TNA wrestlers frustrated with creative

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Dark Match Winner
"Jason Powell of is reporting that several TNA stars, including AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, are currently frustrated with the creative direction in which Vince Russo is booking both them and the company in general.

Additionally, the report states that Frankie Kazarian, who is currently working as Suicide, actually asked for his release from TNA at the last round of Impact tapings and it was granted by the company. However, both Styles and Daniels reportedly helped smooth things over between TNA and Kazarian, and the terms of the release were never finalized.

It's also being said that Vince Russo recently approached AJ Styles and was upset with him because he learned from Dixie Carter that Styles had recommended that TNA staff a wrestler on the creative team. Russo apparently blew up when he heard of the suggestion from Styles, and that fueled Styles to continue complaining that he has been booked as a weak champion by the creative team.

It should be noted that the frustration shared amongst the aforementioned TNA talents came prior to the announcement that Hulk Hogan
had signed with TNA and does not appear to have anything to do with him being on board with the company. This is an issue of guys like Styles, Daniels and Kazarian having little faith in Vince Russo as TNA's head of creative."

Well if Hogan is going to be part of the creative team then AJ Styles got his wish.

I personally don't think AJ Styles has been booked as a weak champion.

Am I the only one who thinks suicide is getting a good push? He now has smoke in his entrance and he enters in the middle of the entrance way.
I've never been a fan of masked wrestlers and it wouldn't hurt TNA a bit if suicide left.If suicide is frustrated let him leave.
Well if Hogan is going to be part of the creative team then AJ Styles got his wish.

It's clearly not what he wanted. You have to assume AJ meant someone he trusted or at least knew.

I personally don't think AJ Styles has been booked as a weak champion.

I didn't want to think that he had but I've watched the last three impacts and Bound for Glory. His match with Angle is the prime example - Angle dominated the match and AJ had a bit part in comparison. As champ, AJ should be attacking his opponents instead of being dominated.

Am I the only one who thinks suicide is getting a good push? He now has smoke in his entrance and he enters in the middle of the entrance way.
I've never been a fan of masked wrestlers and it wouldn't hurt TNA a bit if suicide left.If suicide is frustrated let him leave.

I'd say your personal preference is clouding your judgement. Suicide's push has been lacklustre at best. Dinero has had his number entirely and the booking has made him look like a chump. But Kaz is really talented and while I am not entirely a fan of the Suicide character, a mask has really helped him in my opinion.

And his entrance has nothing to do with his push.
I'd say it's time we start taking this kind of "reporting" with a grain of salt. How many times recently have reports like this been disputed by the wrestlers in question? I, for one, took Samoa Joe seriously yesterday when he wrote this...

Samoa Joe said:
"I often wonder how Wrestling news sites can call their posts "news" when they cannot cite sources or provide proof of what they say occured? I'm not targeting anyone in particular. I'm just saying in normal journalistic circles sources and evidence are key aspects of journalism. I mean wrestling is a highly political game so you have to wonder what are these sources agendas? I'm just saying I know a few sites follow me I am interested in their take and their accountability policies. BTW I'm not a "sheet hater." They bolster interest and discussion in the industry & I feel they have become a integral part of wrestling media. I get trashed & scrutinized everyday which is fine - IT'S PART OF MY JOB, but when people fabricate what I say about others, thats wank. I don't want sheets to disappear. I just am calling for you to UP YOUR GAME, be better than what you are currently, Truth = Relevance."

I suppose these "wrestler x isn't happy with company y" reports make entertaining reading but I'd venture to guess the majority of them aren't true and the ones that are true are grossly exaggerated.
If ... IF the report is true, then I think AJ Styles is acting like a bit of a baby. I honestly don't think he has come across that weak as a champion. I think if the whole "signs of respect" between he and Sting continued, I may have had a problem. But for Pete's sake, he hasn't even held the belt for that long.

But I do love the reports when they come out saying that "Vince McMahon is on the RAMPAGE backstage", and "Samoa Joe is furious over not having that catering company used" ... or how "AJ Styles and Vince Russo had an EXPLOSIVE argument backstage".

