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Top 2 dream opponents for Randy Orton

That N Word

Actively evolving
Randy Orton is a guy who has been in the same ring whether it be talking,wrestling,or dropping them with a finisher with every big time name who's name wasn't Macho Man,Andre The Giant, or Ultimate Warrior literally.

However, there is names he hasn't never stepped in the ring with or had a 1-on-1 feud with.

So short and sweet my question to you is out of people Orton has never faced one-on-one or had a feud with ONLY who would you like to see Orton feud with and face and will he be a heel or face in that feud. You also get a honorable mention.

I would love to see Orton as a heel feud with The Rock and feud with Brock Lesnar as tweener/heel. Those are my two. My honorable mention is Bray Wyatt.

My picks:
Brock Lesnar
The Rock

Honorable Mention:
Bray Wyatt
I agree with The Rock, that would definitely be one of mine. I have no interest in Brock Lesnar or Bray Wyatt so no feud involving them interests me, even one with Randy Orton. One we'll never see is the conclusion of his feud with Edge from 2010, they were tied at one win a piece and a tie, and then the storyline was dropped before they had a deciding match.
Randy Orton doesn't really interest me anymore. I would have loved to have seen him vs Brock in the past couple of years, just not now, for whatever reason. (Not stating my reason publicly due to fear of being labeled anti Cena)

Randy vs Rock would have been great during Randy's legend killer gimmick. Nowadays I see the money match for Rock being Brock or maybe Roman Reigns

Wyatt vs Orton. It's new, could be great. I just don't want to see it.

My top 2 would be

Dean Ambrose - They have likely wrestled singles matches against each other , I just don't remember. They would put on some good matches

Finn Balor - Build this similar to Cena/Owens. Could have MOTY candidates between these two.

Honorable mention- Kurt Angle- Just because of the twitter feud from a while back
DREAM opponents, as it can only happen in a dream scenario? Orton vs. A.J Styles and Orton vs. Mr. Anderson.

Now as for a "dream" WWE match, Orton will likely feud or have a match with everyone signed on the WWE roster sooner or later, but I'd go with Orton vs. Lesnar and Orton vs. Samoa Joe.

I don't think Rock vs. Orton would be very exciting, maybe back in 2004-5 when he was the brash legend killer, but now? Orton's character is kind of boring on the mic, Rock would eat him alive in promos and Orton would just stand there glaring like he sucked on a lemon and spout something like "ROCK YOU DON'T KNOW HOW DANGEROUS I AM BLAH BLAH". Plus Orton feuded/worked with Rock building up to Wrestlemania 20 and it was great, so I feel we've seen that when it was exciting to see. Orton's now better suited to work with up and coming baby faces, he's not a heel that would challenge a legend like The Rock and make it interesting.
I would like to see Randy vs Brock probably the most / Randy vs Dean Ambrose even though they already had a match, which was awesome by the way.

Honorable mention : Randy Orton vs The Phenomenal One, AJ Styles.
Orton vs Brock this I'd really like to see
Orton vs Owens
Orton vs wyatt if he's the intense sadistic Orton and bray is as he was around when he fought cena then maybe
Don't know why people would wanna see him with aj other than him hitting him with an rko in the air some how some way.
That's about it.
Dream opponents I'd like to see him against angle or roode even Aries
ALOT of you are missing the point of why I posted this in WWE PPV'S and not GWD. Which is to find two dream WWE opponents that could be a PPV worthy match
I'd like to see Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar. I feel like Orton needs to behave like he did in legacy days and punt Brock in the head for this to be interesting.
I'd like to see Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar. I feel like Orton needs to behave like he did in legacy days and punt Brock in the head for this to be a really good feud..

I'd also like to see Randy Orton vs Balor. A nice fresh matchup of characters that compliment each other.

Honorable Mention
Orton has the perfect character to oppose Lesnar and be believable beating him clean, he's billed and presented as being very skilled technician, great endurance/tough, and can fight dirty. Next to Cena he's probably the most believable guy on the roster on a regular basis you could buy beating Brock as he is portrayed today.
It's kind of sad how most people including me lost interest in orton. He used to be a big deal but he has faced almost everyone and we have seen so much of him in the past.

Still I'd like to see him face rusev and owens. Dream opponent for him is Brock(no 1) and it's going to happen soon and 2nd is The Rock but that wont happen in a million years so realistically speaking Austin if he ever decides to come back.
Not so much The Rock for me but i'd love to see him feud with Brock Lesnar. That's been a dream match of mine for many year's.
Bray Wyatt can be an idle option. There's no one here in the roster who have the potential to put over Orton right now. So in my verdict Bray Wyatt is the best option available in the context.

