To all TNA and WWE fans


Pre-Show Stalwart
TNA Fans & WWE Fan, it's time for all of us to set aside or 'fanboyism' and other differences and unite as one to save professional wrestling. Pro Wrestling is Dying and it's up to us [the fans] of professional wrestling to save it from going extinct like the dinosaurs.

With no competition, WWE has nothing to keep them on their toes and innovative. Vince McMahon is the KING of all KINGS when he's in competitive mode. Just look at what he has done when his back is up against the ropes back in the day. Now look at the WWE today.. It's been falling in ratings ever since he bought out all his competition and the decline in the ratings have picked up speed in the last year, It has became Dull and bland and almost un-watchable at times.

If you like the WWE in its current state, that's is fine... You like what you like and no one can tell you any difference.

Maybe we can all put aside our differences for ONE NIGHT and come together and watch TNA iMPACT Live Tonight and see if the IWC is capable of getting impact good ratings and make Vince McMahon take notice.

Even if you hate TNA with a passion, by watching tna tonight will only do good for the professional wrestling industry as a whole.

Well, if professional wrestling is dying, at least Sports Entertainment is still excellent.

Yeah, watching TNA won't help save professional wrestling. Especially since it really doesn't need saving.
I'm all for supporting TNA, but not for the reasons you stated. If anything, I'd like them to avoid incurring the kind of wrath that sends them into WWE's video archive within six months. What am I saying? I don't want the WWE to come alive with the spirit with competition. I want them to die via swift execution. Fuck sports entertainment. Yes, that's what I'm saying.
I'm all for supporting TNA, but not for the reasons you stated. If anything, I'd like them to avoid incurring the kind of wrath that sends them into WWE's video archive within six months. What am I saying? I don't want the WWE to come alive with the spirit with competition. I want them to die via swift execution. Fuck sports entertainment. Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Some of you people are unbelievable. If WWE goes, pro wrestling will die! Who will want to put their body through that kind of hell for what, $100 bucks a weekend? Everyone on the indie circuit wants to make it to the big time and become a STAR and earn that big fat paycheck. So whats the use of climbing that latter to success, when there is no end?

Sure, there is going to be people thats going to do this for the love of it, but instead of that pool of talent being full, it will be 2ft deep instead of 16ft deep, get what i'm saying?

We don't know what TNA's future holds and WWE has been around for ever.. If WWE were to fold next year because no one was watching, do you or anyone think that everyone is going to start watching TNA? Hell if TNA were to fold next year, it will still be bad, because vince has no competition and can do what he wants until he milks the company into the ground!

Yeah, i'm a HUGE TNA Fan and i don't want to see anything bad happen to the wwe because i know that it would be bad for pro wrestling in general.

Professional wrestling will never die.

If WWE and TNA closed tomorrow, a wise investor would realize there are two-hundred free agents and would start their own company, which would gain instant popularity due to the gap in the market. Or fans would simply turn to an indy promotion, which again would be a wise investment for someone with money due to the gap which would be created in the market and it would expand.

I'm watching TNA tonight, but I'm not watching under some delusional theory wrestling is dying, never has been, never will. If you believe it is dying due to the product, stop watching. If you believe it is dying due to ratings, RAW's ratings were lower in the mid-nineties than they are now. And if you believe it is dying due to Pay-Per-View buys, Wrestlemania broke a record. If anything wrestling is prospering.
Don't be an idiot. WWE couldn't die if you left it to choke in the void of space inside a black hole. That bastard is like Sigma from Megaman X or Brainiac. No matter what, the fucker comes back. Fuck whatever plothole could come to mind. I watch TNA because. Because WWE is too formula based for my taste. The wrestlers are all simple-minded cogs built by that infernal FCW who seem incapable of thinking on their own. Week in and week out, it's the same shit with the same talent. But TNA is bold. To many they fall on their face, but TNA has the balls to try new things. WWE is in their little safety bubble. Where John Cena needs to run the whole damn show to get people to care.
I'm not going to watch TNA because I don't like the product. I just like the WWE more. Watching a show to serve a purpose that isn't "because I want to watch it," is dumb. If TNA wants to become legitimate competition, they need to start appealing to a broader audience.
why cant we all watch roh, dgusa, nwa hollywood, or anything other than tna.

Some of us do, but they don't have national exposure and they don't cater to the mainstream wrestling audience. Even I've liked TNA more than Ring of Honor lately, despite ROH putting the title on Steen.

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