Tommy Dreamer Done With TNA

The Man They Call WMD

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- Tommy Dreamer announced on Twitter that he is finishing up with TNA at their upcoming BaseBrawl events. He wrote:

"If u need a reason 2 go 2 TNA shows on 6/10 Marion, Ill & 6/11 Memphis TN. They will b my last 2 apperances for TNA.Come say goodbye. Thnx"

Word going around is that Dreamer and TNA couldn't agree on a new contract.

He is now taking event bookings through

PWInsider said:
Tommy Dreamer is still appearing on the TNA house show Basebrawl events this weekend, but after that he is done with the company. Dreamer posted the following on his twitter…

, "If u need a reason 2 go 2 TNA shows on 6/10 Marion, Ill & 6/11 Memphis TN. They will b my last 2 appearances for TNA. Come say goodbye. Thnx"

Word is that the two sides could not come to an agreement on terms for a new contract. Dreamer debuted with TNA in June of 2010, and besides working as a wrestler, he worked as a producer/agent for the company. You can go to Dreamer's official website for information on booking him.


So it would appear that Tommy Dreamer is officially done with TNA. Thoughts everyone?

I for one am glad. I like Tommy, always have, but his time as an on-screen wrestler should be done and over with. He would have made a good agent or backstage presence probably, but watching him wrestle at this point is not something I want to see, atleast not in a major company that has so much talent and so little screen time like TNA. Here's to hoping Tommy goes back to working indies (CHIKARA, DGUSA, shit maybe even CZW).
He was picked up in the midst of TNA's 2010 talent grab, put behind the helm of that EV2 stable (remember them?), and drifted around aimlessly once that feud was over. Tommy Dreamer wasn't putting asses in seats. He hasn't put asses in seats for a dozen years.

Word round the campfire is he's a good influence on the boys in back, but TNA/IW doesn't seem to be all that concerned with backstage harmony. No big loss, for either side in this, just a parting of the ways.

On his Twitter, Dreamer, ever the company man, promoted the TNA event on his way out, writing, "If u need a reason 2 go 2 TNA shows on 6/10 Marion, Ill & 6/11 Memphis TN. They will b my last 2 apperances for TNA.Come say goodbye. Thnx"

The word making the rounds is that the two sides could not come to terms on a new contract.

Dreamer debuted for TNA in June 2010 and was tapped to book their ECW tribute event "Hardcore Justice." In recent months, he was hardly used in front of the camera but was working as a Producer for the company. He was suddenly turned heel for the first time in his career a few weeks back with no real reason, only to be dropped from TV in the midst of a feud with AJ Styles.

Frankly I don't think many here will be overly concerned over this, but losing Dreamer in a backstage capacity will likely have a significant impact backstage. Few wrestlers have that kind of respect he does.

That said, the good news is we won't have to watch Dreamer beat AJ Styles in TNA again, at least not in the near future.
It's a shame he won't be able to stay and work in the back. I was under the impression that was the reason for hiring him in the first place.

I'm glad to see him gone from tv, however. Just a waste of good airtime.
Well, I'm not surprised, there nothing really for him to do anymore in TNA.

They tried to give him a heel run but the fan's could care less. Then he's randomly taken out of the storyline with Styles with absolutely no reasoning at all.

He really bought nothing to TNA, at all. He was just a old guy who used to fight in the now defunct ECW, that's really it.
I'm with the crowd on this one: it doesn't mean much. Dreamer is a guy that pretty much has made a career about talking about how things used to be and after One Night Stand and all the other reunion shows, there isn't much use for him on camera. He's a guy that was taking up a spot on the roster and not really adding anything. He'd be ok as a minor character but the spot TNA had for him just didn't fit at all. Any company should look into hiring him for a front office spot though as he seems to have an excellent mind for the business. In front of a major camera though, his time is over.
As a in ring performer he has nothing left to contribute to TNA, and I'm not sure how much he contributed to booking storylines and other backstage stuff so I'm not surprised he is gone. Truth be told him leaving was probably past due.
I agree that Tommy Dreamer was a bad choice for TNA. But I really enjoyed watching him wrestle and seeing him involved in feuds again. It's a good move for him to leave so he can go back to what he does best. Training and improving the new wrestlers so that on day they can reach the heights he has.
Unfortunately, (and's not anything new), but it'll be the abrupt end to another storyline that just got out of the starting gates. Not to be a jerk about it, just saying---personally, I wish him well because I think he has a good wrestling mind, but he just made a heel turn a few weeks ago, and were working on that, and now, pfft! Maybe the letters TNA really stand for "Titanic Needing (to stay) Afloat".
Didn't Dreamer give a teary "shoot" promo on WWE for firing all his ECW friends and how he wanted to come to TNA? Well Tommy how did it work out for you?

