Tommy Dreamer now on TNA creative team


Getting Noticed By Management

Tommy Dreamer is now apart of the creative team. Dreamer met Dixie months before joining TNA. Many have spoken of Heyman to TNA. That still is a very strong possibility at the moment. Thing is, if Heyman comes, Dreamer will still book. Heyman wants to spend his time in marketing. Dreamer has become Dixie's right hand man. Dreamer's the reason we see no Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and Rosie Lottalove on Impact. Dreamer said the only way he'll join TNA is if he was apart of creative. Dixie was very impressed with him. Bubba Ray also helps out in creative.

Dreamer wants to cut and add certain wrestlers. Most the guys he booked in WWE developmental, and ECW are excited about his new role. Dreamer's made it known he wants Daniels back in TNA. He also asked Hogan, and Sting to take an Undertaker type schedule. Dreamer is very well liked around the industry. He created atmosphere backstage where talent can make suggestions. Unlike Russo who hated talent bringing him different ideas. Dreamer isn't a fan of Anderson being a face at all. Dreamer also wants the X Division to have a more international feel about it.

Dreamer has singled out AAA stars Aerostar, Jack Evans, Extreme Tiger, and the Apache Sisters. He also wants Sarah Stock do her Dark Angel gimmick. Dreamer's a big fan of Alissa Flash(Cheerleader Mellisa) and wants to revamp the KO division. He has setup another tryout match for Ken Doane. He knows Doane very well from OVW and WWE. Dreamer put in good words for Jimmy Yang, Carlito, Mike Knox, and several indy stars. Dreamer is also taking suggestions from Raven.

Dreamer has convinced TNA to hold off on signing guys not ready. The idea is to try and create new stars by elevating personal feuds. The feeling he has TNA needs to give fans a reason to cheer for talent or hate them. Just recently he told Amazing Red to use his old ring gear again. Dreamer told Red his old gear was a better way to market his image. The shirtless look made him look plain in the eyes of most viewers. Red went back to his old gear on the house shows this past weekend. Dreamer wants to make Red a big star.

TNA will see the return of a few NJPW stars. Creative plans on trying to make the Guns, Red, Wolfe, and Pope bigger stars in the eyes of viewers. Many may look over the fact that Dreamer booked ECW. He also was a big part of OVW when Heyman booked. Dreamer from all accounts know what he's doing. The guys who he wants to see excel most is Joe and Abyss. He want to make sure those two become the standard bearers of TNA new direction. So in the coming weeks look for a more edgy in your face show. No matter who TNA hires rather it be Sullivan or Heyman, Dreamer will still have alot of say in the booking.

These seem like some good changes, but I can't get over the fact that
dreamer was the WORST booker in OVW history, fwiw.

Hopefully TNA will be better for him
This report isn't surprising to me at all, Dreamer has always had a great mind for the business. When people saw he was coming in they all whined about his in-ring ability but it's really his business sense that will end up helping TNA. Then when you take into account that he's working with Raven you've got 2 wrestling geniuses working together on creative. (Throw Foley in the mix and you basically have a dream team of creative minds)

Dreamer actually realizes who and what can set the TNA brand apart and make it stand out, it doesn't surprise me that his involvement in creative would have something to do with Impact being much more focused and centered around the younger talent as of late.

If this report really is true, then it really will be a breath of fresh air in TNA. This way if Heyman does come in he can handle the marketing side of TNA, he wants to be more like the spokesperson for TNA than the booker. Which is understanable if he can delegate that responsibility to smart people he can trust like Dreamer and Raven.
Sounds to me like Dreamer has a more cohesive plan of attack here to build new stars, which is something TNA fans have been screaming for for a while now, so I can't really see how this type of thing will fail. I can see it boring a number of folks who may not be as interested in the WWE style of color-by-numbers booking, but compared to what we've had to deal with over the last six months or so, it might be a welcomed change.

I have to say – what I'm most excited about from that article is the ideas he has for revitalizing the X Division, as well as for bringing Anderson back to being a heel – both I think would heavily benefit TNA in the long-run.

