TNA's Official Announcement Regarding Victory Road

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

TNA Wrestling strives to give fans who purchase our pay-per-views as close to a full three-hour event as possible. This past Sunday’s "TNA Victory Road" fell short of that standard. Your support of TNA is never taken for granted. To show you how we value that support, we would like to offer six months of free access to the library.

To receive your free offer, please send us a copy of your Victory Road pay-per-view purchase receipt to :

TNA OnDemand Offer
209 10th Avenue South, #302
Nashville, TN 37203.

Please be sure and submit your name, address, and email address, as we will be emailing a special code that will unlock over 300 hours of great TNA Wrestling action.


So, purchasing fans, ex-fans and viewers of all types — is this a satisfactory response? Is the reward worth whatever discomfort the PPV caused you? Did TNA adequately admit the mistake?

Why or why not?
It's nice that they addressed it. I wasn't even sure if we'd see anything in return. Six months access to the On-Demand is awesome.

Hopefully this ceases the talk about this being a work.

I'm sure people will complain about not getting a full refund on the purchase, but it's better than nothing. I'm glad we got an apology of some sort.

You're kind of getting half of your money back. Isn't it $3/month?
I personally think this is a good and acceptable way to make it up to the people who purchased this PPV. I'm glad they admit that they didn't give people their money's worth, and are trying to make it up to them. Giving everyone their money back would have been a bit ridiculous. The PPV as a whole wasn't bad. They had some really good matches like AJ vs Hardy and Beer Money vs Ink Inc. I think a 6 month subscription makes up for the short main event. There is a lot of good videos in their On Demand library. I've previously subscribed, and thought they had some great content on there. Any TNA fan would enjoy it.
This is a good thing to be sure. I don't think you can totally fix what happened because in short it never should have happened in the first place, but yes this is an acceptable way to say we're sorry. Also, this is a good business move as it opens up the door to some people that might not be that familiar with the product. What better way to show the fans what they can see than by opening up the archives to them? Good move, smart move, good business move. This makes me feel better and I didn't even buy the show. Well done TNA.
LOL Instead of getting your money back for a PPV you ordered to watch on YOUR TV you get 6 months to watch old TNA on your COMPUTER. I think that's a rip-off.
STING: I agree, I agree
First.... I'm very glad they addressed this at all. I'm glad they didn't try to work this as/into some sort of storyline, which would've been horrible no matter what.

This is one of the smartest business moves I've seen from TNA in awhile. Hopefully, exposing new fans to the archives and letting old fans relive these moments will cause TNA to look at what got them where they were before Hogan and Co. tried to make TNA into WCW Lite.

Well done TNA... Good first step on the road to recovery.
The fact they didn't try to play it off, and such is a great sign.
I don't think its the best offer, but its definitely acknowledgment that Jeff Hardy ruined the PPV for them.
Now to see if it becomes advertised elsewhere.
On a sidenote, the biggest thing for me personally, would be seeing Jeff Hardy get help, which overshadows any freebies the company tosses our way.
Great business move here on TNA's part. Personally, I kind of feel like a dummy cause I just got done recording a TNA wrestling podcast and ripped on the for having no business sense and not giving us anything in the way of an apology. Oops! Oh well, so I f'd up :p Anyway...I was one of the people that bought Victory Road (I buy every TNA PPV though) and of course, I was pissed! I'm the biggest TNA apolgist on the planet and I'm one of those guys that some of you love to hate and rip on when I try to defend TNA in any way. But after Victory Road, I couldn't defend TNA in any way. They screwed up and screwed up pretty badly.

This news is a good enough apology for me but on the other hand, I feel that the damage to the morale in the TNA locker room has been done and needs to be addressed as well. But that's a whole different subject. This was a solid move by TNA. Every person, every company makes mistakes and let's hope that TNA can learn from this and get this train wreck of a company back on the right path.
I'm glad they addressed the Victory Road main event and apologized. I didn't purchase the PPV, but in my opinion, this is a more than acceptable way to apologize to the fans and make it up those that were upset with the main event.
This is also a great way to help the fans that haven't been watching TNA for very long, but did order Victory Road, see more of the history of TNA. I think TNA did a good job here, and proves that they do care about their fans.
Good work TNA.
They didn't acknowledge WHY the PPV was ruined. The OnDemand freebie isn't a horrible payback for those who purchased Victory Road, but they should've publicly aknowledged the situation with Jeff Hardy itself.

Most people weren't mad about the main event being ruined in & of itself, but HOW & WHY it was ruined...
This answers two questions.

1. TNA knew it couldn't just let this pass. They did the right thing here, making amends with the fans who purchased the event. Smart move.