Maybe WWE will take him back and have him be a producer or something.
Meh, thats all i have to say about Tommy Dreamer. Yeah he is a good guy, but what else could he do in the ring in TNA that he didn't already do? Win a title? Fuck no.
i see that a lot of people on here aren't really too fond of Tommy's in ring performance, I mean me being an old ECW fan back in the TNN days i always enjoyed Dreamer's presence whether on or off screen, WWE or TNA. Thought i will agree that He himself was definitely not puttin butts in the seats I thought the heel turn was a fresh page for him. I mean sure it came WAY too late in his career but it was a great alternative from the stale routine "i have pride in the company but i get my ass kicked all time defending it" angle that he frequented. Great producer mind though, and gave great promos but i will say that even though TNA is not really taking a loss, i was however lookin forward to see how the heel angle was going to play out and it kinda sucked that they pulled the plug right in the middle of it. ugggh i really hope that TNA stops doing this crap because this is what? like the 3rd or 4th time they've cut an angle short? not gaining anymore ratings by doing that.
First Foley and now Dreamer, mayhaps IMPACT Wrestling is trying to move to a more wrestling orientated product. Every 'Who should TNA release?' has had these two prominently featured.

Dreamer was only ever a cog in the Styles / Ray feud and filled that role pretty well. Foley, in reality, was only required to put the 'Wrestling Matters' ideal over and he filled that position.

I'm not saying creative differences and upcoming contract negotiations are not contributory factors, neither am I slighting either guy but many have slated TNA for it's seeming reliance on exWWe talent / legends. Maybe this is a good sign of things to come... hey, sue me, I'm an optimist:shrug:
Didn't Dreamer give a teary "shoot" promo on WWE for firing all his ECW friends and how he wanted to come to TNA?

Did he actually do that? Because if he did, wouldn't that be the kind of thing that Vince McMahon regards as a supreme betrayal that he would never forgive? Did Tommy really burn his bridge back to WWE?

Also, didn't Tommy leave gainful employment at WWE behind him? Vince wasn't letting him go, was he? I thought he left because he was dying to work at TNA.

If all that's so.......bad career move, Mr. Dreamer.:disappointed:
I agree that Tommy Dreamer was a bad choice for TNA. But I really enjoyed watching him wrestle and seeing him involved in feuds again.

If you really enjoyed seeing him, then how the hell was he a bad choice? You just contradicted yourself within two sentences. Bravo! :disappointed:

On the heels of the "TNA Roster Cuts Coming..." thread, everyone's reaction to this is pretty predictable. I personally thought Dreamer had more to offer after his heel turn and would've liked to see him try some new things in a non-wrestling capacity, but obviously he thought he was worth more than TNA was offering. No big loss.
Maybe TNA's newest throw crap at a wall strategy and see what sticks is to get people to tune to be shocked by who is not on the show. Dreamer's not being there segment is going to do a 3.0 rating.

If Dreamer has such a bright wrestling mind he should have known not to get invloved with TNA. Loved original ECW Tommy Dreamer but the rest just never worked out for him. Tough luck.
Fantastic news in my opinion and I fail to see how it could possibly be a bad thing for TNA to be without an overrated hack like Tommy Dreamer.

Tommy Dreamer brought absolutely nothing whatsoever to the table in TNA. All he did in TNA was the same thing that he did while he was in WWE: job out to whomever was put in front of him while harping on the legacy of the original ECW in an attempt to remain relevant.

Dreamer is most definitely dead weight that, in my opinion, never should've been signed to TNA in the first place.
I, like everyone, missed the days of ECW on local public access channels. One Night Stand was a good idea and I was even down for Hardcore Justice. It hits a point where its old though.

Current day Tommy Dreamer is not exciting at all. If you could erase your memories about who he was and see him now for the first time would you be impressed with his wrestling or his character? Enough to care?

Much to everyone's surprise even Paul Heyman said the first thing he would do if he was brought into TNA would be to cut a lot of old folk. Many of them being EV2.

I personally feel that if they still have an itch then all the ECW guys should do one last super show ECW style but at the end of the night they should say "This is the last time you will ever see us come together to salute the past" and every character stand on their own from that point forward.
his name kept showing up as one of the names that TNA should release and it looks like everybody got their wish. I mean they guy should have stayed for short term when the the whole EV2 angle came to an end, but no he stayed for no damn reason
interesting. hiring these old wwe guys seems like a waste of money to me if they don't do anything with them. in reality, what impact did dreamer have in tna? he was so buried on wwe that he didn't really bring any new fans over to tna from wwe. why would he? the modern wwe audience watched him lose week after week so there was no reason for them to follow. didn't really put anyone over either. his feuds seemed to be kind of boring. but this seems to be the tna sytle - bring someone in and then don't really use them for anything. look at booker t - a little feud with bobby roode but otherwise kind of just floated around. in terms of an in-ring performer, should saved the money. for behind the scenes, might be a bit of a loss. interesting that they lost both him and foley within a week or so if each other because both are supposed to have really good minds for the business.
I never cared for Tommy Dreamer and I'm not really upset about this. I gotta say though that I was initially surprised that he's being released so soon after a heel turn and a program with AJ Styles. But then again, besides that Dreamer never really brought anything to the table in TNA. In fact, I'm surprised he wasn't released sooner like when the EV2 guys all left the company. I wish all the best for Dreamer's future but I really won't miss him in an in ring capacity. He might've been of use as a backstage worker but I don't have interest in him as an onscreen character.
So why exactly did TNA book him to win over Bully Ray and AJ Styles on ppv??

Dreamer if anything is very passionate about the business and I hope he gets something soon.

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