TNA: Winnipeg Sub-Regional


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Come in here to discuss the Winnipeg Sub-Regional, headlined by Chris Jericho. Remember all matches take place in the six sided TNA Ring.

The First Three Rounds Take Place In: Winnipeg, MB
3. "The 2008 Superstar of the Year" Chris Jericho
62. "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton

30. "The Living Legend" Larry Zybszko
35. Low Ki/Senshi

14. Bob Backlund
51. Ed "The Strangler" Lewis

19. Lance Storm
46. Carlos Colon

6. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
59. The Barbarian

27. Vince Mcmahon
38. Jumbo Tsuruta

11. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner
54. "The Pearle River Powerhouse" Ahmed Johnson

22. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
43. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Round 2 Matches:

Winnipeg, MB.

3. Chris Jericho
30. Larry Zybszko

14. Bob Backlund
19. Lance Storm

6. Ted DiBiase
38. Jumbo Tsuruta

11. Scott Steiner
22. JBL

Winnipeg, MB
3. Chris Jericho
14. Bob Backlund

6. Ted DiBiase
11. Scott Steiner
Scott or Chris. They have the chance here. Ted has no way of winning, unless he paid another one of these two off. Jericho seems wealthy enough, maybe Scott needs some money. But in a fight, Steiner knows how to go. If he can get the power vs Jericho's speed, this will be an interesting brawl here. I see a long shot doing well in this division however.
This is most interesting indeed. Dibiase is a great heel, and his money would play a part. Steiner could be bought off, and maybe Jericho could be as well. Would money talk here? I think it could. Steiner would be able to muscle either of them to pieces, and if you throw in the Frankensteiner before Scott's back fell apart, he was absolutely lethal. barring the money talkign, I'd go with Steiner here.
I'd Probably go with Jericho here. Too me Dibiase has no chance. Not even money wise so this leaves Jericho and Steiner. Know Jericho and Steiner are very similiar. They both have the same speed athleticsiam and both are good mat workers. With Steiner being more powerful this gives a disadvantage to Jericho. Or does it? With Jericho's brains I could see him out smarting Steiner and winning the match.
I believe this will be the most interesting region of all. DiBiase was good in the ring but I believe he will be dispatched by Jericho or Steiner. Steiner was great in his prime but I just don't think he can get to the finals. Jericho wins this region for now but I can see somebody lower ranked beating him.
Everyone says that HBK's equalizer in ECW is Sweet Chin Music. It seems everyone is forgetting DiBiase's great equalizer, the Million Dollar Dream. I don't care who you are, you can't win a match if your asleep in the middle of the ring. If he can outlast some of the flying that Jericho and Steiner will do, he can lock it in, and stand a good chance at winning. It's not as easy to get to the ropes to break a hold in TNA, so he could be a darkhorse, even if his seed is high.

Steiner of old is what people should think of for any of his matches. Yes, "Big Poppa Pump" is a beast, but if he wants to stand a chance against Jericho, he better break out the Steiner Recliner and Frankensteiner. His agility and ring smarts are what made him popular, and they're what he needs to go over here. If anyone thinks he's going to power through everyone, they're wrong.

Jericho is still my odds on favorite in the TNA Region. It seems people largely forget his days as the "Lionheart", and that he had some of the most astonishing moves a mid-carder could pull off. He'll use the 6-sided ring to his advantage, much like AJ and RVD, and can take the beating that Steiner is sure to put on him. If/when he gets past Steiner, he'd be dangerous in any of the gimmick matches, and could sneak into the final rounds.
The TNA ring suits Jericho's style, but Scott Steiner is much bigger, much stronger, and more experienced in the six sided ring. But he also seems like a perfect candidate to be bought off by the Million Dollar Man. Should those two meet, I think an agreement could be reached between the two. Everybody has a price.
As of now, I see a Jericho win. He used to use the ropes to his advantage all of the time. He'd be able to adapt well to the six-sides of a TNA ring. With them being more spread out, it'd be much harder to get a rope break and escape the Walls. Steiner has power and Dibiase has money, but I don't see either of those overcoming the 2008 superstar of the year.
Jericho is a crafty bastard, he could find a way around both of those guys, even if it's illegally.
But I also think Jericho is the wrestler who will benefit the least from being in his hometown, especially in full-on heel mode. But I still think he could beat Steiner and Dibiase. Maybe in the same night :lmao:
Scott Steiner in his day was more agile that Jericho & Ted Dibiase was more of a technician. He doesn't or shouldn't stand a chance. What's he going to beat either of them with? He doesn't even win the best beard contest.
Jericho should win this region, he's the best name up there. I don't see anyone giving him a huge problem. But at the same time, Steiner has the power Jericho lacks. Are Jericho's other skills enough to make up for that? I'd say yes. Jericho has the advantage in almost every other section.
Jericho is at a disadvantage against Steiner & Dibiase. Both of those two in their priime whipe the floor with Jericho in his. When was Y2J's prime by the way? Probably in 1998 early 1999. Who was he beating then? Norman Smiley probably along with losing to him in return. It's pronounced ''Smil-ee'' you know.
Ted DiBiase is by far the best in this region. Jericho is obviously the favourite here, there's too many Jericho marks out there who will vote for him. But DiBiase was a better wrestler than Jericho could ever dream to be. In his prime in the late 80's to early 90's, he rarely ever lost a match, unless it was to a big star like Hogan or Savage. He was always made to look strong. If everyone was in their prime, DiBiase would take this in a cake-walk.
Wow nice round up this one is shaping to be. Support for Jericho is quite strong, we all know what he can do in the ring and on the microphone. Ted Jr has inspired me to look at Ted Snr's matches of past and he does impresses me, it's just by and large I can see more people voting for newer guys than older ones.
I forgot to mention in my previous post that the Codebreaker is effective against anyone. It's much like DDP's diamond cutter. Jericho can hit it at any time from multiple positions. He can counter moves and hit the Codebreaker in just a second or two. It doesn't matter on the size or the strength of a wrestler. Two knees to the face will put you down for the three, in most cases.
Backlund got a bad draw. Not only is he in an unfamiliar environment, but he would need to get through Jericho, before even getting a chance to face DiBiase or Steiner, two guys he'd lose to.

