Tomko: Which WWE show would fit him best

Which show would you like Tomko to be on?

  • RAW

  • SD

  • ECW

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Now that Tomko has quit TNA, there will now be speculation as to when and if he signs with the WWE. So the question is which show, RAW, SD, or ECW, would be the best fit for him. Let everyones opinons come forward..... now!
Not really sure, but I am gonna go with SmackDown. I think this would be the best choice as there is plenty of people to fued with on the show whether he is a face or heel, although heel being most likely. There is also the possibility of him forming a tag team with Mike Knox or Koslov or something to that extent. Anything to help that division out.

If he isnt working out on SmackDown then he could be on ECW what with the talent exchange, from there he could fued with Matt Hardy and Finlay and maybe find himself in the title picture. I would say SmackDown is the best choice.
Shoot sorry, I suppose writing it late won't take away my warning, but here goes anyway. Um, it's an interesting call on this one. On ECW, he would right away be considered one of the main eventers for the title. Mostly likely he would team with Knox, pretty much what Knox and Test were like back in the first year of ECW, help Knox get better, then challenge Matt Hardy when he gets the title. He could also work on RAW or SD too. He's got good body guard skills and could easily start as someones hired protection/surprise to beat up insantly fued somebody, and then go from there. However there seems to be enough bodyguards going around, so my pick is on ECW to make a name for himself then get the jump to a RAW or SD.
I'm not a fan of Tomko at all. I don't think he looks like a legitimate "tough guy" cause he's more tall than he is muscular, he doesn't really seem that talented as a technician from what I've seen...and he isn't anything special on the mic at all.

But, business isn't about who you like, its who the fans like and will respond to.

Thusly, I can see them putting him on ECW or Smackdown's midcard scene as a face, since the WWE is really lacking in faces for the midcard that aren't just jobbers. I certainly wouldn't push this guy to the upper midcard or the main event. Midrange of the midcard or in a tag team would suit him best to me.
I don't think Tomko is in any way shape or form one of the best right now, however I think the build he had in TNA was great up until he turned on Christian. I think he ran well with it and it was gradual enough that it was working well. I think they would have had a solid face to use for a long time if they had not gone for the quick "shock" factor of having him turn.

In any case, I'd say the best place for him right now is RAW. I think Smackdown (and I can't believe it's true) has become stocked full of talent. I'm enjoying RAW and it seems like the best place for a new addition. It's doing well now, but there is room at every level for someone to take their place. I just hope Tomko brings his A game... I'm sure he doesn't want to follow in Chris Harris' footsteps. If you get to the big leagues again, you better be ready for it. You only have so many chances.
Tomko would be a perfect fit on ECW. No crowd reaction, bad matches and released within a month. The good ol' Braden Walker routine. That's all Tomko deserves. WWE already wasted their time on him, why the heck would they re-hire him?
I agree that ECW should be where he should go. After all isn't ECW almost close to being like TNA?

For me though it is more to test the waters. In fact being on ECW he could wrestle on Smackdown as well. If he is good enough they WILL move him to another brand.
He should go to ECW. This place fits him more then anywhere else for now. He could become an ECW World Champion here. That would be the highest title he would ever receive probably but for some reason it is considered a World Title so it would be something. He has bad matches and is bad on the mic. Just another reason ECW would be perfect for him. He can do feuds with Finlay and Mark henry. They wouldn't be great feuds but he would be doing something. If he was to go to WWE he would probably be a heel. I can't imagine him a face at all.
Realisticly he should stay in Japan and not go to the WWE. There he is a very intimadating big man, and is part of a succesful tag team. Truth be told Tomko is a midcarder where ever he goes so better it be in a place withour scrutiny or politics. If WWE wants Tomko they should take Giant Bernard with him. With an already strugeling tag team division, these beasts could lay waste to it and it would make for good television.
Sticking to Japan for a year or so would be the best career move for him. Its the classic Umaga routine. He should go away and train for a while, where theres less pressure on him, and hopefully he should come back to WWE a million times better than what he was when he first left.
I never really watched him so much in TNA so I don't know how good he really is already, but when he was in WWE first time he was working pretty stiff and simple, Some time out over in Japan will be extremely beneficial and in a year or so, with the right angle, I could easily see Tomko on the RAW roster giving out some beatings. I'm not sure if he will become anything more than Snitsky, but I heard he was a pretty solid tag team wrestler, so maybe theres something for him there. I'm not too sure, rosters are quite cluttred at the moment anyway. I suppose he could take a Kofi level segment in the midcard somewhere and hope he gets an IC title run.
Either that or Tomko can get a place on ECW, to replace whoever gets called up to Raw or Smackdown in the near future.
ECW would work best for Tomko to get back into the WWE swing of things. It's not jam packed with talent, not as high pressure, more of a laid back atmosphere, so it's perfect him and the WWE to re-feel eachother out again, get used to eachother again. Plus ECW just needs good talent, and Tomko is good, he really matured as an athelete in TNA and in Japan, so put him on ECW, feud him with some of their top stars, get him into the ECW title picture, let him hold it for a few months, then we both parties feel comfortable enough to do it, move him to either Raw or SD.
FCW? I don't like him and see nothing special in him. He never caught my eye in his first WWE run. He was pushed pretty hard in TNA, but I never saw anything in him. He was successful over in Japan, but I don't really care about that, he needs to make a name for himself in North America. Hopefully he gets the same push Brandon Walker got. Id much rather see Khali than Tomko. Umaga than Tomko, Jamie Noble than Tomko.
I would say either Raw or ECW. Right now smackdown has alot of great midcard/mainevent scene so it may get to crowded. Tomko has earned alot more fans and respect since his stints in TNA & Japan but he's not going to go over the likes of Jeff Hardy, MVP, or Kennedy.

