TNA's Lack Of Intrest With The Women

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
It appears as though TNA has found their favourite females, and they're intent on pushing them. Although not in the way you'd expect. The Beautiful People serve their purpose, but they're not in contention for the Knockout's Title. I have no idea why. If they like them that much you'd think that they'd want to put the belt on one of them. And both do deserve a hold of the belt, irrespective of their lack of wrestling ability. They're over and the only real highlight now when it comes to the TNA women.

The belt changed hands again this week. But yet again it was on iMPACT. That makes three times it's switched on TV, in just over a year. Kim to Kong, Kong to Wilde, Wilde to Kong. For some reason the belt is now secondary to pushing TBP. It's a shame because Kong & Kim put on some really good matches at the beginning of the year. But it soon became obvious that they didn't have many options, or at least they didn't think they did. There's hardly been a Knockout's Title match or feud without Kong, and Gail Kim was the golden girl of the division. But now Kim has gone it appears as though they've all but given up on it. Putting the belt back on Kong was lazy and I think it shows that they're not thinking ahead with the women.

Anyone else feel the same?
The divison is already going downhill only after a year since it was established. I still think it's better than the WWE's, but creative seem's almost unaware of out of ideas for what to do. First Kong is a great talent, but she is almost out of options of who to feud with. It would have been better putting the belt on someone like Angelina Love since she is a huge heat magnet and could have some semi-interesting feuds over the title. Maybe this is creative's way of having Kong do a months worth of random squashes until they think of new ideas. But I agree they just appear to be not interested at making the divison as great as it could be, maybe because they believe that people only care about the division because of tits & ass to begin with and the wrestling aspect is just a far second.
This is very true indeed. TNA has wasted the division's potential lately. Putting the belt on Wilde was fine as her beating Kong was well done and it allowed her to instantly become a legit star in the division. But then, why in the world would you give the belt back to Kong? This would be like Matt Hardy losing the ECW belt back to Henry. What woudl that accomplish? Nothing at all, just like this hasn't. Who's next for Kong, Roxxi? Almost all the big stars in the division are heels, which just can't work.
I tuned in to iMPACT late this week and saw the end of the match between Taylor Wilde and Awesome Kong. Kong won which suprised me a little, and I thought "oh well she is over double the size of Wilde and she does have credibility, so it does make sense in a way". But then I see her holding the Womens Title and Don West was having an orgasm over the title change. I was pissed off to say the least as I thought it was only a non title match.

What exactly was the point of it? It makes Wilde's reign look nothing but ridiculous and pointless. The Division is clearly running out of fresh feuds. I do agree with Jake in saying that The Beautiful People should be holding the Knockouts Title. I actually like their style of wrestling as I think they do have talent and they are way over with the fans.

But I find the Knockouts Division a little boring right now as Awesome Kong ALWAYS gets the upper hand. Now I know shes a dominating heel as she has the size advantage, but does she HAVE to get the upper hand all the time. Even after she loses a match she attacks her opponent and makes her look like shit. The same few women get pushed. Roxxi has talent but is always left behind somehow. Christy Hemme is just horrible in the ring. Wilde probably wont get pushed for a while. ODB isn't the type of women you would want as your champion due to her gimmick and style. So that leaves Kong and the Beautiful People as the only major contenders that are worthy of the belt. Either way though, the Knockouts Division needs to be improved and fast before it goes 'down under'.
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