2. The Sting/Hardy finish wasn't a work. That bullshit theory can almost certainly stop right here. There is no way TNA would give this away, for free, to further some worked-shoot. I just can't see that being the case. This is something I could see Vince Russo doing..with his own money. But I highly, highly doubt Dixie, Panda, whoever would just give away money for the sake of a storyline.
They didn't acknowledge WHY the PPV was ruined. The OnDemand freebie isn't a horrible payback for those who purchased Victory Road, but they should've publicly aknowledged the situation with Jeff Hardy itself.

Most people weren't mad about the main event being ruined in & of itself, but HOW & WHY it was ruined...
They will probably deal with the Jeff Hardy part on Impact or after Impact if at all..

I think most people from watching could tell what the reason was and with Hardy being sent home from the Impact taping I think they didn't fire him. Maybe they haven't decided what to do yet or they've told him he is going to rehab or he will be fired and giving him time to think it over.
You wanna know the sad part of all of this? The TNA faithful fans probably enjoyed the pay per view aside from the train wreck at the end and will probably whine and cry just to get whatever they can out of all the situation. People are always looking for any chance they can get to get something for free..Need an example? Even people who loved the pay per view will sign up and thats bullshit :wtf:.I think this is a good thing for TNA but you will still have those people who will expect a 100% refund even if they were only unhappy about 5% of the show.
I am so freakin' thankful that this wasn't spun into a storyline. That was more than my fear; that was my expectation. This is as close to a "we fucked up and we're sorry" as you could possibly expect. Does it make up for that godawful card and its WTF finish? No, but it goes a long way towards demonstrating that TNA understands they really pissed people off on Sunday night, and not in the way that gets them to keep watching.
And what about the people who dont have internet access but still paid for it? Forget them huh
Yup. If you're paying $40 for wrestling pay-per-views, you should have the money to pay for internet access, which is very fast becoming a necessity in order to keep up with the rest of society. Not having internet access in favor of watching TNA pay-per-views isn't exactly a fiduciary behavior people should encourage.
Firstly, I stopped watching TNA when the whole Immortal thing started, as a fan I couldn't have been more disinterested in the ridiculously mismatched bunch of wrestlers grouped together, coupled with the bullshit power-play storyline.
HOWEVER... I truly do want the company to succeed, there is so much genuine talent there.
If I'd have purchased the PPV, I wouldn't give a damn about a refund, or TNA's offer of other video content, I would just be begging for somebody there to take control of putting out a quality product, and take control of the performers there.
Say what you want about the WWE wellness policy, but they binned off Jeff every time he went to far for them, tried to get him in rehab, and would never have let him go out to the ring the way TNA did on Sunday. It just proves that the whole place is full of leeches who are selfishly riding TNA until it implodes or stops paying them for doing so. Judging by how poor the product has been since Hogan et al came in, Dixie etc seem to have no backbone to actually say enough is enough. Appalling. Read Mark Madden's latest column, he feels that everyone responsible for allowing Jeff Hardy to indulge himself in self-destructive bullshit should resign from TNA. Hard to disagree. If TNA want's to be a truly competitive, global wrestling brand, they need the whole package, and by that I mean acting like a professinal, responsible, respectable group of adult businessmen/women. The genuine asset that Jeff was as a performer when they brought him in has been so mismanaged it blows my mind. The company took a major risk investing so much in him, and appears to have made zero effort to minimise the impact of the well documented negative personal/professional traits Jeff is prone to.
Offering your customers refunds/concessions is of course a professionally responsible thing to do....unfortunately allowing your talent to run itself into the ground is not.
This freebie is for TNA Fans who ordered the PPV, so if you ordered this PPV (which advertised as a pre-Lockdown PPV) then it means you are a legit fan who will enjoy the video content as well.

So if you are a WWE fan and think this freebie is bulls*t, this content is not for you anyway, so don't comment on behalf of real TNA Fans! If you haven't watched TNA for months, don't come here and comment on a PPV you never watched. Maybe you should have enjoyed some episodes on Impact if you dared to watch the show... If you don't then don't act like a TNA expert because you won't know sh*t!!! Free online content may not be worth sh*t for you but might be gold for a guy who is fan enough to order the PPV

You don't watch the PPV, you don't follow TNA, you never spent a cent in your life for TNA, but you come here and rip their freebie which they give to TNA fans. You guys make threads colorful :)
nope! Just a way of showing the audience what tna use to be..more like a harder slap in the face, the only thing that will save this apocalyse of Total Nonstop proportions is to have announce the following...

"We here at TNA, hereby announce the release of all names listed below. We would like to wish them well in there future endeavours
Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Matt hardy, Vince Russo, Shannon Moore, Tommy Dreamer, and the 4 sided ring!!!
I don't think it was very fair, tbh. As one guy said (and yes there are still some) that might not have internet, or at least high speed internet, or even care to sit in front of a computer screen watching old re-runs of TNA footage.

Some people actually buy the ppvs for the moment, since it is, you know, live, but do not re-watch every, single, solitary ppv. Sorry, IWC, it happens.

