Top 20 Overall Divas Of All Time

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Future Women's Champion
Well when I read the thread for the Top 100 Wrestlers of all time, it inspired me to make one for the women. To be honest, I'm to lazy to make a Top 100 so I made the Top 20.

This list is based on overall in-ring work, mic skills, title reigns, impact, and anything else you can think of. It's not just wrestling ability.

After you read my list, you can either tell me what you think of it or you can make one of your own. Do both if you'd like. Here it goes.

20. Michelle McCool
19. Rockin' Robbin
18. Sable
17. Beth Phoenix
16. Jacqueline
15. Jazz
14. Victoria
13. Melina
12. Bull Nakano
11. Alundra Blayze
10. Luna Vachon
9. Ivory
8. Molly Holly
7. Mickie James
6. Sensational Sherri
5. Wendi Richter
4. Chyna
3. Lita
2. Fabulous Moolah
1. Trish Stratus

If you like this thread, let me know and I might make seperate Top 20 lists for mic work, in-ring ability etc...
sable has to be higher. she was the one who made divas popular. and wheres the original diva SUNNY??? missing some names on there man...
Okay, not bashing you, but I get sick of seeing the mistake of calling anyone a Diva that isnt. Like some fans will talk TNA KO's when a discussion is on your favorite Diva, but no, Divas are in WWE, but the other mistake is Divas started with Sunny, the Original Diva and Sable as well

Moolah is, therefore, not a Diva. These were simply womens wrestlers or female wrestlers, but they didnt have the title Diva back then nor were they acknowledged as such, thus your list is an automatic fail, but again I'm not bashing you, but facts are facts

So yes Sunny should be on the list, Sable higher, Trish is in the right spot, Lita is number 2 definately

Stephanie McMahon is a Diva too and deserves to be on. I'll make this my list: (and for the record, yes Michelle may be in the record books but she doesnt deserve Top 20 status, she is way overpushed, overhyped and undeserving of everything she's gotten be it first Divas Champ, first to hold both the Divas and Womens titles and first Undisputed Divas Champ, OBVIOUS overpushing and desperation to make her successful and holding Layla back who's better than her to call her heat Michelle's heat because Michelle cant get a reaction on her own and is boring, bland and uninteresting. And I LIKE her, but not much anymore, I cant say there's any reason to, she killed the entire Division being a total not spotlight hog but division spotlight hog, it's like it's the McCool Division, they dont want anyone else with more potential or thats better than her already to be highlighted over her and are mad because she is a failed wrestler, she can wrestle a bit, but that's it, no mic skills, or anything else

Wow, sorry for the rant, anyway I'm gonna edit my list in here later

Okay, thought about it and here's my list:

I didn’t list Gail Kim because she is a bit overrated by her fans although she had a great first run with WWE and I’m only counting her time in WWE as this is related to her time as a Diva, she was impressive then, boring now and I don’t care to hear the excuses of being used wrong, anyone can boost themselves with the time they have. Jazz was also another great Diva, but just didn’t list her in the Top 20. Hell you could even argue Ashley Massaro or Christy Hemme being in. The Kat is one I likely shouldve left in maybe over Tori. I’m going with this for now and it’s not completely wrestling based and definitely isn’t a list based on pure sexiness or it would be different in both cases, I’m considering crowd reaction and likeability etc as all Divas weren’t just popular for wrestling, some had great non-wrestling roles etc. Funny thing, I actually have to say Vickie must be added as she is a Diva and definitely gets her heat, now editing…

20. Kelly Kelly

19. Alicia Fox

19. Beth Phoenix

18. Natalya

17. Tori

16. Molly Holly

15. Vickie Guerrero

14. Victoria

13. Maryse

12. Stacy Keibler

11. Jacqueline

10. Ivory

9. Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

8. Torrie Wilson

7. Melina

6. Mickie James

5. Sable

4. Sunny

3. Chyna

2. Lita

1. Trish Stratus
I only have 3, Trish Stratus, Mickie James and Lita in that order. Never liked nor cared about any others.
Wait...was Chyna technically a Diva, if so she makes my list to, but I thought she was an awesome superstar/wrestler not just Diva, she could hold her own with the big boys.
With no, Trish, Mickie, Lita or Chyna, I think Divas wrestling sux. Bring back some women who can actually wrestle I say.
On a side note it would be interesting to see a Smackdown Vs Raw with some legend Divas included....
ima rate it 1star
you list michelle mccool number 20 the first ever womens and divas champ n first ever unified womans champ last on this list , and you call it the divas list but missing the first diva ever Sunny from it, its time you redo this list man!!

my top 5 would go like this for top diva's

michelle mccool

if were talking wrestling my top 5 would go

beth phoenix
michelle mccool
Ok, I'm going to take a crack at this, but base my list mainly on overall ability and impact on the state of women's wrestling. Thus, I will not include Sunny since she was not an active competitor. Let's see what we can come up with.