I'd imagine Dreamer's been working with them for a few weeks now, as iMPACT! has been progressively better and better.

Great news all around, though – especially the bit about Raven also working with creative again. Raven has a fantastic wrestling mind.
I was already aware that Dreamer wanted to be in creative, but I never thought he had an entire war plan going in there. This pretty much explains the sudden change in booking direction since dropping out of Mondays. I gotta say that I am impressed. IDR may actually have a shot at winning his bet. I really haven't seen OVW so I don't know about how he was supposedly a bad booker there. but the fact that he's organized and has a very straight forward plan shows a lot of promise. I was starting to wonder what they were gonna do with creative seeing how Ed Ferrara is gone and Russo is "burnt". I hope he can keep it up. And finally bring that continuity level to a high level. Angle wants consistency and follow through, remember? I'd listen to him, too if I were Tommy.
I was already aware that Dreamer wanted to be in creative, but I never thought he had an entire war plan going in there. This pretty much explains the sudden change in booking direction since dropping out of Mondays. I gotta say that I am impressed. IDR may actually have a shot at winning his bet. I really haven't seen OVW so I don't know about how he was supposedly a bad booker there. but the fact that he's organized and has a very straight forward plan shows a lot of promise. I was starting to wonder what they were gonna do with creative seeing how Ed Ferrara is gone and Russo is "burnt". I hope he can keep it up. And finally bring that continuity level to a high level. Angle wants consistency and follow through, remember? I'd listen to him, too if I were Tommy.

Never watched OVW myself, so I also have no idea what made him a bad booker there – so bad that he was labeled the worst in it's history, but what I do know is that if this report is an indication to how/what he'd be booking, it seems like a recipe for success – at least on paper.

The only real question I'd have here is who is actually writing for TNA right now with Russo as burnt as he's claimed to be, and Ferrara now gone? I like the idea of Dreamer booking if he's going to be doing so the way the OP refers to, but would he also be writing?
I'm a bit skeptical about if this report is legitimate or not mainly because those ideas seem way too good to be true. Namely because t's pretty much exactly what I want...with the exception of a couple things.

However, if the report is true, this seems like exactly what TNA needs. I don't have a lot against the way TNA has been the past month, but with a guy who clearly has that many ideas so early into starting with the company and good ones at that, things can get awesome.
All this sounds good, but .. and I know I am alone when I say this. I actually kind of like Rob Terry and OJ's new gimmick. OJ is actually an ok wrestler where as Terry.. while not the best is still entertaining to have around. While some things about them can be toned down a little I don't think they need to be cut out of Impact entirely.

What made OJ's gimmick really interesting to me though was the fact he had as Taz stressed a "violent side".

However I do agree.. Lottalove wasn't necessarily someone that would make me tune in every week.
I would reserve judgment on Tommy Dreamer as I have no knowledge of the booking talent that this man has. I suppose I will tune in to TNA and hope that there is some highlights other then Pope on their show every now and then.
Tommy Dreamer being the worst Booker in history pure BS he may have been bad but has he ever put a company out of business NOOOOO. Has he ever booked himself to win the title and make the championship look like a joke Nope (actually he was always against himself ever winning the title). Has he ever booked a necrophilia angle NOT A chance so yeah

As to this news if its true sounds good
Had no use for OJ, Terry was mehh and Roxy did nothing
Daniels and Yang back in great
Carlito and Knox uhhhhhhhh
Using the international flair awesome (Bring back the world Cup thing although this time I would love a more heavyweight appeal)
Young or Roode for Canada
Homicide for Mexico
Desmond amd Magnus for England
Joe for Samoa
Anyone BUT Angle for US
Bring in a Japanese star or two
Well hot damn... if over the next couple of weeks I see changes in TNA's structure, I will personally thank Tommy Dreamer for making me re-tune into iMPACT!.

