Todd Grisham and Josh Matthews Fight Night

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
You may wonder why would Grisham and Matthews have any reason to participate in a WWE match? Jim Ross isn't exactly a brickhouse but he has competed many a time in a match.

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We all know Jerry Lawler makes his seemingly once-a-month return to the ring to get his butt handed to him by somebody. Even Cole has participated in a match and gotten beat down by Stone Cold which is kinda like a match itself.

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I believe Grisham will take Matthews in a fight. Josh may be stronger but Todd has the edge in quickness so this match should take place on RAW. It will be better than 90% of the stuff they do on there anyways and who wouldn't want to hear Cole say "That is vintage Grisham."
I'm sorry, but I have to take Matthews as having the edge in this fight. Matthews has been trained as a wrestler, where as Grisham has not. I really don't sense that Grisham could last very long in a fight.
I think this would be some brilliant entertainment but there would have to be a semi-decent angle behind it.

Maybe have Lawler make his return to the ring in a match the week before, possibly with Big Show being in a fit of rage, and get taken out. For the next week on RAW have Michael Cole approached at the start by Matthews and Grisham. Both ask to commentate with him tonight and then Chavo appers with Vickie.

Chavo: "You know Vickie, if I was in charge... I'd have these two men fight for the privilege of announcing on your show, the flagship show of the WWE"

Vickie: "Thats a great idea Chavo, tonight it will be Josh Matthews vs Todd Grisham, and you guys had better get ready because this match is right NOW".


We cut to the ring and the match begins. Both men look hesitant until Grisham hits a bitchy slap on Matthews. Have the finish go whatever way you want. Then as the winner celebrates...

Vickie: "Excuse Me! Now seen as you just lost this match, I will give you another chance to redeem yourself. You can still take that place on the commentary booth you just lost, if you beat the man who took out Jerry Lawler last week... THE BIG SHOW".

Big Show wins to give him some cheap heel heat.

The only problem is, this could then take out another commentator for another show this week. And it could potentially start a Big Show vs WWE Commentary feud haha.

But I think it'd be a pretty fun short angle.
I know WWE is talking about building young stars, but this is ridiculous. JR and the King only make appearances because the Attitude era was a time when even the commentators were stars. Somehow, I don't think we'll see any commentators in the ring for a good while.

But I'd like to see Grish vs Josh. That'd be a match for the ages.
Grish has the height advantage. He looks skinny so I'd say he has the speed too.
But Mattews, man, you know there's a dark, demented, sick human being behind that boring, nerdy exterior. He'd do things that Orton would think are going too far. If Matthews doesn't get DQed, he'd take this in a squash
Josh is a trained wrestler so he'd kill Todd. Besides, if Todd gets one good hit in then Josh will start nasally menstrating all over Grish who in turn would flee like a girl.
OMG this is a very strange thread. um i would take josh as he is bigger that todd and also beacues as u all have been saying he is trained as well.
Go Josh
Josh has this, he could squirt some nose blood in Grish's eyes and then go to town on his ass!

This would be a pretty cool match actually, it'd be something new for a week and would be forgotten the next but would be fun as a filler type thing. I like MrPlantastic's idea though of having them compete for the announcers spot.

Anyways, Matthews FTW
What's sad, is they would do this. Having two of their announcers wrestle for a spot, knowing full well they will blow 5 minutes of my life I will never get back.

Though, this could make sense. Have Teddy Long/Vickie Guerrero announce an open spot in the roster. The GM announces a tournament to get the new spot, with the people who want a spot having to compete against established wrestlers, until the end when they have to wrestle each other. Have it like King of the Ring, except with 3 rounds of fighting.

They are obviously mismatched against the wrestlers they're facing, except a heroic, masked figure *cough Hurricane Helms cough* comes in and saves them each time.

Before the final 3rd round, the GM announces that the Hurricane will compete for the spot himself in a 3-way against the other two announcers, since he seems to want to be there so much himself. Hurricane Helms wins, and the great thing about it is that Greg Helms can still be the announcer on ECW (if i remember right).
Technically, by your logic, Josh HAS been in a match before. Remember when Kurt Angle beat his ass backstage back in 2005 during the HBK/Angle WM fued? He beat him all the way to the ramp I believe, and if Michael Cole's massacre counts as a match, Josh's olympic beatdown counts as well.

I'd actually pick Grisham to win. Even though Josh has been trained, he just looks like a little bitch that couldn't harm a fly. Grisham is no Steve Austin himself, but I could actually picture him slapping the shit out of someone or something. Todd would definately own Josh on the mic because he seems like a smart ass and would probably bury him verbally while Josh would stand there and, I don't know, have a nosebleed.
I'm still going by my angle considering Big Show did actually take out Lawler on RAW in the end, scarily.

As for the winner, I have to side with Matthews. Can you really imagine Grisham in a shoot fight coming out on top against Matthews? The guy looks like he needs a good dinner down him!

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