To Barbosa, Gelgarin, or anyone else who fancies themselves an intelectual


Unregistered User
Decode this for me:

Alright the reality of your situation is the your god mother in eyes coordinated is here the jewish woman from the t.v. show the one who dances in front of the audience. She is related to me because I have the same eye contact as Jesus of Nazareth towards the fish of Mercurial descent. You my friend are the closest thing he probably has as a Jewish god sibling and should be very good at suggesting why Mike Sikorski is taller and less jewish. I have heard that my eyes compared to hers in happy are like yours to mine in relative happiness. So yeah I never lied to you about being related I just woke up looking like thirty different people to white girls.

The one's sitting in the car are the three blind mice the one that is squinting is the wise one the one sitting agape is the creation of god and the one in the sunlight is the eldest because to someone who doesn't realize how I was before I was the source of repercussion doesn't realize that my youth stems from them according to religion of Islam an Buddhism as well as Hebraic Law. I will try to confirm whether or not the sin is without merit but be wise to keep yourselves' at bay at the remarks from superiors in the midst of a battle with Leopald of Germany and don't accompany a surrender. I cherish the will of the masters and don't wish to appropriate why they don't cherish the day in which such a son, as you, could be born. I am neither at dismay at the church nor the steeple I am resilient like my grandfather. Bid good to the maiden and never trust the civil servant, I swore it on my life, for blood of Jehova, the carrier of ships.

Winners will be rewarded with rep and backstory.
Also, I don't know if Barbosa or Gelgarin fancy themselves intellectuals, but I think of them as intellectuals. Do not be insulted if your name was not included in the title.
Decode this for me:

Alright the reality of your situation is the your god mother in eyes coordinated is here the jewish woman from the t.v. show the one who dances in front of the audience. She is related to me because I have the same eye contact as Jesus of Nazareth towards the fish of Mercurial descent. You my friend are the closest thing he probably has as a Jewish god sibling and should be very good at suggesting why Mike Sikorski is taller and less jewish. I have heard that my eyes compared to hers in happy are like yours to mine in relative happiness. So yeah I never lied to you about being related I just woke up looking like thirty different people to white girls.

The one's sitting in the car are the three blind mice the one that is squinting is the wise one the one sitting agape is the creation of god and the one in the sunlight is the eldest because to someone who doesn't realize how I was before I was the source of repercussion doesn't realize that my youth stems from them according to religion of Islam an Buddhism as well as Hebraic Law. I will try to confirm whether or not the sin is without merit but be wise to keep yourselves' at bay at the remarks from superiors in the midst of a battle with Leopald of Germany and don't accompany a surrender. I cherish the will of the masters and don't wish to appropriate why they don't cherish the day in which such a son, as you, could be born. I am neither at dismay at the church nor the steeple I am resilient like my grandfather. Bid good to the maiden and never trust the civil servant, I swore it on my life, for blood of Jehova, the carrier of ships.

Winners will be rewarded with rep and backstory.

Looks like something written by William S. Burroughs (i.e., someone used the cut-up technique). Is this, by any chance, from Kathy Acker's Blood and Guts in High School? I hated that fucking book.
Looks like something written by William S. Burroughs (i.e., someone used the cut-up technique). Is this, by any chance, from Kathy Acker's Blood and Guts in High School? I hated that fucking book.

I honestly don't know. All of this was posted on my Facebook wall from an individual I haven't talked to since my junior year of High School.
This guy wants to seem so clever he writes convoluted bullshit. For example, his "his"' and "hers" are out of place, he needs at least two metaphors in every sentence and what the fuck does Leopold (not from Germany) have to do with this? I don't think he wants you to understand what he writes.
Based on the first line it seems to be a modernist piece talking about someone's mother. As is customary with modernist work all of the commas have been deleted, and if you want to decipher it the first step is probably to put them back in. Before I jump in to and force an interpretation I might as well mention that there is no right answer to the question "what the fuck is he talking about?" The whole point of this kind of modernist writing if for the reader to create their own interpretation, and authorial intent is held to be largely meaningless.

So, now that we've established that I can't possibly be wrong...

Alright the reality of your situation is the your god; mother in eyes coordinated, is here the jewish woman from the t.v. show; the one who dances in front of the audience.

Fairly easy to understand, it compares to role of a mother and a god, highlighting the essential similarities between the two. The reference to the Jewish woman from the TV show passes me by.

She is related to me because I have the same eye contact as Jesus of Nazareth towards the fish of Mercurial descent. You my friend are the closest thing he probably has as a Jewish god sibling and should be very good at suggesting why Mike Sikorski is taller and less jewish.