Imagine what the Voices in the head of Orton would do to the mysterious Sister Abigail's thoughts and preaches. I'm so much anticipated if this feud is gonna happen ever.

Id love to see randy Orton vs brock lesner at Summerslam this year it would be so easy to set up brock f5's rollins and as the referee is counting Orton runs in and punts him in the head to cost him the match and that way for the 2 weeks of the build your explaining why brock isn't on raw,

Randy can go on how they both started in the business together his always been overlooked by jacked up guys like cena batista and lesner his whole career and Brock fears the viper he did in OVW and he fears him now in WWE
My dream opponents for Randy Orton would be Brock Lesnar and Samoa Joe. Years ago, someone might have said that Randy Orton vs. Goldberg mightbe a pretty good match. I disagree. You can't do much with an uncooperative roid monster with a limited repetoire. I think Brock and Randy present so many possiblities because of what each man brings to the ring individually. As far as Orton and Joe, I'd just like to see Randy put the whammies to Joe. A lot of indy guys are big fish in small ponds and talk smack about WWE wrestlers before they make it to the dance. I think if anyone could truly test Joe, it would be Orton - who would make the big indy fish look kinda little standing 3 inches taller than him. Remember what happened to Taz when he got to WWE? He looked like Sky Low Low compared to the rest of the roster and his aura of toughness evaporated overnight.
id like to see orton feud with kevin owens, and also brock lesnar. bray wyatt would be a solid third choice as well.

lesnar v orton is $$$$
owens v orton would further elevate owens
wyatt v orton would be interesting for the mind games
Randy Orton is a guy who has been in the same ring whether it be talking,wrestling,or dropping them with a finisher with every big time name who's name wasn't Macho Man,Andre The Giant, or Ultimate Warrior literally.

However, there is names he hasn't never stepped in the ring with or had a 1-on-1 feud with.

So short and sweet my question to you is out of people Orton has never faced one-on-one or had a feud with ONLY who would you like to see Orton feud with and face and will he be a heel or face in that feud. You also get a honorable mention.

I would love to see Orton as a heel feud with The Rock and feud with Brock Lesnar as tweener/heel. Those are my two. My honorable mention is Bray Wyatt.

My picks:
Brock Lesnar
The Rock

Honorable Mention:
Bray Wyatt

WM 20 would have been a perfect time for Orton vs. The Rock. I don't know why they booked Evolution vs. Rock N Sock Connection on that card.
Well If it's "Dream Opponents" then I'd probably go Stone Cold & Jake Roberts cause of the whole snake thing & Orton uses both the DDT & an RKO, which is essentially just a Cutter which is what a Stunner essentially is too. Not to mention there are several dream scenario honorable mentions opponents Randy has never faced off with like Bret, Owen Hart, Bulldog, Roddy Piper, etc.

But since almost everyone focused on dream scenarios from today's superstars, here are my picks:
- Brock Lesnar: Orton & Bryan are really the only full-time top tier talents Brock hasn't faced off with since coming back in 2012 & except for some OVW matches & maybe a squash match or two on Smackdown over a decade ago, I don't think Orton has ever even faced Brock. It just seems like a no-brainer now that Brock has resigned.
- Dean Ambrose: He's my favorite superstar today, the only Shield guy to not have a full on program with Orton yet & his finisher is a version of the DDT, a move Orton once again loves to use a lot. Also the few singles matches they had on RAW were excellent. Not to mention both guys can play both heel & face, so their feud could have many dimensions & even lead to a turn if executed properly.

Honorable Mention(s):
- Bray Wyatt: Could have a solid feud with Orton & has feuded with pretty much every other babyface on the roster already.
- Cesaro: I was live for their main event match on Smackdwon & it was awesome. These two could have some technical classics if given the time.
- Pretty Much Every NXT Guy (Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Neville, Hideo Itami, Tyler Breeze, etc.): I really would like to see all of these guys face Orton at least once. Balor & Itami especially jump out at me as having great matches with Orton but Zayn & Neville could too with their high flying, Breeze reminds me a lot of Ziggler & Ziggler always has good matches with Orton, Owens could easily do something similar to what he is doing with Cena now, etc. The options are pretty much endless. Even if you don't love Orton's character, his matches are almost always great & having so much great, fresh, new talent for him to work with could really be a blessing!

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