Today is a historic day.


Down with the trumpets.
Today, Colonel Gadaffi, leader of Libya, was murdered, ending his reign of terror and tyranny over the Libyans. Hopefully, this leads to a more democratic Libya and a more forward-thinking country.

Also today, one of the World's only terrorist organizations left ordered a ceasefire. ETA, radicals from the Basque Country had murdered over 200 people. The motives for their attacks were their willingness to separate from Spain and be its own country. Their most famous attack was the Madrid train bomb in 2004.

Now, my question:

Do you think that terrorism and violence will now cease to exist?
Are these steps taking us closer to a democratic and peaceful World?

Do you think that terrorism and violence will now cease to exist?

Nowhere near. Al'Qaeda is still active, and general terrorism will always exist in some way. Besides the middle-east wasn't the only place for us to look at Terrorism, there's been incidents with Chechnya due to their problems with Russia and the Russian suppression that has been going on for so long. As well as we have to remember that there's constantly being some sort of incident or case about terror being stopped somewhere in the world, or terror being planned etc.

Gadaffi's death is a victory against tyranny and dictatorship around the world, and human rights, rather than it is a victory over terrorism and distinct violence. We have to remember the fact that humans always have, are and always will be a violent society. If we weren't, the nature of armies and such would not be needed, and it would most likely never have gotten to the point where we'd ever see its existence. Wars have always existed as a way of 'showing off' and 'testing strength' in one way or another, and terrorism is just another way of war, with 'underhand tactics'.

Are these steps taking us closer to a democratic and peaceful World?

The death of Gadaffi will definitely come forth as a inspirational thing for the world, I'm sure of that. People will see what happens when you take it too far, and what we will do in order to obtain a better world. But we do need to look at how it was obtained, through carrying out a war. Which just proves my point that war will always exist, as a means to peace just as well.
Do you think that terrorism and violence will now cease to exist?

If a close to 11 year war in Afghanistan could not destroy terrorism i doubt one coup in one country will do much. That is not to say that Ghaddafi's death is not a step in the right direction but there is still much terrorism to combat elsewhere in the world (most of it in the most populous continent in the world Asia). Like ferbian said there is still a very long way to go.

Are these steps taking us closer to a democratic and peaceful World?

Every step counts and this one is no exception. The more democratic this world become the closer we come to a perfect world (which in my opinion there will never be a perfect world). Libya is just nation out of many that did not have democracy prior to the National council's revolution. Much like the defeat of terrorist there is still a long way to go before the world can even come close to being completely peaceful.
Today, Colonel Gadaffi, leader of Libya, was murdered, ending his reign of terror and tyranny over the Libyans. Hopefully, this leads to a more democratic Libya and a more forward-thinking country.

Also today, one of the World's only terrorist organizations left ordered a ceasefire. ETA, radicals from the Basque Country had murdered over 200 people. The motives for their attacks were their willingness to separate from Spain and be its own country. Their most famous attack was the Madrid train bomb in 2004.

Now, my question:

Do you think that terrorism and violence will now cease to exist?
Are these steps taking us closer to a democratic and peaceful World?