I'm not saying it's bad that they acknowledged it. But they did so very poorly. It's like somebody expecting to hear a heart-felt apology and instead getting a "Yeah, bout that. My bad." Not the most sincere thing in the world.

Matter of fact, it was probably the best way for TNA to maximize profit. You forget the "money guys" are in there now, so they figured out the best way to keep people's money. Think about it, they're not getting extra money for this, but they're def. not really losing money. They'd have that stuff online regardless. So people simply gaining access would be like them just opening a door. A little more effort, but doesn't really cost them anything.

So instead of incentives or anything, they simply give you something for free that other people already pay for and make them money on anyway. And pocket all the dough from that fiasco of a ppv.

Kudos, Eric, for showing them how to effectively screw the fans just like in days of old. And before you say "Herp derp, it wasn't his call", please. You know it's highly plausible he pitched it to the decision makers like a champ and their initial anger subsided a bit when shown how to keep the Benjamins in the bank account.
for soem of you, reading your responses, I can see why wrestling fans are seen with such disdain.

A company admits its mistake and tries to make up for it,you whine about it. What do you think WWE did for the fans when Owen Hart died and the PPV continued....that's right, they gave you nothing for all your bitching and moaning about the show continuing, now you have a company admitting a mistake and you still bitch and moan.
This freebie is for TNA Fans who ordered the PPV, so if you ordered this PPV (which advertised as a pre-Lockdown PPV) then it means you are a legit fan who will enjoy the video content as well.

So if you are a WWE fan and think this freebie is bulls*t, this content is not for you anyway, so don't comment on behalf of real TNA Fans! If you haven't watched TNA for months, don't come here and comment on a PPV you never watched. Maybe you should have enjoyed some episodes on Impact if you dared to watch the show... If you don't then don't act like a TNA expert because you won't know sh*t!!! Free online content may not be worth sh*t for you but might be gold for a guy who is fan enough to order the PPV

You don't watch the PPV, you don't follow TNA, you never spent a cent in your life for TNA, but you come here and rip their freebie which they give to TNA fans. You guys make threads colorful :)
Several things wrong with this post.

1) The wrestling audience is not divided into people who are just WWE fans and just TNA fans. There is a significant amount of overlap between the two.
2) Everyone and their mother on these boards has watched the Hardy/Sting abortion on YouTube.
3) Some events, like sending a man quite obviously stoned out of his gourd to wrestle a headlining title match on PPV, then shooting the ending, transcend casual week-to-week wrestling, and interest the wrestling community as a whole.
4) This isn't a freebie- everyone who is getting it already paid $40. A freebie would be for everyone. This is an acknowledgment that TNA feels their fans who did spend their money did not get their money's worth on Sunday.
5) On the opposite hand, free online content that they've already seen might not be worth shit to people who ordered the pay-per-view.
6) "Legit fan"? "Real TNA fans?" How on earth did you end up as the gatekeeper for who is enough of a fan to be invited into the club?

As a wrestling fan, I will continue to watch only the rare Impact until they give me a reason to be sure to tune in the week following. I will continue to comment on TNA, and do it more eloquently then 90% of the people who are watching it week to week. I will continue to offer my opinion, because I wouldn't be curing cancer in my spare time if I wasn't, and I do get more than enough people here telling me they value my opinion for me to keep at it.

As a "Real TNA Fan", you should be more interested in getting people who aren't watching the product to watch it. TNA doesn't exist so that it can make a core group of fans happy, and if that's all they can do, they are doomed to stagnation and eventual failure. TNA needs to grow in order to survive, like any other business in the world. If you feel you're a "Real TNA Fan", maybe you should focus on selling the product and helping it grow instead of pre-occupying yourself with attacks on people who aren't watching it.
Show Dixie how much we care!
What we really think of HOGAN BISHOFF and the wcw wannabes
Boycott this Thursday night. Don't watch it and don't record it either. It's just one night without wrestling ( just like last Sunday was). heck wrestlezone will give you better coverage of whats going on anyway.

As Fans, we need to take a stand to this Bullshit, do something decent for wrestling this thursday, listen to a Madden rant, watch some tna on demand classic, some old x division matches, let them no what we want from our wrestling show, but do one thing

I went to Best Buy a couple of weeks ago and bought a brand new 50" 3-D flat screen TV valued at $1,200. Everything worked ok except the screen size was only 30" inches and the 3D did not work at all. I complained to the store. After a couple of days they would not refund my money or take the TV back but they acknowledged that there was a problem and gave me a VCR valued at $600. I am so glad they acknowledged the problem and made an attempt to make it up to me.

Bullshit, if you are going to acknowledge that there is a problem and give something back I don't mind if you try to shove some product I don't want down my throat but at least give me the option of the cash value, the crappy product I don't want or an equal discount on the next PPV. My money and time are important to me.

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