Tonight Has Been A SHITTY Night


Lord And Master
Staff member
It seems I share a similarity to Randy Orton. And I ain't happy with it. I have hypermovility syndrome. Which explains how I bitch slapped myself the back of my head and the time I dislocated my shoulder causing me to shove a knife into my leg some months ago. Not to mention my computer is still a no-go for a while. Apparently Amazon can't send packages to PO Boxes but my dad can. Fuckers. Not to mention I learned that I have to work on Thanksgiving. Death to any bastard or bitch to come ordering when they should be cooking their own meals.

Oh and before I go... Crock :lmao:

I guess my random babbling is over. Bye. Again. Fucking Amazon.
Tonight will definitely get better Killjoy. Just tune into RAW and see how a real professional wrestling program is put together. The follow-up to last night's PPV should be great!
Gotta love that "bigger picture". Wade Barrett and The Nexus are what Pinky And The Brain would be like in WWE.
after the lackluster stuff from last night? It's a crooked gamble.

Lacklustre? After watching BFG, the admitted TNA marks like yourself should never use this word to describe a PPV put off by anyone else.

I know you're joking by the way. After the Bryan/DiBiase match, the Sheamus/JoMo match, the new Divas champion and the returning Beth Phoenix (who will trump anything the Knockouts will produce on any given day), Ziggler/Kaval, the whole Nexus/Cena angle (which unlike "they"/Immortals has actually delivered), plus the tease put out there by the Miz, as compared to anything TNA has produced on PPV in 2010, there's no way a knowledgeable wrestling fan like yourself can call last night lacklustre. That would leave my opinion of you Shattered. Because last night's PPV was something TNA creative only Dreams about.
First half of SS was Pretty Good. The second half was Not

Funny, as I recall, the Randy Orton versus Wade Barrett match, with the whole John Cena involvement, was the last match of the night. I think the last match of the night typically happens in the second half. You're probably a little confused JGKU, you're not used to PPV's living up to the months of hype and build-up. After all, last night was Survivor Series, not Bound For Glory :)

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