OH MY GOD is what we all say i'm from Libya i'm in Tripoli and i finally can write my thoughts if u let me i will tell u a story and i hope u read it and i'm sorry for any errors as english isn't my 1st language correct me on my mistakes so i can get better and thx.
let me start by saying if anybody wrote what i'm about to write in the last 42 years they would be killed in a heart beat here is a story of murderer a terrorist who killed his own ppl :
i'm 16 years old from Tripoli from tajora to be exact and i hated my Ghaddafi since i was 5 for lots of reasons mainly taking my uncles house after he passed away and my uncle's businesses and when i was about 11 i learned about all the things he did unthinkable and far more worst killed killed his friends and comrades just because of fear that they would turn on him someday and then he turned to us the ppl he hanged college students because they said they didn't want him everyday around the afternoon for 30 days in ramadan "holy month for muslims" he then blew up the plane over lockerby "sorry for the spelling" and when he got blamed what did he do ya that's right he blew up a libyan plane filled with libyan ppl and then ended up paying from the millions he stole from us btw there was no budget for the country for over 20 years just the same money circling with a little contributions here and there and then he killed 1200 of the ppl in prison who were there without trial and more and more if u want u can find them all if u search mainly look for the aids kids it will break ur heart .
then after 42 years tunisians rose up fallowed by egybtions i remember joking with my friend when he asked me " what if libyans one day rise up?" and i replied "he would kill them all and rule a desert" and on february 17 he did exactly that ppl said one word it was "Freedom" and what did they receive in return yup guns and death just because they said we want change sorry i tear up each time i remember this because my friend the one who asked me died at that time one of many and then zawiya rose up and my cousin was there and boy did he have stories a 17 year old on an AA and there was a genocide there over 6 thousand of military and civilians .
back to Tripoli on the 20th ppl protested and made it all the way to the center of the city i was there with some friends and family we were happy we thought he escaped and then boom from nowhere bullets my cousin was shot in the leg i held him up and some bastard shot him again in the head i'm sorry but i'm tearing up right now .
ppl in the east were winning giving us hope and then he sent everything at them and they were defeated we all thought it was over and he commanded his military to wipe out Benghazi as he said i wanna stand and see only the sea he called us rats and said he would burn us all from street to street and zanga to zanga "which means boulevard" and then France USA and UK stepped in and saved the east .
then heroes woke up in musrata "if u don't know what happened there search plz" for 3 months he threw every thing at it and they took it and then destroyed the troops civilians destroyed military that's how strong u get when u fight for freedom and then it was all great news from there on and although ppl were fighting it was worst here in Tripoli if u said a word u die if u don't have a photo of him u die and if u think about freedom u die until August 20 when we started fighting and on the 23rd we were free finally free .
but look at what that man did me 16 holding a gun to defend my family not just me every single libyan from 11 to 70 i was almost killed numerous times by bullets and bombs one fell on the neighbors good thing they weren't there and now after all of that i finally know what freedom means .
THANK YOU all of you for helping usand i hope we can repay u someday
i copied this from the other libya thread because no one read it i hope some one reads it this time and now i have to tell u i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy today finally it happend FINALLY and i am proud to say that i was there when they cought him it was such an emotional moment i can'd describe it i still c
an't believe it as i stated i am 16 years old and fighting for my country and as much as i love libya my hate for Gaddafi is even bigger and i am again just happy pure happiness now ur Qs :
1- no it will not first let me start by saying we arabs here and even on the battle field me along with allot of ppl hated Osama and we were glad he died second AlQaida is still there although not as strong it's still there and there are allot of closed minded ppl who still support it unfortunately
2- i like to believe they are killing tyrants like Gaddafi is only a little step but like i said i like to believe that 1 day we will live in peace
again sorry for my English and thanks for reading
Today, Colonel Gadaffi, leader of Libya, was murdered, ending his reign of terror and tyranny over the Libyans. Hopefully, this leads to a more democratic Libya and a more forward-thinking country.

Also today, one of the World's only terrorist organizations left ordered a ceasefire. ETA, radicals from the Basque Country had murdered over 200 people. The motives for their attacks were their willingness to separate from Spain and be its own country. Their most famous attack was the Madrid train bomb in 2004.

Now, my question:

Do you think that terrorism and violence will now cease to exist?
Are these steps taking us closer to a democratic and peaceful world
terrorism describes neither situation. Gaddafi was an autocrat the ETA is a separtist group. Violence is a part of life and a tool at times for peace. Terrorism will cease wheen terrorists are declared persona non grata by their countryman. When they cease to shield them because if fear or complicity. Terrorism will cease when traditional military forces are no longer debilitated. When people are no longer reduced to nothing. The ETA fought for their people and their culture and their space. What the ETA has done to Spain is a joke compared to what Spain done to anybody they found living in the land between Oregon and Argentina.. It is the same situation in Chechnya or Palestine. Sometimes "we only want our kind in these parts" is a good enough excuse.

As far as Muamar Gaddafi is concerned I respected him and I dreaded seeing his beating on tv. His death was sloppy and his captors were unpolished and unproffesional.
This guy rose to power at 27, he was about as young has most of the posters here. He did alot for Afrikan unity and funded alot of projects in neighboring. He spent more on his country then alot of his contemporaries in Afrika and the Arab world. His strangness as a person also captured my intrigue. They will run Libya fine though, its not an uncivilized society.
There is a lot of difference between terrorists and dictators. Terrorists are anti-establishment while dictators are the establishment themselves. The main motive of a terrorist is to create havoc and hamper the government while a dictator does help the government(though putting his need above the needs of the people). No good can come of terrorism while a dictator does help some sections of the nation.

Do you think that terrorism and violence will now cease to exist?

We are far from the end of terrorism. There still exist a number of terrorist organizations all over the world like Al-Queda, Lashkar-e-Taiba etc. All the countries will have to take strong steps to combat terrorism. Unfortunately, countries are too busy squabbling over their own issues to concentrate on the bigger picture.