1. Fabulous Moolah - The longest reigning women's champ and was somehow still relevant until her death. When you are in your 70s and still important, that's impressive.

2. Sable - I know some of you didn't have her very high, but this woman brought back women's wrestling. It was defunct after Alundra Blaze left and the new division was created for her. She was tough and sexy and the Sable bomb was lethal. The modern diva was and is based around this woman.

3. Chyna - Perhaps she could be higher due to her impact AS a woman, but in terms of being a part of the women's division, that came later. She was just that much better than everyone. This type of woman transcends labels and was just a force to be reckoned with.

4. Wendi Richter - She actually main evented during the Hulk Hogan era. That should tell you enough about her impact on women's wrestling. As part of the Rock n Wrestling connection, she helped wrestling go mainstream along with Cyndi Lauper. On top of that, she was a solid in ring talent for her time, but it's her impact on exposing women's wrestling that lands here at this spot.

5. Lita - This might even be a little high, but admittedly I enjoy her work. She mixed it up with the boys in a time where only Chyne really did and she did it well. She made it ok for women like Eve Torres today to be flipping around a ring, doing moonsaults and the like. She was fearless and brought a high flying excitement to women's wrestling that hadn't been seen before.

6. Alundra Blaze - Probably the premier women's wrestler of the early 90s, she worked well with all types of opponents. Her stunt when going to Nitro is legendary, and it removed women's wrestling from WWF programming for 4 years. That type of impact can't be overlooked. She really started the friction between WCW and WWF in a sense. That's big time.

7. Sensational Sherri - One of the premier managers of all time, she also mixed it up in the ring some. Her high ranking is due to having an impact on a ton of careers and showing that managers could evolve into wrestlers. That trend certainly grew as we got into the new millennium.

8. Jacqueline - A fine worker in the late 90s and the new millennium, she was the first women's champ when the title was reactivated, getting that distinction over Sable. What is important about this is that she was the first African American women's champ, making her the first African American to hold a major title (meaning highest title for a particular gender). I think that's major, as it opened up the possibility for other minority women to make an impact on the division. Plus, her feud with Sable was one of the hottest stories of 1998, the year of Austin. That's impressive stuff.

9. Ivory - In an era where fake breasts and a model look usually determined success, this woman made her mark on merits alone. An excellent in ring competitor (perhaps the best technical worker I've ever seen from a woman), she won the title 3 times and was dominant while a member of the Right to Censor. This group allowed her to showcase her abilities outside the realm of gimmick matches which were popular at the time. Truly an excellent talent in the ring.

10. Mickie James - Another excellent ring talent, she debuted huge by taking down crowd favorite Trish Stratus and winning over the crowd due to her own talents. She went on to consistently be in the title hunt and is one of the most popular Divas of the last 7 years.

11. Trish Stratus - Surprised she's this low? Actually, I was going to put her lower. For the first few years of her career, she was a valet and occasional wrestler (though untrained at the time). During that time, her work in the ring was downright embarrassing. Credit her though for improving, as she did become more of a force as time went on. This woman is probably as infamous as she is due to her beauty and refusal to pose in Playboy. Her legacy is quite inflated given she was in the business for 6 years and more than half were spent as a valet, but she provided a foil for Lita and took good bumps for her, so that's important for that time period.

12. Mae Young - While she probably gained more fame as an old lady, more people could probably name her today than most women in wrestling. That fact alone lands her on this list, but if you go back and watch her matches from many years ago, she wasn't bad. Nowadays, she's pushing 90 and still shows up from time to time. That's impressive. As long as we don't have to see her naked or anything.....

13. Stephanie McMahon - I thought about putting her higher due to her impact on the industry, but since she was never much of a worker like her brother became, she can't get much higher. However, she was the first woman GM of a wrestling program and had a major impact in that regard. I think we all wish that her husband taught her to wrestle a little better for her few performances though.

14. Leilani Kai - Another mid 90s worker, she took the title off of Alundra Blaze. An excellent worker from Japan, her ring work speaks for itself. At that time, looks weren't important, and she was able to put on better matches than most of us are used to today.

15. Beth Phoenix - The Glamazon lands here and no higher due to her career still having a lot left. What makes her unique is her muscular physique but still posessing beauty. She is a better looking Chyna, as she muscles her way through most Divas. Her in ring work is stellar and she has wowed the crowd over the years, recently becomign the second woman to ever enter the Royal Rumble. That's elite company, and she clearly has shown that you can be beautiful and strong and still succeed in woman's wrestling.