The KO's division has been lacking ever since they started allowing girls like Gail Kim to leave. This was one of their main highlights of their business where they showcased a better division than the other product was putting out. With the introduction of the tag belts and focusing everything around the BP, it's gone to waste. The last time the KO's were relevant and important was when they had that KO special where iMPACT! featured only women wrestlers in a tournament. The X-Division has been on an up-and-down wave pattern. They need to gain some legit lucha-libre or cruiserweight wrestlers into that scene and make it interesting. The whole point is to allow any person of any weight division to create matches to wow the fans at every second, so why waste it? They are unopposed in that section and there are a shitload of guys the WWE isn't picking up because of their smaller builds.

I could rant on forever, but I'm glad that Tommy is set to do all this. TNA is just another wrestling company in America if they continue what they did with the start of the "Hogan-era." You can't beat Goliath at it's own game if you're David. You have to do something unique in order to beat the giant. Getting the X-Division and KO divisions on track is the best option, as well as building up younger guys for the future. Let's hope him and the rest of creative can make this happen.
Great news, if it's true of course.

Some of the things that were said in the article do seem too good to be true, but they are all logical steps in securing the product back to where it should be.

The KO's tag team division is - well, no existant. The global title has no relevance - if you're going to make it the mid card belt - then put it on someone like The Pope, or Jay Lethal (not a criticism - one's been injured and the other one is in a major storyline with Flair).

To be honest, anything would be better than the rumoured Hogan return to the ring - which I hope to God doesn't happen. If that title match against Abyss happens (why on earth would it need to be a title match) - the crowd should adopt a "If Hogan wins, we riot" attitude.

One thing I don't get is, surely they're chasing Heyman to be leader of creative? If he isn't, then whats the point in going after him as hard as they did. Sure, they might want an onscreen lead for the ECW storyline - but if Dreamer is leading creative, then do they really need Heyman?

All in all, seems to good to be true. And is only based off one internet report. But iMPACT! seems to be going in the right direction in the past few weeks - so it might just be true.
WOW, looks like Dreamers been planning to become a writer for TNA for a long time, he has ideas, and might I add very good ideas as well..revamping the KO division, bringing back Daniels, give the X division an international feel by adding mexican wrestlers as well...

He could be the best thing that hit TNA..lets hope it works out well, also making Wolfe, Red, Pope and Guns bigger stars...thats what I want, not to see Abyssamania in the main event scene!!
Great news, if it's true of course.

Some of the things that were said in the article do seem too good to be true, but they are all logical steps in securing the product back to where it should be.

The KO's tag team division is - well, no existant. The global title has no relevance - if you're going to make it the mid card belt - then put it on someone like The Pope, or Jay Lethal (not a criticism - one's been injured and the other one is in a major storyline with Flair).

To be honest, anything would be better than the rumoured Hogan return to the ring - which I hope to God doesn't happen. If that title match against Abyss happens (why on earth would it need to be a title match) - the crowd should adopt a "If Hogan wins, we riot" attitude.

One thing I don't get is, surely they're chasing Heyman to be leader of creative? If he isn't, then whats the point in going after him as hard as they did. Sure, they might want an onscreen lead for the ECW storyline - but if Dreamer is leading creative, then do they really need Heyman?

All in all, seems to good to be true. And is only based off one internet report. But iMPACT! seems to be going in the right direction in the past few weeks - so it might just be true.

Dreamer coming to TNA to book TNA has never been a secret for me. The past change in Impact has been evident. Dreamer is a great mind for the business. The only thing I'm not too big on is him influxing more WWE talent like Wang Yang. How about dealing with what is already there?

And to correct you, a number of sites are indeed reporting this news. Not just 1 site.
Well if some of you would look at the current product and stop being blined by your haterd for Vince Russo, you probably can actually see that some of that stuff in that article has already come true!EXAMPLE; sarita dressed in all black and turning heel!And also Amazing Red wearing his old ring gear at TNA's recent house shows!
looks like all good news if Dreamer is on board and the things listed there being implimented look awesome, the program has definatly been picking up for a few weeks now and after reading that im confident it will be like it for awhile

Great news, if it's true of course.
The global title has no relevance - if you're going to make it the mid card belt - then put it on someone like The Pope, or Jay Lethal (not a criticism - one's been injured and the other one is in a major storyline with Flair).

