TNA's Tag Division


Pre-Show Stalwart
Some of the creative folks in TNA were part of the WWE when the decline in tag team wrestling began taking shape. Are we seeing some of the same philosophies being applied in TNA? For a long time, Tag Teams were a focal point in TNA from AMW to LAX to Styles/Daniels to MCMG to Beer Money there have always been great teams in TNA. Now, we don't have one legitimate team in the company.

Kaz and Daniels are close, but they don't get enough time together in tag matches to seem to have developed into a true combination. However, I think they can be. Right now the belts are on Angle and AJ. To me, this has the feel of an old WWE trick. Take two popular guys who may are in the middle of an intermingled feud and put the belts on them. In my opinion, they will not be a long term solution.

So, what is TNA to do? Should they put some emphasis on developing a few new tag teams? Or, should they let the tag division rest right now, and focus on other things?

I am a big fan of TNA's current product over the last few months, but I love some tag team wrestling. I grew up on Rock 'n' Roll Express fighting the Midnight Express, the Road Warriors, the British Bulldogs, and Arn and Tully. I want to see the tag division in TNA being a standout product. So, I would try to develop some teams. In addition to Kaz/Daniels, Here are a few that I think could work:

The Nation of Violence: Samoa Joe and Hernandez. They are both big men who are agile. They both have a mean streak. I would tweak their appearance to make them look like an actual team. Give them some singlets like Rhino wears and have them be a dominating team similar to how the Road Warriors dominated.

Gun Money: Kid Kash and Gunner. Kash can still go in the ring and doesn't completely suck on the mic. Gunner isn't quite ready for the primetime yet and this would be an option for a team. I don't think they would be the face of the division, but could be a team that could fill in the gaps and occasionally challenge for the titles.

RVD and Hardy: Both still have flashes of greatness, but neither are where they were 5 years ago. Putting them together would allow them to hit the high spots we're used to seeing, but give them time to rest during a match to go at that high level for an entire match.

Finally, I think TNA should reach out to the INDY Scene and bring in a new team on Gut Check. My pick Natural Selection: Brian Cage and Shaun Ricker.
I have to say, even though they dont have some already put together teams on the roster, you can always bank on them to have an amazing tag team match every now and then (see Slammiversary, and no, not the Devon and Garett match :p )

As for a team to put together, I'd like to see:

Gunner and Kid Kash - Something like the Ink Inc gimmick but not so much crazy make up and hair style. Have these guys be put over as a team that will just beat the living shit out of you. Both sound kind of Southern, and if booked right could be pretty decent players in the division. It's also quite a believable gimmick.

You also have to remember it's open fight night tomorrow night and we're due for a tag team to have a shot. There is every chance they would be signed as the division is lacking like you say at the moment besides Kaz and Daniels. I also want to see Samoa Joe and Hernandez stay in singles competition for a while.
tna had lots of great tag teams in the past but went down hill when tna replaced lax with mexican america but i think tna been great lately and i would like to see gunner and kid kash and id also like to see abyess and samoe joe together as they both violent but they also need people like rvd and hardy together
I liked the pairing of Joe and Magnus when they were together. But both of them are great singles wrestlers so I'm not holding my breath for them to get another crack at the titles. Now so far the ideal pairing is Kid Kash and Gunner. While that could work, I'd rather see Gunner paired up with Crimson. They both are still a green, and maybe working together would help them develop their skills better. They both have a bad ass look to them, and Crimson is a former champ and is fresh off the end of his streak. Now another idea would be to bring in Joey Ryan and maybe pair him with someone like Zema Ion or "gasp" Garret Bischoff. It may seem outlandish, but Bischoff would be better suited working with a partner for a year or more. Hell I'd take Pope and Joey Ryan as a tag team.
I'd rather tna look on the indy scene and get about 3 tag teams. I would like the WGTT, Natural Selection, and the Briscoe brothers. Maybe cut the dead weight of the roster get about 4 more x division wrestlers and put the rest of the guys in the tv title hunt and the main event scene.
TNA should definitely NOT give the tag team division a rest right now! It's one of the only things I enjoy TNA for. Whilst WWE's tag team division is dead (slowly coming back) TNA should have been clever and looked at this as an opportunity.

Capitalize on something the opposition aren't doing well in and get more views/ fans that way, this will ensure TNA grow more.

They already put on quality knockout matches which in comparison to WWE are outstanding as they're aren't giving their divas enough time.

Tag teams have always been around and popular in professional wrestling. Take the advantage TNA!
I think matching/similar attires really define a team more aswell.
I'm a really big fan of AJ Styles and Kurt Angle as a tag team. I never really thought about it before they mashed 'em together, but I wouldn't mind seeing them re-invent the division. Honestly, both Angle and Styles have run their course in TNA's main event, and I would love to see them doing anything else.

Robbie E and Robbie T: I hate the idea of Robbie E, but these two together are 100x better than either individually. Let's face it, the TV title is a ball-and-chain and a black hole where wrestlers with no program go to die (no offense D-Von...). These two could run the whole big man/little man thing better than just about anybody in TNA right now.

Chris Daniels and Kazarian: Kaz kind of gets lost in Daniels' rather charismatic heel personality, but they work. If nothing else, the match they put on at Slammiversary with Angle/Styles was worth them being a team. I've got no problem with two great ring workers hanging together, as long as neither has anything better to be doing...

Samoa Joe and Magnus: I really liked this tag team! I really don't understand why they felt the need to separate them the MINUTE they lost the belts... They have impeccable team work and Magnus has become a lot better on the mic than I would have previously cared to admit. TNA just does not like to keep tag teams together...

Jesse Sorensen and Zema Ion: So what if, when Sorensen gets back from his almost career-threatening injury, instead of running the proverbial face/heel feud, they pulled a swerve on whoever is the current face champion in the X-Division, and became a tag team? Ion has some pretty solid charisma and potential, and Sorensen could definitely use the help upon his return. Keeping in mind that one almost ended the other's career, I think it'd be interesting.

Eric Young & Abyss: Yup, it sounds ridiculous. That's entirely why I think it sounds like a good idea. They could run some interesting programs against Robbie E and Robbie T, and be another face team for TNA. I'm not sure if it would work now that Abyss' has more of a serious and deadly role, but in another universe I think their team would be both effective and hilarious!

The best thing is, they could have all five of these tag teams being built up at the same time, while still having a large main event scene involving Bobby Roode, James Storm, Ken Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Sting, Austin Aries (hopefully), Bully Ray, Samoa Joe and potentially Crimson or D'Angelo Dinero.
the briscoes would be a great choice to join the tna tag division but if tna really want to make a impact then they need to bring in shelton benjamin and charlie hass. but if they dont want to do that they could always bring back super eric and shark boy. (what ever happened to ink inc )

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