16. Rockin' Robin - From the famous Smith wrestling family (her dad is the same as Jake Roberts but different mothers), she was able to work well and actually retired the belt for the first time in 1990 as she left the WWE. She was trained well and certainly did her part to keep women's wrestling going once the likes of Wendi Richter, Moolah, and others were long gone.

17. Michelle McCool - Perhaps one of the best to make the transition from a career outside wrestling, this former teacher has gone from pointless valet to one of the best WWE has to offer. Some might say she has her spot due to her relationship with the Undertaker, but watch her matches and you'll think otherwise. This girl has worked hard to become a force in the ring and it has payed off. Her impact on the industry may not be great, but she can work.

18. Molly Holly - Debuting as part of the Holly family, this woman will be remembered for great matches and for shaving her head. This type of stipulation was more common among male matches, but females generally were protective of their scalps. However, this brave woman was the first to put it on the line. She was a fine worker who, like Ivory, fought the era as a non-model type, and even translated that into an on camera character as a "prude conservative". However, it's her shocking head shave that will be remembered, though if you watch her work in a ring, that part should definitely be remembered too.

19. Victoria - She debuted as an enforcer for Molly Holly and eventually gained her own momentum as a star. She can work and has the distinction shared with Lance Storm for "most famous wrestlers with a widow's peak hairline". While she is not legendary, she was always solid and one of the better ring workers of her time, so she lands at this spot on the list.

20. Bertha Faye - Her unique look will keep her in the minds of wrestling fans forever. An overweight competitor, she was the last person to beat Alundra Blaze in the WWE. Unfortunately, she lost the title back and was largely forgotten. She died in 2001, but will always be remembered as a talented performer who will never be duplicated, mostly due to the image restrictions held to WWE divas today.

Perhaps some new Divas will make this list eventually, but that's what I got for now. I know some of you will disagree with me, but good luck making your own lists. It was fun but it's hard!
Honestly I think a top 10 favorite soda wrappers would be more fun to make then freaking Diva's in the WWE....

I have to agree with Aotearoa. I liked Mickie, Trish, Lita, and Chyna. For me, you can also add Sable to that. Other than that? No thank you. Booooooooring. There's so few decent ones to choose from that to make 20 and actually put some on a list is preposterous. If Stephanie or Vickie count (which they obviously shouldn't... Just saying...) then they could be included in my group of women that I thought were actually good in the WWE. But that sums it up honestly.
Okay when I think of the best divas ever I think of..

1 Lita
3.Fabolous Moolah
4.Trish Stratus
5. Victoria

I don't think that Trish is the best like everyone else is saying I think that Lita and Mickie are way better then her in every way. Trish isn't as good as everyone makes her out to be and is far from being the best of all time that honor goes to Lita.
JJYanks has it about nailed. I am surprised that a lot of people remember Alundra Blayze and even more surprised JJ remembered Bertha Faye. I had that on VHS and she was agile for her size. Plus Harvey Winkleman at her side was pretty funny as well. The polka-dots...oh geesh, the polka-dots.
Honestly I think a top 10 favorite soda wrappers would be more fun to make then freaking Diva's in the WWE....

I have to agree with Aotearoa. I liked Mickie, Trish, Lita, and Chyna. For me, you can also add Sable to that. Other than that? No thank you. Booooooooring. There's so few decent ones to choose from that to make 20 and actually put some on a list is preposterous. If Stephanie or Vickie count (which they obviously shouldn't... Just saying...) then they could be included in my group of women that I thought were actually good in the WWE. But that sums it up honestly.

Actually they do count, this is Top 20 Divas, now if it were Top 20 Womens Wrestlers then you could count Divas and Females before the term Diva came about like the OP but everyone since Sunny and Sable has been a Diva, you cant just label the women before them Diva as if it was their label when it wasnt, that's like saying Yokozuna was an Attitude Era star when it was way after his time in WWE

So Vickie and Steph are Divas, they got involved during the time when that labelling was then upon the women, there are more female wrestlers likely then there were Divas because that title has only been used for women for a short time compared to the longer history of females that werent referred to as Divas, thats why the lists that put Moolah and such in are illegit they werent DIVAS, the term hadnt started, there's a reason Sunny is known as The Original Diva, these other great female athletes ppl are naming a great but this isnt their list straight up

that would be a Top 20 Overall Female Wrestlers for WWE list but the OP specifically stated Divas thus that's talking about the women from Sunny and Sable on through now

