Top 10 WWE ECW Wrestlers Ever

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Since we had one pre 2001, let's see after near 200 episodes who is the best all time of the new brand.

10.) Mark Henry- I thought of Swaggar, but really, Henry seems to have been a better part of the show so far in it's history, but equally important, is what the Ecw belt did for him.

9.) Matt Hardy- Ohhhhh Yeah! Hardy I saw as a future long term champion. But even after dropping the belt, like Henry, they both were elevated by the belt.

8.) Kane- Kabe also fits in with the other two, beating Chavo in 8 seconds to become the champion, though it diddevalue the belt, it made Kane seem unstoppable on the brand.

7.) Big Show- Boy he was scary on that brand. But his weight as a problem. He was one of the early superstars on the show that gave the brand credit.

6.) John Morrison- As Nitro he would become champion, but in his tag team he really shown. Who can forget that ladder match he was in (that was ECW, wasn't it? Maybe I am wrong) where his partner Mercury had his face busted in. His Undisputed appearncea were also incredible, and got people to tune in. Who wouldn't want 15 minutes of fame with him?

5.) Tommy Dreamer- ECW original, and the longest member on the brand. But he was a jobber for most of that time, until in that compelling story, he won his first ECW title.

4.) CM Punk- The man who excited me the most at the start of ECW, he was the face of the brand, and one of the most desired during the stable days of ECW. When I think ECW WWE I think CMPunk.

3.) RVD- He could have been great again in ECW, but this time on a different ECW stage. The first champion of ECW, he is one of the reasons he started it again.

2.) Bobby Lashley- A beast of a man, he was the winner of probably the biggest ECW matches of all time. He saved ECW from Paul Heyman, and would be number 1 if he had stayed on the brand longer.

1.) Christain- No one got me to want to turn on the Friday at Midnight more than he. A two time champion, most consider him the face of the contination of the Brand, and he seem to enjoy being the big fish in the little pond.
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To be honest, I thought you stole my thread, and I was pissed. I noticed my error though, and can't help but agree with what you got here.

The only problem I see is that Chavo is not on there, because he was a big part of CM Punk's rise, and the reason Kane ever held the title. It's just a personal opinion, and that's why these things are made. Good work
Dude this is like the same as my thread,but mine was greatest ECW champion in the wwe era.But you didn't put champions so it's all good bro.I agree with your listen but the only thing that I would do is put Punk at the top of the list.
10. Sabu
The ECW Original who aside from RVD and Sandman had maybe the best chance of getting over in WWE was Sabu. He really shined early on, playing an important part in the New Breed vs Originals feud, plus getting title shots and PPV matches for a while. His push sort of died out and he was released, but he had some exciting moments.
9. Jack Swagger
Jack's very quick rise to the top during his ECW stint made many people think he was a true star, even thiugh his push hasn't carried over quite as well on Raw. Swagger's feud with Dreamer was physically intense and put him on the map, his upset win over Matt Hardy put him on top, and his undefeated streak and later feud with Christian kept him interesting.
8. Matt Hardy
Matt's push on SmackDown resulting in his US title reign was continued with his ECW reign shortly after. During his time on ECW Matt was always booked strong, getting his best solo push to date before leaving ECW.
7. Big Show
Big Show on ECW seemed rejuvinated. For a few months, we got the stronger, faster, meaner Show rather than the slow big man. Show got quite violent in Extreme Rules matches back in the day as well as in his short return with the Singapore Cane Match at Extreme Rules. Show's title run gave even more legitimacy to the ECW strap and he was represented as an equal champion to Raw and SD's champs.
6. John Morrison
When Morrison (at the time Nitro) left Raw for ECW, I thought he was done. Instead of getting released though, he won the ECW title due to a last minute snafu, changed his name and gimmick, and was on the fast track to success. One of only a few guys who shined during a low point in ECW, Morrison and Miz during their title reign worked sometimes on 3 different shows a week, as well as filming segments and their online show. Both guys worked hard and were put on the map by ECW
5. The Miz
See above. Miz came into a ECW a loser (Granted, a loser I already was a fan of) and left an upper midcarder for Raw. Nobody, NOBODY thought Miz would ever win a singles title or even a tag itle, and he proved them wrong and made them fans while doing it.
4. Elijah Burke
I have no idea what went wrong with Burke. He was great in ring, even better on the mic, dripping charisma, with a cool look and solid fan connection, and after a few feuds with the Originals and CM Punk, he faded away. Despite his lack of push (or even presence) towards the end of his time there, Burke always looked like a threat on ECW. Before ECW he was essentially a manager, but for a while he broke out and proved how good he was. TNA has now capitalized on WWE's mistake, no doubt due to how good Burke looked in ECW.
3. CM Punk
One of my favorite wrestlers soon after he debuted (I should mention I had never seen him before WWE in ROH or TNA or anything), Punk has evolved from a popular, charismatic but ultimately midcard worthy character to a compelling, interesting gimmick with strong mci skills and stronger ring work. Punk might be the best in WWE right now, and it was on ECW that he rose so quickly to these heights. First being king of ECW's midcard, moving onthe main event feuds, to winning the ECW title, you could see him evolving as a wrestler. His ECW reign was the last one I took seriously as a world title run.
2. Rob Van Dam
The face of the new brand, RVD made the belt, and the whole show, look credible. Trying to carry the show supported only by a bunch of guys WWE fans were unfamiliar to, new unproven stars and the Big Show, RVD did a fine job. ECW's decline really started with the end of his title reign and push.
1. Christian
Same reason as has been seen on here already: more often than any other guy, he made me tune in. He brought characater, charisma, and flavour to a show that had been entertaining but ultimately very match based, with few feuds or storylines of any kind. Christian really elevated ECW with his presence, and ECW elevated him. He also made the ECW title look more like a world belt than the stepping stone midcard prize it is.

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