TNA + washed up wwe = total confusion

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Ok let me start out by saying I hardly ever watch impact, but what was the signifigance of bobby lashley coming out in the end besides maybe try to boost the ratings. I mean Jarret is mad at mick and Lashley shows up . It just dose not make any since . If this is the product I'm gonna get I'm better off watching wwe superstars next week. Can anyone inlighten me on the purpose of lashley coming out and why angle and steiner where still out there when clearly they should have 1 left when foley attacked them or 2 chased foley for attacking them ...
No clue. Lashley didn't sell in WWE. I mean nobody cared about him. And now they are building him up to take the strap, I guarantee it. Nobody in TNA has a clue what they are doing. Not one of them. Foley as champ, Team 3D as tag champs, whats going on with Jarrett, Where does Sting fit in, what about Angle, Styles and Daniels. And then there is Joe. They just throw crap out there and hope it catches on.
Ok let me start out by saying I hardly ever watch impact, but what was the signifigance of bobby lashley coming out in the end besides maybe try to boost the ratings. I mean Jarret is mad at mick and Lashley shows up . It just dose not make any since . If this is the product I'm gonna get I'm better off watching wwe superstars next week. Can anyone inlighten me on the purpose of lashley coming out and why angle and steiner where still out there when clearly they should have 1 left when foley attacked them or 2 chased foley for attacking them ...

So tonight was the first time I've actually watched TNA. I've been watching some matches on youtube and trying to get information on some of the guys I'm not too familiar with, and I was pretty excited for tonight. Well, I thought it was alright. I'm gonna watch again next week to see what happens. I like some of the guys like AJ Styles and Abyss, and I wanna watch some of the Fallen Angel's stuff because he seems to be pretty cool. Beer Money Inc. seems to be one of the top tag teams in the world too, probably better than anything the WWE has to offer. But I really don't agree with what you said about it being totally washed up WWE guys. Booker T, he is washed up, but I still enjoy him. Same with Steiner. But Angle is far from washed up. Same with Lashley! He's still a real young guy.

But anyway, the significance of Lashely coming out at the end was obviously to show that its mysterious that no one knows what is going on with him yet. He looks like he is in with the MEM, but who knows, they could easily swerve us. I don't see why they would put him in the MEM either, since all he really won was the ECW Title, which I don't think anyone will say is a huge title in the WWE. Its probably slightly above the IC and US Championships. But Steiner and Angle stayed out there because they knew he was gonna come out. And they know something, or they think they know something that he's gonna do. So it was an intimidation factor to Double J and the rest of the Frontline.
No clue. Lashley didn't sell in WWE. I mean nobody cared about him. And now they are building him up to take the strap, I guarantee it. Nobody in TNA has a clue what they are doing. Not one of them. Foley as champ, Team 3D as tag champs, whats going on with Jarrett, Where does Sting fit in, what about Angle, Styles and Daniels. And then there is Joe. They just throw crap out there and hope it catches on.
you are totally wrong about lashley iin WWe . in WWe he did sell & was part ofone of three wrestlemana mania events at wrestlemania 23 .alot of people cared about lashley .lashley was a ECW world champion & the next big thing in WWE stop being a hater.i think tna has improved in last few weeks compared to last 3 months. lashley was over with non-marks of wrestling. lashley is more knonw then any tna original & can beat all of the originals easy.tna has more of clue then you & the internet marks who have never been in the wrestling business . you are fan & that means you have no idea like most fans .
I believe that quote up there is exactly why they had Bobby Lashley come out at the end of the show and why they are doing the things they are doing.

I agree totally man. That is what TNA wanted and that is what they got. Reading about Lockdown and seeing that Lashley debuted with them, it got me interested. For the first time. I'm not gonna buy Backlash this weekend for the WWE, but I think that as long as they don't fuck up the potential card for Sacrafice I'm gonna order it. It's cheaper and I wanna see who they give the title to from Foley. Thats thirty dollars right there away from the WWE and into TNA's pockets. They totally accomplished their mission in getting new viewers, and I highly doubt they lost any viewers from signing a big, young star.
Ok let me start out by saying I hardly ever watch impact, but what was the signifigance of bobby lashley coming out in the end besides maybe try to boost the ratings. I mean Jarret is mad at mick and Lashley shows up . It just dose not make any since . If this is the product I'm gonna get I'm better off watching wwe superstars next week. Can anyone inlighten me on the purpose of lashley coming out ...