Divas dont have to be great wrestlers to make the list either, it's no denying Torrie dominated Smackdown! and when I think of SD! and Divas she instantly comes to mind, but she wasnt a great wrestler though she wrestled, again some have non wrestling roles, it doesnt make them worthless and that is just stupid to think and just plain sexist considering lots of guys that were wrestlers or havent been have non wrestling roles and get more heat than active wrestlers, thus Vickie actually deserves credit for doing as well as she has and Steph as truly been a great onscreen character, just listen to the reaction last Monday, if she came back, ppl would love it, one of the most dominant Divas in history, am I talking wrestling? no, but can it be denied? NO. She has power and her reign with HHH or teaming up with her brother against Vince in 2001, she has been superb
seriously, no one should be putting Natalya, Alicia Fox, or Eve, Maryse, effin Bella Twins, or even Kelly Kelly. None have them done anything to merit being considered amongst some of the greats like Trish, Lita, Sunny, Sable, Jazz, Victoria, Molly, hell I would even say Michelle Mccool...
seriously, no one should be putting Natalya, Alicia Fox, or Eve, Maryse, effin Bella Twins, or even Kelly Kelly. None have them done anything to merit being considered amongst some of the greats like Trish, Lita, Sunny, Sable, Jazz, Victoria, Molly, hell I would even say Michelle Mccool...

It's not all about the wrestling, impact is made in other ways as well. Like her or not Kelly Kelly gets the best reaction of the Divas other than Melina and is a great face, the fans have done that via reaction to her, she's been over since ECW. It may not be that shes a great wrestler technically but theres more to wrestling than what you do in the ring

Alicia and Natayla both have potential and great futures, Natayla's background and Alicia became champion earlier, first Black Divas Champ which is like Ron Simmons being noticed for being the first Black World Champ in history, she wasnt the first black female champ in history but Divas title, yeah, she sells well, and trust that she's got a future, she's the best heel on Raw other than Maryse for the Divas

btw Maryse, I knew someone would attack her, but you really cant deny it, she's dominated the Divas title scene, she gets a great heel reaction and is the best heel going today of the Divas from a gimmick so simple, she's been the best give or take Vickie being around when she wasnt absent

But yeah, you cant really base it all on wrestling, I do realize Alicia and Natayla however are still new and fresh but to me you need that in the list, they are both blowing up around the same time and I just know this, their pushes will continue

I'd agree with you on Eve and The Bellas, they are good, but not there yet enough

The Bellas though, if WWE were smart, could be good dominant champions if they switched in matches to win and kept the titles for a year, ppl would love it like in an Eddie way but WWE could turn em heel and have ppl hate it, you have a safe way of continuing it with a positive or negative reaction, then they'd be really deserving of it being to have accomplished that
Twins as Divas Champ, switching to keep the belt for over a year

Okay, I just gotta laugh at the criticism some people are throwing at thread starter's list. When I first read it, I found it to be an outstanding list. One of the best I've seen.

Then I see people on here criticizing it saying it's a terrible list, and as "examples of better lists" they put the likes of Kelly Kelly, Maryse, and Alicia Fox on their lists and Michelle McCool as the top 5. Please.

The only thing that Alicia Fox is good at is shaking her hips (which she's a goddess at that admittedly). I'll grant that she's a decent wrestler, but she's got a long way's to go before even being worth considering for such a list. And Michelle McCool has established herself as a top name in the current Divas division, but in the top 5 of all-time, ummmm yeah, that would be a negatory. And Kelly Kelly is very popular and over, no denying, but she is nowhere near deserving of being amongst the top 20 females in WWE history. She's got a way to go before that.

The problem with this list and subject is the wording.

This poster titled their list The Top 20 Divas of All-Time, which I think was a bad choice of title on their part. It seemed to me that the poster was really trying to make a Top 20 Females/Women in WWE history type list. As someone pointed out, the likes of the Fabulous Moolah, Wendi Ricther, and Rockin' Robin and Sensational Sherri, don't really fit the modern day "Divas" mold. They were legitimate, old-school female wrestlers. A WWE Diva is different from a female professional wrestler. So I think with what they were going with, they should've said The Top 20 Women in WWE history, which would've covered both, Divas, and legitimate female professional wrestlers.

Because as someone pointed out, if you're going with "Divas" then undoubtedly Sunny, Stacy Kiebler, Torrie Wilson have to be on the list and Sable should be much higher. They weren't the best female wrestlers, even the Divas I criticized like Alicia Fox, Kelly Kelly, Maryse, and Michelle McCool, this early in their career are already better athletes and wresters than they ever were, but if we're talking Divas, there's no comparison. The modern Divas have nowhere near the legacy or were as big of stars as Sunny, Sable, Torrie Wilson, and Stacy Keibler.

