TNA Winnipeg, Round 2, Match 4: #11 Scott Steiner vs. #22 JBL

Steiner vs. Bradshaw

  • Big Bad Booty Daddy

  • JBL

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the TNA Region, inside of the six sided ring, from Winnipeg, MB>

#11. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner


#22. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
WOW! This is a brawl within a brawl. This is nearly a push, but Steiner is a bull in a china shop. Bradshaw's a stiff a hitter as they come, but ultimately, Steiner takes JBL in a battle of chronic back pain and great promos.
This could be the biggest botch since Heroes of Wrestling. I have to go with Steiner though. The suplexes are way too much for JBL, and I can't imagine the clothesline being enough to knock down Steiner. The power JBL has is completely worthless here, so i'll go with Steiner in something that isn't that close.
This could be the biggest botch since Heroes of Wrestling. I have to go with Steiner though. The suplexes are way too much for JBL, and I can't imagine the clothesline being enough to knock down Steiner. The power JBL has is completely worthless here, so i'll go with Steiner in something that isn't that close.

It's not going to be that big a botch, simply because I'm not using the roided up Steiner of the mid 00s. No, I'm using the Steiner of the early 90s. Why? Simply so I can watch this.....


JBL simply has nothing to overcome the Frankensteiner. And the worst thing about it is, all of JBL's impact moves set him up to get hit by it. Clothesline from Hell? Might as well be asking to have himself pinned. Big boot? Same thing.

Steiner's style would simply be (wow) too much style and speed for him. Scott use to be an extremely great worker. It's part of why it's so sad to see how he works know

Steiner frankensteiners JBL's fat ass through a table after the match. That way, Scott can cut a promo kind of like this:

Steiner in his prime was a beast. I truly believe he's the sole driving force in the Steiner Bros tag team. I've never seen anything from Rick to suggest otherwise.

Although, JBL did go over Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, Kurt Angle, Booker T and others as world champion. But I'll factor in that he had to retire for the first time 18 months later.
I don't think there's a wrestler I've hated more in my lifetime then JBL. And no... it's not because he's a good heel, it's because he flat out fucking sucks. I don't want to see him lose whenever he wrestles; I just don't want to see his lame ass period. Every time he's on the mic, or in a wrestling a match... I count the moments until the ********er is off my TV screen. And sometimes I just can't take it; I have to change the channel otherwise I'll end up killing myself.

However, if the piece of shit was in the ring with someone like Scott Steiner, then I'll stay tuning in in hopes that Steiner kills the motherfucker. I know JBL's sorry ass wouldn't be able to take most of Steiner's suplex's without landing on his head since he's as much of an athlete as a snail, so seeing that would be worth tuning in alone.

Anyway, Steiner's better in every aspect. And I mean every aspect. Fuck JBL. He shouldn't receive one vote here.
This is kind of intresting. JBL is ok in my eyes and I haven't seen many of Steiners older matches before 1997. But what Steiner was in WCW and what JBL was in WWE just makes me think Steiner has the edge here. Steiner being very athletic and powerful at the same time is just to much for JBL.
I love JBL but his tourney comes to an end here. Steiner was a beast, and would go over. JBL is strong, but Steiner is stronger. Steiner would hit some suplexes, lock on the recliner and make JBL tap. JBL has a good resume, but i dont think he matches up well with Scott. Scott wins in an ugly affair.
I've never particularly been a fan of Scott Steiner, though I did like him much more in the early to mid 90s before he went ape shit with the steroids. Steiner did have some success as a singles wrestler but, overall, to me he'll always be a tag team wrestler. I know Steiner won the WCW World Championship, but he won the title after David Arquette won it so, to me, the title was worth less than nothing by the time he got it.

JBL is just a stiff, rough Texan. While I don't think he was as athletic as Steiner, I do think he was much tougher overall. It won't surprise me if JBL loses this but I can't give it to Steiner.
This is a tough one for me. Steiner is stronger, more athletic, and all around better than JBL. However, I consider JBL "The Ultimate Opportunist" before Edge was and was "lying, cheating, and stealing" better than Eddie Guerrero. He found ways to beat Kurt Angle, Big Show, Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero and Booker T. The Cabinet would have been in his corner which would give JBL help. I will pick JBL barely as I think he will find a way to steal a victory.
Fucking hell. In the "who does Tastycles hate most in wrestling World Championships" this would be somewhere in the final few matches.

Steiner at one point in his career had more than enough pace to overcome JBL. Later in his career he'd have had enough power. Either way, Steiner wins. If it was old Steiner, it'd be passable, if it was post 97 Steiner, I'd be fast forwarding this bad boy.
Steiner takes this one easy for me. JBL thrives off having a power advantage and that is certainly not the case here. Steiner is jacked and throw in all the suplexes and frankensteiners and JBL has no shot. Scotty Steiner for the W.
I don't think there's a wrestler I've hated more in my lifetime then JBL. And no... it's not because he's a good heel, it's because he flat out fucking sucks.


Oh, I need to elaborate.


OK, here goes: Steiner is miles ahead of JBL in athleticism, and he's stronger. Even as the slimmed down, high-flying, suplex machine Scoot Steiner, he was stronger. Everyone says they want this to end with a Frankensteiner, I am hoping for the Steiner Recliner. This will be ugly, only because Scott will have to carry the match, but it'll be a beautiful ending.
JBL is arguably in his prime now, and I would argue that today's broken down version of Scott Steiner woudl toss JBL's fat ass all around the ring. Never, i repeat, never, has JBL ever been a shred of good throughout his entire career. He doesn't get heel heat because he's a great heel, he gets heel heat because he's atrocious to watch in the ring and a complete bore.

Scott Steiner in his prime was what a prototypical wrestler should ahve been. Over whelming power, incredibly speed, amazing agility, great stamina. Scott Steiner had the complete package, and would absolutely kill JBL in this match.

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