fan of any day and age would basically die to see this match. Possibly even greater potential(whether is just be in ring) than any Rock vs. Cena or Hogan.

1.) Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H - Iron Man Match(Wrestlemania): These two have met many times before. But only once at mania and it was a triple threat(which was an amazing match) but is not the epic one on one battle these two deserved. Best friends/Bitter enemies. Theyve basically done it all but never an iron man match and never one on one at mania! Could possibly be the best match EVER in my opinion!


-HBK vs. The Rock:Idk if its cause there careers didnt cross paths much or on paper this doesnt resinate much but these are the two most charismatic guys in the whole industry, this match shouldve happened!
-Cena vs. Taker: IF the ever turn cena heel...IF!!!!!!!
-HBK vs. Edge: Can't happen cause edge is injured.
-Taker vs. Stone Cold/The Rock: Rock kinda doesn't count but all men are alumni and not in shape to work match w/o younger talent to balance.
-Triple H vs. CM Punk vs. Y2J(Triple Threat): Hope this happens before Y2J leaves again.
-Kane vs. Undertaker III: With so many people he hasn't faced I didn't want to put this but if taker should face anyone a third time it should be Kane!
-The Attitude Era(Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Triple H and Chris Jericho) vs. The Reality Era(John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Batista, and Rey Mysterio): Always wanted to see a huge star studded match like this at mania and the next year or two could be the chance, mania 30 maybe????
-Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker(Last Man Standing Match): Awesome but to quote some guy we all know "No Chance in Hell!"
- The Undertaker vs. Sting(Icon vs. Icon): Could be amaxing but again never!!!
-The Brothers of Destruction(Taker & Kane) vs. D-Generation X(HBK & HHH) vs. Rated RKO(Orton &Edge) vs. JeriShow(Jericho & Big Show) vs. Batista & Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk & Kofi Kingston(Battle of the Best Tag Teams since the Attitude Era): Always wanted to see a bunch of the freatest tag teams battle.
Top 5 dream matches that could happen:

5 HBK vs The Rock: Hasn't happened yet. It would be an amazing match between two of the top 10 wrestlers ever. It's crazy that these two have not fought before.

4 Undertaker vs Sting: This would, for obvious reasons, be an epic feud. A simple match at Wrestlemania won't do. Sting should come to WWE at the end of his career and stay silent and appear stalking Taker. It would be a loser must retire match and a great way for Sting to bow out when he's ready to go. Sting would also be a worthy opponent to finally beat Taker at Wrestlemania.

3 NWO vs DX. I would love to see Michaels and Triple H vs Nash and Scott Hall. Hall will never be able to participate so it would have to be someone like Hogan or X Pac. This will never happen but it would be amazing no matter how old these guys were.

2 Hogan vs Austin. I'd say this match is far from being that interested to watch wrestling wise. But it could be, possibly with the right build up, an epic moment like when Hogan fought Andre. It would be cool to see Stone Cold pin Hogan cleanly with a Stunner. Hogan even wants this to happen but Stone Cold is too stubborn to go for it. Or maybe he knows Hogan will change the end last minute like he did with Sting back at Starrcade 97.

1 Hulk Hogan vs Bret Hart. For all of you out there who say this match would suck now, you're absolutely right. So for you i'll instead say Austin vs Cena where Austin stuns Cena in a match where PG wrestling is terminated if in favour of programming that leans more toward the attitude era than the PG era. And for those of you who think there's nothing wrong with PG wrestling, i don't disagree. I just have a problem with the PG-styled promos and segments resembling something i'd watch with my two year old on teletoon or some cheesy sitcom or reality show i'd be forced to watch with my girlfriend. I get that wrestling should be more inclusive for kids and women to make money but i'd say there's a way to make the product edgier or at least a little more adult-like for older fans without completely going over the top like WWE did in the 90s. Perhaps make it like WCW circa 1996-1998. It was edgy but not distasteful or anything like the WWE's attitude era of shock tv. Kids and women could still watch the WCW-like product and adults could still enjoy it the way they should and not the way they've been forced to.

5 matches that i'd love to see but can't happen and/or likely won't happen

5 Austin vs Lesnar, Punk, Rock, Orton, Cena, Batista.
4 Hogan vs Punk, Austin, Cena, Hitman, Jericho, Benoit, Eddie, Batista.
3 Scott Hall vs CM Punk. Scott Hall vs pretty much anyone from today's roster.
2 Hitman vs Michaels, Angle, Cena, Hogan, Triple H, Rock, Jericho, Punk, Lesnar, & Orton.
1 Mid 90s Randy Savage vs pretty much everyone above he never fought in their prime. Could you imagine the Wrestlemanias in the 2000s had Savage been even a decade younger? We coulda seen these matches, in no particular order, from Wrestlemanias 15 through 27: Savage vs PG era Michaels, Savage vs Triple H in a Stephanie on a pole match, Savage vs Taker and Savage dropping 10 elbow drops and still not being able to beat the streak, Savage vs The Rock with the Rock mocking Savage like crazy, a Savage and Jericho feud where Jericho tries to steal or slander whoever Savage had as a valet (and you could have Snucka, George Steele and Steamboat come out to combat Jericho as they did a number of years back when Jericho took on all the old guys), Savage vs Punk where Savage shows Punk how to be a real entertainer, Savage vs Orton in a battle of the Randys with Orton Sr. and perhaps Savage's brother being involved, Savage vs Cena in a Slim Jim vs Fruity Pebbles matchup, Savage vs Angle or Benoit or Eddie or even Edge in a Savage-Steamboat-like dream match, Savage vs Austin where the two craziest rulebreaking fan favourites collide and do the craziest shit ever witnessed all over the arena in a WWE match, or how about one final Savage vs Hogan match where no matter what both men retire for good and Savage could finally get the pinfall on Hogan. Savage was just a little past his prime and missed out on building an even more amazing legacy and it sucks. Today most mid 20s and younger wrestling fans leave Savage out of their top 10 and even top 30 best wrestlers ever lists..Savage is Top 10 and that's whether or not you include old guys like Bruno or Thez.
I feel like being a little creative and outside the box here so here goes: In no particular order.....

