Roster images

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Dark Match Winner
I was searching around TNA's website, and when I went to their Roster page, I started viewing the little wrestler's pictures, and their URL's. Their roster page is located here (CLICKY!)

Then an idea popped into my head.

So I started searching for pictures of wrestlers no longer with TNA, or name changes, etc. Now I know TNA's website management doesn't have alot of time to clean out some old Roster images, but cmon, this is overkill. Here's what I found.

*(Click the wrestlers name to view the picture)
**(Yes, the URL is actually "")

- Raven
- Sonjay Dutt
- Kazarian
- Petey Williams
- Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams
- Wildcat Chris Harris
- Christian Cage
- Roxxi Laveaux
- Rellik
- "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels
- Brother Ray (Single Profile Pic)
- Brother Devon (Single Profile Pic)
- Referee Rudy Charles
- David Penzer
- Curry Man
- Andrew Thomas
- Earl Hebner
- Willie Urbina
- Mark "Slick" Johnson

There used to be one for Karen Angle, Lance Rock and Jimmy Rave, but they appear to have been removed.

As you can see, there are images for some of their current staff, but the images themselves aren't actually on the Roster page. And there's also some for wrestlers like Raven, and Christian Cage, as well as Curry Man. And even old ones, like the old "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.

If you go to this: CLICK HERE (it's a Google Image search of the domain TNA uses to store the images), you'll see the Karen Angle, Jimmy Rave and Lance Rock images, but when you try to full-size view them, the images don't work.

To prove these aren't fakes, here's the link to Angelina Love's TNA Roster pic: CLICK HERE

No wonder you have negative rep >.>

Nothing but spam eh.

I guess I should try to put a point to my original post.

What I am pointing out is, Raven's image is still there, maybe they're saving it incase he decides to come back?

Same with Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt.
I think if anything it is an oversight or they have a crappy webmaster. I really wouldnt look too much into it considering it was most likely an accident. I remember with the wwe last june during Ted jrs debut they had a link for the Night of Champions page for cody/ holly vs ted and his mystery partner and when you clicked on the mystery partner it sent you to DH smith. Clearly that didnt happen and i wouldnt look too much into a raven return.
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