for those that dont get to watch Xplosion...Rob Terry vs Magnus for the title next week as he has been defending it on that program exlusively since the new format of the show has been on and i'm tipping a Magnus win as he has been getting a nice build on that program....if he does i hope The Freak can take some time away from tv and get some more training under his belt cause i think he has the tools to be something with TNA just the skills arnt quite there
I SO hope this is true. It seems from the report that Dreamer isn't just focusing on one aspect----he's trying to make the show complete, and bringing up long forgotten divisions (i.e. X)--and with that---THANK YOU TOMMY :worship: I would, however, bring back Petey Williams and Daniels, and sign them both.....or re-sign them...whatever. The same for the X cup......correct me if I'm wrong but has it been like maybe two years since they've had a PPV that focused on that? Hmmm...could be because with Hogan and Bishoff coming in, they focused on the heavyweight division (or themselves).....THANK GOD THERE IS A SENSE OF LEVELNESS IN THE COMPANY :worship:
:worship: :worship:

It just goes to show you that you need to take someone from the outside, watch the product, and see the flaws, as opposed to bringing in someone (i.e. Hogan) who is either on his last leg(s), needs money, wants to be in the spotlight, and hasn't had an original idea in 15 years.
lots of good ideas, if this is all legit. i try to take everything i read with a grain of salt. hope for the best but expect the worst is kinda my way of looking at all this stuff.

that said, my only concern, and i do mean "only" as all the ideas listed looked pretty good as a balanced and thought-out whole, is that if Tommy Dreamer is involved with creative and Raven is also assisting, i fear that there may be too many people involved with the booking and writing.

does that make sense or am i just paranoid? with Dixie, Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, Dreamer, Raven, talks of Foley helping out, Jarrett, Ferrera (just left, i know) and others all having a hand in ideas and booking and writing, where is the line drawn? who gets the final word?

that's my only concern. i get that really great ideas come not just from one mind but from an ecclectic group of minds, but there does have to be a final say somewhere.

obviously, Dreamer has a great mind for the business, as do several others that have helped with creative in TNA (Raven and Foley specifically) and i do hope that this is true and that we continue to see great changes in TNA. it can only be good for the future.
Oh ehm gee! I hope all of this is legit. Bringing in AAA and NJPW wrestlers is a great way to add more excitement to the X-Division. And I'm all for bringing back Cheerleader Melissa back, plus a buncha other indy wrestlers. Hopefully the KO Division will be revived, but I think they should have another match airing instead of one; more exposure instead of having only one KO match a week on Impact.

This could explain why Impact has been so much bearable for the casual fan lately. And memorable too.

And Rulk25, Homicide is Puerto Rican. Why Mexico? That's what Extreme Tiger will be there -- and I have a gut feeling people will call him a Rey Mysterio (Jr.) knock-off, though they were both trained by Sr.
If this plans out, then I'll be looking to see how they bring back Jimmy Yang... Hopefully they stick him with the Elvis gimmick and possibly find Jorge Estrada... the two could make a decent pair for the tag division and also help out the X-Division.

Daniels returning, honestly, I think wouldn't be a smart move (On Daniels' part). Every time that Daniels goes to TNA, he gets shafted by the short end of the stick, and to be honest it's just not fair to him. He's been there as long as AJ, and at the beginning, was going to be as big as AJ. Now he's looked at as a nobody. Hell, him Joe and AJ had the best match TWICE and yet no credit is ever given to them.

I must say, that I AM enjoying the idea of Red going back to his old attire. As with Yang, maybe Dreamer can pull in the Maximo Brothers as well... which would bring in another team.

With Jack Evans, you have the chance to gain Teddy Hart as well. Sure the guy's a pain to work with, but he's got the legit "Hart" last name. And it would be a great way to capitalize on the Hart Family success. Plus, that would give him and Evans a chance to reunite and that brings up yet another tag team...

If you've caught my formula, then you can guess that I'm wanting more and more tag teams...

