Top 10 Things I'd Do If Released From the Prison

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Here's another Top 10 List of mine. In general it seems like people enjoy these which is good. Stay tuned for more additional mini-blogs as well.

10) Participating in the LD's
9) Participating in Book This
8)Political Debate-Am A Democrat Before Ask
7) Make Conversations for New Prisoners
6) NWS Posting
5) Help the New Posters
4) Return of the BattleDome
3) Constant Posting in WWE Non-Spam Sections
2) Wrestlezone Predicition Contest (I'm Coming For the Title.)
1) Backing Andre the Giant in the Wrestlezone Tournament
7) Make Conversations for New Prisoners
The new prisoners suck. They're doing the smart, intelligent thing and just leaving, instead of throwing temper tantrums, crying about injustice and demanding their rights. Damn them for not playing the game.
Actually I was reading WZCW and got inspired one day and sort of had the basis of my own ficitional promotion.

In addition I love the idea of rebooking Raw as I find there are subtle changes I would have made to make it better.

So you wanna make a book this out of WZCW? If so push that Dustin Hunter guy into the main event!
12) Exact cold vengeance on your captors.

Oddly enough, I think me and KB are cool with each other now. I frequent his site quite often and he doesn't seem to have any problems with me.

Sly I think has stopped caring at all about me so I wouldn't want to do anything to make him start caring for me... Last time I did that I lost 150 rep points...

As for the rest of the moderators, I actually think they are doing a really good job.

I have no hard feelings on anyone who would have had anything to do with me being in here. Only I am to blame for it.
Oddly enough, I think me and KB are cool with each other now. I frequent his site quite often and he doesn't seem to have any problems with me.

Sly I think has stopped caring at all about me so I wouldn't want to do anything to make him start caring for me... Last time I did that I lost 150 rep points...

As for the rest of the moderators, I actually think they are doing a really good job.

I have no hard feelings on anyone who would have had anything to do with me being in here. Only I am to blame for it.

I was joking, but you're one of the good ones, Macios. I wish more folks on and off the internet were able to take this attitude when they get punished.
The new prisoners suck. They're doing the smart, intelligent thing and just leaving, instead of throwing temper tantrums, crying about injustice and demanding their rights. Damn them for not playing the game.

I wish there were more prisoners in here who would stay. Back in my first trip here there was like 9 active Prisoners.... Now there's well just me.
I was joking, but you're one of the good ones, Macios. I wish more folks on and off the internet were able to take this attitude when they get punished.

Actually, it took me a while but I feel I just grew up and matured. Go figure... :rolleyes:
Give us a list of what you'd do in order to get out of prison.

I tried that before. It backfired incredibly on me so I'm going to refrain from that. Basically though i'm going to try and make interesting threads like this and then publish a good non spam thread (Redemption vs Greatness) and hopefully get people to realize that I once was and still am a good poster.
You seem like a good poster... But I understand the mods hesitations to let anyone out of prison. Then again, I don't know what you did in the first place.
I wish there were more prisoners in here who would stay. Back in my first trip here there was like 9 active Prisoners.... Now there's well just me.
Well, Lying ******ed Crybaby Troll Bitch and Police Penis Sucking Goat Fucker pop in every month or so, and it's mildly entertaining to watch them fling their own shit at the metaphorical guards and pound their head against the metaphorical bars, respectively. Speaking of which, PPSGF is about due to make his recurring "no one's proved me wrong yet" speech.
You seem like a good poster... But I understand the mods hesitations to let anyone out of prison. Then again, I don't know what you did in the first place.

I acted like a complete immature jackass. The one year ban served me very well. I grew up and am no longer addicted to this place. Now I just go on for fun.

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