So let me get this straight. you hardly ever watch impact, and cant follow whats going on. gee i think tna's booking isnt really the problem here is it. do you start watching tv shows in the middle of a season and expect to understand whats going on? also bobby lashley isn't a wwe cast off, he was still a big star there when he left and is thus a hot commodity coming off an mma win and main eventing a ppv with john cena when he was last seen in wrestling. the other thing is that tna is teasing lashley's alignment. he shows up but doesnt really show whether he's going to align himself with angle or go after the heels. he's been on the show once now and people expect to know everything. god this internet spoiler crap is ruining wrestling fans making us impatient and giving us short attention spans.
It's cheaper and I wanna see who they give the title to from Foley. Thats thirty dollars right there away from the WWE and into TNA's pockets

Please tell me ur kidding.. Have you ever watched a TNA PPV before?? it is the most worst PPV ever!!! I don't even know how anyone would ever order there shitty events, they should be paying us just to watch that shit. Trust me, you will find out if u actaully order it and watch it.. TNA sucks, I agree with Wolvdog316 that TNA has no clue what they are doin, and there commentators are the worst ever, The ring sucks, and the arenas suck too.. WWE has nothing to worry about cuz TNA will never be able to compete wit WWE like WCW did, and TNA will go out of Bizz soon cuz they just dont know how to script anything right.. I think ECW gets better ratings then that Impact shit..
Please tell me ur kidding.. Have you ever watched a TNA PPV before?? it is the most worst PPV ever!!! I don't even know how anyone would ever order there shitty events, they should be paying us just to watch that shit. Trust me, you will find out if u actaully order it and watch it.. TNA sucks, I agree with Wolvdog316 that TNA has no clue what they are doin, and there commentators are the worst ever, The ring sucks, and the arenas suck too.. WWE has nothing to worry about cuz TNA will never be able to compete wit WWE like WCW did, and TNA will go out of Bizz soon cuz they just dont know how to script anything right.. I think ECW gets better ratings then that Impact shit.. BTW if you want to really watch TNA PPV's or any Wrestling PPV's without ordering it, theres a site you can go to and watch it for free, good quality and everything.. The site is Justin.TV So there u go, i prefer u watch those shitty TNA PPVs on that site instead of blowing ur money away, TRUST ME!! Peace!

First of all, figure out some grammar. What in the fuck are you even talking about, I can't understand what you're saying? Their commentators aren't the best, but I'm getting used to them. The ring was a turn off to me for awhile, but now I like it. It's quite unique. And the arena's don't suck at all. They're just smaller venues. I personally like that a lot. It is just like territories used to be back in the day. Who knows if TNA will ever compete with WWE. If you're a fan of WWE then you should hope that it does. It'll make for a higher quality product from WWE. ECW and iMPACT have close ratings, and that is a HUGE step for TNA. To be able to compete with a WWE show? That just means TNA is getting bigger and bigger. They've released some apperantly quality wrestlers, thanks in large part to the economy, but they're still growing and have some huge stars that they have signed and have made their own. And yeah, i know about, but for TNA, I don't wanna use that. I feel like they deserve my 30 bucks. It may be 30 dollars, but it definitely can't hurt their business. And if you think that TNA PPVs suck so bad, then why don't you just not fucking watch them in the first place?
Let me start of by saying I am a fan of TNA and WWE. I have been to 3 TNA house shows as Well as 1 PPV, and countless WWE house shows, TV, and PPV. In fact I will be at Raw next month. I even went to a WCW nitro and a PPV back in the day. I watched the old ECW whenever I could. The point being, I am a fan of Wrestling, not one particular company. I dont mean this to be a bash on WWE, just a comparison. Also, I am fairly indifferent to Bobby Lashley. I dont think he is as big of a deal as others could be, but at the same time Vince spent quite a bit of effort into building him up. That being said, why does everyone crap on TNA for pushing so-called washed-up WWE rejects. First of all, the past couple of wrestlemanias, what where the 2 biggest matches. HBK vs Ric Flair, and HBK vs Undertaker, along with everyone raving about how awesome Ricky Steamboat was at WM. People criticize TNA for not pushing there own talent but pushing these old guys that are washed up. Just for comparison sake:

