TNA's Reverse Battle Royals

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Slim Pickns

Has Been Drafted To RAW
Not to be another negative TNA poster, but is their a dumber match than TNA's reverse battle royals? The whole concept is stupid, but on top of that, anyone who competes in one looks stupid as well. All you have to do is climb into the ring, you know, like you do before every match you are in. Yet, during this match, none of these guys can easily get over the top rope.

Look at Bound For Glory 07. You can clearly see at least three people who could have easily made it into the ring yet, since they were not booked to be in the next stage, they have to look like idiots. Sonjay Dutt can clearly be seen on one side of the ring all alone, yet he fails to enter the ring after struggling to climb onto the apron.

Now, what is wrong with a good old fashioned battle royal. Why can't all 16 men start in the ring and we go from there. Just because something is different doesn't make it better. I can only hope there are no more of these matches on the horizon.
It's incredibly stupid. It's up there with The King Of The Mountain. But at least that those matches are entertaining.

With the reverse battle royal you have too many wrestlers around the ring. It's not like they're grouped in the middle of the ring like a normal battle royal. This along with TNA's terrible direction, results in you missing a lot of the action. Wrestlers get in far too easy. Not only that, but once they're in it turns into a regular battle royal. What's the point? Just have a battle royal. It's one of those ideas that was thought up by most. But was dismissed by every promoter in the land because it's just really fuckin' stupid.
Its not the missing of the action I care about, its the stupid way they are booked. Like the announcers talking about how Cowboy James Storm hid behind the announcers table and waited for seven guys to enter then he jumps in the ring right before the eighth man. Ok, that puts him at a huge disadvantage by hiding. It could allow any of the others to enter. Also, wouldn't it realistically be a mad dash to the ring. I mean, who would sit out there and fight when you could just jump into the ring right away.

Also, when it finally gets to the battle royal part, there are only eight guys left. That makes for a pretty lackluster battle royal. If all 16 guys started in the ring it would allow for a more entertaining match that doesn't make eight guys look stupid by faling to get into the ring, even when untouched.
I agree the concept of this match is very odd. It seems like it would be pretty easy to hop in the ring, even if you are fighting on the outside of the ring. How many times have we seen a brawl erupt around the ring and people just get right in the ring to escape. And an 8 man battle royal? At this point it might as well be a pin/submit elimination match to make it more interesting. I commend TNA for trying to be innovative, and they have done so in some aspects, but this is one I just don't understand. Maybe they just rolled the dice to see how this one is, but it fails so they should really not use it again.

They have a 6-sided ring, X-division (if it goes back to what it was), King of the Mountain, Ultimate X, Six Sides of Steel, Lethal Lockdown, and now a cool concept at least in the Terror Dome, but we shall see. The difference is, all those matches are entertaining (though KotM is a little confusing). There are plenty of options to not use the Reverse Battle Royal anymore, even if it is a regular battle royal, as that would be better.
wit the size of the 6 sided ring it would make more since to have a regular battle royal instead of havin it the other way around it seems like tna does everything backwards reverse ladder match reverse battle royal whats next a reverse cage match where you gotta climb in the cage to win
I so agree with tihs thread! I hate it everytime they annouce these stupid reverse battles royals! First off why do they have to book the whole roster or at least most of the mid-card in them? And if they are going to do that what is wrong with the old fashioned battle royal? Or even a Royal Rumble type match? I mean seriously the objective in the match to get in the ring? Whats the point we all known that wrestling is fake and this just makes it worse! The more I see this matches by TNA the more I start to think that the creative side is run by actual monkies!
i like it,
The kinks need to be worked out admittedly, but, its an interesting idea. I especially liked the Queen of the Cage thing they did, when you had to climb into the cage and then do a match.
There are limitless possibilities, Weapons, interesting use of objects outside the ring, tie-breakers, entrance ramp shinanigins crowd interference, who knows what else.
I mean im sure a lot of the spots they have done look really cool on paper, but you never know until you try on TV.
What I don't get about this is that a Battle Royal is such a simple idea, and look how long it's lasted, someone please tell TNA that less can be more, and if it aint broke, THEN DON'T BREAK IT EVEN MORE. The reverese battle royal is insane from a psychology point of view is hard to work out, from a fan stand point, you can't see anything. utter Cluster**** in my opinion.
I like the idea of a reverse battle royal, the whole having to fight your way into the ring just to get a place in that match is a good spin on the match and attempts to make the wrestlers seem hungry for action which is always a good thing. I will agree though that in practice the first part of that match can often be messy but overall i still think its a good idea.
Wow... Every other night we watch wrestling, we see dozens of people getting into thew ring. But when this happens, they sudden;y end up with amnesia, or the ring "gets a little higher"... If they had some other way of doing this, like at Lockdown with a cage, then go for it. But to simply climb into a ring? Thats just fucking stupid. Just stick with regular battle royal.
The concept of a reverse battle royal is not more stupid than a regular battle royal where you have to get a guy over the top rope. Have you SEEN the battle royals as of late? And I'm talking about in either TNA OR WWE. And let's not even get me started on the diva ones where half the women go over and the other half just go through the ropes.