Raw's midcard right now has alot less "well-known" names then on sd. You have guys like Santino, Kofi, Birchill, & DLo, while there are all good none are amazingly over like Hardy, Kennedy, ect, so I see Tomko getting a better shot on raw.

Also with ECW's ever so small roster, Tomko would be a legit maineventer as soon as he would come on. With that said ECW is the lowest spot and sometimes wrestlers can just get stuck their and never seem to move higher(burke, dreamer). I think Tomko should just countinue what he's doing and Japan and countinue to improve.
I think people are out of their minds if they think the W.W.E. will rehire Tomko to suddenly be someone impactful and main-stream. If he's brought back, and that's a decent sized if.. he'll be coming back in a role likely similar to the one he left in. That of a Tag team partner/bodyguard.

The ironic thing to all of this is, with where Edge's current storyline is leading him. I could definately see Tomko being brought back with his old original "Problem Solver" gimmick. I could easily see Edge proclaiming that he has a problem on Smackdown, and leading the face charge against a heel faction that he made.. with Tomko along side him.

It's ironic because of the connections Christian and Edge have, for Tomko to be bouncing back and forth with working with each of them. All in all though, Edge is easily the best idea for Tomko's return.

Again, I wouldn't expect the guy to return to any type of huge ovation or hype. W.W.E. aren't 500 plus fans packed inside a sound stage, cheering for wrestling ability alone. W.W.E. fans will remember Tomko for being everything he was before in the company. Nothing.

And because he made a big name for himself in Japan, but marketed it nicely in T.N.A., I definately wouldn't expect W.W.E. to push him and give T.N.A. any type of credit for the repackage deal.
ECW. Think about it, he could start a bodyguard stable with Bam Neeley. Then Ezekiel could jump over from Smack Down, and he could join too... seriously though, I say ECW. He would be a good fit, because he could be a main eventer or a lower midcard guy on ECW depending on how he was booked, so he could believably fit any role. On Raw or SD he would be lost in the main event picture IMO.
If Tomko were to be resigned, I'd have to say Raw or ECW are his better options.

On Raw, I think he would make a fantastic bodyguard for Santino. Clearly the man is going to need someone big and strong to walk around with him, and once he gets done with Beth Phoenix, Tomko could make a great partner. Tomko's straight man bodyguard idea would be a great pair up with Santino's comedy. I wouldn't mind them winning the tag team titles together either. Raw could use the tag team. Another option is to join up with Jericho into a little stable, and then perhaps tag with Cade? Bit Ryder and Hawkins-ish but I think they could work well together. Cade might not want to be a tag team wrester again, though.

It's a shame this all didn't happen when Kendrick was getting ready to redebut, because Tomko would have been so much better than Ezekiel.

Alternatively, on ECW, Tomko would make a solid main eventer. Feuding with Matt Hardy, Mark Henry, John Morrison, all of them would be entertaining to watch. Some time as an ECW Champ might serve him well to move over to Raw or Smackdown as a stand alone midcarder.
I doubt Tomko will come back to the wwe know but if he did he should go to Raw. He can be a big guy heel kind of like big show so he wouldnt be useful on Smackdown. And Ecw is more for the younger talent coming in so no to that. Raw could use another heel with orton out of wrestling action. Tomko can play a decent heel and he is an ok wrestler

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