Ric Flair is 60, Steamboat is 56, Nash and Sting are 50, Steiner is 46, then HBK, Undertaker, Booker and Foley are all about 44. Sum that up with Kurt Angle, HHH, and Batista being 40.

The fact is why is TNA expected to only feature the younger guys when some of the biggest WWE talent are all comparatively close in age. When the most talked about matches at WM featured the oldest talent in WWE, why should TNA be thinking about doing the opposite. TNA is working on developing their own talent, but you need established stars to give them the rub. TNA is in a lot of ways following WCW's footsteps. Let's face it, no one really cared that much about WCW until they signed Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. Even then it took Hall and Nash with the nWo angle to really get them going. WCW also use to record their TV tapings from the same location every week like TNA does now. WCW didnt become a success overnight, it took time, and TNA seems to be staying kinda even with the steps Eric Bischoff initially took to make WCW a success, The one thing TNA doesnt have is Ted Turners pocketbook, which kinda in a way was the downfall of WCW when they started signing these huge contracts with Creative Control clauses in them.
Also most TNA haters seem to think that everyone in TNA is only there because they couldn't get a job with McMahon. The fact is most of those people left WWE on their on terms for various reasons, and Vince would hire anyone of those people if given the chance, with maybe Steiner being an exception. Booker T, Foley, and Kurt Angle all left the WWE because they didnt like the way they were treated. Just back in September Nash when Nash was re-negotiating his TNA contract he had talked with the WWE about returning as Diesel for a last run but decided to stay with TNA instead. And now with lashley, someone commented that he doesnt work for the WWE anymore because of steroids. In reality, he LEFT WWE because he wasnt happy their, and he didnt like the way they treated his real-life girlfriend Kristal Marshall. If any of these people were still with WWE no one would be saying they are washed up. And yes HBK and Taker may be in better condition than some of the others I mentioned, can anyone honestly say Ric Flair is in better shape than anyone else on this list. People keep dumping on the Foley/Sting match from Lockdown, but lets face it, Mick was never that technical in the ring. He has always been more of a hardcore fighter, and the only real difference I saw in that match compared to most of his later WWE matches was him not doing some sort of crazy bump or dive. For the most part, these guys never were that agile, yet Scott Steiner still breaks out the frankenstiener on occasion. It seems like everyone expects them to be better now than 5 years ago when they mostly were in the WWE, and while they havent gotten better, they are for the most part still as good. I'm starting to rant now, and this has been kinda of a long post and I am sure I will catch all sorts of flack for it so I will shut up for now.
You guys do know that lashely was kicked out of wwe because of steroids
that is so ignorant its almost offensive. did you just make a random assumption and pull that out of your ass? lashley wasn't fired. he never even got suspended. i really wanna know where you got this shit. anyways, i think its funny how everyone bashes wwe about there predictability, and tna is doing a halfway decent job of leaving some balls in the air and you bash it too? i am looking forward to tna way more than wwe programming this week. theres actually some mystery going on. i hope theres a payoff.
I would like somebody to show me that Bobby was over. That he could sell. Cause thats a load of bullshit right there. And don't sit here and try to say he was one of the main events of WM as an answer. Lawrence Taylor was in the Main Event too. Bobby got half ass responses, he was dull as crap in the ring, and he couldn't talk. He was a very poor mans Brock

And TNA and unpredictable? Mystery? What mystery. Who Foley might lose too? Who Bobby might attack? Who cares. When TNA brings in some guys that have drawn money before, then I might care. This? Crap. I have watched a lot of TNA. But I know WHY I watch it. For that moment, that breakout star. I suffered through WWFs crap for years until BAM, Austin, Rock, Heel Hart, McMahon. I keep waiting for that to happen in TNA but it never does.

