TNA Winnipeg, Round 1, Match 7: #11 Scott Steiner vs. #54 Ahmed Johnson

Steiner vs. Johnson

  • Frankensteiner

  • Big T

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place n the TNA Region in the six sided ring from Winnipeg, MB.

#11. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner


#54. "The Pearle River Power" Ahmed Johnson
I was an Ahmed mark but he's losing here. The only thing he had was power and it's matched plus some here. Steiner can get him on the mat and wrestle him, putting Ahmed into a state of confusion. This is a walk for Steiner save for some big shots from Johnson.
I'd love to say that the "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner shows up, and we have a good old fashioned slobberknocker, but that's not when Steiner was at his best. I'll take the Steiner from the pre-nWo days, and the win.

Johnson will be able to out-muscle him, but he can't wrestle anywhere near Steiner's level. The Frankensteiner and a Steiner Recliner ends this at around 10 minutes.
This is a tough for Johnson. Steiner equals him in power and then some plus Steiner was a greater mat wrestler than Johnson. Steiner wins in a close one if Johnson doesn't get injured during the match.
Oh dear. Ahmed Johnson could have been one of the biggest deals ever. He seemed destined for greatness, but it just never happened. If Scott Steiner had always been what they should show kids so they don't take roids, then I think based purely on natural strength overcoming artificial pumping up, Johnson wins quite easily.

However, Steiner was undoubetedly at his best when he was the frankensteining quick technical wrestler that looked like a human being. He would have a considerable speed advantage over Johnson, but I don't think the power was there to overcome someone like Johnson.

A hybrid Steiner of 2001 and 1994 would win this one, and be one of the best wrestlers ever, but I think that in his 6 month long prime, Johnson would beat either model of Steiner. Johnson wins a close one against Strong Steiner or a closer one against Speedy Steiner.
Ahmed Johnson sucked balls. My God he was a horrible wrestler.

Scott Steiner, on the other hand, in my view, is one of the greatest of all time. From being in the greatest tag team to ever lace up a pair of boots, to having a very, very entertaining run in late WCW (even after his suffering TONS of injuries in the process), to even his work today in TNA... the guy has ALWAYS been fun to watch and has always worked his ass off to put on the best show he can. Sure, he seems like an asshole in real life, but how many wrestlers aren’t? And sure… he fucks up from time to time, but it's always a type of fuck up that puts a smile on your face, rather then makes you cringe.

Steiner undoubtedly gets my vote here and I really hope he gets far in this tournament. He deserves it; both because he was a phenomenal worker, and because kayfabe wise he was and still is a very hard man to defeat.
What a match! Both of these guys are HUGE, so this is like a clash of titans. We'd see a battle of strength then probably some suplex attempts. In the end I think Scott Steiner would get the win, just because his wrestling and submission skills are better than Johnson's. It could really go either way thou.
Steiner wins here. Steiner is stronger then Ahmed, which is fucking impressive, but the deciding factor here is Steiner can actually wrestle. He will get Ahmed to the mat after a few minutes of brawling, and just wrestle him down. Steiner wins here.
I'm a big Ahmed Johnson fan, the problem with the man who would become Big T in the dying days of WCW, the fucker was as injury prone as they come. The guy was strong as an ox, and intense as all hell. He had a semi-impressive run with the IC title. That being said, he's dead.

Scott Steiner, not Big Poppa Pump, but freaking Scotty Steiner, was bad ass beyond bad ass. If you like Brock Lesnar, or Kurt Angle, then go watch Scott Steiner perform when he was young. The guy was Brock Lesnar 20 years before Brock was a thought. A man of Steiners size invented the Hurricanrana, think about that. Scott's amateur background, power, speed, agility, stamina, all way to much for someone like Ahmed to handle. Steiner Recliner is locked, and Ahmed taps like a bitch.
Since I don't want to copy and paste what JMT said, I really have to give this to Poppa Pump. He was huge, and he was a great wrestler, but really at two different times. As a mat wrestler, he has Armed beat easily, as a freak he meets his power. Flip a coin, its a tie, flip it again, and its Scott Steiner.
Power wise both men are even but Steiner will win this one cause he can mat wrestle, he can somewhat still do speed moves(rarely uses the Hurricanrana) & will make Ahmed Johnson tap out like a bitch.
Would be a close match. I didnt mind Ahmed. But this isnt the Steiner who can hardle move this is the non roided up Steiner who could flat our go in the ring. So Steiner squeaks out the win here after a bit of a battle to get Johnson down.
This match has Steiner's name written all over it. I never found Johnson to be all that impressive, yeah sure he was powerful, but he didn't really have much else to offer. I kind of view Ezekiel Jackson as a modern day remake of the man. Power and Technique aside, Johnson was nothing more than a mid card wrestler, where as Scott Steiner has spent most of his in the upper mid card and the main event. Steiner has the advantage in technique, the advantage in booking, and the advantage in the familiarity of the arena. He pretty much owns this match.

Winner Steiner.
Ahmed Johnson was one of the worst wrestlers to ever step into the squared circle. He had one cool move to his name (The Pearl River Plunge), but, besides this, it seemed like it was always the case that he either injured his opponent or himself. He was nothing more than a sloppy worker who got over due to how effin' huge he was.

The same case could be made against Steiner, but, in his prime, Steiner was a force to be reckoned with. Furthermore, he rarely, if ever, loses against those who are similar in size to him. So, Steiner FTW.
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