They ALL look sloppy. And except for the big spots, people look lost 90 percent of the time. Before you point out all of the flaws in a reverse battle royal, where at least some of this is hidden by the perameters of the ring, take a good look at the Royal Rumble or any other battle royal from the past ten years that lasts longer than ten minutes. All of them are truly sad. You want a battle royal? I like the smaller ones where it's pinfall or submission for elimination. But hey, that's just my two cents.
A battle royal can look good if booked correctly. A reverse battle royal at best, will make at least eight guys look stupid. When the guys in a regular battle royal have nothing to do, at least they got knocked down or roll out of the ring to recover. In a reverse battle royal if a guy isn't booked to make it into the ring, then he has to look like an ass while the others around him enter. Again, I'll refer to the best example, Sonjay Dutt at BFG 07. Sonjay is all alone on the side of the ring yet he knows he is not booked to make it to the next stage so he has to foolishly look as if he can't climb into the ring while Kip James and Harris battle forever on the outside until James gets his cue to jump in. Even the worst moments in battle royals can't compare to that one or even just how the guys look climbing into the ring in a reverse battle royal.
The reverse battle royal is stupid, when i first heard the name i was like shit that sounds cool, then i heard them describe it and i was like omg, that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard in my life........ people fighting to get into the ring , cant you just run in. When i first saw one, as i realized it was ******ed. i will admit, adding a cage is kinda cool but still cant you just run to the side where no one is. How about putting 10 people in a cage and the first to climb out wins, i dont think ive seen that before, that would be much better.

Now onto my real gripe, the king of the mountain........... this has to be the stupidest match ever, taking the title belt and hanging it above the ring. isnt the point of having a ladder to get the belt, not hang it up, the overall concept is so stupid. Having to pin someone before you can be eligible to hang the belt up, i just think its ******ed. Coming from a company which created ultimate x which i think is one of the best matches ever, how can they have king of the mountain. i wouldnt even care to see a king of the mountain if it was AJ vs Sabin vs Petey vs. Lethal vs. Joe vs. Shelley...... id die to see them all in ultimate x though
While I think it's an interesting idea, it doesn't really play out very well. They've never really been executed properly to make it look legitimate. There are a lot of holes in the idea, and I think TNA should just stick to good ol' fashioned Battle Royals. They've more entertaining, and they don't make people look as bad. I mean, who can't get into the ring? As innovative as the idea was, I think they should just drop it.
Battle Royals in general just p*ss me off.

Most of the "over the top" stuff doesnt work, because the wrestlers manage to cock it up, and have to do the failed spot over again.

And then, when the wrestlers are actually wrestling, they are looking around for someone to bash, which I think is a joke!

There isnt any set opponent for them to set their targets on, so they could end up spinning around 360degrees and only then decide that they will put the boot in on the dude getting kicked in the corner.
It's all the damn waiting around that pisses the hell out of me. Instead of everyone sliding into the ring all at once they decide to beat the shit out of eachother forgetting it seems the purpose of the match. Just get it in the ring yet, NO ONE DOES. Psychology wise it makes no sense, logically itt makes no sense, so in practice IT MAKES NO SENSE. Why TNA does some of the things they do is beyond me, I mean trying it out once or even twice I wouldn't mind since if you have an idea you might as well try it out but why keep an idea that's so thickheaded is beyond me.

Oh and don't get me started on the King of the Mountain matches. I watched the first one on ESPN classics up here in Canada unfortunately after successfully avoiding SV for the last few years just so I wouldn't see the match. Now I have to watch the bloody match because I'm supporting Joe and want his run to be worthwhile.
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