TNA Wrestling Signs American War Hero Chris Melendez to Multi-Year Agreement

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TNA Wrestling is happy to announce the signing of a true American hero! Chris Melendez is a former Army Sergeant, who served his country in Afghanistan and was awarded a Purple Heart. Because of injuries suffered in combat, the brave soldier returned home a single leg amputee. Melendez, a member of the Wounded Warrior Project, had another dream to realize when he returned home. He dreamed of becoming a pro wrestler.

In 2012, Melendez entered Team 3D Academy of Professional Wrestling in Florida where he trained day-in and day-out under the tutelage of Bully Ray and Devon. Now, TNA Wrestling can announce the signing of Chris Melendez to a multi-year contract.
Still known in the locker room as “Sarge”, Melendez is set to make his debut for the company during the August 5-7 tapings at New York City’s legendary Manhattan Center.

I know absolutely nothing about this guy, but I'll say this much — he's certainly got a great look and an even better story that creative should be able to sell with ease. That's not to say the character will take off, but you can go a long way with a little when you're talking about real-life heroes.
Sounds like Jesse Neal. He looks a bit like Jesse Neal too. Except he's minus a leg, obviously. Anyway, it's not a good time to be getting signed by TNA, but if he gets on TV and gets to live out his dream then good for him. Whether his dream will last long, well, we'll see. Sounds more like a publicity stunt then anything.
At first glance I thought he has a great look. I thought he looked like an mma fighter for some reason.

If he can wrestle he should do okay.
If he has any charisma then that would help a lot with already having a good look.

I don't really know much more to say without seeing him wrestle.
so I'm looking at the picture and I'm thinking.. good look, good size with defined muscles, looks intense, I like the tattoos. should be someone TNA can use well. I'm looking more, and wait what, he has an artificial leg?! I guess he can wrestle like that right? I have no clue on this, but he is an actual wrestler and he has wrestled that way before? can they make sure the leg stays on? can he move well in the ring with that?
No offense, but this is a case where we shouldn't be rewarding someone for military service. If this guy ends up as green as Neal, he's gonna get minimal use, minimal pay and then complain about making less than Walmart employees. Where I hear Australian women steal items.

Not to mention this means he'll be featured in place of a regular TNA talent for Impact.
Multi-year contract. I love the sound of those words right now.

Hopefully this goes better than the last experiment of kind. Signing a disabled war hero who was trained at Team 3-D Academy yielded Jesse Neal the last time, who was as green as Garret Bischoff. Surely this guy has to be better, Right?

As far as how they'll use him, sticking him with Gunner may work. Perhaps he could even be in the role of the friend that Gunner helped out after the war that he spoke with Sam Shaw about in the institution vignettes.
I appreciate the "long ball", "hail mary" mentality of the move, TNA needs to draw as much attention to the brand right now if they are indeed looking at shopping the show to another network. However, signing a multi-year contract right now may not be the smartest move for all involved.
If he were slim, short, long blond hair, tattooless, and also have a fully functional prosthetic arm, I'd be interested. Extra points if he wears black clothes with a red overcoat and sparks electricity when he claps.

Personally, I don't really care. If I wanted war heroes, I'd watch documentaries or play Call Of Duty or something related to the army. If war heroes drew in wrestling, Jesse Neal, Gunner and many others I don't recall would work out. It's about the skill and I doubt this guy has that.
so I'm looking at the picture and I'm thinking.. good look, good size with defined muscles, looks intense, I like the tattoos. should be someone TNA can use well. I'm looking more, and wait what, he has an artificial leg?! I guess he can wrestle like that right? I have no clue on this, but he is an actual wrestler and he has wrestled that way before? can they make sure the leg stays on? can he move well in the ring with that?

Did you ever see Zach Gowen in WWE?

He had only one leg and he was able to wrestle like that.

He wasn't very good though and was extremely skinny if I remember right.

He had nothing going for him other than he had one leg and a story that he had cancer as a kid or something.
Interesting by TNA to sign Melendez..I don't know anything about this guy's past except what's been posted above about him training at The Dudley Boyz' wrestling school…I see him being paired with Gunner and Zach Gowen after Gowen does a "hop/run in" through the crowd to save Gunner and Melendez from a beatdown from heels.
The guy looks the part at least, but at the end of the day if he isn't skilled in the ring then this isn't going to work.

I have maximum respect for a man who suffered horrendous injuries during his time in the army, fighting for his country, and it's a real feel-good story if he is able to become a regular on TNA and have the opportunity to live out his dreams.

However, although he is from Team 3D's Wrestling Academy, the last graduate from there- Jesse Neal, didn't work out for TNA. Hopefully Melendez is not as green, and better in the ring than Neal.

Also, with the well-documented financial issues that TNA have right now, surely a "Multi-Year" deal is a strange thing to give out right now, but fingers crossed this all works out. It will give the company some positive publicity thats for sure.
Did you ever see Zach Gowen in WWE?

He had only one leg and he was able to wrestle like that.

He wasn't very good though and was extremely skinny if I remember right.

He had nothing going for him other than he had one leg and a story that he had cancer as a kid or something.

I remember who he was but I don't remember his wrestling. all I really remember is he was skinny, looked young, and he had his leg pulled off. this leg for Melendez looks like a foreign object rather than looking like a typical prosthetic leg.

I think a problem with Jesse Neal was his look, and with the mohawk he seemed like dark/gothic and I wonder if he appealed to the enough of the audience.

when Gunner was going on about this military stuff I found him to be boring and I didn't really care. I personally liked Gunner more back towards the end of Immortal when he was a heel.
I remember who he was but I don't remember his wrestling.

Gowen wasn't terrible. They put him in a program with Lesnar and Vince himself. The big reason he didn't last was he acted like a tool in the back. But he's still wrestling.

They've made so much progress with prosthetic legs and arms, I doubt this will be an issue.
At first look, this looks like a PR move to me. There's a ton of bad news about TNA going around and then all of the sudden they sign a military vet...who was injured...and lost his leg...and wrestles. That's a good news story.

Maybe this guy is good, maybe he's not, but I'm betting he wasn't hired for his wrestling prowess. And while I want to knock TNA for a gimmick hiring, hiring an unknown guy is pretty much exactly what they should be doing.
So, I'm anxious to see the debut of Chris Melendez. The dude seems like a good guy, but something bothers me. First of all, let me say that I am all for him living his dream. Im disabled myself, so I of course want him to succeed. But, why can't anyone see that in wrestling him, all you should have to do is hook his leg and its over? How could he kick out IF he isn't wearing his prosthetic? That always bothered me with Zach Gowen. Im supposed to suspend belief, I get that....but can anyone explain the logic in how he can win a match?

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