But for a non-tag team perspective... I am really hoping to see more of Alissa Flash and Sarita in the coming weeks. Alissa was being built as a huge threat not too long ago, but now she is gone. Plus, she's got ties with Kong so maybe she can get Kong back to TNA... Yeah it's a long shot, but it's a possibility nonetheless...

Also, if TNA is serious about rebuilding the Knockouts Division, I would say that they should look for MsChif. I don't care what anyone says, the woman is pure talent and she would connect extremely well with Daffney.

And for shits and giggles, I wouldn't mind seeing the return of Stone Cold Shark Boy, nor would I mind seeing Curry Man return. A comedic tag team is hard to do, but they had it down packed.
It would be interesting if this is true. Parts of it seem plausible, others ask more questions than are answered. Mainly where is all the tv time going to come from for all these guys he is interested in bringing in? I have no problem with most of the choices but with all those guys it kind of sounds like old TNA where everyone is talented but no one ever gets over because they have to spread it around. They would need someone to write the show. Coming up with the ideas is one thing but writing a tv show is something almost no wrestlers can do. I guess that is where Heyman would come in with an outside chance of them giving Foley a shot. Then again I always wonder just how burnt out Russo really is? If they bring back Daniels I hope them use him in a Jerry Lynn type role with the x-division. Maybe he deserves more but he is just the wrong person to build much higher than that right now.
If this plans out, then I'll be looking to see how they bring back Jimmy Yang... Hopefully they stick him with the Elvis gimmick and possibly find Jorge Estrada... the two could make a decent pair for the tag division and also help out the X-Division.

This is gonna come out in a really insulting manner, so I dunno brace yourself. But seriously, thank God you aren't booking TNA. The Flying Elvises? Seriously? That's a surefire way to lose fans. That shit worked when TNA was first starting but not now.

Daniels returning, honestly, I think wouldn't be a smart move (On Daniels' part). Every time that Daniels goes to TNA, he gets shafted by the short end of the stick, and to be honest it's just not fair to him. He's been there as long as AJ, and at the beginning, was going to be as big as AJ. Now he's looked at as a nobody. Hell, him Joe and AJ had the best match TWICE and yet no credit is ever given to them.
Christopher Daniels gets plenty of credit, he was one of the highlights of the X-division and he has plenty of fans. Even Bischoff liked Daniels. The problem Daniels has is that unlike AJ people don't get behind him. Daniels is the Matt Hardy to AJ's Jeff. They're both good wrestlers and both have solid fan reactions, but for some reason everyone likes AJ more. Just the way it is.

With Jack Evans, you have the chance to gain Teddy Hart as well. Sure the guy's a pain to work with, but he's got the legit "Hart" last name. And it would be a great way to capitalize on the Hart Family success. Plus, that would give him and Evans a chance to reunite and that brings up yet another tag team...
I don't mind Teddy Hart but seriously guy is massively overrated and a total cunt in the opinions of most promoters. Evans is good so long as he can pull of that 630 splash spot enough. They don't need Hart though.

If you've caught my formula, then you can guess that I'm wanting more and more tag teams...
And for the life of me I can't work out why, TNA has plenty of tag teams, especially with LAX set to reform.

But for a non-tag team perspective... I am really hoping to see more of Alissa Flash and Sarita in the coming weeks. Alissa was being built as a huge threat not too long ago, but now she is gone. Plus, she's got ties with Kong so maybe she can get Kong back to TNA... Yeah it's a long shot, but it's a possibility nonetheless...
Alyssa would be great, but hell no to Kong. She's got as much chance as getting back in TNA as Hogan has getting back in the WWE.

And for shits and giggles, I wouldn't mind seeing the return of Stone Cold Shark Boy, nor would I mind seeing Curry Man return. A comedic tag team is hard to do, but they had it down packed.

Ugh no, Shark Boy's a road agent now and I find it odd that you said you don't want Christopher Daniels back, but you do want Curry Man're aware it's the same guy right?

Seriously I've probably come off sounding like a dick here, but this is just really odd post, bringing in so many tag teams would oversaturate the division, there's nowhere near enough time on Xplosion and iMPACT to get all of those teams out there each week.
/end rant.