I watched WCW for the same reason. And that oh shit moment came when Hall stepped into the WCW ring. But am I looking forward to seeing Bobby? Or More of Foley? Not at all
This whole topic is stupid. People should know what the Hell they're talking about before starting a thread. How many times do I have to read " I don't watch Impact, but..." and then they go on to bash TNA. If you don't even watch the product, then shut the fuck up.
I see, no one in this thread watches TNA BUT they are scared about Lashely , worrried about your 401ks, and TNA stock going down????Well if lashely is there for more than a week, ie HEAD, then worry about it.
you know i watch TNA and i admit that sometimes i am confused. we got

Foley and Jarrett now faces are feuding
A.J and Joe now are faces about to feud
Angle and Sting were heels already feuded
Nash and Booker T are heels about to feud
and Lashley now who they are teasing to be a MEM member (but i think its obvious theyre doing it that way to swerve us, Angle gave the symbol at the end and Lashley didnt respond to it)

But damn it though its making me interested , the unconventional way theyre doing it is interesting , maybe everything doesnt have to be a face/heel feud. I kind of like Foley as a madman who burns everybody, i think the best thing to do is to really have Lashley join MEM so Angle can be his moutpiece and Lashley can just kick ass, we'll see, but the point is im enjoying the confusion
You guys do know that lashely was kicked out of wwe because of steroids

Do you have a source or just divine knowledge? MMA has a steroid policy "also", that is probably more legitimate because it's an actual sport, so Lashley would've tested positive there as well if he's still taking them.

"In a shocking move, Bobby Lashley has decided to walk away from the company that was pushing him as a future superstar."

But hey, you're probably right because you said it so damn confidently.

Anyway, as someone mentioned earlier, the point of Lashley coming out was to make people watch next week, and that was the point of him coming out at the PPV. They did the same thing when Shawn Michaels returned after six years, they hit his music, he came out, pointed a finger, did his little dance moves, and came out the next week to talk. I wasn't nearly as excited to see Lashley back as I was more Michaels, and I'd probably watch Impact next week anyway, but it did it's job as many of you are displaying, so kudos to TNA.

Now for the people who write "I think" and then make stuff up or pull it out of the air. TNA has been consistantly having the same or better ratings than ECW. As a fan however, and if you know how the ratings system works, they're irrelevant and can't possibly have an effect on how you view a television show. ECW has the better actual wrestling in WWE, but the worst ratings. All ratings do is count how many people happened to land on that channel for a certain length of time before changing. They do this x amount of times. It tells nothing about the product itself, it's just a marketing tool.

I'm sorry to hear that the TNA PPVs you've seen, which is probably an over generalization of the ONE you may have seen clips of, were so bad. On another thread another idiot said that "they never have matches like Shawn Michales and the Undertaker had"...NEITHER DOES WWE. That was Wrestelmania, a truly global event. TNA doesn't have that (yet, hopefully). Also, they don't have Shawn Michaels or the Undertaker. Before that, and directly after that with HHH vs Orton, WWE has had sub-par matches as they only focus on the storytelling, not what's going on in the ring. TNA isn't WWE. WWE focuses on the storylines, TNA focuses on the different styles of actual wrestling. That isn't saying one is better or worse, they're just different, so stop throwing a fit in broken english. I was more excited for Lock Down than I was for Wrestlemania, and was more satisfied with the 30 dollars I spent on it than I was for the 50 I spent to watch Santino disgrace a potentially good idea, as 23 second match to add to the disgrace of a once coveted title, to not see a promised title match of a now disgraced but once coveted title, and finally to watch Chris Jericho attempt to make old vets look good. Wrestlemania had its moments, as they all do and should, but overall that wasn't the PPV of the year, as it should be.
you know i watch TNA and i admit that sometimes i am confused. we got

