Tony Atlas' New Job


WZCW Veteran
I am currently watching ECW and I see Tony Atlas introduce Abraham Washington for his show. Now this is actually a good way for Atlas to have a job in the WWE, and he and Abraham can do a good job together. They seem to have good chemistry, and hopefully they let Atlas keep his job.
I for one LOVED Tony Atlas as Washington's sidekick on ECW tonight. His laughs were cracking me up, the chemistry with him and Washington is fantastic, and I really do hope they decide to keep this pairing together for a while. I've been a huge critic of Tony Atlas for years now, but he did very well on ECW tonight.

Honestly I think it may have even been the highlight of the entire show. That's how hard I laughed.
I thought Tony Atlas had been released by WWE a few months back, as certain WWE Wrestling News Sites (Including our own) reported that he could have been quietly released from his contract, Yet last nights ECW show has proved those stories wrong. He appeared confident and worked well with Abraham in my opinion.

His laugh was annoying, but in it made me laugh as well, it was one of those laughs that make you laugh as well. I thought he did good and did exactly what WWE are trying to get people to do, boo Abraham Washington (like put up the signs on the titantron and petty jokes). This gimmick is far more better than following Mark Henry around I think.
Really? People enjoyed this? I found Atlas' laugh to be annoying on an almost Miz-like level(I like Miz, but hi IS annoying). I do like them giving him something to do, but please, no more of this. Even if he stopped his constant laughing, it would hardly be entertaining, for me at least, due to him being a bit hard to understand.

I get the joke, a parody of a talk-show host's side-kick, who laughs at everything the host says to make him look better, but I just can't take much more of this. The Abraham Washington Show was bad enough already; this just made it worse.
I think they should release Tony Atlas. I think his Ed Mcmahon type gimmick is annoying. He has no charisma. He is a legend no doubt. but, why is he in the WWE now. Now the Abraham Washington gimmick. Him coming out like Arseno Hall, Talk show style segment is boring. But, he can draw good heat. Keep Abraham Washington Show. but, lose Tony Atlas.
I love how you guys are complaining about Tony Atlas being annoying. THAT'S THE DAMN POINT! He's SUPPOSED to be annoying you, why do you think he's laughing like that? Do you guys not understand how being a heel works?

I love what they're doing with the Abraham Washington show, but they do need to get Abraham into the ring soon.
They got along pretty well and I'm glad Tony is still being used on ECW. This could be a good pairing since it doesn't look like Washington isn't gonna wrestle anytime soon. Tonys laugh is just soo funny!
I bloody love the new role of Tony Atlas.

What made it for me? Him calling Katie Lea hot!

Seriously, this works because it makes Abraham's show seem like a bigger deal. There's the new constant factor each week that Tony Atlas will be involved rather than just Abe. Great chemistry and I can't wait to see more.
I'm in the minority here. In my opinion, Atlas has lost any amount of credibility playing stooge to the third-rate impersonation of Wayne Brady attempting to impersonate Arsenio Hall that is Abraham Washington. All he can do is spout unfunny one-liners and laugh like Ricky from I Love Lucy. At least as Mark Henry's manager he had something going for him and could at least be slightly badass in a grumpy older man kind of way. Now he's just a bulky bald marionette in a suit.

For those who enjoy Abraham Washington's show, I can respect your right to your opinion. I find it a total waste of air time and another reason for ECW's continued lackluster ratings. Atlas' presence and his "laughter" do not make it any better. Now, if he kept at least a little badassary, maybe being Washington's bodyguard rather than his giggle-box, then I might be able to salvage a little respect. What has happened here...I just cringe.

Still, perhaps I'm wrong on this. It may be annoying and I may think it crap...but then again both men seem to be having a good time, so perhaps there is something to this I'm not seeing.
I don't have a problem and support the idea of Abraham Washington having a sidekick. Every comedian has a "Laugh Man" who's job it is to kiss the host's ass and laugh at every single thing he says. I want to slap the shit out of David Letterman's.

I would be fine with Atlas, but his laugh is terrible. And I mean that in a very non-entertaining way. He should really try to laugh deeper, or something, as with it in its current state, it is pretty God-awful. So if he works on the laugh, I think it will work.
Absolute brilliance. The gimmick is hilarious and works extremely well. As it has been said before, many late night shows have laugh men.

Atlas can work as Washington's bodyguard, as well as his laugh man. Say a guest gets sick of Abe's jokes, and challenges him to a match. Atlas can face the guy instead. I know not a lot of people want to see that, I'm just saying the potential is there.

There's quite a lot they can do with this, and I like it. Plus, any character development for Washington is fine with me.
Really? People enjoyed this? I found Atlas' laugh to be annoying on an almost Miz-like level(I like Miz, but hi IS annoying). I do like them giving him something to do, but please, no more of this. Even if he stopped his constant laughing, it would hardly be entertaining, for me at least, due to him being a bit hard to understand.

I get the joke, a parody of a talk-show host's side-kick, who laughs at everything the host says to make him look better, but I just can't take much more of this. The Abraham Washington Show was bad enough already; this just made it worse.

I agree. I don't see how people find this crap amusing. Washington is just awful and takes away from precious wrestling time. Atlas is being vastly misused here.
This has probably saved Atlas's career for the time being. People complain about how he is annoying but that is what a heel is supposed to do- be annoying. I didn't think much of Abraham when he first debuted but he has improved. At least Atlas is being featured on ECW which is good for him and he's not really taking time from anybody. The talk show is the only kind of sort in the WWE does reguarly and it has been very good so far and not crap.
I love how you guys are complaining about Tony Atlas being annoying. THAT'S THE DAMN POINT!

You got it. For years, I cringed when Ed McMahon would laugh at some inane remark made by Johnny Carson that Ed reacted to as if it was the funniest thing ever. Now, Atlas is doing a terrific parody of it. If Atlas' voice and manner annoys you, it means he's succeeding in what he's doing.

I'm happy to see Tony's employment continue. He's a class act and a true asset to WWE. Eventually, they'll probably get him in the ring for a feud with Ricky Steamboat.....or somebody. I'll even enjoy that.

Wait a minute......Ed McMahon...... Vince McMahon?....................Hmmmm.
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I dont know who I cant stand more, Atlas, Christian, or Washington. ECW has gotten worse each week with these three on air. Washington was bad enough by himself, and Atlas can barely speak english, I dont understand why you would combine the two to completely thank the show.
I love it so far. The last AW show was the only one that I actually laughed at. Tony's laugh is so goofy, it just makes you laugh too. I love how they're really going all the way with this talk-show host gimmick, first with the "applause" signs and now with Atlas. A shame that most gimmicks don't get this much attention.

And Atlas could still be a decent bodyguard, I mean, he's a big dude, bigger than Washington. Hey, maybe he could beat up people who don't laugh at Abe's jokes or something.

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