But again, those are the obvious criticisms, but again, I think I can see what the poster was trying to come up with which was a list based more around professional wrestlers than Divas, and from that perspective, this list is darn near perfect.

There isn't a single person on that list who dont' have a strong case for being considered the 20 best female wrestlers in WWE history. They included legitimate names that really established the female division in the modern era of WWE, from a wrestling perspective. It's a great list actually.

My only complaint is that they should've chosen a different title, because if you're going with the term "Divas" then it can't be just female professional wrestlers, but personalities as well. That's where the likes of Sunny, Torrie Wilson, and Stacy Kiebler should easily be on the list and Sable should be higher.

But kudos. Good list.
When I think of the word DIVA! I picutre MELINA! She is the hottest, sexiest diva of all-time! She has the best Entrance EVER!

1. Melina
2. Trish Status
3. Chyna
4. Lita
5. Victoria
6. Mickie James
7. Beth Phoenix
8. Stephanie Mcmahon
9. Torrie Wilson
10. Jacqueline
11. Michelle McCool
12. Aulandra Blaze
13. Sensational Sherri
14. Elizabeth
15. Sable
16. Sunny
17. Maryse
18. Molly Holly
19. Ivory
20. Kelly Kelly

I dont think the old lady wrestlers can be called DIVAS! These girls today are a total different type of 'superstars".
exactly thats what i saying too.. yeah Alicia, Maryse, and Natalya are great wrestlers, but if they up and left WWE today would anyone really remember them a year from now..I'm talking the way people mention Trish or Lita every single year, or the way the mention the Fabulous Moolah and her ridiculous title reign in the 50's through 80's. Or how Stacy Keibler wowed us every week with her entrance alone. Or pretty much anything Sable did in the Attitude era which wouldnt even be thought of in this era. yes they are great talents in the ring, but so are many other females that have come through the years that made it look much better, such as Molly Holly, Jazz, Victoria. You never stated whether we should consider both wrestling and entertainment because truly none of the current divas with a few exceptions does that anymore, because the division is non important. Yes, Kelly Kelly gets a reaction but why? She is not a good wrestler AT ALL, and she never says anything or is even involved on camera like the divas of old..Why should we care about her or any of the current divas anymore if they arent going to be involved, with the exception of LayCool who saving the division single handedly... I pretty much debunked any mentioning of these new divas in the top 20 for a reason because they dont deserve to be thought of..just because they are recent does not validate their place...

also by the way what makes Maryse so special, I still havent figured out...because she speaks in an accent and flips her weave? Top heel? I dont think so, look no further than yea, and to compare Alicia Fox winning the divas title to Ron Simmons winning the World Title? You need a good thorough ass whipping for saying something like that (joking)
I liked the OP's list, so I'm giving it 5 stars. I do disagree with labeling the list "Top 20 Overall Divas", but it could simply be an honest mistake. Obviously she was going for the standard women entertainers in history. Ladies that actually made an impact and will be remembered for what they have accomplished.

That being said, I must insist one lady in particular DESERVES to be in the Top 20:


This lady brought a special kind of emotion to the world of wrestling, and she didn't even have to talk. Her facial expressions were true tear-jerkers and at times brightened up our day. Miss Elizabeth is a true manager in every sense of the word. Vickie Guerrero isn't even close to her magnitude.
using just the wwe females considering the term diva is used, and the poster did say wrestling ability also, i would include the jumping bomb angels from the 80s, due to the fact that you didnt see alot of lucha type stuff back then(and yes i do know they were japanese and not real luchas) and jus due to the whole "diva" attitude i would list sapphire, dusty rhodes old manager
Your list is the only legitimate list out of everything posted. Most of the people commenting can only name attitude era stars and have no idea what wrestling was or came from.

Being that you name Moolah, Lelani, Alundra and Bertha Faye gives you more credibility than anyone on here posting.

Note to posters: Please do your homework. Womens Wrestling Didn't start with Trish and Lita .

One Change

Sensational Sherri was a wrestler before coming to WWE. The entire AWA Womens Division rested on her and she made a ton of indy stars and national ones. Most people have not realized how important to womens wrestling she was. Sherri headlined AWA Cards during the territory system. This was done BEFORE Trish and Lita.

Sherri was the most hated in the Territory System but could get people in the door because we knew she would cheat, lie and do anything to win or get her people over. So Sherri is more Valued on that list because SHE WAS THE FIRST TRIPLE THREAT. Great on the Mic, Awesome on the Ring, and Could Get Anyone over. For Example, Despina Montagues. No one knew who she was until sherri slapped her on an interview. That fued was one of the hottest in AWA. Overnight Despina was a star and that wasn't the only women sherri did that for.