And as far as ending violence is concerned, as long as life continues to exist, there will be violence in some form or the other.

Are these steps taking us closer to a democratic and peaceful World?

Yes, but unfortunately these steps are too small. Although few steps are being taken in the right direction in establishing peace, a lot more are being taken to oppose it.
terrorism describes neither situation. Gaddafi was an autocrat the ETA is a separtist group. Violence is a part of life and a tool at times for peace. Terrorism will cease wheen terrorists are declared persona non grata by their countryman. When they cease to shield them because if fear or complicity. Terrorism will cease when traditional military forces are no longer debilitated. When people are no longer reduced to nothing. The ETA fought for their people and their culture and their space. What the ETA has done to Spain is a joke compared to what Spain done to anybody they found living in the land between Oregon and Argentina.. It is the same situation in Chechnya or Palestine. Sometimes "we only want our kind in these parts" is a good enough excuse.

As far as Muamar Gaddafi is concerned I respected him and I dreaded seeing his beating on tv. His death was sloppy and his captors were unpolished and unproffesional.
This guy rose to power at 27, he was about as young has most of the posters here. He did alot for Afrikan unity and funded alot of projects in neighboring. He spent more on his country then alot of his contemporaries in Afrika and the Arab world. His strangness as a person also captured my intrigue. They will run Libya fine though, its not an uncivilized society.
:lol: really u respect him ya sitting from your home u should watch your mouth he deserved what he got actually he deserved way more that fucking bitch killed us , destroyed us and robbed us he was a dictator a terrorist and just an awful man i wouldn't expect you to understand since he didn't kill your family or destroyed ur home for me he did those both u won't find so much respect if u watch ur friends dying in front of ur eyes just because they wanted freedom please if ur not a libyan just shut up u don't know how we feel you saying that is like me saying i respect Osama ben laden how would you feel about that u moron !!!!
I still respect him as a man. For the senior statesman role he assumed in Afrika, and for his ambition as a young man. I am sorry people lost their lives because of that same ambition but i believe he was one of the most progressive leaders in the Arab world.
I still respect him as a man. For the senior statesman role he assumed in Afrika, and for his ambition as a young man. I am sorry people lost their lives because of that same ambition but i believe he was one of the most progressive leaders in the Arab world.

easily the same way Osama did what allot of arabs wanted made americans shit their pants i could say i could respect him for that but no it was very wrong and he deserved to die gaddafi killed and raped his ambition was to be a god worshiped by the ppl he ruled made me a 16 year old kid go out and fight for my freedom do u know what it feels like to hold a gun and kill to watch ur best friends ur family die right in front of ur eyes when ur 16 years old can u do that ??????? i would say no so pls respect us know how we feel and shut ur freaking mouth b4 u respect the biggest tyrant since Hitler
hey bro.waz up
no man terorism is everywer. U forgot pakistan,wher osama was vacationing.
Evry 3 mnths pakistan terorists cm to india n bombard to kill many wl take mch mch time.
Do you think that terrorism and violence will now cease to exist?
I highly doubt it. There's always something out there to arouse trouble. Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin laden might be dead, but that won't stop terrorist's from moving forward. And that's certainly not gonna stop the consistently rising murder numbers in other countries. My own being quite an example. Sad truth is, all Gadafi's death has done is put Lybia's future in question. Things can get better for them or worse. While I doubt they'll get worse, it's still a long road to recovery.

Are these steps taking us closer to a democratic and peaceful World?

No. Brute force was used to bring down a tyrant. As time goes on, the cycle will repeat itself. History has shown it. As long as people have opposing views there will always be turmoil.
The bigger question - and I don't just say this to get super-conservatives mad at me - is when people will change their perspective of the word "terrorism". We can rejoice that dictators responsible for several hundreds of deaths are now out of the picture... However, who will answer for the tens and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives that have been lost as a result of the USA's "war on terrorism"?

I'm not the kind of person that wants "justice", I just want the killing to end on every side. I don't justify the USA killing people to stop Iraq, or any other middle eastern country from killing people. Murder in the name of democracy is almost as hypocritical as war in the name of God, and it is wholly counter-productive. Despite Wolverine's opinion, the best best defense is NOT a good offense...

I don't mean to go on an "Iraqi Freedom" rant here, I just question Americans celebrating steps towards freedom in small countries, when they sit unaware (or worse, apathetic) of what their own country is doing... People question why in times of war, the "evil" countries' civilians didn't stand up and do something, but I think the current state of American citizens is a great example of how hypocritical that stance really is.

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