Mercurial decent presumably refers to one of the descendants of Hermes (Mercury). The only one who comes to mind who has a strong connection to water would be Hermaphroditus (child of Hermes and Aphrodite) who I think inhabited a pool and was definitely penetrating a water nymph.
Comparing Jesus to a hermaphrodite is probably drawing from the old piece of theological trolling that states that since Jesus was ultimately divine he could not truly be said to have gender, and as such he was either asexual or a hermaphrodite.

Therefore, the mother is related to him because they see themselves in each other. Possibly in terms of physical appearance, but more likely in terms of nature, just as Jesus would ultimately see his own nature replicated in that of the transgender Greek god.

Not knowing who Mike Sikorski is puts me at a definite disadvantage, but if I were to hazard a guess I would say that our fried has moved on from talking about transsexual Christ and on to the Holocaust. Sikorski sounds Eastern European to me, areas of which were occupied by the Aryan promoting German forces, which would certainly offer an explanation why a contemporary Polish person would be taller and less Jewish.

So how does this tie together? Well we've established the comparison between Jesus and Hermaphroditus, who appears to be the subject of the final clause. If we do take the final words to be a reference to Nazism then a literal translation would be that Hermaphroditus is well placed to explain the Nazi movement. Hitler's Germans was a hyper-masculine regime, whereas Hermaphroditus was a God of effeminacy and homosexuality. As such we have would could be descried as clash of gender ideology between liberal and fascist bodies, masculinity on one hand and effeminacy on the other. Remember how this piece started with a man talking about his mother (I have no evidence that the writer is a man, but the language sounds like one)? Gender clash again. Jesus and Hermaphroditus, Jews, gays and Nazis, this man and his mother - all these parties have a tremendous amount in common, yet are separated by irreconcilable differences.

I have heard that my eyes compared to hers in happy are like yours to mine in relative happiness. So yeah I never lied to you about being related I just woke up looking like thirty different people to white girls.

And happily the next section goes exactly where I thought it was going (I broke this down line by line without reading ahead - had the next section been about badgers I'd have had to roll with it). Since the writer is not being more direct in what he is writing about he makes up for it be abandoning conventional language for a while. Usually the justification for this is that the writer is trying to convey and emotion or feeling rather than a precise idea, and it is true that by simply reading the above text you can get a pretty good idea of the emotion behind it without doing a word by word breakdown.

So yeah, the first paragraph is a discourse on the relationship between a man(?) and his mother.

I could do the next paragraph for you as well, but I really don't want to, and the whole point of this kind of writing is that a person develops their own opinion... otherwise you might was well just go and read Harry Potter again.

Personally I've always taken quite a negative view of modernism. It needed to happen in order to bring us the post modern movement that defines literature today, but there's no reason it needs to keep on happening now that we've developed a better alternative. It's like a person who insists on riding around in a classic car... yeah it's very impressive, but a modern car has better miles to the gallon and is easier to drive. If you can unpick the metaphor I just used then you have no trouble with the rest of this.
An interesting interpretation, and just about as good as this is going to get, so I thank you Gelgarin.

Now for some background.

I was watching Raw when I decided to check my Facebook, and these two comments were left for me on my wall by a guy I went to high school with. I have not spoken to this guy in at least 4 years, probably more.

For my first two years of high school I was fairly good friends with this kid. We both played trombone in band, and we spent many a rehearsal joking around. We never really hung out outside of school, but we were good enough friends in school.

Then, sometime during my junior year, he disappeared from existence. I later found out he had become extremely depressed and had moved out to California to live with his dad... or something of that nature. He came back early in my senior year (I think, the timeline is messy), but he was not the same kid he was when he left. He didn't talk much anymore, and he definitely never joked around anymore. In fact, I specifically remember times where I would attempt to talk to him and he wouldn't even bother to respond verbally.

And then he posted this on my Facebook. Why me? I don't know, possibly because I'm Jewish, and his piece had something to do with Jewishness?

Mike Sikorski is another guy we went to high school with. You are correct in guessing that he's Polish, and correct that he is Aryan in appearance. He's tall, pale skinned, blond hair, and blue eyed. However, he's not super masculine by any means, or at least wasn't in my memory of him. I was never really friends with Mike Sikorski, and his relevance in this piece is somewhat baffling.

My original guess upon my first read through was that he was pondering why I am considered Jewish and he is not, especially when one looks like I do, much closer to the Aryan Mike Sikorski than to any traditional Jew, Sephardic or Ashkenazi.

However, the writer of the piece is Asian (I think Vietnamese if you want to get specific), and while I know Judaism has spread to Europe, Africa, and both North and South America, I'm not sure what kind of representation it gets in Asia. Perhaps he's commenting on the fact on the concept of religion in general and how it is just another device that separates people as we judge someone on being Jewish or not.

Or, as Barbosa said, these are the drug fueled ramblings of a religious person. That doesn't mean that they are without meaning, just that it is hard for a person in their clear mind to interpret a work that was likely written under the influence of a hallucinogenic.

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