Ok, I'm going to take a crack at this, but base my list mainly on overall ability and impact on the state of women's wrestling. Thus, I will not include Sunny since she was not an active competitor. Let's see what we can come up with.

1. Fabulous Moolah - The longest reigning women's champ and was somehow still relevant until her death. When you are in your 70s and still important, that's impressive.

2. Sable - I know some of you didn't have her very high, but this woman brought back women's wrestling. It was defunct after Alundra Blaze left and the new division was created for her. She was tough and sexy and the Sable bomb was lethal. The modern diva was and is based around this woman.

3. Chyna - Perhaps she could be higher due to her impact AS a woman, but in terms of being a part of the women's division, that came later. She was just that much better than everyone. This type of woman transcends labels and was just a force to be reckoned with.

4. Wendi Richter - She actually main evented during the Hulk Hogan era. That should tell you enough about her impact on women's wrestling. As part of the Rock n Wrestling connection, she helped wrestling go mainstream along with Cyndi Lauper. On top of that, she was a solid in ring talent for her time, but it's her impact on exposing women's wrestling that lands here at this spot.

5. Lita - This might even be a little high, but admittedly I enjoy her work. She mixed it up with the boys in a time where only Chyne really did and she did it well. She made it ok for women like Eve Torres today to be flipping around a ring, doing moonsaults and the like. She was fearless and brought a high flying excitement to women's wrestling that hadn't been seen before.

6. Alundra Blaze - Probably the premier women's wrestler of the early 90s, she worked well with all types of opponents. Her stunt when going to Nitro is legendary, and it removed women's wrestling from WWF programming for 4 years. That type of impact can't be overlooked. She really started the friction between WCW and WWF in a sense. That's big time.

7. Sensational Sherri - One of the premier managers of all time, she also mixed it up in the ring some. Her high ranking is due to having an impact on a ton of careers and showing that managers could evolve into wrestlers. That trend certainly grew as we got into the new millennium.

8. Jacqueline - A fine worker in the late 90s and the new millennium, she was the first women's champ when the title was reactivated, getting that distinction over Sable. What is important about this is that she was the first African American women's champ, making her the first African American to hold a major title (meaning highest title for a particular gender). I think that's major, as it opened up the possibility for other minority women to make an impact on the division. Plus, her feud with Sable was one of the hottest stories of 1998, the year of Austin. That's impressive stuff.

9. Ivory - In an era where fake breasts and a model look usually determined success, this woman made her mark on merits alone. An excellent in ring competitor (perhaps the best technical worker I've ever seen from a woman), she won the title 3 times and was dominant while a member of the Right to Censor. This group allowed her to showcase her abilities outside the realm of gimmick matches which were popular at the time. Truly an excellent talent in the ring.

10. Mickie James - Another excellent ring talent, she debuted huge by taking down crowd favorite Trish Stratus and winning over the crowd due to her own talents. She went on to consistently be in the title hunt and is one of the most popular Divas of the last 7 years.

11. Trish Stratus - Surprised she's this low? Actually, I was going to put her lower. For the first few years of her career, she was a valet and occasional wrestler (though untrained at the time). During that time, her work in the ring was downright embarrassing. Credit her though for improving, as she did become more of a force as time went on. This woman is probably as infamous as she is due to her beauty and refusal to pose in Playboy. Her legacy is quite inflated given she was in the business for 6 years and more than half were spent as a valet, but she provided a foil for Lita and took good bumps for her, so that's important for that time period.

12. Mae Young - While she probably gained more fame as an old lady, more people could probably name her today than most women in wrestling. That fact alone lands her on this list, but if you go back and watch her matches from many years ago, she wasn't bad. Nowadays, she's pushing 90 and still shows up from time to time. That's impressive. As long as we don't have to see her naked or anything.....

13. Stephanie McMahon - I thought about putting her higher due to her impact on the industry, but since she was never much of a worker like her brother became, she can't get much higher. However, she was the first woman GM of a wrestling program and had a major impact in that regard. I think we all wish that her husband taught her to wrestle a little better for her few performances though.

14. Leilani Kai - Another mid 90s worker, she took the title off of Alundra Blaze. An excellent worker from Japan, her ring work speaks for itself. At that time, looks weren't important, and she was able to put on better matches than most of us are used to today.

15. Beth Phoenix - The Glamazon lands here and no higher due to her career still having a lot left. What makes her unique is her muscular physique but still posessing beauty. She is a better looking Chyna, as she muscles her way through most Divas. Her in ring work is stellar and she has wowed the crowd over the years, recently becomign the second woman to ever enter the Royal Rumble. That's elite company, and she clearly has shown that you can be beautiful and strong and still succeed in woman's wrestling.