A winner takes all Championship Triple Threat Match Between C.M Punk (WWE Champion) Dolph Ziggler (World Heavyweight Champion) and Cody Rhodes (I.C Champ). No title unifications or anything like that, just one of those three being a triple crown holder could make for a pretty good program, not a long one but an interesting one.

Brock Lesnar v Batista Both these guys at the peak of their powers while in WWE would have made for one hell of a great match up its to bad their time at the top in the E didn't overlap.

SCSA v CM Punk The beer drinkin, ass kicking son of a gun vs the straight edge 'best in the world' would have great lead up promos and the match would no doubt be thoroughly entertaining. Like the stars of yesteryear CM Punk maintains the ability to not just pull off a series of moves in the ring but rather tells a greater story by his actions. Austin is one of the best at it.

Undertaker v Kane WM28 The Streak 19-0, More then likely the Undertakers final ever match. Last year against HHH Taker had to be carried from the ring, play on that. And the obvious history between these two persona and men has to have its final and maybe most defining moment to be Takers last match, WM28, 20-0

Dolph Ziggler v Y2J Whats not to like?


Who doesn't like getting high?

Just my humble opinion
The Rock vs Randy Orton-Battle of the best third generation superstars. and i can't even imagine the amount of jokes Rocky could pull off about Randy's crazy character

John Cena vs The Undertaker at WM-This would have been INSANE in Cena's prime with his huge fanbase against Taker's diehard streak fans. and could you imagine this match? with Cena just barely kicking out on time over and over and over again, he would make it very believable that Taker wasn't going to win it in the midst of the match.

The Rock vs CM Punk-the promos would be absolutely incredible.

Cody Rhodes vs Shawn Michaels-I know this has happened before but A. it was on a random Raw and B. it was when Cody was relatively nobody.

Sin Cara vs Rey Mysterio-My mind can't even fathom the kinds of moves and reversals they'd be able to pull off. and like many have said it would be a classic passing of the torch type match
1) Cena, Orton and Punk vs Rock, Triple H and SCSA. - Old generation vs the new generation.

2) Triple H vs Rock at WM - they feuded as mid carders, they feuded as entry level main eventers, they feuded each other's stables twice, they feuded as top stars and now I'd like to see them feud as legends at WM.

3) Mankind/Foley vs Taker last man standing match at WM - This match would be an instant classic and a great way for Taker to go.

4)Cody Rhodes vs Dibiase Jr vs McGuilicutty in a legends lumberjack match with special referee Roddy Piper- The ring would be surrounded by Dusty Rhodes, Dibiase Sr, Rick Rude, Hogan, Flair, Jake the Snake, and any other living legends they can round up. I'm sure there would be a massive brawl at somepoint in the match. I'd end the match with McGuilicuty winning the match and then dedicating his win to his father and have tears and handshakes and all that stuff. I'd also have him start wrestling under his real name from that point on.

5) Taker, Kane, Nash, Mark Henry, Big Show, Lesnar, Goldberg, Bobby Lashley, and Batista vs Cena and Ryder in an "I quit", elimination tornado tag match. - Now let's see who "Never gives up". Unfortunately WWE would probably still book Cena winning.
Stone Cold vs. CM Punk

This goes without saying. Seeing Punk heel up against a Face Stone Cold would be fantastic, it's a good possibility as well.


The Rock vs. Undertaker

You have no idea how much I would wanna see this match. You have two amazing legends from the past fight at the show of the immortals. I have chills down my spine just thinking about it.


The Rock vs. Shawn Micheals

Another match I would've really wanted to see. Due to Shawn's back injury, just as Rock was becoming a real rising talent. Sure he "screwed" Rock out of the title a couple times (On SmackDown and in that Iron Man Match), but those would've been great moments for Rock to feud with him.

Stone Cold vs. Randy Orton
Haha, I've been thinking this over and I would like to see this match also. I'm not a big fan of Orton in the slightest but I would like to see him try and RKO Steve Austin.

Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk vs. Kurt Angle

All three of these men claim or have claimed to be the Best In The World. Only one way to find out. A Triple Threat Match at WM would clear that spat up.
With the current roster I only have 2 matches

Undertaker vs. John Cena at WrestleMania XXIX
-This is a match I've been waiting to see. Yes they fought in 2003 at Vengeance and Raw October 2006 but I don't count those matches. 2003 John Cena was still a new comer. 2006, that match was 6 minutes and King Booker and Big Show did a run in. This match match at WrestleMania XXIX would be big money for the WWE. Possiblely more than Rock/Cena at WrestleMania XXVIII.

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan 60 Minute Iron Man Match
-I know they have already squared off in the early part of the 2000's in the Indies. But now they both are in the WWE. They have great chemistry in the ring. The WWE Fans would enjoy this match.
Cody Rhodes v. Santino Marella. With Marella winning. No shit, really.

Merely because I could only imagine the promos Santino could deliver here (I now think of one concerning Cody's pug nose, but knowing Santino, he'll twist it out of proportion), making Santino seem like a credible contender and Cody a cusp away from a genuine main-eventer.

Oh yeah, I really like that.

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