Top 3 Favorite Songs of all Time.


First Immortality..Then the Bitches
Its basically what the title says, I want you to list your top 3 favorite songs of all time and tell me why you like them so.

You know these songs. There the ones that grab you from beginning to end. The song that never gets old no matter how many times you've heard it. The song that everytime you and your buddies are driving along and it pops on the radio and you just have to say, TURN THAT SHIT UP! Or If it just hold personal value to you for whatever reason. List it.

Song one comes from my favorite band EVER! Its called Monkey Brains and its by Our lady Peace. Its the song for me just from the way it starts, to the funky bassline to the nice drumming pattern, down to the slick guitar work. Then transitions into the slow acoustic part back into the fast and energetic last bit. Its just so..funky lol. Everytime I hear it it just makes me wanna move to the beat. I mean, who dosent love a song about butterflys? lol


Second song comes from a band I recently discovered but Havent stop listening to them yet. Namely one particular song.Aint No Rest for the Wicked By Cage The Elephant. I Dont know what it is about the song but I just happen to find it very catchy With a solid meaning behind it. Overplayed on my Ipod, but I still cant help but listen to it daily.


Lastly, another song from my all time favorite band OLP. This was the first song I heard by them and till this day remains my favorite by them. Superman's Dead Not much to say about this one just I love it with a passion. Its even better live. Id go further into it but Im needed else where. Enjoy.

Alright, so let's see you want the top three songs. First, off I these are all tied for first as I can't pick what I like more than the other.

This song is Dead in Ditches by Hollywood Undead who I've only been listening to for about week. My friend got me into them since he knows I love rap and he hates it but loves rock. Therefore the best of what we both like.

This song is Tag Em In by Them P Ranger$ also know as GGPR, Go Go Power Ranger$ or simply as The Ranger$. This song is Jerkin Song that you can simply bump to and never gets old. (MB is in the rangers but not in the rangers he's the little 8 year old).

This last choice is a tough one but I gotta go with GGPR (shout out to New Boyz, Audio Push, Jinc Ent, Cold Flamez, and The Baby Dollz). The only problem now is the song and I decided to go with a non-jerk song of thier's as I already posted a jerkin' song by them and shows off there singing talent.


All time favorite song, Bohemian Rhapsody from Queen. Perfect song. Amazing lyrics, no part sounds the same, and Freddy Mercury has one of the best voices ever.

My all time favorite band Danzig. My favorite song of his, Under Her Black Wings. It captures what he is about Darkness and Evil with a little twisted romance thrown in. "Blackest than the Black, Darker than Night, Come to me my Bleeding Light, See she comes, She comes now, Enter Oblivion"

Modest Mouse- Doing the Cockroach
Great song from a great band. "I was in heaven I was in hell, believed in neither but feared them as well" The emotion in the lyrics and the distorted guitars make this song so good

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