16. Rockin' Robin - From the famous Smith wrestling family (her dad is the same as Jake Roberts but different mothers), she was able to work well and actually retired the belt for the first time in 1990 as she left the WWE. She was trained well and certainly did her part to keep women's wrestling going once the likes of Wendi Richter, Moolah, and others were long gone.

17. Michelle McCool - Perhaps one of the best to make the transition from a career outside wrestling, this former teacher has gone from pointless valet to one of the best WWE has to offer. Some might say she has her spot due to her relationship with the Undertaker, but watch her matches and you'll think otherwise. This girl has worked hard to become a force in the ring and it has payed off. Her impact on the industry may not be great, but she can work.

18. Molly Holly - Debuting as part of the Holly family, this woman will be remembered for great matches and for shaving her head. This type of stipulation was more common among male matches, but females generally were protective of their scalps. However, this brave woman was the first to put it on the line. She was a fine worker who, like Ivory, fought the era as a non-model type, and even translated that into an on camera character as a "prude conservative". However, it's her shocking head shave that will be remembered, though if you watch her work in a ring, that part should definitely be remembered too.

19. Victoria - She debuted as an enforcer for Molly Holly and eventually gained her own momentum as a star. She can work and has the distinction shared with Lance Storm for "most famous wrestlers with a widow's peak hairline". While she is not legendary, she was always solid and one of the better ring workers of her time, so she lands at this spot on the list.

20. Bertha Faye - Her unique look will keep her in the minds of wrestling fans forever. An overweight competitor, she was the last person to beat Alundra Blaze in the WWE. Unfortunately, she lost the title back and was largely forgotten. She died in 2001, but will always be remembered as a talented performer who will never be duplicated, mostly due to the image restrictions held to WWE divas today.

Perhaps some new Divas will make this list eventually, but that's what I got for now. I know some of you will disagree with me, but good luck making your own lists. It was fun but it's hard!
using just the wwe females considering the term diva is used, and the poster did say wrestling ability also, i would include the jumping bomb angels from the 80s, due to the fact that you didnt see alot of lucha type stuff back then(and yes i do know they were japanese and not real luchas) and jus due to the whole "diva" attitude i would list sapphire, dusty rhodes old manager

You are Right . The JUMPING BOMB ANGELS set the model for high flying female wrestlers. They were doing thing so far ahead of thier time. WWE wouldn't put them on TV that much but you could tell Vince loved to call thier matches when he did. They deserved to be on the list.

And like another said - MISS ELIZABETH should have been on the list. She was a major force in WWE and didn't have to wrestle or cheat. The crowd loved her and she brought the WWE to tears with the Randy Savage Wrestlemania Angle.
First off the label of DIVA is used for the WOMAN WRESTLER. Which means Moolah was a DIVA they just didn't call it that then. Second, Trish turned out to be a great womens wrestler but the woman that propelled her was LITA. Lita put WWE DIVA wrestling on the map. NOT SUNNY, NOT SABLE. The Womens division was pure SHIT then. Trish and Lita deserve all of the credit for women wrestling now. TNA's may be better now but because of Lita and Trish they have become what they are. Lita to me is a 1. With Trish a close 2.
I find it terribly bemusing the idea of a top list of 'divas' as the incorparation of the term into the WWE to describe female wrestling coincided with its terminal decline. You only have to look to the fact that 'divas era' is associated with the pushing of Sunny, Sable, Torri et al, who were all horrible at doing anything but looking pretty.

I also think the idea of a list based on titles, length of reigns or mic work is a null and void idea. You can not base a list on these things because they were all beyond the control of the performers. Not even Mae or Moula would have had a say in who they beat or how long they held the straps. Likewise Sherri would have had her lines for the promo given to her - so like any other actress, the notion of 'best' is subjective and can't be quantifed. Non of these performers would have had imput to their characters, heels or faces. This again nagates the idea of being able to measure 'draw power'.

The only thing left, the only thing the women had a measure of control over, was their ability in the ring. This would also go someway to helping them get over and influence management trusting them with wins or title runs. On that basis, women like Vicki Guerrero, SMH, Torrie, Sable, Sunny, Stacey, Miss Liz - have no basis to be anywhere near a top list - as the only thing they had 'talent' for was beyond their control.

For my list, I going to exclude Sherri, Moula, Mae and the 'models'/valets listed in the previous paragraph. I respect Mae etc, but they I have never seen them wrestle, so can't measure ring craft and would therefore invalidate my own criteria.