Foley and Jarrett now faces are feuding
A.J and Joe now are faces about to feud
Angle and Sting were heels already feuded
Nash and Booker T are heels about to feud
and Lashley now who they are teasing to be a MEM member (but i think its obvious theyre doing it that way to swerve us, Angle gave the symbol at the end and Lashley didnt respond to it)

But damn it though its making me interested , the unconventional way theyre doing it is interesting , maybe everything doesnt have to be a face/heel feud. I kind of like Foley as a madman who burns everybody, i think the best thing to do is to really have Lashley join MEM so Angle can be his moutpiece and Lashley can just kick ass, we'll see, but the point is im enjoying the confusion

It's unconventional because it's not what WWE does. They ended Impact with two "shock" moves that just wants you to watch next week: Lashley and Mick Foley hitting everyone with a chair, not just Jarrett. It's a nice change of pace from the predictable
This whole topic is stupid. People should know what the Hell they're talking about before starting a thread. How many times do I have to read " I don't watch Impact, but..." and then they go on to bash TNA. If you don't even watch the product, then shut the fuck up.


People are so hate TNA and you have to say are bad things.....then don't watch it.....
or if you do....don't expect to understand everything in one show....

Also, I know someone made a thread before about this.....
but as much as you people might say it tuned in didn't will prolly watch it next week too to see what happens.....

TNA is legit.......everyone compares it to WWE....THIS IS NOT WWE....ITS TNA.....its different....

Is it a threat to WWE.....prolly not but its still very entertaining and fun to watch.
I think people a lot of people's problem with TNA stem from what they read online in forums and that.After reading whatever online about TNA sucking or being so confusing, people turn on TNA with a negative attitude to start with, and are critiquing everything from the get go. Im guilty of it too, but when I think about it, and start critiquing WWE in my head, it has its problems too, or when I stop thinking negative and just watch the show i really enjoy it. I agree with other posters too that people should stop comparing TNA to WWE cause they are different. Personally the six sided ring and and veterans from WWE feuding with new people is what got my attention to their show in the first place and the funny thing is that is the areas everyone is bitching about. I also never was the biggest fan of Bobby Lashley in WWE, but as a wrestling/MMA fan, I have been following his MMA career online and I think for that reason I was parked in front of the TV at 9 excited to see what he was up to. Lashley can do nothing but help TNA with ratings, especially if he starts climbing up higher in MMA, the MMA fans will tune into TNA more to see what he is doing.
When it comes down to it, TNA is two pretty solid hours of "wrestling entertainment", and its entertainment that has been slowly improving over the last few months. I mean, if your a fan of professional wrestling in any way shape or form, than your going to find some enjoyment out of any episode of TNA Impact.

There is no doubt that TNA is light years behind the WWE in production value, but with the WWEPG now on four to five nights a week, TNA is breath of fresh air, maybe not fresh air, but compared to the WWE your getting a product that is a little more edgy at the moment, they have well known names, as well as a few well known home grown names(at least to the TNA fan base)

Overall, when it comes down to it, I am a much bigger fan of the WWE, but I still watch Impact every Thursday night, because, its two solid hours of pro wrestling entertainment, sure some of the writing is pretty shitty, and the crowd is dead half the time, but that dose not make it any less entertaining, and if your looking to be entertained by pro wrestling than TNA is there for you, because Shitty entertainment can be just as good as big budget entertainment.
Well I finally was able to watch this weeks Impact and I can't believe that was the op's reaction to that show. I thought this show was great top to bottom. The show had more wrestling, and a pretty good main event. I'm excited for next week to hopefully find out more about what Lashley is all about and to maybe get a clue as to who Mick will be facing at Sacrifice.