People can't seem to have disagreements or be upset, without it being turned into someone having an "EXPLOSIVE BACKSTAGE CONFRONTATION!!!" or otherwise intensified on the news sites for drama. No different than the Celeb tabloids, unfortunately. Definitely a real opportunity here for the News sites to take a high road. But would that high road lead to traffic on websites and subscriptions to dirtsheets ... or not?
I've been peeking in on this issue from time to time and while I couldn't say one way or the other as far as Styles being booked as a "weak" champion (he's a face right now and from what I've seen face champions have nearly always been booked as weaker than heel ones...and for less time) I do think he has a point with wanting a current wrestler on the creative team. It's all well and good when the stories are written by those who don't actually have to play the parts, at least it's all well and good for them, but not for the wrestlers. I think having an actual wrestler on the creative team is a good long as you have one who's actually pulling for the wrestlers rather than his own ego. This kinda puts Hogan out of this category, unfortunately.

I think Russo's reaction to Styles' suggestion shows rather clearly that Russo doesn't really give a rip about what the wrestlers are actually having to do or who gets hurt on the way (as long as it isn't him) and I think that is what many of the TNA wrestlers are complaining about. Unfortunately, I don't see this changing, which is a pity. TNA was really going somewhere, but with the current changes happening...that could be put to a big halt soon, especially with Hogan in charge.
i find this compltely ridiculous. the superstars work for the company not vice versa. the only reason i belive a wrestler should complain if ther booking is messed up. but samoa joe's reason for complaining about not using his friend catering bussiness is completely pathetic.
There are two issues here. The first is the complete and utter hyperbole on internet news sites. Vince McMahon doesn't spend a waking second without being in a state of total rage if the "x is furious at y" are all true. The second is Russo's reputation being at fault here, not what he has done. AJ Styles is being booked as a far better champion than Sting ever was, and I don't know what his problem could be, except that he knows or thinks Vince Russo is going to fuck up in the future, which isn't really justified based on what he's done so far.
Let me preface this by saying I'm a journalist. The publications I work for all tend to be reputable news sources. Even when I contribute to Us Weekly, the supermarket tabloid, I have to provide my editors a spectrum of sources, which are then judged for credibility. If the sources are not credible, and if multiple sources do not corroborate a story, it doesn't see the light of day. Since celebs started suing tabloids left and right for publishing lies in the '80s -- and won huge settlements -- it's simply too risky (and potentially costly!) to not print facts.

Unfortunately, there are no such policing policies obvious at sites like this one. Requiring fact-checking would cut back on the number of juicy half-truths the sites use to draw in readers and keep them clicking back for clarification and "exclusive updates."

Need proof that click-through rates are a huge consideration when these sites publish stories? Look no further than the "headlines" the site tags their 'articles' under. "Former WWF Champion at TNA Impact Taping." Oooh, sounds exciting until you find out it was the hot dog vendor who won the WWF Hardcore title under the 24/7 rule at that one house show in Topeka, only to immediately lose it back to Crash Holly who lost it to Raven who lost it to . . . You get the idea.

Anyway, putting aside my judgment of yellow journalism, my gut reaction is that people are being really pissy right now in TNA for reasons which I don't personally understand. What I do know, though, is that bad attitudes are contagious. As we all know, and this is not speculative, Booker was up-in-arms and left. It's entirely possible he spewed plenty of toxic bullshit before he did, causing others to catch a similar vibe.

It's also possible that people are just plain leary of all the backstage changes taking place in TNA right now and fearful of how those changes will impact their careers. Even before Hogan and Bischoff was announced, TNA had just brought Ferrara onboard. It's entirely understandable that the influence Russo and he would collectively wield could make some people uncomfortable.

From my perspective, if he is bitching, (and I've said this before) AJ might want to reconsider. At the moment, he's carrying the gold and that alone is about all the testament he should need of TNA's faith in his ability. Whether he's booked as a weak or strong champion is inconsequential. I bet there are a shitload of other wrestlers on that roster who would absolutely love to get a title reign, no matter how f*cking weak, so AJ might want to take that into account, shut his pie hole and just suck it up for a bit!
It's always been pretty obvious to me... Pro Wrestling fans watch and accept fake story lines by their very definition. So of course they have a hard time differentiating between real and fake stories in the realm of wrestling "news". The sites that report these uncorroborated stories are just pandering to us, the smarky wrestling fans who will believe, and want to believe, anything.
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