Tommy Dreamer: ECW or WWE

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The innovator of violence. That nickname has roots back to ECW and that is truly obvious. But one thing I do think about is this. He is the last connection really with WWE from the original ECW. But has he had a better legacy in WWE or ECW?

Tommy Dreamer was never the top men in ECW, but in the massive empire of the WWE, he was the top man on the ECW brand for 47 days. A relative lower man on the ladder in ECW is nothing compared to being in the top of WWE's ECW in my books.

So what do you think? is Dreamer's time in ECW better than his time in the WWE?
Tommy Dreamer was never a "relative low man" in ECW. He didn't want the title, so he never held the title. Except for one short reign. He had some of the greatest feuds in ECW history, and was one of the people to build it from the ground up. He turned away offers from WCW to stay there because of his love for it.

He's basically a joke in WWE, and hasn't appeared in weeks.
The only things Dreamer has done during his tenure in World Wrestling Entertainment that was worth a damn was main eventing Raw at MSG against Rob Van Dam for the Hardcore Title (great match), and his three matches at the Hammerstein Ballroom, when WWE went there for the two One Night Stands and that one episode of ECW on Sci Fi (the one where CM Punk made his debut).

But other than that, he's done absolutely nothing in WWE besides eat 'Taker's hair and participate in shit matches/feuds. Whereas in ECW, he was in one of the greatest feuds in the history of the business against Raven (which lasted over 2 years, mind you), was perhaps of the most beloved wrestler by the fans, and had as many memorable moments throughout the company's history as anyone.

So, yeah... this is not even close, TM. And I doubt someone comes in here and disagrees. Dreamer has definitely made for money working for WWE and has gotten more exposure and all that hoopla, but he'll always be remembered what he did in the ORIGINAL ECW, and his run in WWE will just end up being a footnote in his career; let the man write a biography and it'll prove that last statement to be a fact.
Probably ECW. the man was truely passionate about the company and they rewarded him for it. not to mention that Dreamer is in several ECW moments (falling off high places through a stack of tables and the like.
He's basically a joke in WWE, and hasn't appeared in weeks.
Doesn't he have a nasty elbow injury, or something? I dont know as I dont watch ECW.
The innovator of violence. That nickname has roots back to ECW and that is truly obvious. But one thing I do think about is this. He is the last connection really with WWE from the original ECW. But has he had a better legacy in WWE or ECW?

So what do you think? is Dreamer's time in ECW better than his time in the WWE?

His time in the original ECW was better because you can tell how passionate he still is about that organization. Everyone knows that WWE's ECW has nothing to do with the original other than the name, and Dreamer. It is an easy choice because he has spent a good portion of his time on WWE's ECW talking about how great the old ECW was. His only major highlights from being in WWE are competing at Wrestlemania and having held the title on the new ECW. That's why I say his time in ECW (the old one) was better than his time in WWE.
Tommy is waste of space in WWE, I hate to say it but it's true. He's obviously been recognised on a larger scale in WWE but he hasn't done anything of note since coming, besides holding the ECW title for a short time.
He will be forgotten by the new fans who aren't familiar with his 'true' ECW days within the next 2 years.
So, in case you haven't guessed yet, I'm going for ECW. Yes, he has more exposure in WWE but Tommy Dreamer will always be remembered as an ECW original.

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