My only complaint from the show, is I hate Lashleys entrance video with that engine revving. Just looks cheap and shitty to me.
The past few months in TNA have been off for me, as I used to watch it, but after the inception of the Main Event Mafia, I could do with reading spoilers until the product was a little better. To be honest, I don't want to see Kevin Nash wrestle anymore. I don't want to see Mick Foley wrestle anymore. I think that TNA has the pieces to build main eventers like Angle, Joe, Styles, Abyss, Morgan, Roode and Booker. These guys can have legit matches. Having Sting rule over the company for so long when some thought he would retire sometime last year was a bad move. Signing Mick Foley as an on air character? Good move. Have him in a match or two? Good move. Giving him the TNA title after Sting had it for so long? Bad move. There are no real storylines present, but with Russo, It's not surprising. I think the main event can be fixed in due time and be interesting. My problem is the mid card. The X Division title has lost interest in me. They throw random people in matches at PPV's to fill the card. Adding the Legends title was a good thing...before we only saw it being defended like once? I say, stop bringing in X Division and Japanese wrestlers, because they don't sell here. If they can't promo, it doesn't matter how good of a wrestler they are, they're useless as you can see by random X division matches. Also, bringing in released WWE guys that clearly have no talent is stupid. Build the tag team division and make it legit to counter WWE's crap of a division. Finally, change the X division title to something else and push these athletic X division wrestlers as big time stars, like they did Daniels and Styles. I want to watch TNA, but they need to create better, long lasting feuds with legit talent and have outstanding matches. They need to build feuds like Orton-HHH, that are played out and produce good matches (although the XXV match was lackluster lol)
Why do the fans care about what makes money?

"Adding the Legends title was a good thing...before we only saw it being defended like once? I say, stop bringing in X Division and Japanese wrestlers, because they don't sell here."

Who cares? You're not profiting off them, so you might as well enjoy what they do. That makes less sense to me then caring about ratings as a fan. It's all marketing and politics, and matters 0 about the product. An individual's enjoyment of something should not take into consideration the mass appeal, the amount of tee-shirts a guy can sell, or how many people watched at a specific 15-minute interval.
I would like somebody to show me that Bobby was over. That he could sell. Cause thats a load of bullshit right there. And don't sit here and try to say he was one of the main events of WM as an answer. Lawrence Taylor was in the Main Event too. Bobby got half ass responses, he was dull as crap in the ring, and he couldn't talk. He was a very poor mans Brock

And TNA and unpredictable? Mystery? What mystery. Who Foley might lose too? Who Bobby might attack? Who cares. When TNA brings in some guys that have drawn money before, then I might care. This? Crap. I have watched a lot of TNA. But I know WHY I watch it. For that moment, that breakout star. I suffered through WWFs crap for years until BAM, Austin, Rock, Heel Hart, McMahon. I keep waiting for that to happen in TNA but it never does.

I watched WCW for the same reason. And that oh shit moment came when Hall stepped into the WCW ring. But am I looking forward to seeing Bobby? Or More of Foley? Not at all

(i'm stanlariatsucks, i created an acount a long time ago and forgot the name and so created a new one, they banned my newest one and gave me my handle)
This is where we differ. i dont watch wrestling based on who sells and who doesn't. im not interested in how well the marketing department works. i was a fan of bobby lashley when he was in the wwe, so im interested in how tna handles him, as i think he can be the face of the company. and to say he doesn't sell is a little dcocky. did you research it yourself? the only reason i oredered the GAB was because cenas opponent was lashley. im sure i wasn't alone.

im interested in foleys title run. i didnt like the idea at first but his gimmick has intrigued me. i really wanna see who gets the rub. instead of just mercilessly bashing tna because you dont like what their doin, why not just say,"its not for me, im not interested?" your opinion is not fact, i just proved that by stating that i AM interested in whats going on.

you can keep on bashing tna, but they are growing and will continue to grow despite what you think.
Why do the fans care about what makes money?

"Adding the Legends title was a good thing...before we only saw it being defended like once? I say, stop bringing in X Division and Japanese wrestlers, because they don't sell here."

Who cares? You're not profiting off them, so you might as well enjoy what they do. That makes less sense to me then caring about ratings as a fan. It's all marketing and politics, and matters 0 about the product. An individual's enjoyment of something should not take into consideration the mass appeal, the amount of tee-shirts a guy can sell, or how many people watched at a specific 15-minute interval.

I completely understand what you're saying. But if the wrestler can't promo, they can't be pushed into a feud. They'll just keep putting them in random matches at pay per views and have them job on iMPACT. All the random matches will lead them no where, at which time they usually get let go.
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