With what's being reported here it seems Dreamer's got some good ideas and some not so good ideas. Bringing in a handful of those AAA guys to bulk up the X-division is great. But I'm just unsure if TNA has enough time for it all. I'd like to see maybe 3 new guys (Yang, Evans and Extreme Tiger) get signed for the X-division. I definitely don't want to see Mike Knox or Carlito brought in. Ken Doane I feel deserves a spot as he's a young guy with a lot of in-ring skill who could do well in the mid-card for the next few years before maybe getting a main-event push.

My big question revolve around Dreamer's plans on who he'd like to cut and what how he envisions the X-division. Specifically focusing on the claim that he wants the X-Division to be more international, it wouldn't surprise me to see him unify the Global and X titles to play up that idea. My only issue is that I don't want to see the X-Division become a cruiserweight only division, Doug Williams has already done a lot to make the division better, so if bringing guys like Evans is going to see the division end up as nothing but spots I'll be rather disappointed.

Anyway, I'm hoping this is true and that Tommy makes for a good booker as some of these ideas seem to have potential.
It makes sense, as iMPACT has really been on a roll the past few weeks. I hope Dreamer and TNA can find a way to get Daniels back, because he's a tremendous talent. Also, telling Sting to take a Undertaker type schedule makes sense as just last week on iMPACT, Sting was suspended. Plus, Anderson seems to be returning to his heel persona, so that makes sense too. Love the idea of bringing more international guys to the X Division scene in hopes of revamping it, as well as revamping the Knockouts Division.

These changes almost sound too good to be true, but it correlates extremely well to what we have been getting on iMPACT in the recent weeks. I say, keep it up Dreamer.
If this is true then it sounds like Tommy is perfect for the job. I have really enjoyed the past few weeks of Impact. We haven't seen Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, or Rosie Lottalove in weeks so that's a plus right there. The Knockouts are slowly gaining steam and the X division is starting to flourish.

I don't know Tommy's history with creative, but I would rather see him in this role then as an aging wrestler trying to gain the glory back from his heyday. As long as the focus is on creating new stars and less on shock TV and confusing angles that don't lead to anything then I'm all for Dreamer being in the creative chair.
If this is true, this is just fantastic news. Dreamer and Raven have great minds for the business, and these rumored changes actually made me really excited. TNA needs to use its real talent, and build up its X-Division and Knockout Division. They need to be a WWE alternative as opposed to WWE-lite, and these changes seem to be pushing the company in the right direction.

On top of that I love how he's rumored to want to push Wolfe and Pope, and turn Anderson heel again (hopefully by winning the title at Victory Road!). These three men could draw in new audiences in their own ways. Pope and Anderson would be recognized by casal WWE fans, but they could also be The Ones That Got Away. Wolfe could be advertised as an ROH Star, if they can get ROH's permission to use their name. This will get indy fans tuning in.

As a fan of Jimmy Yang, I'd be happy seeing him in TNA's X-Division. Same with Evans and various NJPW stars. TNA could be a showcase of talent from everywhere, of all shapes and sizes, as opposed to WWE's land of big or muscular men.

Tommy needs to also listen to Angle. TNA needs consistency, it needs to play to its strengths and minimize its weaknesses, and focus on building new stars instead of taking ones that are already created, though having a few names like Jeff Hardy and RVD is perfectly fine. After all, Hardy and RVD are draws, so they need to advertise the fuck out of them while promoting their own stars like Styles and Anderson.

I hope Dreamer brings more realism to the program as well. There have been several good feuds and stories grounded in realism, and I want the whole program to be like that, so it will stand in sharp contrast to the more cartoony WWE.

I am really looking forward to these changes. I hope the report is true.
If that is all true then they are very good ideas. I like the Sarah Stock dark angel gimmick idea and I'm a big fan of hers. The gimmick I guess means that she will be doing martial arts moves on her opponents. Has there ever been a female martial artist gimmick in wrestling yet? A creative team led by Dreamer and Raven would be the second best thing to Heyman.

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