1.Melina Perez
3.Mickie James
4.Alunda Blaze
6.Gail Kim
7. Beth Phoenix
9.Molly Holly
10.Trish Stratus
11. Michelle McCool/Calloway
12. Nattie Neidhart
13. Leilani Kai
14. Chyna
15. Ivory

That's it. A list any longer puts on people either with too little experience like AJ Lee or stretches the critera imposed at the start. I know people will disagree and that's fine. I disagree myself. To have a list of top womens' wrestlers excluding true legends like Lioness Asuka, Aja Kong, Ayuko Hamada or Meiko Satamura is lunacy. Likewise any list that misses of people like MsChief or Melissa Anderson who have shown ring craft of the highest order for years, but the OP was focusing on WWE workers.

As I said, 'Diva' has become a byeword for pretty, talentless worker with no personality. If people want to rate bad actresses who are handed titles and told how long they'll hold them, then go right ahead. There's no sport with the majority of modern WWE divas, so may as well focus on the miniscule level of entertainment - well T n A anyway.
Okay, well plenty of people have stated on here that I should not have used the term Diva etc.

I agree, I did make a mistake in using "Diva". It would have been more sensible to use "Women in WWE" or "Womens Wrestlers".

Also, I was really thinking about putting Stephanie McMahon on here, but I did state that the list was based partially on in-ring ability and Stephanie cannot wrestle.

Anyways, I appreciate your thoughts on my thread and I think I'm going to make a Top 20 based on strictly wrestling ability or mic skills.

Keep posting!
Okay, I just gotta laugh at the criticism some people are throwing at thread starter's list. When I first read it, I found it to be an outstanding list. One of the best I've seen.

Then I see people on here criticizing it saying it's a terrible list, and as "examples of better lists" they put the likes of Kelly Kelly, Maryse, and Alicia Fox on their lists and Michelle McCool as the top 5. Please.

The only thing that Alicia Fox is good at is shaking her hips (which she's a goddess at that admittedly). I'll grant that she's a decent wrestler, but she's got a long way's to go before even being worth considering for such a list. And Michelle McCool has established herself as a top name in the current Divas division, but in the top 5 of all-time, ummmm yeah, that would be a negatory. And Kelly Kelly is very popular and over, no denying, but she is nowhere near deserving of being amongst the top 20 females in WWE history. She's got a way to go before that.

The problem with this list and subject is the wording.

This poster titled their list The Top 20 Divas of All-Time, which I think was a bad choice of title on their part. It seemed to me that the poster was really trying to make a Top 20 Females/Women in WWE history type list. As someone pointed out, the likes of the Fabulous Moolah, Wendi Ricther, and Rockin' Robin and Sensational Sherri, don't really fit the modern day "Divas" mold. They were legitimate, old-school female wrestlers. A WWE Diva is different from a female professional wrestler. So I think with what they were going with, they should've said The Top 20 Women in WWE history, which would've covered both, Divas, and legitimate female professional wrestlers.

Because as someone pointed out, if you're going with "Divas" then undoubtedly Sunny, Stacy Kiebler, Torrie Wilson have to be on the list and Sable should be much higher. They weren't the best female wrestlers, even the Divas I criticized like Alicia Fox, Kelly Kelly, Maryse, and Michelle McCool, this early in their career are already better athletes and wresters than they ever were, but if we're talking Divas, there's no comparison. The modern Divas have nowhere near the legacy or were as big of stars as Sunny, Sable, Torrie Wilson, and Stacy Keibler.

But again, those are the obvious criticisms, but again, I think I can see what the poster was trying to come up with which was a list based more around professional wrestlers than Divas, and from that perspective, this list is darn near perfect.

There isn't a single person on that list who dont' have a strong case for being considered the 20 best female wrestlers in WWE history. They included legitimate names that really established the female division in the modern era of WWE, from a wrestling perspective. It's a great list actually.

My only complaint is that they should've chosen a different title, because if you're going with the term "Divas" then it can't be just female professional wrestlers, but personalities as well. That's where the likes of Sunny, Torrie Wilson, and Stacy Kiebler should easily be on the list and Sable should be higher.

But kudos. Good list.

Well in response to you and Venecom you dont have that many years, maybe about or around 20 years worth of people to pick from, still despite ppl mixing them in anyway, it's still a fact that those greats you mentioned were NOT given that label back then, Diva started with Sunny and Sable. And thus it's from them on through now, the list he made would be an overall historical list but thats not what the title asked for, it asked for Divas and thus yes I actually could back it up, again, it's totally stupid to think that wrestling is all that matters in this listing as it is not. Natayla is a damn Hart dude, she's got her future made, like a female Orton, Ted or Cody, she has this

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