He has the Chickenwing as an equalizer, and it could be effective on Jericho, but Jericho can just as easily nail him with a Codebreaker, or any other move of his.

He might have as tough a go of it as Foley. He can easily win his first match or two, but not if he goes against almost any TNA wrestler, or a smaller technical wrestler.
Backlund doesn't add much here. He might be able to steal a win or two, but for the most part he has no chance. He could make it to the third round, but if he gets tehre, Jericho is waiting for him. That ends any real chance that he has in this. Shame too because while he was boring on the mic, he was great in the ring. These are one off matches, which isn't his best. Backlund was at his best when the opponent had angered him and he just went after him. That won't happen here. Backlund is bounced in the third round or so.
I like the draw my guy DiBiase got. Money could very well play a factor with Steiner. Not so much with Jericho though. And DiBiase could buy anyone off. It won't be easy, but I like his chances to get pretty far here. Great in ring technician and people seem to forget about the Million Dollar Dream, a very effective finisher.
Scott Steiner has the advantage inside the 6-sided ring, yet Jericho I'm sure can adapt very quickly. Ted DiBiase might not be capable of adapting, but he will still add a challenge.

Jake keeps mentioning that Jericho in his prime, couldn't touch Steiner or DiBiase in their's. Well, he doesn't have to be as great as they were, to find a way to defeat them. The beauty of Professional Wrestling is upsets. And Jericho has the best "upsetting" finishing move out of any of them.

Steiner, in his prime, used the Frankensteiner. A move only available in the corner. DiBiase used the Million Dollar Dream, a move only workable if you can wear your opponent down to lock it in.

Jericho can hit the Codebreaker out of anywhere, be it against a fresh opponent, or a weakened one. It's a move that has a surprise factor. That is Jericho's advantage against two guy's who're "better" than he is. And he has the hometown crowd, to boot.

DiBiase & Steiner, both, play too much to the fans, especially when they're (the fans) on them. And Canadians are the U.S.'s version of New Yorker's.
DiBiase will pay off Stiener and Jericho will take care of Backland with ease leaving us with the Million Dollar man and Y2J. A long hard fought match will end in only one way, with a Million Dollar Dream. DiBiase wins here.
Jericho can hit the Codebreaker out of anywhere, be it against a fresh opponent, or a weakened one. It's a move that has a surprise factor. That is Jericho's advantage against two guy's who're "better" than he is. And he has the hometown crowd, to boot.

The Codebreaker has the honor of being a move that comes from out of nowhere, it's so good that Y2J stole it from......Gregory Helms.

It can come from out of nowhere, but seeing as Jericho would spend most of the match against Dibiase on the mat, it's more likely he'll lose to the Million $ Punch, or whatever it was called.
It's either Chris or Scott here and I don't think Backlund is a big enough threat to cause an upset victory, DiBiase I'm not so sure because as pointed out already, he could buy out Scott or Chris and he as vocal support on here, but I think Scott would be easier to buy out if that were to happen. I think Jericho will win this, the only advantage Scott has over Chris now is that Scott is physicaly bigger and I think he'd be able to dominate and knock Chris around and beat him in say, a street fight or No DQ, but Jericho should be able to take this one. NSL raises a good point, 'Lionheart' Jericho had some sweet moves and it's a shame people forget about that version of Chris Jericho because he was absolute gold in it.

We'll just have to wait and see who else comes in this region, shall be interesting to see if any foreign wrestlers come in and get support from people.
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While Jericho remains my favorite for this bracket, it is shaping up to be quite competitive. Million Dollar Man and Scott Steiner are definitely set to face off in the bottom half, while the top seems to be up to Jericho and Storm.

If Storm can beat Jericho, he can beat either of the other two, but he doesn't have nearly enough support to do so. Jericho v. Steiner is the best possible match, and could be the most interesting. Jericho v. DiBiase will be a blowout, one way or the other. It'll come down to Jericho's athleticism versus The Million Dollar Dream.
Another interesting Bracket, and it's certainly Jerichos to lose at this point. Jericho should have no problem getting to round three, has Nabisco clearly isn't in jerichos stratosphere. Backlund and Storm could be a helluva matchup, but neither of them have what it takes to take down Jericho.

The bottom half is more complicated. DiBiase has benefited in years past from being able to buy off opponents, that's not going to happen this go round. With the likes of McMahon and JBL in their, DiBiase's money won't go far. Scott Steiner or DiBiase look to come out of here.
Canada's second favorite son, Lance Storm! He's the greatest mat wrestler in this sub-region, and he'll get more cheers than Jericho even in Jericho's home. Why? Because Jericho turned his back on Canada, to come to America. Storm embraces his Canadian background, and is loved in return almost equally to Bret Hart.

I'm gonna fully be backing Lance Storm in this thing. He doesn't have any shocking finisher that can come from out of nowhere, but he has all the skills that he doesn't need one. He can wear you down, and he has great endurance to stay in a fight all the time.

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